As Dr T always says
(alias: the weary founder of www.crossbodyunity.com )
“To ERR is human, to far off ministry attempt to “inner mind” + to”soul or
motive” to stand safely far away, to NEVER try to relate, yet to “deep scan” a person..
….in order to (safely far away)”inner ” perceiver” “attempt to read”
..is to DIVINE” (This appears to be a cult spirit]
She ads, “Beware the SCOWL of false doctrines*
(**as it MIGHT be the sign of accuser leader Old Timey Law, turf protecting /need to maintain top control + many false doctrines, biased LP Phariseeism,including targeting mean bias/ministry “playing mind games” false witness, plus favoritism re: racism, misogyny, age, income biased + one takes the risk of being gossiped all about)
For the Many Faithful who NEED this. as in Proverbs 27:6 “Faithful are the wounds of a (long time TRUE) friend”
“Just for Some of the Non-WELP Us Showing Up to VISIT, ATTEND in the Lord’s BOOK OF ACTS House”
(C)2023 Dr Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
First of all, no one owns the Book of Acts First Church Holy Spirit Wells, meaning no one race, ministry culture, vibe or doctrines. We must all submit to calmly “working out” our own salvation as Apostle Paul would approve.
FYI: The WELP studies from 1987 until now, across many USA states, have been characterized by dysfunctional repeat “targeting” “leader” instances.
Furthermore, I, and many unseen others who are out here, and to following MIGHT represent a new move of the Holy Spirit that is already on the Earth but one which is not clearly defined. I know that turf, I live in the apostolic ministry and it’s theories, time waiting upon the Lord for Clarity, and confirmation.
Thus with proper training, maybe I and all of the rest can help the Fellow Christian community with CROSS BODY UNITY “Ephesians 4 Community” in depth views..This laud the past moves of Bible teaching, who really knew both the WORD OF GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT, not playtime or cashing in on God’s Good Safe Name.
We want nobody to be “over’ us as that is from the Old Move Back Under the Law..who’s it to gain for themselves. AND use might and power and dark occult witchcraft “to win”
So we’ve to examine the Bible in-depth, and now we not Class Conscious Bias Driven, but free to hear God for each of ourselves as a senior (servant leader) apostle Galatians 1:1-2 (more later). Furthermore, this is to assist to “complete” “to help to confirm” and “collaborate” and even to give wise proven advice to our fellow top ministers.
MORE REASONS..the purpose BIBLE Clarity and CHARACTER which represents the GENUINE AUTHENTIC PURE CHRIST in His ministry high offices..using words like “organic” which means “no added human synthetic mixture” to help assess all that goes on “under the name of Jesus accepting” Our only goal is to serve, to spark new thought, and to affirm Jesus Values which are not biased, mean, selfish, greedy or double tongues, and to identify WHAT IS and WHAT IS NOT “ministry” fruit and “character” and “TV Ministry VS Real Life. “ALSO to instruct a healthy balance to ministry, Christian “finances’ (not today but ongoing)..
So please view all of this as a RESOURCE not club to join or a system to rake in the money. I will be teaching apostolic theology in a college level ongoing and through this in doctrinally defining WHAT and WHY we follow Jesus, have Call, Who We Are and Who WE are not. Call this also being of HELP in sorting out what is “wheat from the chaff” in any and all old, true Bible moves.
THIS IS NOT POLITICAL, RABID, FUNDAMENTALIST, BIBLE THUMPING OR ELITE, “Trying hard not to be “accusing RELIGIOUS” ALSO we NOT ALWAYS RIGHT and so give us mature grace and will give YOU mine.. For this cause I submit my training as SELAHS (“pause and think of that” ) not as NOT HARD CORE DOGMA to allow each person to hear God for themself and to compare it with Bible Scriptures, just like Apostle Paul approved of.
I Samuel 15:23
“Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.
