NOTE: This was first posted www.dfwleader.org June 19, 2018
Below: Resembling the Shoes of the Fisherman… after he got back to shore, changed his clothes, then went back to work at his office.
ANOTHER “Only if any shoe fits, should then any wise reader attempt to wear it” type of in James 3:17 assessing SELAH.
APOSTOLIC LAMENT, based on the hit song many years ago, FEELINGS.
Title …(Are “WE”) CLUELESS? Assessing…Part 1
(C)2018 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
SERVANT APOSTOLIC PSALM 123 (ad to this Psalm 137 assessing Babylon fallout on pure hearted God true followers)
“Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens.Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until that he have mercy upon us.
Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us: for we are exceedingly filled with contempt. Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud.”
ASSESSING…that out around DFW wide area..and meaning on Grass Roots (primary inherited leader tradition, TV big infected) floor, mostly…that 85 % of “Born Again Christ Following, especially walking and talking ministry Grass Roots leader, now possess no fear of the Lord, no talk of repentance, 2 Timothy 3:16-17″reproving” miscontrued as “critical accusation” along with greasy ministry self centered, self serving perversion of God’s Holy Word (prime example “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” used as excuse after stealing, but wanting to avoid being held directly accountable (this last was 3-5 times in 2 years during DFW discovery).
Much of the religious turf bears less than cheery legalistic fruit, and some well off parts of the region,sadly appears POST CHRISTIAN (Plano) (most extreme fatiguing ,intensely demonic spiritual undue warfare that I have ever endured in my greatly now LONG LIFE)..UPON Analysis of common true and with OT Law doctrines: (due to weak PC, needing to feel respected, and Old Testament Levitical Patriarchism, WELP ,the over entire deep south region the immature,covering, controlling overseer shepherding and area lots of aristocratic , elite governing Roman Patrichianism, (all of which we are NOT a part of).
ANOTHER: DFW Deep meaningful, fully thoughtful, honoring of everyone…is almost ignored. Clearly not important or ministry valued. NO reverencing of family,newbie,other foreign looking /atypical appearing human person. Body life, cross religious area: fast ,hurried busy and average to SHALLOW..as in ZERO CARING QUALITY TRUE BIBLE BELIEVING AREA COMMUNITY…
And the “deeply intuitive, mostly discerner perceivers” now do not want to go to a stiff church, so they go NEW AGE.. plus that great host around this entire area, also go to plastic surgery (not all, not ME) and they go REGULARLY on the search for WHO I AM, HOW DO I FIT IN HERE? and WHERE IS MY HOMEY FEELING apart from my local house, or place I just relocated FROM.
Therefore giant MASSES now go regularly ,(most now won’t include an area fast pace Clubby Fellowship as even an opition) Instead they go in vast droves… searching for that the the giant SPA, FRIENDSHIPS, FELLOWSHIP, COMMUNITY..out to the many welcoming, fully to ALL respectful MEGA chain such as the BARISTA FELLOWSHIPS, alone, MASSAGE THERAPISTS, HEALTH and FITNESS CLUBS and bars, nightclubs and many turn to zone out using DRUGS.I know, I went to health club and enjoyed many a good quality deep tissue massage, before being turned out of my dwelling.
(NOTE WHY..because this fine human person, who’d just moved to this Foreign Entity, after just losing her whole family, including ministry, focus, concentration, helps, and faithful friends) did not find every ONE SINGLE advertised as Christian Church who did not (charismatic /word of faith, prophetic) only back THEN who either did not
1) stereotype her (age, the Unequal Gender, plus/or for accumulated hell on earth weight, “little” (translates MY FAN CLUB FOLLOWER)
2) Oh, look, it’s only (big sigh) another SHE/ HER, coming to take up more of “MY precious time” “I just dread how much time that Baggage Laden, wacky SHE is going to waste” .”..Yep,SHE’s just like the rest: too EMOTIONAL, always super sensitive and picky.” ….”God’s time consuming Little subservient area women are notorious for their bringing me their BIG BAGGAGE and pouring it all out on ME for have to hear.
NOTE: Chief office priest, I Samuel chapter 1: Eli accusing lone appearing family type woman at the temple ACCUSED as the COMPASSION FATIGUED ELI HIGH PRIEST HOOD series http://www.dfwleader.com a while back about originally 2014 https://www.taveauleader.com (Note this is NOT about ME personally, it is a PROPHETIC revelation about accusation, leadership and all fellowship RELATIONSHIPS!) http://www.relationshiptheology.org was birthed in part to all of this!
3)It’s a another HER meaning “gullible” as in Bible “weak willed, ready/available t be “used” second class dutiful female”PS may be interpreted as “an affair awaiting..”
