(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
This was first published FEB 27, 2013
“He is our peace, who has broken down the middle wall of partition, and made us both one.” Ephesians 2:14
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal.” Apostle Paul I Corinthians 13: 1
The main goal of the LEADER DOCTRINES FOR A NEW DAY and especially Part 7, is to lay out a authority model to assist pioneering 5 fold ministry and lay fulfill their highest potential. Yet, rather than offer a rigid senior authority model, the writer will submit all of this to each reader as a Submitted Selah.
The writer will address realistic, apostolic, human, leader needs to help all leaders.
And with deep regards for Time and Eternity, the writer will attempt to present personal food for thought, which can assist each mature person, in their own quest for their highest calling.
Also, the writer will attempt to help senior leader prevent religious contention and chief apostolic conflicts.
And with leader conflicts, accuser of both brethren and sistren, will no longer be allowed in each pioneering Safe Haven House of God. Then, “you will know them by their (real) Love” will start to exist.
This enduring,leader, accepting, up front, emotionally mature, not naive, God love, will produce the fruit of the Spirit which will lift Jesus up, and hopefully proceed “to draw all men and women to Him.”
In the light of all things eternal mixed with human mortality, the writer will attempt to paint a portrait of human beings called by God, then, when fully reliant upon Him, being given great grace for authority, all government, including self government (spiritual fruit of temperance).
The great purposeof all of this is to try to prevent modern day conflicts, party division, chief apostolic , leader contention. , which will address each our human needs for for the interactions, ongoing relationships between and among, the many styles of God called End Time Church “chief apostles.”
A Primary Bible Fruit will be to eliminate any sense of ministry celebrity, superiority, elitism or God forbid, ministry legalism, bigotry or 5 fold office competition.
It may also serve to help demystify due to the variety of apostolic Bible teachings around the well known world.
FOLLOWING the very lengthy PROLOGUE the writer will then set the contemplative stage for Bible teaching on Church of Ephesians Apostolic Cross Body True Unity
And if the Lord desires, we shall then paint the picture of Relationships in around Christ’s True Body, which will lead to respect for ALL types of persons, including 5 fold office lamp stands, yet be devoid of accuser apostolic legalism, bias, and Old Testament Levitical Patriarchism.
Parts 1-5:
The former murderer Saul, was a religious zealot from the Middle East (Tarsus,Turkey). He was raised a devout Jew, a Pharisee of the Pharisees. Due to his devotion to the God of the Torah, Saul harshly persecuted the Early Church. He incurred an extremely bad reputation around the Church in Judea.
Because there was no photography, TV or internet way back then, most early Christ followers had heard about Saul, but very few actually knew what his face looked like.
But Saul was eventually won to the Lord during a supernatural occurrence. He was radically saved and called into the service by the Lord. His name was then changed to Paul. Paul, a spiritual senior pioneer was another mighty First Church Apostle.
Yet, Apostle Paul arrived on the Jerusalem Ministry Scene later than the Organic First Twelve (See parts 1-6).
And the writer believes we need to study how Paul and the Original Jesus Hand Picked remaining 11, who were now minus the betrayer, Judas, but who had added the newly added Matthias.
Paul in Galatians 1:17-19:
“Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again into Damascus.
Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days. But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord’s brother.”
When Paul traveled up to Jerualem for his first trip as a new spirit filled Christ Follower, he had already been called into pioneering ministry and commissioned directly by the Lord to preach God’s Good News to the Gentiles.
Anyone who was not born a Jew was considered to be a Gentile.
The following are a few of the many various Gentile mixed sub-people groups that existed in that part of the world in Paul’s day: the Greeks, the Samaritans, Romans, Barbarians, slaves, heathens, temple of Diana mega cult (located in Ephesus in Asia Minor), many different idol worshippers, false religions, and many others.
And there were both the SECULAR World System and the RELIGIOUS World System(s) consisting of a mixture of all of the previously mentioned big and small ones.
While Paul had been born a Jew and raised, educated in the Hebrew Levitical Pharisee religion, evidently Paul was a wanderer. He evidently preferred traveling through the Arab nations and the Bible tells us that hewas in Damascus, Syria, at the time of his big conversion.
And, as the preceeding Bible passage tells us: Paul got radically converted, not sitting in a meeting, not by the witness of any human, but from the Lord God Almighty totally and evidently, sovereignly.
In Galatians 1:17, gives evidence that for Holy Spirit unknown reasons, that God might have directed Paul to Damascus, Syria, where he remained their three years.
Many modern day leader doctrines would tell Paul that he is “not submitted to Bible, leader, (charismatic?) spiritual authority”
1. Because Paul was not hanging out with all the other chief apostles. (by today’s modern sr, ministry oversight theology, Apostle Paul might be judged for being a “lone warrior” and presumed NOT to be “in Submission” or “Under Covering.”
