This was first posted February 11, 2013
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
<“Surely God will do nothing until He reveals first to His servants, the prophets.”Amos 3:7
“There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets.” Daniel 2:28
“Now He is able to do exceedingly abundantly, above all we can ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20
And please duly note: The use of the words Cross Body Unified True Church means “purposely all voluntary, as directed by the Holy Spirit, based on Church of Ephesus described in Chapters 2-5:21.
And this Cross Body True Unity does NOT require ANY formal “membership” NOR “leaving one’s own religious affliliation, denomination.
AND this is not about any one leader, person being governed UNDER another group, or person. This is Enoch patterned: each person following God with all others hearing/discerning for themselves yet in Holy Collaboration, Across God’s Pure Hearted True Bride.
IT IS ONLY about following the specific direction of the Lord for each unique person.
NOR is it connected in any way with the One World Church ministry movement, group or organization.”<
IT is primarily yielded to each reader on an “as God reveals to each Bible truly believing “accepted in the Beloved” organic Believer in the saving power, death, resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Submitted, Dr. Taveau D’Arcy Scriptural Basics Using Church of Ephesus, Book of Ephesians 2-5:21 apostolic basics
Later: this ongoing apostolic ministry blog about ONE (Significantly SPIRITUALLY) CROSS BODY, 5 FOLD LEADER/THEN BODY, UNIFIED TRUE CHURCH will scripturally present, address:
Q. HOW do we handle our MAJOR main differences: praying in tongues, existing governing rules in the many present denominations, apostolic fear, the important M WORD (Tithe Money/Moving in the Gifts Working God’s Word VS Hymns, Liturgy,Ministry Males Sr Ministry Females, etc) and if God leads, several more.
The writings of chief apostle Paul play an extremely important part in the IFFM DR TAVEAU LEADERSHIP MINISTRIES Cross Body Corporate Word in depth study.
The scriptures clearly reveal that Christ divinely selected, mentored and charged His appointed First 12 Major Apostles.
Throughout the Bible we find descriptions of being “led by the voice of the Good Shepherd” and the “still small voice” so we may thus assume that Jesus, who prayed daily, very long and hard in the Garden of Gethsemene, was led by the Holy Ghost in what would be the concept of “divine appointment” fashion to meet each and every single one.
Among the First Twelve Organic Apostles surely scattered among them were both the refined and the much more rugged, pioneering servant apostles whose personalities were restful and relaxed with others who were far more spontaneous, zealous, even hot headed.
And, among this small pioneering senior group of future world wide Organic Leaders were at least 2 self seeking, emotionally immature Boanerge (Mama’s Boys?) Brothers, the Sons of Thunder, James and John.
Yet the Prophet Perceiver Seer Christ viewed each them with the eyes of faith and accepting Love and valued each because of He reflected His Heavenly Father’s heart. And surely being a perceiver seer, Senior Pioneering Major Apostle Jesus, could witness to what was inside the spiritual and human DNA.
Thus it is extremely likely that the witness of the Holy Father helped guide the Son, then attest to picking the Right Choice by some inward witness inside Jesus pure untamed discerning heart.
And due to the need at that particular point in History, the Apostolic Savior chose each future servant leader for picked their yet to be fulfilled Big Potential: their natural integrity, willing teachable spirit, raw faith, and their perceived over all gifting.
Jesus Christ spiritually discerned and witnessed to each one of the Hand Picked Twelve as He divinely noted the high calling of God on each of their lives.
Over time this tiny bunch of not well knowns would be transformed by Holy Spirit super natural apostolic power, mentoring up close and personal by the Christ and each would have the test of time to eventually mature into God’s faithful, talented and spiritually gifted, emotionally stable and giving, mountain moving, faith filled apostolic leader manly men.
Yet, numbered among the Twelve, was one genuine leader counterfeit, the traitor, Betrayer Judas. And surely, with respect to the Savior, each of the twelve leaders, including and especially Judas, were blessed with the free choice to decide WHOM they would ultimately serve.