4) “Good Ole Bro prophetic Christian (!) sees just another(perceived stereotype) Texas Blonde”as in the SHE is ONLY a Dumb one)and/or Charismatic Follower, Big I controlling Intercessor (but had already seen the later on east coast only ready legalists, OT WELP charismatic)
5) The MALE head (all white) leaders…react like they were glad another SHE came to be their PROPERTY, to serve UNDER THEM(chattle disease)(this is quite a giant doctrine unequal, collective, Man Only, spiritual cess pool)
6) THE She afar off,has been repeatedly deemed as “not a peer” as She was, nor is, NOT one whit famous and had no entourage, handlers (that’s how it is, sorry),and/or as a intercessor, Fan Follower, coming to undermine, Pastor’s wife, NOT a head founder pioneering DFW leader.
7)ASSESSED.. “SHE” ALWAYS SINISTER, SUSPICIOUS WITCH WATCHING The able, abiding in continual James 3:17 “SHE” accused from afar by worried Jezebel, crazymatic witch spy-er untrue doctrines in leadership and spooky trained fellowship staff, lay, FF From Such Turn Away FRIENDLY FIRE FELLOWSHIPS is made from this type of untoward hyper stuff.
8) Assessed divorced (but forced into following health /heart medical big issues)SHE “evil” “not trustworthy” generally “big suspicious” “out to get a man” “out to seduce one of our MEMBERS,WORSHIP team ” many other (pardon the following big word but )..demeaning (slander, libelous,Black Balling, deeply UNPROFESSIONAL) as in BARF wicked CHRISTIAN LEADER MINISTRY accusations**NOTE this ACCUSATION had NOT relationship, it was done FAR OFF always,using legalistic ASSUMPTION,demeaning accusing STEREOTYPING and not a single sole in the entire state of ANY STATE has ever phoned me, stopped me in passing, to ASK ME DIRECTLY about it. That is another radon for DOCTRINE, leader, lay real life REPENTANCE!
9) She did notice HOW different doctrinal Types reacted toward her appearance as a New DFW Visitor (that’s another whole big story but it did make me begin to more deeply understand how RACIAL BIGOTRY wears and tears on your mind, spirit, soul, year in and year out.
BUT I recalled my WONDERFUL Dad. Plus seeing LESS THAN HEALTHY served to remind me of all the GOOD, GREAT, EXCELLENT EXAMPLES I had been privileged to know, sit under, hang around with. And who collectively, spiritually, helped to make me what I am today!
ANOTHER PLUS. All this has made me DOCTRINAL EVALUATEand it also made me so THANKFUL,super PROUD… for all the pastors, ministers, leaders who WERE and ARE NOT one bit like that: such as my late dear FATHER, BOARD member men,and family friends, father of both my children and extended relatives BEAUCOUP of local, and even this areas (but hear and there) who ARE NOT chauvinist,closet misogynists and/or BACK UNDER THE “NEED TO BE OVER EVERYONE” OT Levitical, always patriarchal unloving Law!
May YOUR tribe be blessed and do nothing but increase!
USA, EAST COAST MEN, MEN OF THE COUNTRY, I have never seen the likes of such PRIOR to relocation. Thus I teach. Submit, each one examine THEMSELVES, as this pollutes GOD’S CHARACTER and THE local ministry!
AND…So that’s why I NOBLE BEREAN, assertively REPROVE..also it’s also WHY I remain EMERGED and super cautious. As nobody seems to be who they SAY they are (prime religious crowd wise). And I TRY to be ME and “what YOU see is ALWAYS ONLY what YOU get. but around here, I do not simply find myself being able to TRUST many at now at ALL.
ASIDE…BEING A SHE IN DEEP SOUTH COUNTRY WEST..While I was made to divorce and had to obey God’s command to “let the unbeliever go” and so I did . But as it was not my choice, I was in deep grief, even getting over abusive trauma, PTSD for 6 (albeith along with enjoying the fellowship with GOD and with His JOY…every single abiding day) following unfruitful years in DFW Babylon,feeling led to self isolate from the LAW,chiefly Put Way Down simply ignorant ministry.
But just now, with that past, and after that was healed,(it’s been about 10 nearly 11 years since divorce decree) I still have not wanted to date (meaning NOT ONCE, AT ALL) … much less go on line, (who could they represent to BE when they potentially may be the COMPLETE OPPOSITE) Assessed meaning…DUE to that sneaky mean devil…COUPLED with an active ever wariness,a general area inability to trust the local Top Professional CHRISTIAN” (who convincingly professes to be THIS or THAT)??