Stubbornness is as the sin of iniquity and idolatry”
WICKER means “ORGANIC natural wood” whic is human hand “twisted” into a form which is abnormal to its natural shape and intended function. This wood is the soaked in human synthetic many complex additives,and “morphed” into a pleasing that will either make the person who twisted it more profit and also have a commodity to “sell” which will give the buyer a sense of happy, relief and a source of human natural comfort.
THE “WICCAN” OCCULT IN MODERN CHRIST FOLLOWING “wicker means twisted” more often than not “for power and to remain in control” Hence were ONLY CORRECT Born Again Christians and have no other, for most real Wiccans have never met a genuine real CHRISTIAN much one that was not their accuser or fooling around, playing with the Holy Ghost. (my realistic thoughts) SO THESE unbelievers as certainly welcome, but I will NOT BE ON THEIR CASE as I have much compassion for ALL TRUE SEEKS because it is MAJORLY CONFUSING and MAJORLY DOGMATIC AND CRITICAL out there. I enjoy PEACE and try to abide in JAMES 3:17 pure fruit, with God’s Help and Grace but also prefer to teach what I feel but then to let the PERSON HEAR FOR THEMSELF (Not the compromiser but I understand HOW MANY FEEL) WE are into ‘fear of the Lord’ JOHN 3:17 with James 3:17 calm, caring NO SECRET AGENDA respecting Fruit.
Also, there is occult in much of this, which I do realize after getting way into the Charismatic in DFW, but fully got out of in 2012 in McKinney, DFW due to all of the above and beneath. I was in a dysfunctional, needless warfare, with much false teaching and “no respect” for anyone except “their own preferred type and style”, which is one of the biggest hallmarks.
I am for EACH OF THEM IN THE CHRISTIAN ERRANT MINISTRY GOVERNING seen as BIG moves.. as all are prophetic humans, but not for false teaching. I respect the Holy Lord, not myself, and it’s for the innocent, stranger and seeker, the lost, for which I pen all of this.
I was once in a very long abusive, monstrously “ego-controlling” emotional deep intrigue that seemed like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, although a family relation. I learned about myself during that time. And during this demonic “pile on” tribulating trial… I (far off watched, pegged as Woman Out of Order) and targeted, then ongoing repeatedly, suspected, falsely accused of being ‘unsubmitted” “not under religious authority” also as a ” witch” by local (Rural, self appointed WELP governing Shepherds) who did not know me, ever ask me or car enough to make an official sr ministry appoint.
PLUS Nothing bothers me to be ASKED..for I live my life intentionally OPEN…therefore I believe in “one to one confronting” as the BIBLE SAYS…for this person is VERY UPFRONT ..and any who may be QUESTIONED anything might have, could have and SHOULD have loved me enough to upfront, calmly, privately, officially ASK directly. For realizing that THESE appear to trade on juicy morsels “hearsay” had they cared enough to FOLLOW GOD’S COMMAND and SUBMIT TO Matthew 18:15, meek Galatians 6:1, I might have bared my soul (NATIONAL INQUIRER ARE THESE..) for that is what they “BELIEVE”that they each DESERVE…however that is their TRADITION and these avoid God’s whole counsel and prefer elite, crafty, avoiding, playing mind games , which are in effect DOMINATING, SLY, SPOOKY and EVIL OCCULT..which I term as “very” immature and weak (morally)
AND I guess I count it all JOY in hindsight, FOR THESE WEAK AND SLY… ARE VERY ONES who first called my attention to the fact that THIS FALSE DOCTRINE EXISTS and HURTS VERY MANY but it is A GOVERNING totalitarian Regal Law Unto Itself, And it’S ONLY white MALES in charge and “OVER ” ALL.
But not enough time to share any more..and I learned from all of that “HOW NOT TO BE” and HOW NOT TO FOLLOW FALSE TEACHING and then to discern 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Ministry, leader, DYSFUNCTION..which is WHY I train.
