(C)2015 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
NOTE: This article was first posted MAY 1, 2015 www.organiclader.org
“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” Book of John 8:12
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” Book of Hosea 4:6
As I woke up this AM, I was reminded to give God PRAISE….just for being ALIVE on May 1, 2015!
If WE EACH TAKE TIME to pause, to SELAH ponder and reflect…even when we might be under enormous pressure, and with the divided ministry, entire world in the throws of an eternal battle between God’s LIFE and LIGHT and the utter realms of the most terrible bleak darkness…it only serves to make JESUS,* known in the Bible as “THE LIGHT of the WORLD” stand out.
*TRUTHFULLY? meaning the SPIRITUAL TRUE FRUIT by which one recognizes that another earth inhabitant truly KNOWS and has ACCEPTED Christ into their heart…meaning that the SPILL OVER REAL LIFE AGAPE ACCEPTING FAITH-FILLED LOVE is OFTEN exhibited as one closely interacts, one to one, in group, fellowship,non biased close settings.
MORE EXAMPLES: In (using the New Testament Church term: The WAY means RELATIONSHIP GOOD SPIRITUAL LASTING, EVEN TRANSFORMING FRUIT (as one is interacting socially: being served, waited upon, (shopping, dining out) family, all fellowships,workplace, sr ministry, local 5 fold office relationships, bridging all world wide cross cultures, gatherings all relationships, etc): This is described more in Ephesians 4.
AND whether or NOT one (actually) believes that a solid person can actually “perceive” CHRIST through the TV, MEDIA and too many of His (supposed?) “CHRIST FOLLOWERS”……then that PRECISELY is the ultimate TEST for each and every single one of US…as in INDIVIDUAL… HUMAN BEING…
CLARIFYING: Amazingly (?)God may require each one of US to do some “PIW” (Personal Inner Work)….rather than simply resting and criticizing others from afar, then self righteously passing judgement…
AND MAYBE…. God really wants us to GROW UP, and resemble, the non-ignorant, EMOTIONALLY MATURE: HIM…..
WHICH MAY DEFINITELY(?) MEAN using the LIGHT of the LIFE which was found, exampled in CHRIST (See Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, minus the human added commentary).
PIW: PERSONAL INNER WORK: this would mean DECIPHERING what is REAL and NOT presumed, what is wholly Bible “organic” and “first church intended”…..also LEARNING how to pick out what is HAY from errant DROSS..but while avoiding FISTICUFFS (Examples: Apostolic James 3:17, Book of Ephesians 2:14/chapter 4, 5:21, etc)…
ALSO this would mean truly respecting/ parentally honoring, yet Noble Berean “picking apart” those MANY differing “Holy Bible” COMMENTS, which have written, passed way down, oft spoken or local achievement, business church, TV mentored. (this writer included…each of YOU need to figure CHRIST and His CALLNG OUT….for each of YOUR OWN SELVES)
…THEN, when we’re all equipped with the sure knowledge of the RISEN CHRIST JESUS TRUE “ORGANIC” FRUIT…and after we’ve determined which BIBLE VERSES we ought to have to help lead us and confirm things in our SPIRITUAL FRUIT SEARCH…
ONLY THEN can we can EACH accurately WEED OUT, to DISCERN, to rightly PERCEIVE every single man, woman, child, son, daughter, ministry, disciple making GROUPS and any OTHER…sole via their “SPIRITUAL FRUIT”..
BASIC DISCERNMENT 201: ….which WE then must (discern) sort out to spiritually determine IF that ‘Said FRUIT” did resemble what JESUS would resemble, hero role model as being”THE LIGHT “….or else…”THE DARK.”
AND for spiritual food (for pure) insightful (realistic) thought…we can also apply these 2 Bible verses in each of us self determining what is going on INSIDE OF US, OUR MINISTRY, OUR OWN LIFE but then to submit them to evaluate, to determine WHICH and WHO is “truly sent by the LIVING LOVING MAKER GOD” and WHICH/WHO is truly not:
JAMES 3:17 “The wisdom that comes from above is first of all PURE, PEACEABLE, EASILY ENTREATED, FULL OF MERCY AND GOOD FRUITS, WITHOUT (any) PARTIALITY and without (any) PREJUDICE.
2 TIMOTHY 1:7 “God has not given us a spirit of FEAR but of (supernatural) POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND.”
EPHESIANS 2:14 “He is our peace, who has broken down every wall of partition, to make us all ONE.”
FINALLY (submitting this in particular to Christ followers who are leaders):
MAIN TEACHING POINT: Historically: in both the OLD TESTAMENT and in the NEW God sends out His own prophets to give HIS TOP LEADERS “THE WORD COMING FROM THE LORD.”
MAJOR POINT: Through out the OLD TESTAMENT…and pointing out .with 2 Chronicles 7:14 as an example” IF MY people, who are called by My Name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My Face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven and heal their land.”
