This message is akin to Noah’s, delivered over time by a human who is meticulous and obsessed with ensuring that Christ’s ministers are “fit” to enter His Kingdom on the Last Day. They also desire to bring as many people as possible with them for the sake of Jesus and for the sake of each valuable human.

Hence, I submit a finely tuned, revealed, and experienced message that has been developed over a long-term, slower-than-slow-motion life in the ministry process. It has been saved for just the right moment.

Also this person assesses, evaluates, corrects, reproves accepted THEOLOGY AND FRUIT(as it’s Part of her Calling 2 Timothy 3:16-17 since mid 1980s)   but CHOOSES TO REFUSE TO  ACCUSE.

For the she still ministry abides in Isaiah 1:18 (read for your hard working self, yet via the relationship respect viewpoint)

And that this applies in Modern Day Fancy, Plain Life and Ministry

“God’s love covers a multitude of sins” (old fashioned Jesus)…however, she  will upfront frankly address Real Issues, but not expose, make a monetized media tabloid video NOR Bible thump or revile, openly shame and/or mock, another fellow Christian by NAME, MOVEMENT, MINISTRY.


Above “Religious System Pharisees AVOID REALITY: “JESUS, we liked YOU much better back when YOU were Your Sweet Baby Jesus SELF”  “Pay Him no mind, he’s got BIG BAGGAGE!”


This Child of Issachar, hot warning message is intended as a moment of reflection, a pause for consideration of the fruit emerging from the grassroots of our faith. If you find it unsettling, perhaps it indicates a comfort in your own circles, part of an elite that may unknowingly lay claim to owning the Book of Acts ministry.

Only those leaders, office ministers, or laypersons who find a particular mention “show’ that “fits” ought to wear it”

This solemn word won’t be easy for the infantile, at ease ‘clubby member” plus the non contrite, also  lukewarm and dysfunctional human person to read. Wise Advice: Better avoid the stress  and  so cease reading at this point. Be warned

Up Above picture: Jesus was not angry, offended, wounded or hurt when at the direction of the His Father He strode into  local Pharisee temple and tossed their mammon centric, well oiled making money big System Tables.(Matthew 21:12-13)

Following that some horrified, devout and donating, goodly member rushed over to rebuke   Christ  and said’ Jesus, what will Your Mother Mary Say’ “let not your good be evil spoken of!” Also, You are unsubmitted and in rebellion the office  priests, and YOU are just envious junior Wannabe, who needs attention” “I think YOU need our 4 week Fix You Fast Class to get rid of all of your “deep Unforgiveness and evidently you have a LOT of  Big Baggage”

Sincerely, Sister Taveau

Proverbs 18:10 ESV  “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.”

Micah 7: 5 “Do not put your trust in your neighbor. Do not put your trust in a guide, don’t even put your trust in the one who lies beside you in bed, ONLY put your trust in God” This particular clear Bible Verse Word was GIVEN to this Sent Messenger for the TV Effected Christian Ministry 1980s’ word  shortly after Both Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggert Media Scandals 

And confirmed Psalm 118:8-9

Psalm 118: 8 “Do not put your confidence in man, only put your confidence in God
Psalm 118:9 “Do not put your confidence in princes, only put your confidence in God”


READ: “Would Jesus ‘word curse,’ ‘typecast?’ Objectify? ‘Use? Defile? Demean? Take advantage, to block each leader female, let the men rise up? To regard as ‘beneath Him’… not as valid as a WELP Man? Did Jesus name-call any person? ‘Cast the first stone’ at any individual or views them as a ‘class’ ‘type’ OR leader men, unsaved, the women as an OBJECT… or WORSE (like today).

This is a very candid “personal repeated show time eyewitness ” brutally candid “piece’ snapshot” of what I was sent to discover, firsthand Luke prophetic office TV media affected, wanting to be known, lifestyles of many a need to be recognized, ‘rich and elite famous’ since the 1980s Christian television, expansion into the media age, with its growth into achievement ‘winning,’ ‘elevated office’ celebrity, showbiz, and its perversion.”



In today’s late End Times days, in the ministry overall body, there is a need to understand Messiah Christ, “who went about doing good (compassionately interacting, office relating), healing all those who were oppressed by the devil” (Acts 10:38). The ministry of Jesus healed through healing and delivering prayer, using faith with a respectful, compassionate, very low-key, servant humble demeanor.