WELP PROPHETS, none of which have EVER taken the time to stop with me are a HUGE LESSON in ANTI COMMUNITY and “how these cause the inability to TRUST” after much Judas dark harlot spying and wiccan type of cunning Divining OCCULT….and had ANY ONE of the Big Boys asked the servant sr leader female about ANYTHING great or small OR inquired how God was leading me (as I was not “under” any of their LP ministries nor in their friendship circles or their family) YET WAS city wide, regional area minister..who being in ministry a 20 years before this groups arrived and up their Sheriffing and accuser name calling.
But I was younger back then and softer (being prior to DFW !) and had a lot more going on behind the ministry scenes that anyone could have guessed, I had emotional abuse, being bullied, the Silent Treatment, being cursed out and withheld affection. Plus hiding this from the two children to protect their father in their eyes. For I truly loved HIM yet in this I learned how EACH PERSON even in the marriage of family MUST turn to the LORD for themselves to get help, healed, delivered to WANT to mature, negotiate AND be the person who CHOSE to following the Bible for themself. (and this was about 18 years of private domestic growing violence. I had to be strong so I turned to the Lord and went to BIBLE teaching and MUCH DEEP WORSHIP to get RELIEF, TIME OFF, GET PERSPECTIVE and STAYING POWER..
And while I was using BIG WORSHIP to stay ALIVE (sure beats binding and losing devils when you can DANCE in Victory ) ..to make, it also turned that WELP DOCTRINES were it, which including singling me out in a crown and occult targeting as I calmy participated and respected ALL of the WELP MINISTRY Boundaries. (they had NOT CLUE) that is WHY I am an ADVOCATE of HEBREWS 1):25 “SAFE, HEALTHY AND JESUS ALL ACCEPTING without OCCULT
I HAD BEEN TRAINED, BROUGHT UP IN (NON LEVITICAL LAW, NON ELITE, NON BIASED LEADER MINISTRY in my home and my father church..I’d had my own MINISTRY CALL prior to the that wind and trend of hierarchal dominating white witchcraft LP doctrine in and transformed the area pastors.. I was ordained, had an hand picked accountability group, like a board, and had my own 5013c ...(until I was sent to DFW when I witnessed such travesty, all in the name of Jesus Christ and pursuing many funds, so at the direction of the Lord, in 2012, I set it all down and live by faith. I also resigned from being a “charismatic” due to the fruits, lack of real love, zero respect and no holy fear of the Lord dominating ACHIEVEMENT..plus the growing occult and I got typecast in achievement mega more than once, plus avoided, stared at as TYPE and manhandled …and the nation was in decline and all I was encountering was Big Boss Misogyny, getting ahead, rascals and no holy fear of the Lord uncommon BIAS..
And as a prophetic, mature (yet far more diverse, EORR + NOT a Wannabe celebrity famous) type of apostle while I understood that I was A SENT ONE to the top pastors,I was “just another fan club groupie”to some of these I found it disheartening for ALL NON LP WOMEN but also defiling, using, attempting to use and very DISGUSTING and DYSFUNCTIONAL SINFUL DEMONIC. And that is WHY I primarily left.
IT was due to the ministry charismatics that I became this vocal. It was as if America’s life is on the line due to THESE as they hold so much mega influence on so very many real people. But what I was seeing was MONEY and that they used people and took them for granted Plus they could discern the difference in a mother in the Lord, a proven office long term (non mean) ministry and a Elijah type of ministry prophet from a Queen Jezebel, a fan club member and a charismatic WITCH Isaiah 5:20 which keeps coming up in the ONE DOCTRINAL GIANT AMASSING YET TRUE GROUP)
FOR THE MATURE :SEE WHY ISAIAH 5: 20 HAPPENS Isaiah 1-3 and Psalm 115 (IT’S ALL ABOUT $$)
AS A USA prophet to this and all Charismatics God told me to set it down, to live by faith as a witness to what is to befall these should they not repent. I call out “Levitical Patriarchism and Levitical Matriarchism” in this article, yet it also ties into many similar Pentecost, faith “targeting” elite “groups”.