A couple of years ago, I made a Twitter comment cautioning God’s leader women: WOMEN DO NOT SETTLE which said,
“SOMETIMES it would be nice to have a hand to hold..BUT..then you wonder..WHAT might be on the other end of that ARM”
And this is how I am still feeling. BUT assessing that the amazing FATHER can still SEND me a right SOMEONE when and HOW HE truly WANTS. So with that confidence in God, I am really ready. BUT NOT going OUT SEARCHING . So everyone just agree in PRAYER for it’s going to require a MIRACLE as I am not the most social mature creature and am Godly contented like I never ever felt before!
DUE TO WHEAT AND MOSTLY CHAFF…plus due to recovery…I thus went ONLINE…to those who COULD, would duly receive me, GLOBALLY, And I have been online ever since and LOVING IT.
HENCE this Explorer began, still keeps up, a multitude of (back then therapeutic) blogs, websites, video…including DFW LEADER ONLINE FELLOWSHIP helped me OUT away from all of this CONFUSION……and I Noble Bereaned Apostle Paul, Spiritual government and all,which then gave me confidence,religious FREEDOM to go BOOK OF EPHESIANS 4 CROSS BODY UNITY (akin to word applied faith (partly) /perceiver God’s inner guidance, meaning for ME…where apostolic prophetic deeply grounded Holy Bible teaching… meets worship deep pentecostal …which translates into akin to (easy for reader to get) Bapticostal ** As well as chief apostolic GALATIANS 1:1-2 (which means I was withstanding as probably as one entire OT WELP DRIVEN entire AREA)
..but it really did me good..as am perceiving myself to be fully free of “fear of HUMANS.”
**FOR Y’ALL WHO MUST FIND OUT: I felt clear direction from the Lord and dropped out from being an official member, of Charismatica 2012! doctrines majorly gone too haywire!) And (due to compassion for the many who have, are experiencing the SAME) I started commenting on, from, using the perspective of the BARISTA FELLOWSHIP as a fellowshipping choice safe, haven healthy TOP PROFESSIONAl, Equal Opportunity EQUALLY RESPECTFUL sane spot
DFW plus it’s bountiful Christ following... is a place where looking FINE, looking “THE PART”… and where industrious apostolic self preservation (as well as MANI-PEDI’S) Rule!
REASONS for the mass EMERGE FROM (all this) as CHURCH?…as it appears that nobody wants to really be connected, AND maybe that is why the big enormous feelings of ISOLATION,people feeling alone, suicide,…and SHOW BIZ in leadership..maybe even the symbolic “LONE” Star State(Aside…build up (concern for God wanting his full Church to be READY..) is what sparked a lot of this today)
Far leader more. But may just save it for a separate other mature Believer article.
…Hence MAMMON seems to take TOP PRIORITY over relationships ..which again, in hurried, fast paced PROGRESS ministry..are avoided, deemed not nearly as Top Priority as “building, achieving, being Blessed and being ministry/leader, lay Upwardly Mobile);
ALSO there seems to be zero deep real Holy Spirit quality moves.
And, there is mostly NO area clear sign of any deep ongoing ministry prayer, revival, racial healing, etc big noticeable intercession, TV affected Show Biz, Hail Fellow Drive By Fellowship Christ Following, Inbred, overly well read but now focused ONLY on politic’s being a RED STATE and not contemplating how God is SENDING this nation, this unique country based state, BLUE /GLOBAL, non WHITE SKINNED, non ENGLISH speaking well traveled, well thought out PRIOR to coming to little old here but from what I assess, the RED STATE DELUXE TYPES are NOT going to be really ready.WHY ? becuase they come across as BIASED and super WE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. big time PIOUS”
I say MANY of YOU have already been VISITED but have accused, avoided, distanced and therfore MISSED what could have been YOUR God sent PERSON , representing an entire TRIBE and even taking the gospel back their solemn NATION or LEADER PEOPLE GROUP.
FIRST, we must examine the REASON,meaning the not one bit hick…BACK STORY
TIME FRAME…PRE…BABYLON all my life until I hit the present area ground Jan 2005-2018. However the major apostolic widespread Bablyon (described below) was 2005-20016)..However the Pet People Group, Preferred Stereotypes ministry always continues.
(DENTON NEW AREA (ahhh!) CHEERFUL NOW NOTE: now (just now…Denton move1/ 2018..relaxing and fully free from mega deep southwest senior pioneering “representing it’s self as Ye Must Be Born Again in ministry” having some, the (assessed fruits of) BABYLON.
