(Formed, Circa 2015…Way long ago & ’twas Prior to Covid)
AND I HAD BEEN MARVELING PRE COVID: At the USA decline in church attendance, spike in suicides,numbers of atheists” Perhaps, it was the widespread and great nondiverse sheer numbers of the Caustic accuser Friendly Fire Fellowships, then the great loss of the human ability to truly TRUST ….PS Coupled with real true seeking multitudes of human persons who’d NEVER ONCE in their lives encountered a TRUE, AUTHENTIC, GENUINE (non dogmatic Bible thumper , Non Hypocrite) Believer in JESUS CHRIST. (AND this may help explain the great numbers of US rioters..20’s up)
“To know the love of Christ which passes (even wells of ) knowledge”Apostolic First Church EORR Community Book of Ephesians 3:19
PLEASE NOTE: The Tall Quiet, Self Protecting, Reserved,mild Southern Baptist Senior Pastor’s Cherished First Born Dutiful Lady and Dear Daughter: I could never imagine that a single lone white woman,sitting and abiding continually in JAMES 3:17 wisdom that comes from above, type of self governing fruit, would ever create such a fervor and quite a stir and sinister dubious ACCUSATION and thereby then put out a demand for the need to TRAIN (presumptious Caucasians) about AUTHORITY and BEING BIBLE RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. Hereby the respectfully submitted following,
Part 1 of 3 will address submission in Christian home…and the many various Christian views on marriage mates and much More. Depending upon whether they move in the gifts or not ..the use of the word Submission will carry controlling legalism big ongoing ..mostly male big bondage..assessing Baptist And Charismatic. Males snd female views.Also this includes Adam and Eve. Modern dsy very warped big gender historic whole area stereotypes..which include both 2 Jezebel Bible scriptures and Ahab ..plus witchcraft and more. PART 2 WILL DEAL WITH DEFiNING Christian ministry office! Je ministry and church house Being Submitted
Part 2 of 3. Main Point..when a newbie visitor wants to go to test drive a church..they must realize that there will be leader doctrines with many new levels of other leader doctrines. Some will be mature and accurate. While others might be highly immature and/or Back Under The Critical Levetical Law. Taveau points out an example. The main differences in a Baptist and a Prophetic Charistmatic white WELP (overseer covering shepherd )
Part 3 of 3.When I go into a church I discern the leaders and their house rules.. then I abide by them and governmental operating in Enduring Abiding James 3:17 fruit. While the Pharisees will not. Prophetically serving notice.. To the Pharisees..the Time for religious requirements which are back under the Leviticak Law has now passed. As the End Time Real Move of God has truly begun…and it must be Rev Philadelphian Love Walk Church which is Ephesians 4 diverse global and local loving big Community
SUMMARY: Each are an abiding JAMES 3:17 respectual office non religoius SELAH intended to provoke Christian ministry thought,needed self evaluation and NO MORE BACK UNDER THE LEVITICAL LAW analysis. While a few direct WELP type well intended office leader comments may appear very strong..as general Senior apostolic servant leader ministry true office SUBMITTED AS SELAH…guarding the need for Ephesian 3:16, 17 “mature reprovoing,Non Levitical correction” aimed as God directed potential encourage to REFORM…then don’t anyone in any prophetic movement take it as PERSONAL..and ONLY if any spiritual shoe fits, ought anyone every try to wear it”
Sincerely, Apostle T
2764 Pleasant Rd STE A #635
Fort Mill,SC 29708
ALL DONATIONS ARE NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE for at the direct leading of the Almighty God we dropped the 501c3 in about 2012.. and now invite you to SOW,TO GIVE whatever HOLY SPIRIT amount plus then CLAIM FOR YOURSELF…
Matthew 6:4 “Give in SECRET and the LORD will reward YOU openly”
(C)2020 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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