It’s important to note that the true office of Christ did not oppress or dominate or “Bible (Torah) thump,” but ministered His Creator Father’s goodness to everyone. Jesus delivered, cured, freed, and showed authentic EORR “Real Respect” for the office of every created human, who is well-loved and made in His Father’s image. Whether they were males, females, Romans, slaves, believers, non-believers, big sinners, or slave owners, Christ and His first Apostles did not view them as pieces of Christian property or as types and statuses of human persons, some better or less than others.

Jesus was not a mean, veiled Torah Levitical Law chauvinist,(maybe LP Saul  had been before he saved and became soul winning Paul) biased toxic stereotyping leader, or accuser. He admired, truly respected, and loved His Mother and all the leader saved and fallen human persons, many of whom were women. Jesus had personal self-governing and self-control; therefore, as a male leader, He had relationships with the leader women mentioned when He was alive around the area. Why? Because Jesus was pure and suffered no lust temptations, nor did He fantasize, accuse, demean, look down on, or unholyly defile. Jesus was primarily focused on saving, healing, and comforting human weak and strong, unique, many “one of a kind” various individuals. He was mature, healthy, God, but also a human man (John 11:35); even “Jesus wept.” The Messiah Jesus regarded each and every single person (child, man, woman) as fearfully and wonderfully made, marveling at who was in need of His GOOD NEWS message. Why? Because life is short, and eternity is never-ending long.

In Christian servant leader first church terms, making the Lord and His gifts exclusive is errant, marginalizing, withholding, unfaithful, ministry proud, and sly.

It also shows that the office minister or leader cares only for themselves, not the authentic, designed pure call of the office. Assessed by the “fruit” of this behavior, it shows  self-serving and  not fully ” sold out” for the cause of the Risen Christ.Reason:  Representing Jesus means  humility, authentic Other Centered respect and caring, and loving others “before your self” …in real life..but while keeping one eye on Heaven and  Eternity.


 “but the greatest of these is________”**I Corinthians 13:13 Office Apostle Paul,shares a Major Christian Perspective, a training Value

**Finding Much Fruit: “A  point of view in many modern day gifted, talented and Called Sr and Wannabe The Next World Wide “known’ somewhat ‘high” leader offices.



“Discussing the Ambitious Demas Fruit of a Lesser god

O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?” Peaceful Ephesians 4, 5:21 ‘mutually submitted'” entire community, freedom in Christ servant leader, senior off-scouring(apostle dung) St Paul (KJV)

(C)2024 Dr Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

1 Samuel 2:3 (ESV): “Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.”

“He is our peace, who has broken down every wall of partition, to make us both one”

St Paul Ephesians 2:14-15

Me and EORR Cross Body Unity

….”Word Curse Theology”... (my coined teaching vocabulary) note that I will not accuse human persons, for they and each one of us are as frail as dust. I have no bone to pick with any valuable gifted persons.. as some known “do.” Yet  we seer prophets often inner “know, realize, perceive” when and who is accusing, but we do not. Yet when one has never once been invited to chat, to understand, to know the theology under which one operates, and who is a stranger, yet a calm, James 3:17 fruit modeling, at all time…Yet when one,  has has never once spoken directly with, interacted with , or made a mature, calm “investigating, confronting (See Galatians 6:1 Matt 18:15) as in Proper Holy Bible protocol professional minister-to-ministry office appointment to “one-to-one, face-to-face, in private, respectfully” address any of the following.

And as I am not of this “ilk,” I refuse to bow down to the Accuser by openly reviling, accusing, or naming weak people’s names. It damages the whole body of Christ and the young, the jaded, and the many observing big and small doubters, non-trusting. So, I will pounce upon critical doctrines, but not the same groups, movements, or ministers who practice and endorse all of this.

Why? We’re looking to increase the holy fear of the Lord in the true diverse (Holy Ghost) “remnant” by just calling out ministry false, injurious, untrue doctrines.

Charismatic Witch Lists: In 2003, I guest ministered in Tampa, FL. But prior to that, I’d already interacted “experienced” with many fine-tuned, well-edited, legally polished at work in my then-home state. For these, “that” appeared in ministry region as imports of a “charismatic Christian culture” upfront in the Deep South, which is based in Florida.

After the conference, the pastor shared, “That group keeps a witch list in its national headquarters.”