2. Because, Paul was converted later than the other Organic Chief Apostles, who then would be regarded as “having seniority” and “OVER ” Apostle Paul, had there been a great emphasis on status, achievement, and overly much respect for ” 5 fold senior office religious legalistic apostolic hierarchy”
Yet, the Bible authority of Galatians 1:17 firmly states that Pioneering Apostle Paul wrote,
“Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again into Damascus.” Gal 1:17
Q. WHO then told Paul to NOT “confer with flesh and blood” (the original chief apostles?)
The writer offers two Bible verses as a distinct possibility: the first one is the same one that God gave to her, way back when He instructed her, very purposely, NOT to go to seminary or Bible college.
1. Perhaps God told Paul something very similar to I John 2:27,
”But the anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and yeneed not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things.”
Reminder: Apostle Paul was hand picked by the Risen Lord, through the supernatural dunamis power of God’s Holy Spirit, then home schooled by Him Personally!
- The writer fully believes that God, who wanted apostle Paul to later pen two thirds of the New Testament, to learn fully from the beginning of his New Life with Christ, how to rely only on God, to really get to know Him, and to then be close enough to Him to get what the Apostle wrote of later inEphesians 1:17,
“the spirit of wisdom and revelation IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM.”
And by Paul’s being practically the only Christ follower around Arabia, at the first, and dwelling far from the comfort of fellowship, apostolic intercession but also from personal agenda, growing legalism or even First Church Leader Ministry Need For Approval (human pleasing, indeed peer pressure)
Perhaps the Lord simply just needed pioneering Paul to learn to rely on and receive directly from Him, as well as to stand on his own spiritual 2 leader feet.
All of these would later come in most handy, when time after time Apostle Paul was in isolated long suffering, deep dungeon, big ministry repeated situations.
AND WHAT IF Senior Minister Paul had gotten in very close, next to, the First Chief Apostles: perhaps the fellowshipping habit and consulting with one another, though not implying that it was wrong, but perhaps, in Paul’s own situation, it might have removed the Apostles Cutting Edge discernment, heightened spiritual perception and free flowing supernatural leader wisdom and revelation.
Again, Creator God understood how often Paul would be hindered and kept in isolation, and deep inside many prisons.
Thus from the beginning, God began to fashion and reveal to, the former Hebrew zealot, as well as repeatedly sifted him in the “fellowship of Christ’s sufferings.”
(Apostle Paul writing to the Philippians chapter 3:10)
Following Apostle Paul’s journey back to Damascus, following his 15 day leadership visit with Peter and James, the Bible states that he remained there for 14 mysterious years.
Q. WHY did Apostle Paul remained apart from the Other Apostles for so long?
One may wonder if Paul’s long 14 year apostolic absence was due to simply the Holy Spirit keeping Him “set apart” for His own Holy Spirit Home School Teaching or if instead, there was some sort of spiritual leader dust up that created a spirit of division between what this writer regards as the Top Two Chief Apostolic Influencers: Apostle Peter (“upon this rock I will build my church Peter” and Apostle Paul (“Writer of 2/3 of the New Testament Pioneering Paul)
While it is true that leader “iron sharpens iron,” just because a gifted human person has their name written in the Bible, it ought not imply that they were 100 percent perfect.
Although Paul got converted later than the Organic First Twelve, when we compare each and every one of them,who were commissioned and almost immediately released to “Go Ye Therefore” after only a few short years of instruction by the Savior, it helps to paint a vastly different picture of what being a “ministry apostle” is truly meant to be.
Whether or not we choose to accept each one listed, most of us today, are amply blessed with many generations of Bible teachings, common practices, sermon and leadership basic styles.
Most of us in modern ministry have had, handed down directly to us: information, mentoring, hero role modeling, plus the Bible, teaching tapes, conferences, pastor’s and ministry organizations, Leader Training Manuals, Books, CD’s, Seminaries and not to omit the limitless internet.
Then we must review the spartan conditions under which the Lord left His Chosen Few to “turn the world upside down.”
And after basically 3 years of Jesus Modeling, Mentoring and Training. Other than the First True Role Model, Jesus Christ, when each one of the original Chief Apostles moved and lived on this earth, there were NO predecessors, NO prior apostolic hero role models, and NO back up in case one of them didn’t make it.
Yet this actually clearly demonstrates the supernatural GRACE and POWER OF GOD: Apostlehad been granted great GRACE with their own personal encounter with the Holy Spirit, as related in the Book of Acts.
But due to the Holy Spirit POWER and the Chief Apostles own courage,along with personal integrity and moral character, true spirit of God’s Power and Supernatural Might, the tiny apostolic organic band was able to thrive and flourish despite the extremely rough natural and dark spiritual environment.
