TODAY WE REPRINT THE ENTIRE 4 PART SERIES IN 4 SEPARATE POSTINGS. These were first posted in July 2014 PART 1 PROPHET OBADIAH AND THE ESAU TEMPLE HIGH PRIESTHOOD (C)2014 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved INTRODUCTION: PARTS 1 and following Bible study to draw comparisons between the OT and NT Priests who were alive in Jesus time..but also draw very possible comparisons between different ones found in today’s CURRENT Local High Priesthood, the 5 fold grass roots pioneering NT so called “Christian ministry.” PRELIMINARY NOTE: * The entire Old Testament BOOK OF OBADIAH consist of only one chapter. It is the shortest book in the Old Testament. * There the Prophet Obadiah gives a word of the Lord which warns the people of Edom, who are Esau’s descendants, about their coming destruction. * Esau’s many descendent were related to Esau’s twin brother JACOB whom God later renamed ISRAEL in Genesis 35:10.(see below) EDOMITE ACCUSER FAMILY TRAITS Similar to their own father ESAU,the Edomite extended family were self centered, accuser and mortal fleshly minded. History records them as trouble makers took pleasure in the many sufferings of their Israelite kith and kin. HOW EDOM AND ISREAL CAME TO BE GENESIS 24-25 **ESAU AND JACOB were the twin sons born to the Patriarch and Father Isaac and his wife Sarah. **ESAU was more of a outdoorsman, a hunter and as the first born twin, was in line to inherit the Father’s Blessing which was a huge cultural honor. **JACOB was a mild, stay at home type.He preferred the great indoors. And one day, the sly cunning second born son, along with his mother Sarah, devised a plan to trick Esau out of his birthright. ESAU sold his own birthright as the first born twin, for a mess of stew. But after the tasted of the food wore off, reality set in and from that time onward, there was deep animosity and bitter enmity between the carnal, rebellious ESAU and the more devoted to following after the Holy Lord Jehovah: Jacobs many descendents. This caused a huge ongoing family feud, which divided the 12 tribes of JACOB) later on named ISRAEL from the tribes stemming from ESAU and those became the EDOMITES. JACOB IS RENAMED ISRAEL: GENESIS 32:22 The Bible refers to the sly cunning JACOB as a slippery “supplanter.” “Organically” minus God’s strength and power,his natural fallen nature was a “I” Centered One. But one night (Genesis 32) slippery JACOB had a wrestling match with the angel of God. It was a destiny changing, spiritually eye opening, supremely transforming, life changing event. As leader Jacob wrestled with God’s angel, he was heart aware, for the very first time of who HE WAS and who HE WAS NOT. Yet even more importantly Jacob PERCEIVED FATHER GOD more fully and in deep depth. And finally understood his own spiritual deep need to fully follow hard after the LORD and to submit to His will and guidance fully. With Jacob then receives God’s commanded blessings. FIRST: Lord assigns JACOB a new name:ISREAL. SECOND: God added a blessing to ISRAEL by giving him and his (4)chaotic wives/women servants 12 leader sons and an only dear daughter. And even while Genesis describes Jacobs family RELATIONSHIP as extremely chaotic, supremely dysfunctional and rivalrous, we can still note God’s BLESSING as HE (God) was still able to bring forth a MIGHTY NATION: ISRAEL despite of all of the human big DRAMA! LET US CONTRAST ESAU(EDOM) WITH ISREAL ESAU choose to go his own unhappy way. TO GO HIS OWN UNHAPPY WAY. And while Jacob experienced a radical life view TURN AROUND ( heart change ,repentance) ESAU did not and continued to follow his very own worldly bitter life’s path. He reared all of his children in the similar rebellious self made life style. Slowly Esau’s family extended to form TRIBES and then the KINGDOM OF EDOM. And by the time the Prophet OBADIAH entered the picture, all of Esau’s many cantankerous unkind kin, had come to God’s tipping point…and were now in grave danger of incurring God’s wrath…and on the verge of being completely wiped out! NOTE how all this fighting, contention, big trouble is ACCUSER OF THE BRETHREN/ RELATIONSHIP primarily nursed, based. AND how a human person having a RELATION PERSONALLY with GOD or NOT will make such an enormous life extending awesome difference! ALSO: the writer submits that accuser, attack,mean angry nature which characterized the sinful EDOMITES as they attacked and wounded their very own BLOOD RELATIVES, also demonstrates a Bible principle, which appears to be similar to the ongoing, bitter spiritual battle between David and the demonically oppressed KING SAUL. WHICH IS also similar to the reactions of those we know, love, work with and ministry with, who react in like manner. These cursed SAULS are gifted,talented but not contrite. They flee a close, submitted active RELATIONSHIP apart with the LORD. So instead of receiving God’s COMMANDED ONGOING BLESSINGS,they instead block them, and then, quite ironically, become in turn, accusative, darkly envious and accuser/self justified in attacking even their own mate, close friend or leader/ work peer. This principle is noted in the New Testament in 2 TIMOTHY 2:24-25, “In meekness instructing those who oppose THEMSELVES; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.” And very sadly, while the GOD CLOSELY FOLLOWING “holy remnant” is trying to do the will of the Lord, and HE is showering down His many blessings, the ACCUSER tries to ruin the HAPPY LIFE of the True Believer, with unwanted conflict, accusation, and rivalry, cruel jealousy. (Song of Solomon: “jealousy is a cruel as the grave.”) This also resembles the (accuser ongoing)RELATIONSHIPS of EDOM and ISREAL, Young DAVID and KING SAUL and each of our own “People Who Oppose Themselves” (2 Tim 2:25 to rebel against God’s highest calling for them) AND the some of the