NOTE: This was first reprinted from one of my Encouraging Word newsletters (EW Newsletter to 5 fold offices, 1987-2000) APRIL 3, 2013
Dear Pioneering Reader,
I was reviewing old words from the Lord and ran across this one from the turn of the Millenium, I am sharing it today as it is still important.
Apostolic Blessings!
Taveau D’Arcy
(C) 2000 Dr. Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
The NEW Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has just recently begun to appear on the world scene. In some ways, the NEW Church resembles the “old” church of former years, but as the Millennium progresses, this NEW Church will begin to display different aspects based upon revel elations that have previously never been addressed at large before.
Father God has birthed the “apostolic” church: it is the church that will usher in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The “apostolic” move of God is servant based. It uses the power of unity in putting together area wide, cross denominational local church and ministry ”apostolic teams” to hold area wide soul winning and songwriting, as well as prophetic and sr. pastors conferences. God has given Dr. D’Arcy the gift of an apostolic, prophetic strategic visionary pastor who views all the parts of Christ’s body as one living organism.
This pioneering writer firmly believes that the “apostolic” /teammates in unity Church will be the one that ushers in the return of the Lord Jesus. The Bible teaches that the apostolic church will be a church of signs and wonders.
“Wonders” according to Strong’s Dictionary, are “conspicuous miracles.” It is for such a time as this that both all of us living in this present day have been born! We need to be ready for a CHANGE.
The Bible states that when Jesus comes that He is coming for a Bride that has “neither spot nor wrinkle.” He is coming back for a Bride made up of true individuals who hunger and thirst for Him above all else.
These individuals are believers who are the ones who stay in continual fellowship with Him. They practice His presence and continue in His Word (the Bible). Their highest desire is simply to please HIM: every hour of every day.
This writer believes that Christ is coming back for “the obedient Church.”
The obedient church is the Godly remnant. Persons who are in the Godly remnant Church do their best to walk and talk with God closely. Many of them experience such intimacy with God that it reminds this writer of how Adam and Eve fellowshipped with God before the Fall of Mankind.
(Note: Yes, the Fall did happen. The 24/7 (continual uninterrupted fellowshipping) between God’s heart and the heart of man does become interrupted today. And, believers are still human and continue to “fall short of the Glory of God.” And yes, the presence of Sin does exist in the world.)
However, deep in the hearts of growing numbers of passionate True Believers, there are potential Enochs, who continually walk with God, who have pure hearts and motives.
Even as apostasy grows in around the world, there continues to be growing numbers of True Believers in Jesus Christ, who have laid down not just their hearts, but their pride and their hurts as well as their own personal agendas, in order to fully please their God.
Father God is preparing the Enoch Generation: they are the ones who stay close to Him at all times. One day, Jesus will come for them….AND THEY WILL “BE NOT!!”
Dr. Taveau D’Arcy Pioneering Ministries has a mandate to use technology training to win the lost and give deserving local church people TV and technological, software and music recording training to give people resume enhancing experience to help them find employment and resources.
God has given us grace as DIVINE APPOINTMENT HOLY SPIRIT LEADERSHIP RESOURCE NETWORKERS of sr. pastors, mature prayer warriors, Christian leaders and songwriters, prophetic worship leaders since 1987.
Every personal and ministerial goal attained to by Taveau D’Arcy is only for the purposes of building God’s kingdom and for the sole purpose of helping other sr. pastors and Christian ministers grow their churches and ministry as well as to build unity and reconciliation in the worldwide body of Christ. Nothing is done in a personal or hidden agenda.
This “apostolic” church is not one that necessarily relies on some of what I refer to as “the new traditions of man” from the “good Bible teaching” of the last 35-40 years.
Too often such Bible based words and terms, such as “prophet,” “apostle” even what a “real pastor is or is not” and especially the terms “spiritual authority” and “spirit covering” as well as the role of males and females in the End Time Move of God’s Spirit. Take the term “apostle” and a big red flag goes up in many people’s minds.
The Dr. Taveau D’Arcy Leader Ministries definition of an “apostle” is servant leader who carries a spiritual mantle, and a mandate to effect enduring and even dramatic change in an area or within the body of Christ.
The Ministry operates on an “as the Holy Spirit leads” basis with other sr. pastors, churches and ministries to put on conferences work to bring about revival, renewal and to reach the lost. Apostles are usually given foundational Bible revelation and insight that helps establish persons in the Church by training them, equipping and releasing them to ministry.
Pioneering apostolic founding leader Dr. D’Arcy uses “apostolic” teams to bring wisdom and instruction to persons who struggle with identifying their calling and spiritual gifts. She teaches on God’ s supernatural wisdom (moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the spirit of prophecy, etc) and in natural, practical wisdom: music, songwriting, technology software and some hi technology training and mentoring.
Dr. Taveau D’Arcy: Called to stir up the gifts in Generation Now:
Dr. Taveau D’Arcy and all the OCFC facets view themselves as a teammate with the other members of the body of Christ. She has a call to reach persons who have been wounded in church or who do not currently attend a local church.
OCFC DFW MINISTRY ONLINE LEADER FELLOWSHIP is open to all. They are worship and refreshing “ongoing believers meetings” to provide a safe place for those in between churches or who dislike confining, controlling churches and are open as a “spiritual vitamin supplement” to area senior pastors, believers from other churches who are in need of encouragement and refreshing.

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