Part 3 Reasons for Studying Apostles Spiritual Authority Covering Doctrines
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
APRIL 2, 2013
- Starting in 1976, who was recently graduated from college, and during a Sunday morning service, the Lord commissioned Taveau D’Arcy to follow Him 24/7/365 and to study the many different ministry, denominations, of Bible believing /born again, Christian subgroups, their doctrines, vocabulary and their worship /leader focus and styles.
- Following this, the Lord then informed her that one day He would get her to use this to help to build bridges of understanding between many various subgroups in His true Bride.
Reader Please Duly Note:
”Faithful are wounds of a friend.”
“Irons sharpens iron.”
II Timothy 3:16-16 Bible is inspired, good for doctrine, instruction and REPROOF and CORRECTION but for Great Real Reasons: V. 17 so that the person of God will be THROUGHLY FURNISHED
1. PLEASE NON ACCUSATIVELY JUDGE: Thus the writer has been eyewitness
- to the many Body changes in chief apostolic doctrines,
- some winds of doctrines,
- some of the great moves of God’s Holy Spirit
including worship, spirit of prophecy, apostolic Bible faith, repentance and apostolic prayer, television and all types of media,and more
- Also including overly MANY passing money making fads and fancies, and also the shift to conformity, arch hierarchy, including the resurfacing of Bible named ancient false apostolic leader doctrines.
Dr. D’Arcy now names three main hindrances within other wise good, if not GREAT, charismatic doctrine.
She names many of these as some NEW “traditions of man which make the Word of God null and void.” Among the main ones:
1. Levitical Patriarchism (defined as Old Testament Religious, enables accuser in house Pharisee Overseer Legalism in New Testament/after Jesus arrived inherent FREEDOM) Ritual roots, racism, gender bias, deep misogyny, chauvinism, one size fits all accusative legalistic spiritual authority deeply intrenched, seem to be passed down, non conditionally accepting ( as in Ephesians 1:6) doctrines
2. Doctrines of the Nicolaitans (nike means to control, laos, the people) the doctrine of the Nicolaitans first removed the leadership from the laity, making exalted, party pulpits, and later is what removed the Bible from the hands of the common persons, thus bringing on the Dark Ages.
This false human leader doctrine eventually formed great hierarchy, business bureaucracy, authoritarian legalistic man pleasing, over honoring ministry judicial /legalistic caste systems, and today manifest’s itself in Celebrity Christianity,both in elevated 5 fold office and worship.
3.“Then Peter opened his mouth and said, Of a truth, I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.” Acts 10:34
4. THIS also ties in with the I Samuel 1: 9 Compassion Fatigued ,Non Perceptive Eli High Priesthood, which is vastly akin to the Revelation 2:1-7 Church of Ephesus who has lost their FIRST ABIDING REAL LOVE.”
Deep respecter of persons ( perceived as a by product of the first two) “Respect for a leader favored FEW is actually a DISRESPECT /projection of REJECTION to all of the nonfavored /stereotyped ministry, lay others. IN MINISTRY HOUSE respecter of some persons trades on stereotypes of genders,race, outward dress, performance, ministry size, ministry/senior leader outward appearance, etc.
For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.
For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
The writer submits that at some period in these Last End Days, that the Holy Spirit will bring forth a time that is similar to the very early First Church apostolic days and the days of Ananias and Sapphira. Holy holy terror of the Lord fell upon the church after the married couple tried to trick the chief apostles but were struck dead in church by the Holy Lord.
The study of pioneeringg local leader, grass roots ministry doctrines should serve no purpose other than to make Jesus House more safe, accepting and non legalistic. In order for this to happen, the leader at the top (‘the anointing flows from the head” life principle) must remain in First Real Love Lamp Stand, back and forth, dialogue relationship, while balanced by mature, Holy Spirit led, Book of Ephesians across mature 5 fold office body, “mutually respectful, mutually submitted in the fear of the Lord (Eph 5:21) acutely DISCERNING yet NOT “condescending, critical or accusative ministry judging” from here on out Christ Following Community Pure Relationship.
And the writer forms each of her leader comments based on Apostle Paul’s Book of Ephesians cross racial, cross denomination, cross pet religious practices, “mutually ongoing respectfully submitting” (Eph 5:21) but Ephesians 4 “walking in meekness and lowliness, in commonly agreed upon leader doctrine.”
READER Please read Ephesians 2-5:21
Each DR. TAVEAU D’ARCY LEADER MINISTRIES BLOG is submitted to each reader as a humbly submitted, thought provoking SELAH. And is to be personally studied in Noble Berean ministry fashion. She submits each according apostolic message in James 3:17 embodied form, asking that each person discern the Word of the Lord to them personally, while choosing to pick out what is HAY and spit out what is STUBBLE.
The writer wants NO bishop, senior pastor, senior pioneering 5 fold mature office to ever COMPROMISE.
However, Paul commands that each one of us must remove superiority, ministry pride, arrogance and walk FIRST and PRIMARILY “submitted and wholly yielded to the Most High Almighty God and then in Bible due order between ministries, in local ministry fellowships, in local Churches and in God fearing mutually respectful, each mutually submitted …all in the FEAR OF THE LORD , Ephesians 5:21 leader order.
This is NOT about males or females, Greek or Jew, Bond or Free, racism, genderism or ageism, but a REAL RESPECT for all types, kinds, styles, races and socio economic status of ALL of God’s Human Real Persons.
Signed, the extremely imperfect writer,
Taveau D’Arcy’
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(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law
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