WE MUST DULY NOTE: that the WORD coming down from the LORD was not SENT to the NON BELIEVERS, the SECULAR GOVERNMENT TOP LEADERS, it was sent to God’s PEOPLE in LEADERSHIP. (Kings, OT Hebrew Government/temple high priestly, leaders,princes, Isaiah 1-10, Books of Obadiah, Malachi are big examples…and specific Scriptures such as Hosea 4:6.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”Hosea 4:6
AND in both the OLD Testament and the NEW, while very modern pop culture ministry leaders may not agree that God still does this TODAY…I want to submit that in the NEW TESTAMENT (and in the Old) GOD still commands: “LET judgement begin in the house of God.”
“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God.” I Peter 4:17
SUBMITTING THIS: Therefore, IF “self judgement” must begin within GOD’S true HOUSE..then WHERE within EACH LEADER HOUSE must this (required)SELF JUDGING, proceeding to SELF HUMBLING, REPENTING, TURNING FROM ALL PERCEIVED AS IN SIN, ERROR WAYS (as in 2 Chronicles 7:14 Precept) truly START? out in the secular world? NO. BUT rather INSIDE the LAMPSTAND, the LEADERSHIP, from the SOLOMON- LIKE MIGHTY MEGA down to the head of the local micro ministry, which then would role model, give example to the LEADERS of Business, Head of Household,family, etc.
SUBMITTED as SELAH to the born again CHRISTIAN, priestly, pioneering lay, apostolic leaders around the WORLD.
And GOD has many STATIONED in locations, ministry pioneering, leader TURF…for such a Time as this.
FOR A Few more apostolic days…we will continue THE ORGANIC LEADER as IS…meaning WHILE I seek the right DESIGN, FORMAT for what will then utterly TRANSFORM THIS leaders website…into a NEW LOOK and with that a NEW RE-NAME….
WE PRAY that the NEW “ORGANIC LEADER” LOOK is like a GLOSSY E MAGAZINE..and one that when God ministry resource restores..may be PUBLISHED onland and SUBSCRIBED TO.
CREATIVE ORGANIC LEADERSHIP (but still located via www.organicleader.org BUT ALSO through www.creativeorganicleadership.com/.org/.net ..yet MORE LATER to come..
FURTHERMORE….in times to come… I will be showing my deep RESPECT for the descendants of Abraham coming down from EACH one of his special “First Born SONS” (born FIRST to each of the 2 different mothers)…both ISAAC and ISHMAEL..
AND, AS I HAVE ALWAYS fully respected the heritage and ancestry of ALL who have descended from EACH DIVERSE SIDE… but have, not until literally RIGHT NOW, been God presented with any chance to show my DEEP RESPECT for the descendants of ISHMAEL….(However, prior to this, this writer HAS been given many great opportunities who respect those descending from the 12 Hebrew Tribes /from ISAAC) ..
AND right now…at least for this SEASON..God has honored me, by giving me great grace to help my Tunisian buddy, potentially start a brand new GO GREEN TUNISIA upcoming magazine
WHILE we (she and I) are surely not “in the ministry together” we each have a Jonathan,David type of friendship. And while she is presently not a Christ follower…she is married to a denominational business leader. ALSO , she certainly /definitely IS actually representative of the various others who ARE TRULY respectful of myself and all of YOU who profess YOU truly “Love Jesus”….
LEADERSHIP POINT: ARGUMENT AGAINST MAKING STEREOTYPES: there is always a remnant people in every spiritual kind, tribe, nation, whether WE like to consider that possibility or else NOT.
I close with a reminder... to train up each NATURAL CHILD, but also each MINISTRY CHILD, each RISING, JUNIOR future leader “in the way that each should (truly) go.”
AND to do this it will require,continual hero ( true) role modeling of the accepting, yet without compromising Non Accuser, non religious Messiah….and during this sage specific Time, to enlist the unfailing mercy and strength/advice, help from GOD to wisely, “shed abroad God’s accepting, FULLY RESPECTING UNCONDITIONAL ENDURING LOVE in YOUR/each of OUR HEARTs..”
AND to HERO ROLE MODEL ELDER JAMES 3:17(See James 3:17 above)
FOR THE MAJORLY CONFUSED: YES, one can show RESPECT without COMPROMISING one’s own BELIEFS… (with complete disagreements handled in emotionally mature, sage wise, JAMES 3:17 SPIRITUAL FRUIT) (See JAMES 3:17 above)
ONE OLD HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS SONG was appropriately titled:
SINCERELY…May all of this senseless bullying, hate speech, demeaning abuse, racial prejudice finally come to a STOP ….and while it may trulY NOT be completely once and for all eliminated…by EACH INDIVIDUAL DOING his/her own SHARE..then ONE BY ONE.COLLECTIVELY…it will at LEAST create a ripple effect…which will in the least, RAMP IT WAY WAY DOWN……profoundly, transforming /affecting the MANY many different, lower (in between human persons) local,historical, interrelationship, levels.
(C)2015 TaveauCreativeLeadership All copyrights reserved
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