ABOVE: Big example  of Modern WORD CURSE THEOLOGY: “FALSE -TRUE AUTHORITY (contains mixture, Ishmael as opposed to the Issac “means laughter”…Ought to be assessed as “part true Bible, mixed in the many devils, hard to understand, FALSE …Not hero resembling (fully)  Jesus “freedon from the OT Law” Leadership authority role, but mixture of emotional dishonesty, hypocrisy, evil eye, undermining, praying against, keep tabs, monitoring, use of white witchcraft to “control” to spy on (deep mind occult scanning) much mirthless intrigue, hiding, avoiding “relationship” leader drama, much legalistic bias against “far away persons who appear to be ministry unfavorable, mistrusted past stereotypes” Upper and Lower Caste systems. It’s respecter of persons common all across USA in “clubby control” elite ministry 


Keeping of mega, micro, many area, local national “known witch lists” is probably the most disturbing occult, doctrine, lying, false witness to countless, perhaps “hundreds of many thousands” as this fine arts, worship, moving in the fine-tuned Holy Spirit of prophecy is “off”… based on the fruit which is self-centric, private persons turf owning, and occult… and “a cult”…

This is supreme arrogance, deception, anti the true nature, character ministry of Christ and the anti of Hebrews 10:25 “trustworthy…acceptable.” Also “pure Christian,” “honest,” “Hebrews 10:25 “family fellow,” all equal “pure Holy Spirit fellowship.”

“Witch watching” (also my vocabulary training term)… at its worst. It’s purely 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Pauline commanded, strongly advised “from such turn away” fodder.

Here is WHY I call this out as evil: the fruit and hurting many good, true persons and making Christ’s name look demonic and “us against many” occult, sin-conscious, prying demonic. It also taints the Christian invitation “come to church” (as I stated “Come to Safe Respecting, Calm, Arming Accepting Ministry “Jesus House’… but it turns out to Mammon Centric (top priority: Self-Preserving) so it’s it “many rigid requirements’ “hidden controlling many false practices, albeit “polite, beautiful, popular and famous’ yet hiding witchcraft “bait and switch” ministry, leader, or lay practices’


By this, I mean “false, unfair, beguiling, playing around with God’s cause…the Christian misleading advertising. For then the ‘non-preferred’ type, or negative stereotype, or ‘wrong’ race, size, age, gender, hair, body weight, arrives to seek the Holy God, by top staff, leaders, lay, they are turf-guarding, knee-jerk ‘profiled’ as not our pet stereotype, and I fit that ‘ministry-disqualifying type’ for the sake of the Lord on behalf of these ‘non-preferred types and for the sake of the end-time harvest and the holy, honorable, loving name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

For this evil eye, accusing, demonic ‘witch watching’ is petty, sly, toxic, selfish, not about Christ, but about them tricky selves.”

Furthermore, I call this ongoing cronyism (which has a spirit of cult control, elite,exclusive) , the gentrified many patriarchal pandering, a wide, mostly deep south, entrenched, well guarded, often demonic and accusing, dark and biased sly elite culture. Also it’s mega High Falootin’ Super Stars gone Commercial (many errant psychic) “branded Christian” which in Real Life Relationship.. True Terms is “occult abusive, false advertising’ akin to using the name of the Lord in vain, like real estate “bait and switch”).

Groups like this want to be valued,  known for the gifting talents, precision, skill, and fine worship, the wonder-working power… which is also ‘a form of works, achievement, growing popularity” which can resemble Lucifer, the first worship leader in heaven. Who self-reflected on HIS OWN FINE QUALITIES and started the first “demonic accusation, division and power struggle” which got him leveled but put this carnal also occult, demonic (also powerful) continuing struggle almost everywhere on earth today (sin of LPV (my leader training vocab..see beneath) which is the “basic human race, fallen carnal “natural’ human nature: apart from Christ)

LUST PRIDE VANITY ..Basic Human Condition

TD has written on LPV for many years and will try to edit it to bring it back for education.

LPV = “lust, pride, vanity” (human nature). Yet this got the shiny, gifted Lucifer knocked off his fine arts perch, down to the earth, where he became leveled into a slippery, cagey, artful, lying but most of all “accusing” and lying, “undermining” mean serpent… similar to the fruit of the Job 41 Leviathan and also the crying “Poor Me” ego Python, mega-ambitious, self-centric, always self-seeking, accusing…

So each of us, “all too human,” must heed that!