So, I truly know “abuse’ YET my father was not like that, nor any of my male relatives, their spouses or any pastors and ministry friends who knew me. They were black and white, and not a one of them was into East Coast Shepherding, which I have researched since the mid-1990s in great depth and which I call WELP (Western European Levitical Patriarchism and Matriarchism, which is 90% white). And this LP style is interwoven with Roman Patriarchism, which I call “bowing and scraping, wannabe elite”.
As it has the following LP strongholds which war consistently against the senior office minister and non-LM human real abiding James 3:17 true person:
- MEGA MEAN AMBITION leads to turf protection, undermining, and below-par results.
- THE HUGE SPIRIT OF ACCUSING, MINISTRY ACQUIRING ELITE PYTHON aims to control and constrict through any means, including being fierce, targeting, praying against, Judas undermining, avoiding confrontation but divine false witness, accusative tale-bearers, and sly character assassination, all based on the assumption that “if they knew you.” This is not about Luke’s first-hand, repeated eye-witness accounts, but doctrines that hurt and cause needless wars against many pure-hearted individuals who simply want to approach the Book of Acts’ spirit of the prophet “wells,” which I realize is now “my” turf. Hence, cross-body unity in Ephesians 4, one community, and www.crossbodyunity.com.
- LEADER ELITE LEVIATHAN is a coiled and braced, sneaky snake of hiding superior pride (Job 41).
2 Timothy 3:1-5 in KJV:
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”
I WAS NOT RAISED in this type of environment, nor was I abused or maltreated, nor was I under the OT Law, I wonder if the leaders, founders, and governing elders were. For I have never come across anything like this in a black church, white denominational, or servant leader of any kind of Book of Acts ministry group. It is also demeaning, devaluing, intrusive, mean, objectifying, hellish, mind-controlling, authoritarian, and demonic false authority. It is also futile. God sees. An elite bully!
EVERYONE SHOULD READ Matthew 7:21-23, which specifically mentions the” Book of Acts” tribes. Perhaps they are prone to this.
Matthew 7:21-23 Below is in Jesus Christ’s own red letters
“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work INIQUITY.”
AND WE NEED TO NOTE that in Matthew 7:21-23 DEFINITIONS :
**INIQUITY is akin to “the sins of the fathers’ which means it’s passed down “tendency” which can wind up being a big sin handed down to the next many generations, even getting stronger or even worse, such as more occult, which in the case of MUCH FALSE doctrine turning “white witchcraft occult” happens to be now.
**INIQUITY translates into “LAWLESSNESS” which means a person, or ministry group, doing free will.. as it pleases. It’s being a LAW UNTO ONE’S OWN SELF. Meaning that the person or ministry has lost its first Love, has no “holy fear of the Lord, and has over time grown hard, even lost its Bible discernment…or ability to hear from the Lord, fully and accurately. And by now it is unteachable, tough, even can be mean. REASON..for it is fooled, so now it believes that He, SHE, THEY “know more” and Will suffer no others ideas, Bible viewpoint, common sense much less opposing correction, a differing opinion and/or teaching.
**AND UNDUE “LAWLESSNESS,” according to Strong Bible Concordance translates lawlessness into the use of false authority, which brings judgment. It is similar to Revelation 2:2-8, the lost first love lampstand that God threatens to remove if it will not repent. The lost first love lampstand is both a Demas and an Eli, whose time was short, yet Eli’s demise ushered in a full new national move, as is the case here.
FOR ANYONE’S RECORD, I was not born nor raised legalistically or raw. I was governed with all gentleness by my servant leader, senior pastor office, scholarly and very humorous, beloved Daddy and also by my dear skilled Mother’s ..and the family..BUT NOT IN ANY SURROUNDINGS which would cause me to KNOW any ” big boss caste or detrimental Sheriff ,maintaining close overseer watch SYSTEM. NO, because I was raised DENOMINATIONAL and WHITE COLLAR EDUCATED and the BIG BOSS, WELP AND SHERIFF are raised more pentecostal and OFTEN come from dysfunction. (NOT THEIR FAULT but they should LEARN and turn to CHRIST to the VICTORY and Healed)
I do not mention by background to sound BETTER (for one cannot decide what kind of family environment they are born into, it is by GRACE and to give them a Testimony of how they overcome, endured or forgave..
