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FOR THE HYPER: “The only thing we throw out with regards to the Old Testament is the Legalistic Requirements which trigger Accusation.”
“IF YOU wish to keep 100% of every rule and law, please feel completely free to do so! Such is Freedom in Christ!”
Abiding James 3:17 Relationship Selah
(C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
FIRST: How I plan to share on the apostolic BOOK OF EPHESIANS. (an apostle is a Sent Messenger, one who has been commissioned by God Himself…to begin a Holy Spirit brand new, never existed before, work)..much more later.
NOTE: Rather than discuss Apostle Paul’s Christian letter to the “start up” growing organic multicultural church… in the surely diverse, Asia Minor, area Ephesus (Turkey) region…in the usual “positional” “seated in heavenly places” “debatable” theology… which Christian ministers have done traditionally and we have no need to go over that again.
We will simply say NO to predetermined “fatalistic?”… “predestination” but simple give a huge loving Clue “Google search the LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE” (still we’ll pen a bit on that, but not this Part 2)
Rather, as we probe through Book of EPHESIANS, little by little, chapter by chapter, and slowly make the progress we feel called to make, we shall instead point out and expound the COMMENTS we feel Holy Spirit calls to our ministry attention.
As everyone who is a mature Christian realizes, the FAMOUS adventurous EPHESIANS Book, consists of mega-meaty chapters which (from the ABIDING RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY http://www.relationshiptheology.org in House Non Torah* View) address “the Individual as well as the family, the whole community, the interaction of belief sets, loving order in the home and community, and the supernatural leader mysteries which form the ’spiritual warfare” many submitted teachings.
*In This House non Torah view: we honor and admire and respect the Old Testament, yet the Levitical Law was for that time period as a “school teacher” and “protect RELATIONSHIPS from mayhem” and for any other of God’s pure holy reasons. So, in this view, the Legalistic requirements for all of the many Laws…we designed for His Nation of the Children of Isreal…however, as this is now New Testament Times.: for the Now Christian believer, while the anointing is still on it, it is now meant for a Holy Spirit PRINCIPLE, LESSON as in a PRECEPT but not as any legalistic Law. As in the Modern New Testament Days, legalism produces ‘finger pointing ministry leader, lay suspicious accusation)
NOT intending this comment for the Jew, but meaning this for the CHRIST ACCEPTER..in the New Testament Days, “Levitical rhymes with CRITICAL” (hence, see Common Ephesians 4 Common Doctrine PDF at top of www.onlinefellowship.us)
This ongoing Study will emphasize sincere (pre Christian, First diverse Church) RELATIONSHIPS, both personal and private (with the Lord) as well as the Unseen Dark Realm, then religious divides, social network and much other, Please be patient as well well take our time and fit it in (prayerfully 2 -3x a week)
Also we’ll include our own views of Apostle Paul and his major office. Also definitely a few asides regarding “In House apostles”
All penned comments, no matter which hot topic… will be submitted as Selah, as we are definitely opposed to Bible beat down religious dogma. And for the sake of respecting each reader, and allowing each one of them to Noble Berean evaluates, to pray and then with Holy Spirit’s and God’s Holy Word confirmation, them form their own leadership thoughts.
APOSTLE PAUL’S LETTER WAS WRITTEN; Apostle Paul was believed to have penned this Epistle (long letter) to the Church believers from his prison cell in Rome . About 62 AD. (meaning no distracting media, WIFI..or cushy gym and/or Barista Fellowship to catch a break in)
V 1: Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of the God to the saints in Ephesus, to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
1. PAUL’S MEGA CALL: Apostle Paul did not just sign on to be an Apostle due to his ego, the need for financial provision or to look good and smell sweet by coming up with a new title to add to his existing very many. (Note: we’ll more fully address Paul’s unique call …later)
No, Paul had a personal encounter with the Living God, met Jesus Christ as His personal Savior and during his intense relationship encounter with the Risen Him (Ephesians 1:17) was challenged and ministry called, changed…. yet he spent 13-14 years up in Arabia**, following the First Original 12 Apostles giving him the Left Foot of Fellowship….during that apparent solitary Hearing God Alone long time, he was fashioned into the minister who would later pen 2/3 of the First Church theology, aka the New Testament.