NOTICE I am looking to “deliver” to “reprove, admonish, correct” but also WARN and SENIOR AUTHORITY “ADVISE” these human people… but not as a known fellow famous celebrity or their senior elevated peer, but as an obscure, however, widely experienced, senior office, yet now, one who is sent out NOW as a “non-celebrity” from the deep grassroots… also as God is prone to do, another ‘nameless, faceless” however, true oracle prophet, just as in the days of Eli (1 Samuel 1-3) and Amos. I have been studying Christian ministry fellowship and the Book of Acts, moving in the spirit of prophecy since 1976.

I call this  out as biased, mean, divisive, selfish, proud, skilled accusing, hiding, skulking “playtime” country elite doctrine as the cult spirit of mean, non-contrite, anti-Christ, and the King Ahab and demonic Queen Jezebel and false similar doctrine network as “false” Ishmael to the Elijah move of God in Luke 1:17 (First Church).

Old Testament gifted Elijah was a noticeably pure-hearted, pure-motived type of a “relationship” office prophet:

  1. God First Love Servant Leader to Lord, valued that long time True Abiding (spending much prioritize leader time: seeking, praying, contemplating “hanging out” with) Relationship,
  2. Alas, Elijah was ongoing attacked, assaulted by all wise Elite Governing also ‘regal quality”however “Anti” the Most High God…(impure, professional) witchy despotic Relationships (below)
  3. Also, pastors, leaders, offices, leaders, lay, spouses, youth, many others…not being James 3:17 Relationship Respectful” “easily entreated”(shows “respect for the other person as a fellow God made Human)… is when the going gets exceedingly ‘rough” …as I Samuel 15:23 reveals…”rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubborness is as the sin of iniquity and idolatry” (USA Christian and ministry dehumanizing, non servant leader person ‘objectifying” meaning:  toying values)

ABOVE ties in..Loveless above; “turf,” “system,” “crony,” “elite,” “ministry club” equals money, as well as abiding in the “world system,” “formula” viewpoint, for it’s not fully God-reliant, prone to Christian people-pleasing, mostly into sustaining its numbers at the cost of respect for all. Also, entertainment, big boss top governing, plus increasing use of fantasy, playtime, shallow, cross-less message. Might use charming persona and false teaching to ‘woo’ (mostly viewed as not meaning to but immature, weak, poorly mentored), plus the celebrity type of ministry move they are ‘with’ or ‘hero worship.’ Not all are evil people, just humans who lack depth and message, “carry the cross,” “study to show yourself approved” (less people-pleasing, making, pressuring by many methods to perform, to attend, to donate, also to raise up one famous head with its devout also controlling occult and cult followers, blind also to false authority, white witchcraft). Seems 2 Timothy 3:1-5, money 2 Timothy 6:5, and it’s a giant ambition wide real issue.

Top issues: “Mammon,” key to all of this… big boss, occult, tale-bearing, dysfunction, rivalry, and toxic accusing, big demonizing, forever calling other persons false (note: while using the OT law, which is false!). Ties in with the use of false authority, many slick, accepted operating methods to win control.

As it’s embedded in the last 35 or more televised, well packaged and big STYLIN’ many it’s common, expected “The Trend” however, many are pure hearted, just lost. Again, not ALL, Not all, but over many.**

**Again National Isaiahs 1:18  (same with this person, same with YOU)


JESUS CHRIST BEATITUDES…”Blessed are the pure in heart, they shall see God ” (about all of this) “Claim this verse and let Him really speak.

Plus don’t ever be moved by “what I say here” or “humans’ even your own self…WHY? Because it is THAT TOUGHT to truly know but also GOD DOES DO UNIGUE SPECIFIC TARGETING (PLEASANT)types of ‘ministry things”



ELIJAH in First Church, Office New Testament “the long awaited, much prophesied “THE DAYS OF ELIJAH”

So we note apostle Luke 1:17 ESV “And he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.”

Note, I call attention to the Luke 1:17 noticeable days of Elijah “definition” which mentions several key “relationships”… not just supernatural signs and wonders and miracle and ‘revival’ (more).

When I study the Prophet Elijah in the Old Testament, I realize that he was a Hebrew, one of the Israelites, a true prophet, yet a peculiar mighty individual who was often marked, severely targeted, and violently opposed by his fellow “chosen” Israelites.

WHY? Because there is a big contrast with ‘true people’ who purely know their God, who do what He wants, and ones who do not truly deeply do that. It affects their “perception and discernment” as well as their “value’ of their fellows “humans’ in the Human Race (note this pertains to the accusing law, spying of witches prophet obsession, leader, lay ‘typecasting also ministry use of dismissive blanket “dehumanizing” “objectifying” “devaluing” “labeling” ministry, personal stereotypes. FYI this is what is happening “now’ in elite modern ‘transhumanism” also “many blind who use a caste system, extreme genocide, racism, classicism, cliquish anti-female “Christian Misogyny and too much more to list here.