We assess this after great time, prayer, over all experience, plus based on 25 plus years and more of being out in what may commonly be understood as “TV MEDIA greatly affected, modern,mostly charismatic, pentecostals, and tongue speakers” BUT NOT ALL OF THEM ARE LIKE WHAT IS NEXT DESCRIBED.For it depends on WHO and WHICH GROUP and WHICH DOCTRINES and what PEDIGREES they believe in.
AND I am NOT a TITLE waver, though I find that God needs me to WAVE IT due to the dullness of perception, very hard autocratic uses /abuse of some of them,yet, depending upon WHICH GROUP and which PERSON, which specific OFFICE. (all Born again Christians, Caucasians, African, Hispanic, Asian HERITAGE are NOT 100 alike. Neither are pastors,leader, elders, apostles or congregation attending persons. It’s like a PROTECTIVE BADGE during hard hearted, mentally very tough regal, into themselves, TITLE WAVERS. But I am not generally among that fine crowd now, yet I will still haul it out on occassion as I feel the NEED and God’s Spirit confirms! Senior apostle, Dr T
DULY NOTE when reading the following SELAH.
“Prior to relocation:Abrupt 1/2005 until Now… Never (also never could have ever conceived) that I might have had seen, been in big such.Way Back up and down East Coast… I previously used to be so tame, very private. BUT following the Move…now…with these one 2Heaven regarding with wide open, big bright reproving eyes…As of now, I HAVE fully seen it, endured it, been wearied by it, nearly depleted…assessing the Psalm 137 “Ministry Babylon” ..the danger to the FUTURE of the True CHURCH and the Good Honest NAME of it’s founder, JESUS CHRIST”. ...
NOTE: And I’m not saying this lightly. “The Non Overly Emotional, Assessing NOT Accusing, alsoBig Time Fair, and following after all this Mature, Leader (yet not infirm)fully SHE (albeit human REAL person) pen remarking scribal writer
This article contains JUST PART 1..as the Lord began to trickle this into my heart while doing my morning exercise. It’s presented to the American Christian “Ye Must Be Born Again Body”…yet the main one’s that it’s addressing must discern only from the Good Lord, if it is clearly directed to any of YOU.
This “CLUELESS” LAMENT draws upon the relocation to this deep DFW really South Bible toting wide area. It was a shocking, chief apostolic, office mature prophetic, ALARM for while there are many hundreds of multiplied thousands cramming the well crafted super large and tiny fellowships, there is a horrifying MANY MORE OTHERS who will not now darken the door of any one of those presumed to be FINE, HEALTHY “Born Again” different Houses.
And within big doctrinal fountains, we found caustic, big area discrimination, (age, race, color of hair, men and leader gender) plus vast area opportunist “We Are a Prophetic, Apostolic MINISTER”..It was enough to turn a silent, abiding in James 3:17, perceptive super timid about overstepping authority lines… apostolic long time Christian believer (pure hearted) Human into a declaring, very UNASHAMED much more outspoken, up front, direct Noble Berean.
It also draws on the many HAPPY fond prior to DFW “growing up under the NON CRITICAL LEVITICAL, not oppressive to gender”, NOT into big domination, need to feel in control…as in a contented Southern Baptist pastor family memories. It maybe draws on a PRE LAW assessed leader noncritical doctrines in my old apostolic ministry location..which wound up becoming mixed in with passing governmental undue winds of “new traditions” of majorly confused humans, “Yeast of the FAD-uceess.” **
**(which I always found trigger Friendly Fire, major culture of backbiting, gossip, Good Name smearing and/perhaps began what is now represented on EMERGE FROM CHURCH http://www.emergefromchurch.wordpress.com THE RUNNING AWAY from accuser Friendly Fire Fellowships, perhaps intermingled with the long prophesied “falling away” apostasy.
YET, as Holy Spirit directed me, inwardly guided me, to repeatedly attempt to find Hebrews 10:25 “do not forsake fellowshipping” and also pastors ministers “fellowships”…I was time and time again hit in square in the face by the ELI TEMPLE HIGH PRIESTHOOD Samuel 1.** (**about which I penned many serious articles) Cluelessly dull of perception, biased, male chauvinism, deep mysogyny, authority distancing, apostolic opportunism, opposition, 3 official prophetic ministry times, when one UNDER their ministry defrauded the weeping forced to unwanted, shocking divorce “like a grieving widow”..they fled, used their power to block…thus the inner Noble Berean began to examine each of their (country cultural roots) DOCTRINES.
