Networking, Safe Doctrines, Prayer and Other
December 16, 2012
Hello, Greetings and Blessings in the name of the Lord!
Let us continue to intercede for the families in the Connecticut school shooting.
AND let us each continually name and claim Daniel 2:28, “There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets.” And ask Him to disclose any hidden enemy wicked plans around our nations, similar to the recent shootings. And re what to do regarding the upcoming Economy. (if you are paying attention to the news, there have been several more exposed BEFORE they were put into effect). God has had me pray this against the enemies secret plans about our nation since 9/11. (and that is one big real reason to have a divine appointment area wide senior pastor, leader ongoing intercessory network) Submitting that to any pastor,sr. leader.
Dr. T also truly believes we each need to train children, youth, parents, to listen carefully for the “still small voice” , the “inward witness” of the Good Shepherd who gives LIFE to His sheep…and that is what God has used me in..basic guidance to help ‘discern between the many voices ” (I Cor. 14:10)
And with the Accuser creating big havoc in and out of church, family and in schools..the need to Defrag Jesus House to make it safe again, a haven rather than a hell hole for persons who come for comfort, not to feel accusatively judged, major stereotyped. And the writer can help with the next TV archived videos:
I uploaded the archives of Amos 3:7 OCFC Leader Fresh Words “God does nothing without first telling his servants the (true) prophets.” On www.OCFCLEADER.TV See links under the home page on the Taveau D’Arcy Leadership Old (meaning with ads) Web TV Station. OR use direct link to Livestream TV
And this morning God gave me what I believe is amazing leader equipping doctrine on both Sunday AM Service, Short Form and Long Form on topic; HE is our peace.Ephesians 2:14
The subject discusses two approaches in creating more body, family, harmony. And it uses Bible passages to unearth accuser enabling historical doctrines, foundations and offers replacements that will begin to grow true organic Cross Body relationship /unity/5 fold offices “one” in Christ.
And in addition there is the Bible history and authority foundations for the FIRST “Ephesians Submitted Marriage” which takes the viewer to Ephesians 5:21..which is just before the start of the regular “wives submit” verse in Ephesians 5:22. Sometime during the early part of this week Dr. T will post the Part 2.
So the goal whole OCFC Mission is to defrag accuser enabling spiritual doctrine and train pastors, 5 fold leader, lay persons in empowering revelation…so that Jesus’ Houses will draw many more people rather than apostolically repelling them.
For the SOBER WORD directed to sr leaders, please scan the blogs preceding this one.
Reminder: They are submitted as “only if the shoe truly fits,only then should you wear one” Selah Submitted Form.
AND last: the book with the intentionally odd name (14 Spirits that Attack Every Ministry) is posed on Ebook downloadable form and Audio book on the link listed directly below.
Starting around 1987 God first gave me a call to intercede for senior pastors, authorities passed down from my mother’s mother, my own pastor ‘s wife mother, and pioneering pastor aunt.
The book was first written in 1997, around the time a lot of dark spooky primarily charismatic grass roots doctrine were first making their appearance. But has been updated in 2011. Though the book title reflects that time period but it actually so practical and sane that Southern Baptists and charismatics have each enjoyed it and used it to train mature prayer warriors. It is not formula based, but pragmatic and submits good training, leader ideas.
Here is the link to the first and only thing listed (for right now) on our online resources digital store:
We are beginning to truly thrive, yet need many more mature intercessors.
And when/if YOU need some more mature prayer power, simply email : and say, SOS, NEED PRAYER!
In Jesus,
Dr. Taveau D’Arcy
“These are the days that the LORD has made, let us REJOICE and be glad in HIM!” Psalm 118
(If we believe we have no real reason to be JOYFUL…We need to REJOICE that our names are written in the Lamb’s book of LIFE!!) Pass this all around…
(C) 2012 Taveau D’Arcy All Copyrights reserved

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