Thus, I name Elijah as part of the remnant, in that time period.

I repeat the random Bible “remnant verses” from the Part 1 of this unique series


Here are some Bible verses that mention the remnant, in both the King James Version (KJV) and the English Standard Version (ESV)

These verses speak of the remnant as a small, faithful group of people who remain true to God amidst larger, unfaithful populations.

  1. Isaiah 10:20-21 (KJV): “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God.”
  2. Isaiah 10:20-21 (ESV): “In that day the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no more lean on him who struck them, but will lean on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God.”
  3. Romans 11:5 (KJV): “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.”
  4. Romans 11:5 (ESV): “So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace.”
  5. Micah 5:7-8 (KJV): “And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men. And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: who, if he go through, both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.”
  6. Micah 5:7-8 (ESV): “Then the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples like dew from the Lord, like showers on the grass, which delay not for a man nor wait for the children of man. And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest, like a young lion among the flocks of sheep, which, when it goes through, treads down and tears in pieces, and there is none to deliver.”


ASIDE: Selah Not Autocratic Dogma: A Levitical Lesson: The Ahab and Jezebel story strongly resembles the Genesis Garden story of Adam and Eve and the Fall… I liken Ahab to the first human (man) Adam… and his (Adam’s) making the choice to pick the fruit out of Eve’s hand, ingest it, then hide and accuse his spouse, Eve. Same will participation, yet the “woman” gets blamed by all (patriarchal Levitical Law, seeming (only) biased authoritarian, Backwoods Country legalism, purely autocratic(white) males.

Besieged, elect Elijah was accused, vilified, targeted, and mercilessly attacked, violently persecuted by the blind occult, false religion human persons in his own nation… who were the God-granted “governing authorities.” Yet they were dull, jaded, blind, and used to getting their own way. Also, they settled in control, all power, and in comfortable perks and position. Thus, the installed regal powers that be did not want God’s national move (which Elijah fully did).

One reason: they did not truly “know God” (just “about’ Him) yet  they had been trained government also in the Scriptures, and surely realized, were aware of the big ins and outs of the Hebrew Law (…for the weak Ahab was a king descended from a royal King, Omri* (**who was the worst idolatrous Baal worshipper  all of the nation of Israel kings…that means… until his cowardly sly son, King Ahab took over. Then King Ahab was worse).

Side note: Both Omri and Ahab had been raised around the Torah Law. The Pentateuch, the Ten Commandments, and Leviticus. Each was raised, schooled, formerly educated, and each was aware that God’s Holy Law forbade idolatry, the worship of false gods, Baal, occult, and more… Yet each of these high officials, God’s own people, chose to follow the ‘wrong path and evidently pursued the false, counterfeit type of “supernatural power source.”

Note many accusers of leader (non-LP) women: even though Israeli king Ahab knew the rules, not to marry outside his own Hebrew Faith, he did so anyhow. He willfully chose to marry the demonic daughter of the NOT a Hebrew, Jewish nation, each of whom was “under the Torah law’ which was pleasing to the Father God. Because weak needy Ahab chose to follow “Baal” rather than the Lord, and since he went over to ask King Ethbaal for his devilish daughter’s hand (when he was not supposed and did not have, but willfully chose to), we now realize by asking for a non-Hebrew, false idol-raised, no knowledge of the Holy Lord, His Law, the mainly Jewish faith safe practices, that AHAB CHOSE a demonic female who would not be used to the Torah Law AND would not respect it OR  the Living Holy Good God.

And, senior elders, religious mighty men. Well off King Ahab officially dishonored, disrespected God and His Scriptures, by willfully CHOOSING to wed the false religious Practitioner, Jezebel, at one point Ahab could have repented, turned toward God, and nullified or divorced his satanic vixen wife… “sent Queen J packing.”




Asking: What can cause elders, leaders, laypeople, and individuals in society, even you or me (God forbid!), to become dull, blind, hardened, immune, relaxed, jaded, angry, bored, and indifferent, and open to what is false, compromised, politically correct, and mistaken for the operation of God’s wholly Holy Spirit, into false religious whining “precision occult”?