The Pioneering Heart of the Creator God had supernaturally and specifically directed His Only Begotten Son to the exact be at the right time and location in order to meet every unique man.
And, after just a few (intense) years of instruction and impartation, Christ Jesus mentored, role modeled and hands on instructed, imparted to, and shared life and senior ministry experiences with the First 12.
And when the big religious System handed the Christ over to be crucified, while the supernatural power of God was strong enough to thwart every demonic Plan, the humble Savior willing paid the self less ultimate and painfully died, but then rose again in Victory.
And He left the Organic Pioneering (now) Eleven in charge, evidently feeling comfortable enough with they were ready, trustworthy and prepared to summarily continue to heal, to win the lost, but also to overseer and role model to the many many others a pioneering Legacy of Honor, Deep Integrity, Spiritual Gifts, and accurate Bible apostolic organic teaching, which would defray any legalism, worldly mixture, fables, winds of doctrine or prejudice and bigotry.
Let the modern mature reader truly understand how human, complex and real the daily lives of the first Church Apostles were. Yet eleven of them proceeded to continually make the right choices, and continued to keep Jesus Christ as their First Love.
And with the divine protection of the Lord, fasting, much prayer and the power released in the book of Acts, all in the context of the “awesome holy fear of the Lord,” and once again, God’s great grace, preserved both the spiritual doctrines and the leaders in that dangerous time.
The Messiah Christ,summarily left His Church into the apostolic pioneering work planter 5 fold office hands. And they were human and real, and very similar to each one of us.
In The Mighty Chief Apostle of Eternal Time’s Mysterious Wisdom and Over All Forever Game Plan, Apostle Jesus left the First Church leaders in charge of planting, administration, seeking God, inquiring of the Word of the Lord, and all of the functions of Bible teaching (II Timothy 3:16-17 naming instruction, spiritual reproof, correction).
And as the Organic 11 gradually departed from the earth, they prayerfully entrusted their organic Bible leadership doctrine “into the hands of (many apostolic) faithful humans.” And this practice has continued down to this day.
And while Jesus understood each of our apostolic aspiring, yet very human hearts, He still proceeded to entrust the pioneering 5 fold mantled senior ministry PLUS the untold many billions of potential human born again souls as His unmerited, indeed gracious, act of Faith, Trust and Respect.
ASIDE: To the best of the writer’s knowledge, nowhere in the Gospels is there is any record of any aways overseeing, watching, legalistic dominating, controlling, fearful of being undermined, apostolic in House (to House…) religious legalism rooted from prior Old Testament Levitical Phariseeism.
NEITHER do Scriptures stated that all lay persons were required to ONLY fellowship in ONE SINGLE Local Church. Rather, the Bible mentions, “do not neglect to fellowship with the saints” nowhere, to the writer’s knowledge, does it limit them to only ONE.
And there appears to be no Bible teaching regarding “church hoppers” in what was back then, the Holy Spirit directed, excited, fully First Love, House to House full of enthusiasm early Church.
And there apparently are NO records of any of the 11 Apostolic Pioneers keeping watch over all 5 fold offices to keep track of all leaders and lay persons, to keep track of who they are “UNDER.”
AND where is the Bible teaching, re the necessity of having a Spiritual covering, spiritual Father or being UNDER a ministry organization. Yet ,the far from perfect writer yields to correction from all Bible Scripture: organicleader@yahoo.com
For the Indignant: IFFM trains leaders to seek Godly counsel “safety in a multitude of wise counselors” and to practice personal, ministry, accountability, and RESPECT for all those in all forms of true Bible authority, so the VOCABULARY each group,persons uses may or may not imply basically the same thing.
And Godly divine relationships which spiritually father, spiritual mother NON legalistically are warranted and needed. And so is a deep multilevel mature, PRAYER COVERIN
And , for purposes of clarity, the writer will eventually discuss In House Order required for common relationships, teaching respect for all forms of Bible true authority.
(C) 2013 TAVEAU D’ARCY All copyrights reserved under international law.
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