**After Paul returned from Damascus, Arabia, he displays no bigotry, bias, or negativity, anxious fear of Arabs! Mostly likely he was aware of them as persons, having lived among them. Plus he was filled with God’s 7 Spirits (Isaiah 11:2) including Holy Spirit power and might!
2. SERVANT LEADER VS FAMOUS CELEBRITY: No, servant leader** apostle Paul (**we note his use of lower case letters to describe his office NOT a capital A Famous Known Elevated Persona)…was “chosen” and “called” directly by the Lord.
3. TO THE DIVERSE PEOPLE SUB GROUPS: “to the saints” “in Ephesus” this Christian letter was addressed brand new Christ followers, who lived in the enormously diverse, Asia Minor major trade route of Ephesus. And specifically addresses many deep personal, life, family, spiritual, unity community TOPICS… to those persons who had invited Jesus into their hearts as the foretold Messiah and as their personal Lord and Savior.
4. SOME EXAMPLES…We note the major divide of ‘diverse peoples” …
1) JEWS of Hebrew, Children of Isreal, 12 tribes background ancient descent..…all of which were raised to submit to being Under the Old Testament Levitical Law and who were now overseer shepherded mostly by Pharisees, Sadducees and the well regarded legalistic Big Religious System.
2) GENTILES: everyone else who was not a Jewish descendant; The Big Gentiles group could loosely included Romans, Samaritans,Arabs, Asians, Africans, traders, mega following of the temple Diana , other idol practitioners, Baal worshippers, Cretans, and any non Jewish blood other; roving demoniacs. Normal quiet nice everyday people who were not Hebrews.
5. “to the faithful in Jesus Christ” Faithful….full of faith, truly committed, ongoing submitted to following The Only Way.
6. “in Christ Jesus” that special tie that binds persons who have found Christ and share the common family intended feel of “new “accepting (EPHESIANS 1:6) “relationship diverse offices, elders, and founding lay community” each and every one knowing and perceiving Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, having different experiences with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Paraclete, the inner Guide, plus First Church teaching .
EPHESIANS 1 Verse 2: “Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ
“GRACE TO YOU” GRACE: unmerited, undeserved, completely FREE (**ONLY believe, no need to legalistically have to work for it) favor with God, unmerited power, mercy, undying love and forever forgiveness, unlimited, unmerited “spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit, from above” which we will share in more depth later.
“PEACE” (peace is fearless, anxiety completely free, Also Shalom real life, as in heart mind conscience real rest and abundant peace. Peaceful deep inside, but spilling out into the RELATIONSHIPS: (see 10 Bible relationships top of www.onlinefellowship.us) Mainly all races, religious sects, family, generations, and big Christ following area community. (Ephesians 2:14/Ephesians 4)
“FROM GOD OUR FATHER” …ALL of our Creator Father, (reflects faith-filled community Ephesians 2:14, Ephesians 4, Ephesians 5:21)
“”AND FROM THE LORD JESUS CHRIST” accepting Jesus Christ as Savior, involves His leaving a small deposit of His Holy Spirit dwelling inside. Holy Spirit gives supernatural GIFTS (Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,2 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”)
….ALL OF WHICH assist the “born again” believer.. in preserving, aiding in all life RELATIONSHIPS. Note; while this seems confusing, it actually involves getting to (perceptively discern ) know Jesus as an ALIVE, “THERE” all loving RELATIONSHIP..which with time and patience, can be eventually personally inwardly perceived. Submitted Selah (more about this complex thought later)
Q. What’s the difference between “unmerited grace” and “licentiousness” (“greasy grace?”) ,
A. Grace HELPS, COMFORTS, BUILDS UP, EDIFIES, STRENGTHENS another (Helps, never hurts, hinders a) RELATIONSHIP
Licentiousness takes advantage of, uses, harms,hinders, does not one bit help the RELATIONSHIP. (Ex: bilking another out of income, robbing, lying, using, being a con artist, using sexually, etc)
(C)2019 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

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