The national prophet Isaiah (chapters 1-10 for the whole warning to the governing elders of God’s own people full story!) called out the leaders of God’s own people (not the leaders of the foreign religions) but his own Torah law governed many Israelite people for being “woe” (Isaiah 5:20 “Woe, you call good evil and evil good”), which might be the condition of many nations and many types of human people today. (To see what triggered God to note this, see Chapters 1-3, then up to 10:27, the Assyrians).

But in saying about this,  I minister this to “ONLY” saved, born again Christians..

We note the Bible... cause of most blindness mentioned in  Psalm 115:4-8 KJV: (a mute lesson for each and every big and small one of us)

“Their idols are silver and gold,
the work of men’s hands.

They have mouths, but they speak not:
eyes have they, but they see not:

They have ears, but they hear not:
noses have they, but they smell not:

They have hands, but they handle not:
feet have they, but they walk not:

neither speak they through their throat.
They that make them are like unto them;

so is every one that trusteth in them.



“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom “Proverbs 9-10

Compare, “the absence, minus of a “holy fear of the Lord” is the beginning of _______ (USA now!)

Add to personal self judging using PSALM 115:4-8  “the missing “holy fear of the Lord” in mainly “acquiring “main ministry

See the relationship with earning, making, acquiring,even loosing,  “money (silver and gold) a major” how to obtain the “fear of the Lord” Proverbs 2:1-5

“My son, (IF) thou wilt receive my words,

and (IF) hide my commandments with thee;
So that (IF) thou incline thine ear unto wisdom,

and (IF) apply thine heart to understanding;
Yea, (IF) if thou criest after knowledge,

and (IF) liftest up thy voice for understanding;
(IF) thou seekest her as silver,and (IF) searchest for her as for hid treasures;

THEN… shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord,
and find the knowledge of God.


THIS IS “REAL” REVIVAL (relationships)

However, right now, in this USA country, it’s the supernatural, turf owning prophetic elite power struggle, between “making it Really BIG” and  Non PC more diverse Ephesians 4 and “transformed” pure  Community ..READ Chapter 4…”which effects society”

Regard “relationship” beneath:

Luke 1:17 “And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

Real Restorative Revival Includes a  solemn, holy also National Isaiah 1:18

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

This ”family feel, negotiating, wonder-working or NOT..a NON accusing, No Leader Bible Bashing, Slamming, Mean Vilifying, “one to one up front, in private and respectful, emotionally honest (also healthy) “Relationship confront (see Galatians 6:1 Matt 18:15-16, Rev 2:9 (mean Jezebel man, woman or controlling doctrine)

A Big Reminder: Elijah warring against the giant network of false, untrue, accusing occult false prophets. Just like now.

Reminder, once more, the True Prophet Elijah ONLY only wanted God’s national giant Holy Ghost move…, where these “others” albeit ” fine, fancy, acclaimed, surely gifted, widely known, and accept, valued and respected for their top quality actually were the STRONG HOLD which were blocking, ‘keeping captive” God’s diverse, every day human person MOVE..

And by the “fruit” you will recognize the TRUE Godly pure motives  remaining “authentic remnant” vs the faking it because they want to ‘make’ it indifferent, self justify accusing vain network.

A Bottom Line:

Nobody wants to be fooled or hurt, but these modern “prophets” and pastors in this kind of movement have gone off the spiritual wall. I can teach them the difference (2 Kings 6:12, which it strongly seems that they fully are Elijah’s equal).

I have studied, also am a by product, come from a senior pastors family who had that similar gift (grandmother on mother’s side, pastor/prophet wise woman late aunt), yet nobody did it like this. It is gentle, caring, loving, and bore authentic James 3:17 “wisdom that is from above” pure fruit (pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy, and good fruit, without partiality, and without hypocrisy).

I have more to say, but later.

WIRED LIKE CHRIST… OR SATANIC (the occult mind divining,  really deep invasive, intrusive, aggressive, also relentless “works”  psychic “anti I John 1:7 Ephesians 4, 5:21, peaceful James 3:17) wholesome Christ centric Relationship …my own life real nemesis(and the Alexander Coppersmith of this new Cross Body Unity New Move.. ….the “no love” psychic leader “inquiring minds that deserve to know” the LP witch watcher, deep south “psychic’ seeming…  deep scanners.)

THIS IS “NOT”  being even one bit mad or offended, however, justified to be fully fed up with “cult warfare.” (Said by this penman as a fellow seer prophet, self-defensive from so many who are prophetic false religion diehards currently wired in the USA, accusing mega, mini, and many elite multitudes).


