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ACCURATE PERCEPTION + DISCERNMENT 201 was First posted 2012…for mostly the “OH.. YOU’RE NOT 100% ACTING LIKE SWEEEEEET BABY JESUS!”(which implies “WE THINK YOU ARE ACTING UNLOVING AND MEAN!” “BEING OUR CRITIC… AND CONTENTIOUS”.**..all of which(a wide Christian Subculture) which are mostly the ambitious, continually on the move…Born Again mostly Media, TV super strongly effected, mostly Wannabe Ministry Styles.
** Mature Scriptures: Actually I would regard mature healthy REPROVING as akin to BOOK OF JUDE … “CONTENDING …. for the Bible “True” faith”**
**BOOK OF JUDE 1: 3b “and (I) EXHORT YOU (implying even a respectful, humble YET PERHAPS strong, certainly UP FRONT…even CLEAR, DIRECT and emphatic /impassioned delivery??) that YOU should earnestly CONTEND for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”
Thus examining, and ASSESSING, NOT ACCUSING yet being straight forward in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “REPROVING” would assist in CLEARING UP misconceptions about the PORTRAYAL of the Original New Testament BIble Christ, who was not back UNDER the Law, or a con artist, or flakey false, untrue Christian “Good” Doctrines would in my estimation fall into Jude 1:3.
HOWEVER Bible REPROOF this is not something that this strong willed and embedded, nouveau traditional ministry, fast moving SUBCULTURE, which I previously mentioned, is willing to understand, for it is not USED TO anyone telling them “No”.. NOR does it appear at all willing to accept any form of submitted reproof, spiritual doctrine correction…for it is not something which they might regard as FUN, HAPPY, CLAPPY or BLESS US oriented. Plus it seems that taking time apart for deep self examination, such as Big Introspection, is NOT on many of their busy Ministry Achievement Schedules. This big crowd is immune to ministry self introspection, for it’s is deemed as unwarranted, for they will quickly quote, rather self righteously, indignantly .. “BUT I AM THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS.”
Implied Meaning??…. Mainly ” WE can each do NO WRONG” And now WE get to do WHATEVER we want to do and DO whatever WE want to DO TO any other person and NOBODY can HOLD us ACCOUNTABLE..as no matter WHAT.. WE are “RIGHTEOUS” in God’s Eyes..(?!!)
YET TO THEM POSSIBLY …”2 Chronicles 7:14 passed away since it’s ONLY in the Old Testament”…(?) ….Or maybe “there’s no longer any true reason for me, us to to allow Holy Spirit to get too close to deeply inspect? The Lost First Love Lampstand is BIG in this subculture..and remarkably the SUBCULTURE is deep, wide and VAST.
And this is my take on very MANY of the Deep Southwest Christians..meaning .of this particular hard working ministry leader spiritual doctrine type of ilk. And it woke up the ministry Bible Noble Berean ..majorly INTUITIVE and UP FRONT REPROVER..who already had been, an Unashamed.. Up Front RESPECTFUL abiding James 3:17 fruit, but MATTHEW 18:15-17 One to One Confronter/Galatians 6:1
THE RELATIONSHIP DISREGARD..not about the MONEY but the RELATIONSHIP FRUIT. ALSO the DISRESPECT for the Well Known Preacher whom THEY each professed to senior pastor, delegated office ACT “Under,REPRESENTING” his (Fully Respectable) loving MINISTRY:
Yet, one lives to evaluate..and to learn and maturely GROW.
Also not by the $$ that was lost..but by their Infamous Fruit one may evaluate each of Ubborn-stay them. Also their Spiritual DOCTRINES which combine to make the FRUIT.
THE NON JAMES 3:17 INFAMOUS FAITH FILLED FRUIT: Becuase I was NOT the suffereing Lone Deep South blind follower LIttle Woman, but an East Coast Expat, Wise Noble Berean, senior office for decades PRIOR to this..and a TV Perry Mason DEEP perceiver /apostle prophet like observer of ALL human persons..