The First Church leaders lived in a time which was ever dangerous, religiously pluralistic, basically warring, sin sick, pre Christian, society, mixed in with a natural, very rugged,Me Centered fits of anger and depraved carnality. Early Apostles senior pioneered in conditions which often brutal and tough.
Perhaps the leader of today, in some parts of the world, can identify with more with the Early Church than some others.
Yet just as God was able to raise up Living Stones to shout the praises of the Name of Jesus in that pre Christian, compassion fatigued fractured society, God’s granted great ongoing grace is available for all who need it in ministry today.
Paul had been known far and wide as Saul, the murderer and persecutor of innocent men, women and children.
And,due to there being no TV, photographs or other media way back then, the face of Saul, now Apostle Paul, was not easily recognized.
Thus Body major fear, but also some chief apostolic fear, made Paul appear to be regarded suspiciously by the Organic Jesus Hand Picked Chief Apostle Majority (minus Matthias).
And even while apostle Paul had been gloriously transformed, and was no longer a murderer, his reputation still continued to confuse many in the Early Judean church, including the Chief Apostles.
Paul’s report in Galatians 1:21-24:
Afterwards I came to the regions of Syria and Cilicia; And was unknown by face unto the churches of Judaea, which were in Christ;
But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preaches the faith which one he destroyed. And they glorified God in me.” Galatians 1:21-24
Yet one wonders, if the ministry leader believing an evil report (gossip, hearsay, talebearing) concerning Paul, which enabled, tolerated the Accuser of the Bretheren, is what happened in the incidents where Paul returns to Damascus for 3 years, but then goes back again for a period of 14 years.
The writer, who has been to Isreal and stayed in Old Jerusalem, remembers how the streets seem to echo with demonic gossip. Surely this is in part what the former murderer, first Saul then Paul, encountered.
Accusation and believer rumors also appear, it seems, whenever there is a New Move Apostolic Move of God, because it reminds the writer how each time the Messiah would heal, and senior minister, that the Accuser would try to rear it’s ugly dragon’s hard head.
Example; the local religious Pharisees always watched and accused Jesus, the Messiah Savior, of operating under the power of a “demon” Book of John.
We cannot fail to notice a ministry pattern: How the Accuser of the Brethren attacks any new pioneering work planter by rude gossip, spreading rumors, accepting/”believing the wicked report.”
And it repeats itself through all history, even throughout all apostolic history.
A. ACCUSER HEAR SAY, RUMORS tend to follow any truly on fire, committed, yielded minister who is trying to promote and birth the work of the Messiah. (Rather, we each need to model the Messiah Isaiah 11:3-4 “Who loved the fear of the Lord, and did not judge by the sight of His eyes or make decisions based on what He had heard.”)
B. APOSTLE PAUL’S RECEPTION( favor, ability win their trust) strongly appears to have been adversely affected, due to local, area, Accusative big rumors, gossip, hearsay, which was evidently accepted and yielded to by the Chief Apostles themselves.
C. ANOTHER VALID REAL REASON the apostles, first church leaders, had to “fear” Paul, was that there were many dark demons and false persons alive back in that day, as there are right now today. Yet, the Bible gives no known reason for why apostle Paul visited 15 days with Peter and James, but then returned to Arabia, for another 14 years.
Maybe one of the real reasons, was that each and every one of the Organic Apostles, meaning the First 12, and Paul, each were brand new in the pioneering New Christian Faith.
Perhaps each First Church Chief Apostle was still a bit emotionally immature, raw and rough around the doctrinal, cultural leader edges, having only been saved from carnality and forms of human aggression and self pleasing, to be READY for God’s new mighty move to really strongly advance.
(Submitted as a Selah: if they were easily upset, easily up on a prideful religious high horse about any one pet personal apostolic doctrine, this may have created spirits of ministry division).
After putting the proverbial Toe of Doctrinal Unity Fellowship in the water (during Pauls’ first 15 day visit with Peter and James), perhaps he had a rude awakening and felt it best to retreat to get all along with the Lord and the probably much more accepting, non Christian believers.)
Later, in 2 Timothy 3:10, the wise chief apostle Paul evidently understood the need to personally get to know another up close, first hand, rather than blindly accepting tales, ministry gossip and hearsay, because he wrote later,
2 Timothy 3:10:
“But you have fully known my doctrine, my lifestyle, my purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity and patience.”
The writer believes that this can imply that servant pioneering leader Paul, valued the others taking time apart from their surely busy leader lives, to make a proper face to face leader appointment, which:
1) displayed their respect for Paul’s leader senior authority
2) which was a sign of good breeding
3) which meant that were not content to rest on rumors and here say : surely a healthy sign of good emotionally ,spiritually mature Godly Fruit;
Paul in Galatians Chapter 2:1-2:
“Then fourteen years after I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, and took Titus with me also.”
And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which are of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain.”
Upcoming in Part 7
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