Deep scanning is needed if, when it is given to a pure-hearted, true doctrine empathetic pure authority as it is by grace (like a word of knowledge, word of wisdom not achieved by skill or power or conjuring up, peering into someone, boring into their mind, and/or “listening to, believing an evil report” (which this move is rife with, cannot thrive thrive abusing God’s Word and His Bible Book of Acts Holy Spirit nor “HIS” (as it is HIS) .. MINISTRY ASSIGNED OFFICE).

Reading another’s (presumptive far away “appearing” dark thirst is this apostolic tribe (and as a non-aggressive style patient, approachable, sincere person), I marvel at the hardened totalitarianism in the deep delving “targeting demonic” white witchcraft troubling mega USA, global move. There are achievers working very hard to conjure, bore into (avoid relationship, real speaking, getting to know, interact, even bible confront at all costs), they prefer to far off “mind divine.”

And after 50 years of this non-biased study, which has produced to train Book of Acts, word of faith, senior pioneering solemn ministry but defragging occult, accusation, demonic bias, and much of the vain, false witness. And no more superstars or Vega celebrity ministry. Just Jesus is the only superstar.

Point: If it is one type of thing for Christian ministry doctrine, the “office” elders, staff, and many devout mimicking fervently obsessed many true followers to appear fully obsessed to seeing demons on fellow Christians, ministers, visitors, leaders, lay (this goes in Florida and NC, SC, DFW, VA, and South African colonial WASP with BIBLE Holy Spirit “aka” we are the only true prophetic).

Second point: It is one thing to be targeted and inner read people and then hurry over to warn the staff, elders, top leader that they just read the visitor is “another ‘unsubmitted’ demonic witch, hussy, Queen Jezebel, usurper, and more. Warlock, etc., which is accusing false witness, lying, and superior proud (sin).

But it’s even worse to tell the high elder the innocent, naive true visitor, person accused as a witch, evil, Jezebel, immoral based on a novice, might be unproven, woman hater, fearful, and dysfunctional. It’s one thing to call another person one of those, but it’s even worse, unsafe, and ministry atrocious, unfair, and perverse to have the top leaders 1) allow and endorse this hateful practice 2) and submit to believing the lies, tales declared to them by seen as novices, inexperienced, and not senior offices, but junior wannabes.

Last, even worse than that: the top elder who believes the evil report, the fantasy, the gossip, rumors, and false accusations that are not verified, confirmed, proven are guilty more than the juvenile novice defiling psychic occult anti-Christ moral character divining mind readers.

Last point on this to make it even worse, a tragedy, and supernatural undermining, elite (proud) betrayal of this hiding, mirthless waging war many upon the naive new visitor area repeat attender. It is that they take the innocent person’s name and believe what the novice tells them and add it to a witch list which is then circulated (mainly by white boys club, cronyism grand patriarchy, which they keep in their office, area-wide, local, and as proven in Tampa, national, perhaps global).


One. You want to be well warned that this extreme, elite practice exists.

Two. You do not want to be wounded,  harmed by it, controlled by being “under” it for its clever invisibility and witchcraft power to control to comfort (a form of mesmerizing) soaks the person in this supreme WASPISH culture (occult not 1000% pure Holy Spirit).

Three. You, as a leader, follower, must not teach this, allow it, practice, condone it as it is OFF but finely so. I can give help in “how/when it crosses the skilled deep line” BUT ONLY if YOU are kind, respectful, and “relate” …not divine me (as I will KNOW IT).


Read... Old Testament (Google “divining” false prophets, witchcraft, idolatry, false gods, soothsayers, and similar). God’s punishment for…

Read… New Testament; Jesus, First Church, Paul: see if this witch watching and divining (like psychic) (Seer scanning without speaking to get to know or confirm WAS a CHRISTIAN Practice (Jesus, First Church, Paul, especially Book of Acts).

Read VIA THE EYES OF “EACH AND EVERY RELATIONSHIP” even Jesus Christ in the Gospels Matt Mark Luke John to see if HE DID THIS and COMMISSIONED It. But more importantly, how JESUS “acted” and “reacted” in very mentioned Bible “relationship”. And that will disprove MANY ministry false teachings, customs, and accepted traditions!

READ via “relationship emphasis” Luke 1:17 Days of Elijah. Isaiah 1:18 “forgiveness” Ephesians 1:6, 2:14-15, 4:1-2, 32 and Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus’s own words to the temple Pharisees.

