NOTE: This was first posted www.dfwleaderministryfellowship.org Dec 14, 2016
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Apostle Paul Philippians 4:11
(C)2016 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
The next 4 Bible scriptures are the BGC (Bible Godly Contentment) Bible Foundations:
“Godliness with contentment is GREAT gain” I Timothy 6:6
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Apostle Paul Philippians 4:11
“Fear of man brings a snare, but the one who puts their trust in the Lord shall be safe.” Leadership Proverbs 29:25
“For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” 2 Corinthians 10:12
“Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. “Psalm 55:22
DFW LOF, TAVEAU D’ARCY CREATIVE LEADERSHIP MINISTRY- WIDE ADVOCATED “BGC” (Bible Godly Contentment) the explanation is as follows:
“For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” 2 Corinthians 10:12
- Here is what “Godly contentment” is NOT: It is NOT sitting back, resting on a bed of flowery ease, while watching the world go by. No, a soul who wisely practices BGC is far from naive..and should never be found mistaken for (even found fault ) ..and ignoring Real Life and/or in the habit of “one of the 7 Bible deadly sins” AKA sloth.**
MINISTRY ASIDE: while I was researching found someone else’s (BIBLE INFO’s) great indepth job regarding 7 DEADLY SINS http://www.bibleinfo.com/en/questions/what-are-seven-deadly-sins ..and I personally plan (just can’t wait) to review them regarding myself..)
- Neither is “Godly contentment” striving, stressing out, feeling fragmented, putting oneself, ones close family, business, ministry relationships UNDER DUE PRESSURE
- Nor is it “continually feeling GUILTY, SINFUL, CONDEMNED or ENVIOUS OF…NOT “attaining the Said Popular Normal MARK for Houses, Lands, Appearance, Social Standing, ETC
- RATHER apostolic BIBLE I Timothy 6:6 “Godliness with contentment” (mature,humble) sets the bar for complete FREEDOM FROM being UNDER all of that…
- HERE’S the WHY, BECAUSE: You choose to live out YOUR OWN LIFE as ONLY “Before the Audience Of One: The Living Holy Eternal GOD” and you put all stop to PLEASING MANY OTHER NICE GOOD PEOPLE..which is BIble “fear of (hu)man which BRINGS A SNARE” Psalm 29:25!
- AND Being BGC (Bible Godly Contented) over the long run…will truly ENHANCE your quality of LIFE..whether or NOT you have “all the MONEY and POSSESSIONS, trending PC commonly accepted /traditional, ministerial, positioned FAMILY have or not…WHY..it’s because YOU are NOT taking on any undue pressure to COMPETE, COMPARE or CONTRAST. Rather YOU live out Your Own Life to please The Audience of One..as in the LIVING LORD!
- This produces SUCH PEACE and happy FREEDOM!
- “… but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” 2 Corinthians 10:12
- PRACTICING BGC blesses YOU with complete FREEDOM from(immature assessments of Meaning of This Earthly Life)..as in “you will prosper as YOUR OWN SOUL PROSPERS” (3 John 1:2) …rather than friend, family , peer COMPETITION which may produce enormous feelings of FAILURE!
- STRATEGIC BGC can protect YOU from falling into satan’s evil trap of all consuming, NEGATIVE SELF, MANY OTHERS, ACCUSATIVE TALK, which inner directed toward YOU may make you tend to beat yourself DOWN….. for FAILING…perceiving YOURSELF as UNWORTHY, AS NOT GOOD ENOUGH…
- …..for now, you will no longer be under condemnation and/or accusative fear, stress which is commonly known as PEER PRESSURE to CONFORM: to present yourself… your life….your ministry…. your business…. in a Keeping Up with the Joneses’ Method…
- .….which today appears to be firmly accepted, commonly preferred…as in set etched in RELIGIOUS IDOL STONE…for each one of us, and our Grandmothers, children’s little children.. are clearly surrounded by the heightened real cultural, TV Media, Famous/unknown PEER ..performance…to judge, accuse and (many) condemn those who FAIL to “make it big in ministry/business” and/or may “NOT MEET (many of THEIR) own CRITERIA” by NOT (striving, applying real undue pressure) to LIVE UP TO that Certain (perceived as Enviable?) Traditional, Very Popular….
“… but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” 2 Corinthians 10:12
- …..even presenting a a Certain Lifestyle ..which is intrinsically Human PC conformed..traditional secular…yet widely viewed as popular in society, ministry, fellow business, achievement type family…YOU and /or I..until we are made aware.
- YET, without God’s wisdom, desiring His help in prevention... over a length of time, NOT taking Pro Active Measures to abide in GODLY CONTENTMENT plus ABIDING ENDURING JAMES 3:17 (all relationship spiritual fruit)…can produce many nit picky, super SUPER-SENSITIVE accuser byproducts..which then can place RELATIONSHIPS with SELF, MANY BIG and SMALL OTHERS in accusative Harms Unhealthy Way.
- It IS…keeping True Life (as in Eternity) Perspective: When life goals, big circumstances, many disappoints hit directly at YOU and make it APPEAR that making more money, attaining achievements and having needed possessions (such as enough income, houses, lands, college tuition, little or BIG savings.etc) are thwarted, repeatedly hindered, not ever going to materialize, and MORE…
- YOU run toward the GOOD LORD GOD and in a submitted position of TRUST you UNDERSTAND that 1) Life is far more than making money, owning STUFF and having many notches on your business, ministry, life BELT…
- YOU immediately recognize that “This is some God Trust Test“aka “one of apostolic leader Life’s MANY Learning (and Leaning?) Reality Curves… and the wonder working LORD wants YOU to listen much more closely TO HIM for “clear and specific instructions.” (Many years ago, a wise east coast apostolic pastor wise friend said “Walk TOWARD the Giant, all the while asking GOD for His clear directions”
- YOU, I, WE…then assume the “Warrior of His Rest Psalm 110:1 Pure Heart Mode”“The Lord said to my lord, Sit at my right hand while I make your enemies your footstool.” (while YOU are in that waiting, tempting to accuse another spouse, business/ministry partner due to HEIGHTENED REAL DEEP TRUE REPEATED (even HELLISH) type of pressure.