YET each person is EQUAL and VALUABLE which makes EVERY PERSONS BACKSTORY both noteworthy and wonderful. It is what we MAKE OUT OF IT and do WITH IT that counts. So I use mine to TRAIN persons who may never have had REAL LIFE RESPECT AND EQUAL. I want YOU to see it over HERE..But I also say that I have gotten SO MUCH FLACK and NEEDLESS ACCUSATION in even a DEMONIC WITCHCRAFT FORM from “JUST ONE STYLE OF BORN AGAIN BELIEVER” AND that is WELP (overseer Shepherding movement) which I call WESTERN EUROPEAN LEVITICAL PATRIARCHISM)
THIS TELLS ME that maybe the people who flock there, or who founded it, or who govern it and/or USE to bring in many people to ministry to who then SUPPORT THEM may have some remaining JAUNDICE, many BIASES, ANTI WOMAN and TURF GUARDING TOTALITARIANSIM like THE NEW WORLD ORDER (Dehumanizing and Objectifying,plotting, Judas betraying, mean defiling , (due to FALSE DOCTRINE or DEMONS)… So I give honor and giant GRACE to the well known WELP some of whom helped me via their worship during my big personal family trial.
But on the hand I would been greatly farther along had I known they included deep scanning divining, witchcraft and play favorites, and we not ALL EQUAL in the respect and value of ALL kinds of people..
So that is my job now, to fill in the gaps of the misogynists Good Ole Boys..and give then more grace< NOT to call out their NAMES or MINISTRIES or GROUPS. WHEN I Mention the top 3 known USA sources for of the negative FRUIT, I do need to list CI (THE MOST OCCULT), AG(NOT NEARLY MANY as most AG are calm and healthy BUT THERE IS A PATRIARCHAL ALL WISE VERY VOCAL AND MISOGYNIST RANDOM FEW…(said after nearly 50 years of USA direct observation and Word of Faith(the most Big Boss) (lowest ranking pastors in grass roots) BUT I am quick to state the following.
WHEN I MENTION THE TOP 3: HERE IS HOW I MEAN IT: I do not know the TOP FOUNDERS, OR THEIR INNER WORKINGS, I have NEVER SEEN THE TOP ONES but I have OFTEN and REPEATEDLY ENCOUNTERED the “5 fold offices” who claim to be UNDER them (ordained under (implies condoned, endorsed) or licensed with, affiliated with, a member of their Minister official Fellowship, etc..) AND THAT is where we run into the accusation without ANY CONFRONTATION, sometimes GET JUMPED in public accused, get TALE TOLD, OCCULT SPIED AND DIVINED and have OUR GOOD NAMES placed on THEIR “YOUR” accuser witch list **
I also IN PUBLIC and when I FILM: because I not know the top of any mega wide group, I choose to honor each of them and respect for their works, and to guard THEIR REPUTATION as a ELDER, LEADER in Body of Christ in the following manner : I do not DOUBT the VALIDITY Of the top but I can see that PERHAPS the BOTTOM many ministers perhaps CLUELESS and USING each of YOUR GOOD Names in VAIN at the local ‘level’ and making money off it.
Heads up, YOU want to KNOW what goes when YOU ‘endorse, license, ordain and allow these market using YOUR WHOLESOME, SINCERE, NON EVIL AND NON OCCULT, FAMOUS NAME
just train that EACH has back story which might give VARYING INSIDE
Neither is anyone else. We are all unique individuals whom the Father truly loves, and each one has a unique history and backstory. Some have pain, some have less, but each one needs to be able to visit, repeatedly attend, and ongoing go to “the Father’s house” without the fear of being harassed, attacked, biased against, or mean-defiled by God’s top professing “ministry office” leaders.
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SURELY Much more to COME
(C)2023 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

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