worst human pain is ongoing ACCUSATIVE RELATIONSHIP HEART/EMOTIONAL PAIN. YET, GOD LOVED BOTH GROUPS EQUALLY GOD LOVED EDOM: God’s LOVE is exhibited toward EDOM in the Book of Obadiah, as He sends His PROPHET to warn them. God does not just come down from heaven without first trying to give them a change to make a transformational BIG CHANGE. However, He also loves them enough to allow THEM to make up their own hearts and minds. GOD LOVED ISRAEL: God loved ISRAEL enough to help them by either awakening their fierce relatives in EDOM to create a spirit of real repentance, which would eliminate all of their cruel anger, jealousy…. OR He would eventually destroy the wicked kingdom so that finally, His very own people, will at last be able to relax and enjoy their daily lives. AND as history attests: the descendants of ISRAEL, while they were continually under great demonic, fierce opposition, even up until this very day, have NEVER been wiped off of the face of the earth and instead, they have flourished and exceedingly multiplied…. …..EXACTLY as God had promised Father Abraham far back in the book of GENESIS 22:17, “In blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is upon the seashore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.” SECOND PART OVERVIEW The writer will examine the relationship between the EDOMITES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT and the PHARISEES who were present in the day when JESUS CHRIST, the MESSIAH was in senior pioneering ministry, in the NEW. Open to the Diverse Body of Christ LET US FIRST EXAMINE THESE HISTORIC BIBLE PRINCIPLES 1. “LET judgement start in the house of God.” which God uses in BOTH OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS: that of “judgement starting in the house(s) of God.” AND the writer asks: But WHERE in each house of God should self judging begin? ANSWER: in the top leader, followed by the second in command and proceeding downward to the lay, family,business leaders. 2. God always sent/sends His OFFICE PROPHETS to warn HIS OWN PEOPLE’S LEADERS: Kings and Priests. Perhaps the reason was PSALM 133: “The anointing flows from the head.” and New Testament “the yeast of the Pharisees” and Isaiah chapters 1-10 “your unholy leader mixture is blocking my anointing.” Thereby God knew/realizes that any nation would be affected for the GOOD if “judgement started at the house(s) of God” OR if it did not, then He would remove His protective supernatural covering Hand, and it would fall and the remaining people would be taken captive. THE WRITER submits this as a historical, Holy Bible ongoing, principle. OLD TESTAMENT DAYS and NEW. And that is one more reason for taking time to Bible study WHAT can STOP GOD’S COMMANDED BLESSINGS and what can BLOCK THEM. DRAWN CONCLUSION: GOD’S OWN PEOPLE’S TOP LEADERSHIP is every nations ongoing big SECRET TO ENDURING HEALTH AND SUCCESS. 3. PRINCIPLE: God’s bringing forth righteous judgement on any nation, was not primarily due to what was transpiring in the SECULAR, NON BELIEVING world, but was Holy Bible regarded as first the main responsibility of the ELDERS,PRIESTS and KINGS of His own HOUSE..meaning the nation of ISRAEL back in the Old Testament…but in the NEW TESTAMENT the chief apostolic, 5 fold offices. SELAH. ABOVE ..I had used this due to many now prior ministry move…BABY it’s COMPETITIVE NEVER STOPPING VIDEO GAME, MEDIA ABSORPTION…? AND AFTER THE PASSING OF THE 24/7 VIDEO GAME ONLINE CONTROLLER “BATON” what’s upcoming NEXT? Maybe “EMBEDDED”….hmm God forbid, SIMILAR TO “A CHIP”???!! OLD TESTAMENT: “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, then I will hear from heaven and I will heal their land. ” 2 Chronicles 7:14 NEW TESTAMENT: For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” I Peter 4:17 And just in case that any leader may dismiss “God judging His own New Testament people” (this due to so much “Grace Based” modern teaching) we remind them of Ananias and Sapphira, who were held personally responsible. Acts 5 THIRD PART: THE WRITER ASKS A BIG THOUGHT PROVOKING QUESTION: WHAT COULD have possibly gone on in the Hebrew LEADERS, High PRIESTS, in MALACHI, which then affected the SILENT 400 years(10 generations) between the OLD TESTAMENT (the Law) and the NEW TESTAMENT (Jesus/Messiah FREEDOM?) POINT: The writer will explain it in two ways: the same standard for high priests, God’s leaders, is dealt with in Old and New Testament. 2.He sends His prophets with His word to edify, comfort and strengthen OR to wake up and to leader warn. READ the 4th chapter PROPHETIC LEADER WORD (THE BOOK OF MALACHI) and note chapter 2,for a historic example. POINT: that while OBADIAH preceded the BOOK OF MALACHI, the same OT Law as the same high priestly standard, unction was similarly passed down from Aaronic temple high priestly family , via his sons. The handing down spiritually of the priestly office, Holy Spirit anointing, was OLD TESTAMENT “LEGITIMATE” line of true spiritual mantled, governmental, Most High God imbued. authority. POINT: With the severe prophetic warnings TO the notorious EDOMITE kingdom…but later the open minister rebuke (see Malachi 2) and another warning from the Lord about JUDGEMENT….due to THEIR (again His PEOPLE”S LEADER’S remaining SINS) is what causes this writer to WONDER OUT LOUD: MAIN LEADER POINT: DID the SILENT 400 years between the END of the OLD TESTAMENT(Book of Malachi) when no word from the Lord came..(other than the much debated Apocrypha)…eventually PRODUCE the religious New Testament jealous, accusative PHARISEES who repeatedly attacked, falsely accused and tried to undermine, JESUS CHRIST, the MESSIAH? PS A 2020 recurring wondering: THE MALACHI-MATTHEW… THE MOSTLY … Continue reading PART 1 OBADIAH AND THE ESAU TEMPLE HIGH PRIESTOOD
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