And I noticed that the chief area emphasis in Christian Ministry , the culture of most area fellowships is to become achievers, builders, implying ONWARD and UPWARD and admittedly,coming from a very rural region ..it all seemed be so over the top upscale. Yet, it was at the same time VERY hard to find residing Christians, leader, pastors who would not just hurry on, check their watch and size the Newbie Up as some “major..unvalued..critical typecast” (perceive during GRIEF as ‘having baggage” and “must have UNFORGIVENESS” …which one should “take our 6 week FIX YOU QUICK ready CLASS” becuase we, ourselves are far to consumed with majorly more IMPORTANT type things, then to Bible “weep with those who weep” and “mourn with those who mourn.”
Even now, I find that if one tells a “certain Christian types” of elder they are in grief, homeless, unemployed, mourning the loss of a marriage..any similar HUMAN COMPASSION other..that it is best to keep it to oneself as THEY “The very human, compassion fatigued Eli Temple High priesthood” will accuse YOU of “having big bad baggage ” which accuses and infurs that YOU are at FAULT for having GRIEF or SORROW.
Hence, when I kept encountering this NEW horrifying ministry area phenomenon and God showed me prophetically that I was seeing a REVELATION CHURCH OF EPHESUS Chapt 2 /aka I Samuel Temple Eli High Priest and his powerful area lot..and then the middle aged, overweight, compromising, super experienced, had seen it all, done it all, and now feels he KNOWS it all..accuses the LONG LEADER GRIEVING LEADER FEMALE who has fled to the Lord’s Haven House during a time of deep persecutionand suffering. Her husband adores her but it’s the other rival wife, Peninah,who has accused her for her long term barreness..and this is how I have been made to feel by CERTAIN WE CENTRIC church house stale leaders out here..NOTE: as I know how they will accuser blame shift “O, She has UNFORGIVENESS so we don’t need to pay attention. YOU are OFFENDED..now I /we can wash our dirty leader hands and move forward.
HENCE the maxims, I post. For years ago, when I noticed God showing me similar type BODY OF CHRIST unrighteous things. Holy Spirit said,” I do not want you to take this personally. I want YOU to see what I see all over the place, just like it. I want YOU to see this PROPHETICALLY” And when I bump into stuff such as this, 1-2 times I ignore it, But when it is 3 -25 times ..and in many different states, similar streams of ministry..I BIBLE REPROVE and DOCTRINAL EXAMINE.
“CLUELESS” based on the vintage secular hit, “FEELINGS”
(C)2018 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
V1. CLUELESS, we’re nothing more than CLUELESS
Trying to avoid the ones…. Who are not just like US!
Yet, we’re driven…..restless…. big ACHIEVING
Trying to all WORK very hard
To provide EACH for our deserving…well respected… selves.
v2. Yet many church people are FLEEING
From God’s fellowships,they’re greatly LEAVING
And they’re NOT RETURNING…
And say they’re not ever going BACK!
So why is it many good folks are EMERGING
While Barista Fellowships and the like are simply BURGEONING?
MEANING…Q..Can’t you/we/us pencil in a little time
To Bible office SELF INSPECT?
v3 So this is why we’re PENNING these few short verses
‘Cause satan (the accuser) is clearly WINNING
And we’re stuck inside OUR OWN four safe hallowed walls??
Yet when ANOTHER ( “THEIR TYPE” ) tries to visit, You (big/bigot?) react as if your CLUELESS
(Maybe ’cause you’ve never had a bad ass, Democrat or Buddhist
As a close, respected, big gifted friend!?)
v4 . So THIS is WHY we’re burdened…..Yes, we’re very burdened
We’re big concerned, for the very Lost … abused, and massively confused
And it’s to these we minister..and hang among the conflicted….
Yet very few of YOU appear clearly conscious and/or convicted
Frankly…you seem to AVOID them…. (as well as us artists, too..)
Please refrain from your ministry “look then avoid” STEREO-TYPECASTING.
From your Goody Fellowship DISCRIMINATION
From your (clearly Pet Preferred Leader TYPE) of Earthsuit..
SIZING THEM UP based upon color… gender..age..look /outer attire)
PLEASE ceasse from your(easy to perceive) discriminatory pickiness,
From Your controlling “they must first QUALIFY ” conditional (unguaranteed) acceptance
Assess them, but you ought to let down your OVER PROTECTIVE, highly SELECTIVE
AREA ministry TYPECASTING Historical selective, private guard…
Learn to relax. Then goo out there TO THEM…..hang out WITH THEM.!
“Be ye no longer, clueless, Good Ole Bros and accompanying Sis’s“
(C)2018 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
PART 2 to come after I get it from the Living Lord.
“In the last days, (God’s) men and women will be lovers of them (well learned, special) selves
FROM SUCH TURN AWAY…2 Timothy 3:1-5
(C)2018 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

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