READ: Isaiah 11:2-3 “The Christ long prophesied V 2 His imbued Acts Holy Ghost wonderworking supreme power (7 spirits of God) Isaiah 11:2-3 (ESV).

Verse 2 “And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

Verse 3 “And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear,”.

Verse 3 “Jesus’s relationship with the Father, himself “the holy fear of the Lord” and even with all of his High Call, big power, and anointing (seen as BIG GIFTS) Jesus Christ was humble, unremarkable, not attractive, and definitely NOT an accuser, psychic gossip” (He would not believe an evil report or let people accuse and fill His Savior’s Holy ears and Soul with GOSSIP).


Arrogant Christian Senior Leaders…are have for long in the past and now… are Making Big Many Plenty Wild, Public, Private Accusations without ANY Bible protocol, (Matthew 18:15-16, meek Galatians 6:1, Rev 2:9 ‘the Jezebel’) means YELLING, HOPPING ON THEIR MINISTRY OFFICE CASE minus any RELATIONSHIP PRESERVING RESPECT or ATTEMPT to ISAIAH 1:18 (“negotiate” to preserve “God-pleasing” UNITY IN THE BOND OF PEACE).

Shaming, accusing, mocking, labeling, vilifying, and MORE all of this out in public, again with NO “human relationship honor and respect” seen as Objectifying, murderous reputation accusing, even slander when they refuse to SUBMIT to fellow human person, peer ministry Christian “relating” in the following terms: By pleasantly one-to-one confronting… this is for verifying. Also, all attempts to confront, work differences out should NOT BE DONE for open public display. God’s love covers a multitude of sins, not livestreams them OR uses them to profit (demonic attention-grabbing monetized media).

This is what comes to my mind, OFTEN in light of the most recent famous TV Preacher now scandal. The numerous ‘for profit’ “expose” ‘gossip” lambaste’ perverse lambasting evil.

I will not discuss the Bible verses that tie in, but shall briefly define, but allow to Google Search and study.

A FOR RESEARCH YET HEADS UP  (To train your masses)

CALLING FAMOUS, LOCAL PERSONS out in the Christian, can be or may NOT Be (as each day and each case is different), yet, these COULD be any one more of the following:

  1. The little known penalty for ‘failing to discern the Body of Christ correctly.
  2. Being a Judas for selling out the bro or sis leader for monetized video, guest speaking (money).
  3. “Uncovering Noah’s sins,” the junior, lay, novice, child, elder, more proven ‘Noah’s sins’ (Ham got a life-altering curse).
  4. “Raca” is word cursing, claiming another is “a witch” (placing on Known Witch Lists?), a harlot, a fool, a Jezebel, undermining persons for “not being submitted” whom you have never even spoken to and who are NOT IN YOUR OWN GOVERNING Nouveau wannabe /non-servant move…( or worse). My Bible teaches “holy fear of the Lord, stop word cursing (bragging?).
  5. Similar to (in principle) “risking Hell’s flames.”
  6. Pauline “an ability to truly TRUST the fellowship, elders, the Body 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
  7. To Search: Bible respect for Elders, accusing, bringing a charge before an elder proven, experienced, lifelong Body Elder.
  8. Targeting Fellow book of Acts /Holy Spirit preachers, on TV or not. Showing ‘film clips of them in laying of hands, healing, praying in tongues, casting out devils, people falling out under the Power… THIS IS POSSIBLY UNSAFE as persons now are NOT TRAINED about this “many youth, all ages MUST KNOW about this
Just food for ministry, lay thought



1 Samuel 2:3 (ESV):
“Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.”

PEACE.  THIS CONCLUDES The Search for the Diverse  Christian Ministry Remnant Word

Got any questions? rebuttals? Chief experiences? to confirm any or much of this? Write in please:

Note: This and many more Christian office ministers… main mega, micro point ties in with new article Part 1 “Searching for the Remnant in Diverse Christian Ministry.”

YET… “If no shoe fits, then please do not put one on!”

Also, please let this be made well known:

that.. no matter how much this person raves and rants about all this  I still respect and value these “called out” few humans who do this….. in light of  the Harvest, and national revival, and God’s Sacred Holy Bible Word..

THIS IS ONGOING a James 3:17 fruit abiding, TO ALL ,in concerned, yet “Relationship Respect”  Views of National Isaiah 1:18

“Come let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet He will wash them white as snow..”

TO SUPPORT Lift up in prayer when God reminds you.


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