These immature less than up front, “senior office pastors” failed to represent the Genuine Christ and His James 3:17 “pure” “EASILY ENTREATED” as they were stubbornly avoidant and this not just the grass roots 5 fold office Famous TV pastor Follower, but after I was attempting Respectfully, MATTHEW 18:15-17/GALATIANS 6:1 Tough love CONFRONT …in order to get the return of a stand alone newly purchased Korg digital Piano back(worth $1200), after the first two avoided, and then went to the next 2 offices who were Area Directors OVER them,they two refused to assist me..and it was there I was alarmed to experiences my FIRST quickly dismissed NO for (implied” YOU are not SWEET like Baby Jesus.YOU need to FORGIVE him.her and MOVE ON (to SAVE US time and energy)?
Alas, I felt extremely bad for the TOP TV Minister,whom I realized did NOT realize what was going on..on the auspices of HIS good safe name. I wondered if by their demeaning disrespect, by allowing the THEFT of a fellow pastor, Christian, could in any fashion create PROBLEMS for the TOP man.
SO I penned a lengthy letter with a complaint, to the ones JUST above the locals and the area directors. BUT it too was avoided and I got ZERO polite RESPONSE and NO justice.
Whatever their particular rationale… the fruit of the “abiding holy fear of the Lord” (which is “the beginning of wisdom”) was the most markedly absent in this one particular widespread similar doctrinal ministry subgroup. And it is the main one I turned fully away from, began the DFW Leader online ministry fellowship…as there was no genuine genuine “peer to minister peer” REAL RESPECT and also after several repeated RELATIONSHIP DEVALUING honesty issues.(recurrent controlling , ducking, leader avoiding repeated avoidance of being ministry up front Matthew 18:15-17/humble Galatians 6:1 pastor, leader BIBLE CONFRONTED, minister fellowship willing to let itself be “held accountable”.. (so it was assessed after a time as I Samuel 15:23 “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft” )..I understood that I should no longer trust.
I SAMUEL 15:23, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king.”
And it similarly depicted the big craven misogynistic King SAUL House of Leadership.
PS Summarily “Let not THEIR allwise good be evil spoken of..”
Selah: God has told me that if I encounter something in the greater Body of Christ 3 times or MORE..something that hurts other people and brings dishonor to His Holy Safe Respecting Good Name, then I must TEACH on this. And while the rape of another fellow senior ministers tentmaking provision was the FIRST DFW area incident, it was not the last..there were at 3 MORE. Hence I now describe and teach.(early deep south “Christian” ministry discovery period 2005-2012..when I pulled OUT of all of this STYLE..and dropped my 5013c as a Prophetic Act…and sucked it up and started pioneered ONLINE..and Blessed my wonderful safe GYM and BARISTA FELLOWSHIPS..the latter of which I now greatly admire!

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the
kisses of an enemy are deceitful.”
“Jesus Christ did not continue to remain the Sweet Infant Jesus comfortably swaddled Away someplace in the Manger. He grew up, stood up and openly reproved, even (nonaccuser) rebuked, the Pharisee Big Perks, Legalistic System.” TCL Ministries
(C)2012 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for REPROOF, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
re·prove verb \ri-ˈprüv\
Definition of REPROVE
transitive verb
1: to scold or correct usually gently or with kindly intent
2: to express disapproval of : censure reprove popular taste — D. W. Brogan>
intransitive verb
: to express rebuke or reproof
— re·prov·er noun
— re·prov·ing·ly adverb
Examples of REPROVE
- The teacher reproved the student for being late.
- reproves me for slouching while playing, observing that good posture helps one play better>
Origin of REPROVE
Middle English repreven, reproven, from Anglo-French reprover, from Late Latin reprobare to disapprove, condemn, from Latin re- + probare to test, approve — more at prove
First Known Use: 14th century
Related to REPROVE
Synonyms: admonish, chide, reprimand, reproach, rebuke, tick off
Antonyms: cite, commend, endorse (also indorse)
Synonym Discussion of REPROVE
reprove, rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reproach, chide mean to criticize adversely. reprove implies an often kindly intent to correct a fault reproved my table manners>. rebuke suggests a sharp or stern reproof
rebuked dissenting clerics>. reprimand implies a severe, formal, often public or official rebuke <reprimanded by the ethics committee>. admonish suggests earnest or friendly warning and counsel <admonished by my parents to control expenses>. reproach and chide suggest displeasure or disappointment expressed in mild reproof or scolding <reproached him for tardiness> <chided by their mother for untidiness>.
(C)2020 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

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