- THUS YOU/I, WE..search deep inside our own fear tempted, purposeful hearts..to identify, make a long list of each and every fear, care, and heavy burden. And we carve out real time to CAST EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE onto the Loving Lord “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22
- WE recognize that presence, feeling of “FEAR” is actually to throw us off each of our GOD PATH…therefore it is discerned as NOT OUR FAULT but as being SENT by our own personal Enemy, the Adversary….
- YET..because of knowing the real GOD…we are NOT now moved by those heightened inward, outward FEAR /ANXIOUS, FEARFUL CARE issues. Instead we undertake the FEAR FREE “Warrior of God’s Rest” Fully Mode. Here is are reasons WHY:
- F.E.A.R.=False Evidence Appearing Real (apostolic Bible faith is not moved by what it HEARS, SEES, FEELS, or WHAT SITUATIONS LOOK LIKE …
- Timothy 1:7 “GOD has NOT given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND leader MIND.”
- FOLLOWING preparing our HEARTS (in Peace and His Warrior of Rest Psalm 110:1) as by now we deeply reside in (pressure fully FREE) apostolic leader full mode…..so that NOW we can move into understanding, recognizing and CELEBRATING the sustaining power of God’s GRACE that He has provided and move now into understanding
NEXT..you evaluate GODLINESS WITH CONTENTMENT fully celebrating, in fact JOYFUL renewed MODE. Here’s the How:
Make a list of all the nice, good, amazing HAPPY THINGS that YOU observe, take note of in YOUR LIFE, BUSINESS, MINISTRY, RELATIONSHIPS. Now (really) start to be GRATEFUL for them..HAPPY, really THANKFUL. Even if its examples such as:
1) I have eyes to see 2) The paint over on that wall over there looks so pretty 3) I have a mother, father, etc who is alive 4) My car is old but it works…..5) I ain’t dead yet, thanks to YOU, Lord and likewise..but do this sincerely and being appreciative.
THEN, accept that GOD is using this TESTING TIME to train YOU, give YOU secrets that will help YOU later, plus maybe add to YOUR own teaching and equipping..and you are learning something that maybe YOU can train YOUR CHILDREN how to avoid, how NOT to cave in, or loose their mate, friends ONLY DUE TO the deceptive wiles of the wicked devils PRESSURE TACTICS..”Making MORE MONEY, NOT EVER HAVING WHAT WE CONSIDER TO BE ENOUGH” has ripped apart too many Divine Relationships..due to ONE or both PARTIES not fully understanding ALL M WORD TESTS are simply THAT..
WE MINISTRY WIDE ADVOCATE TO TOP PRIORITIZE: personal family, God sent Friends, fellowships, etc OVER THE M WORDS: Making More Money,ME, MYSELF, MINE, MEANNESS, MY Ministry, etc
THE LOVE OF MONEY is not “having a whole lot” is is whether or not our SELF ESTEEM is wrapped up in the amount of $$ and/or STUFF we have..or NOT…and if $$$ big Pressures control US and/or make us do things that HURT, RUIN, ACCUSE “ALL /ANY/OUR RELATIONSHIPS”**
(** including each of our RELATIONSHIP with OURSELF..as in condemnation, beating ourselves down., Similar to Genesis 4 CAIN and his negative envious, eventually MURDEROUS accusative Self then OTHER Talk) (SEE page link at top of this home page TEN BIBLE RELATIONSHIPS for all life relationships who are tempted to get ACCUSED under demonic PRESSURE)
FRUSTRATIONS, PRESSURES, WORRY, FOOLISH BIG FRUSTRATION tend to become PENT UP which (if one is not WISE and NOT self practicing PERSONAL SELF GOVERNMENT (abiding self control) and NOT taking on the Eternal emotionally, spiritually mature I Timothy 6:6 “Godliness with pure contentment” more..can create havoc, destruction in CLOSE FAMILY, FRIEND, LIFE Relationships.
“There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword, But the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Proverbs 12:18
How taking TIME to investigate “Godliness with CONTENTMENT (meaning during even a TRYING, or LENGTHY WAITING TIME” is simply Quality of LIFE and HEALTH preserving but also ……EACH ONE OF OUR RELATIONSHIPS much more likely to PRESERVE..since we are NOT not Bent Out of Shape when many Life, Needs, Ministry, Business, Personal DESIRES do not come our way..may be delayed, and or appear to be A Carrot Dangled at the End of A String..for a very long enduring attack Season…OR NOT.
PEACE MAKING GODLY CONTENTMENT + ABIDING IN JAMES 3:17 (even under ministry, family, attack) …places top Value on God’s Eternal Priorities: Preserving healthy, big quality, satisfying ,enduring, indeed fully RESPECTING …ongoing RELATIONSHIPS with a person’s mate, children, extended family, in fellowship, business, human society….MULTICULTURAL DIVERSE COMMUNITY
HEART PURE JAMES 3:17 ABIDING RELATIONSHIP SPIRITUAL FRUIT: “The (any) wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy”
(C)2016 Taveau Creative Leadership all copyrights reserved

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