Nov 25, 2012
“Even them I will bring to My holy mountain,
And make them joyful in My house of prayer.
Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices
Will be accepted on My altar;
For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Isaiah 56:7
Being All KNOWING does not necessarily mean that one is all LOVING. “To know the love of God which passes knowledge” Ephesians 3:19
Good AM.
Here is the overview of another scripture which the Lord impresses me is for senior office leaders. It follows after repeated DFW Fresh Words Amos 3:7 “Digging Deeper Apostolically” Parts 1-4. In fact, God has downloaded to this writer several extremely sober, one -two somber, leader directed pointed words.
Here is the God Idea, “that if God says in both Old Testament and New that “judgement begins in the house of God,” then it behooves the senior leader authorities to let that process begin with each of them. (and the DFW LOF pioneering overseer includes her own self in this, too) SUBMITTED SELAH.
Here is another important scripture that God has repeatedly impressed as one of His Present Day Words for mature pioneering 5 fold leaders.
“Even them I will bring to My holy mountain,
And make them joyful in My house of prayer.
Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices
Will be accepted on My altar;
For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Isaiah 56:7
The Book of Isaiah is set in the midst of the following historical, spiritual conditional context:
Isaiah is written to God’s leaders who are living in the midst of spiritual mixture. They are warned that while God is truly desiring to send his strong, burden breaking anointing (Isaiah 27:10)to free them from the yoke brought by the fierce Assyrians, that due to their own compromise, such as following foreign influences, that by their own choices, it is leaving Him unwilling, unable to truly move.
Read Isaiah chapters 1-10 (for context).
NOTE the sober, holy conviction of the national prophet Isaiah who has His own experience passing before the awesome fear of the Lord: Chapter 6.
NOTE: that that the vision of God’s 7 Spirits then follows: Isaiah 11:2
NOTE: the prophecy regarding the spiritual ongoing fruit of the character of Messiah, Jesus Christ, Yeshua,’ never enables the accuser:Isaiah 11:3
Back to Isaiah 56 (and also mentioned in Isaiah 58, aka “the God’s chosen fast” chapter: The leadership honoring their Maker God by keeping His sabbath.
Isaiah 56 the entire context for Isaiah 56:7,
“Even them I will bring to My holy mountain,
And make them joyful in My house of prayer.
Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices
Will be accepted on My altar;
For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Isaiah 56:7
Basic Chapter 56 Non Legalistic Overview
The author reminds the reader that we are now living under the New Testament nonLevitical overview. So that whenever we mention “taking a Sabbath” the writer means “NON LEGALISTICALLY” as in every single person needs to consult with the Lord about HOW, WHEN to carve out “time apart” to honor God in a sabbath day, First Love Focus, Psalm 91 Secret Place get away to honor, to show due respect, to admire and truly love and to receive, hear back from God.
And due to the real acknowledgment, that if one is a top pioneering senior leader, the “buck stops here.” implying that if workers, staff and volunteers fail to show up, then YOU are left to do their work, then one must realize that “taking a Sabbath” in a consistent manner is not always permitted by problems, unforeseen situations. And this is why the author invites each reader to go to the Lord personally to enlist His wisdom, help in “coming away” to be with the Beloved.
The Basic Idea for Isaiah 56:7 Time Apart from Work, Schedules, Business, etc:
“Even them I will bring to My holy mountain”
The Mountain of the Lord is the symbol for the place of meeting directly with God, as prophet Moses did when he “knew God’s ways, rather than just “his hand.”
And make them joyful in My house of prayer.
Coming in to work, office, ministry will no longer be a “chore.” There will be brand new JOY in the Journey and ongoing abiding rest, satisfaction.
For mature intercessors, there will be less super sensitivity, overly super serious, over introspection, but rather a new light hearted deep playful real JOY.
*Thus taking time off from ALWAYS being “deep in the prayer closet” is similar to a pastor, leader taking time apart to lighten up with time with God, family and recreation as led by time apart with the Lord.
“Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices
Will be accepted on My altar.”
Meaning: all the difficult days, hard pioneering work, sacrifice, putting up with difficult people, intense warfare, extreme testings, and also personal offerings of time, money and one’s own Life will be well regarded by the Lord who watches not just ‘our Good Works” but places more emphasis on our Motives.
“For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”
The writer apostolically submits that all pioneering 5 fold ministers who put God ahead of pioneering work will never “lose their First Love” and thus remain in true communion with the Lord, in touch with family, with them self and will never be rebuked as “losing their First Love” (as the Holy Spirit rebuked the Lampstand in Revelation 3)
The First Love Leader will never become spiritually /mentally calloused, will remain filled with the perceptive, compassion of the noncritical, non accuser enabling Messiah (Isaiah 11:3). He /she will never accidentally succumb to the I Samuel 1 Compassion Fatigued, Quick to Snap Judge High Priest Eli Leader Syndrome.” *
* I Samuel 1: Eli High Priesthood
the surely seasoned, middle aged, well versed, leader experienced High Priest Eli, was taking a break outside when he spied the grieving weeping Hannah shaking with sorrow on the temple steps. Rather than immediately rising up in human compassion to wonder, “what is wrong with that female,” the weary, jaded priest accused her of “being drunk.” (formula /reasoning/stereotyping brought on by a dry spiritual heart, weary “I’ve seen it all and know it all by now” hardened dull, imperceptive, work formula” apostolic leader mind.)
For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”
The real Season of the New God Move is soon upon us. The House of God must be a spiritually safe, emotionally healthy and mature accepting Sanctuary.
It must not regard any kinds of persons with a “respecter of some persons” spirit based on appearance, outer court skin color, gender , or socioeconomic, or appearance, age, ministry stereotyping, as in bias.
The widespread “accepted in Christ’s beloved (Ephesians 1:6) pervasive inclusivity, respectful real compassionate giving leader Love will then draw in a God mixture of persons from all races, nations and cultures.
There must be no racism, genderism, agism DISRESPECT but rather a REAL RESPECT for many different types of God made Humans, albeit in the “holy fear of the Lord.” thus enabling the Houses of God to resemble” a house of prayer for all nations.“
THUS this “accepting compassionate, warm, humble, inclusiveness” models “Genuine Love” an over all reputation in a community, apostolic leadership sense (scent, aroma) that conveys,
“You will know they are Christians by their Love.”
(C) 2012 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law.

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