NOTE: This was first posted www.onlinefellowship.us Dec 15, 2018
Coming…the TIME LINE of my own life, ministry as it appears to be strongly affected by Local Grass Roots from about Billy Graham, Jesus People, and prior to and during AFTER The Wisened Age of TV famous preachers.
And we’ve repeatedly incurred so much deep south ministry leader also crude opposition, that I am now seeking just HOW and WHAT the Good Lord is wanting this me to operate frankly in!! (It’s only supposed to be HIS vision…so please ongoing Please pray) Heading NORTH CAROLINA ..I also can stand a break… Then UK.
DISCLAIMER: I pen all statements directed /intended only to the “Ye Must Be Born Again Christ Followers” and within that ministry subgroup, to all who have perceiver ears to truly hear. HOWEVER, real thinking persons from ALL OTHER faiths, belief systems , are fully respected, invited to also peruse and then ask God about. Also this same thing applies to EVERY audio, video, blog, writing on every domain
(C)2018 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights (really) reserved
“HERE IS WHY I am so sensitive around accusation, gossip, rumoring, bias, judging, seerish tale bearing, and/or racism, bearing false witness, OT Shepherding,Immature Patriarchal with it’s Back under the Law Hoops Jumping,Infantile Ministry Chauvinism, Saved Misogyny, Elite Posturing, Fake People Pleasing and/or Fakey, be it Snakey….and also Elite Hierarchy, Good Old Male+ Female Deeply Insincere Networks….also… Ye Olde Petty Mind All Others Ministry, Life Business…and a widespread Achieved WE Abiding Self Involved, seems Asleep, Immune Village..
WHY? Because I was NOT raised near or around it and that helps me KNOW, PERCEIVE and DISCERN when it is present near me in life and in pioneering ministry.” Dr T. D’Arcy
“If you can’t find relationships, pure community which is mature, trustworthy, all respectful & quality on land, then you may as well worship on line!” T. D’Arcy
The Sorta Auto Bio
CALL THE MINISTER ME: A Quasi Matic (surely love God’s Holy Spirit, but right now, keep being unsure of a lot of the proposed local pioneering doctrines..judging based ONLY on “Ephesians 4 Unified Community, Viewing Jesus Body as ONE not divided into denominations, heaven only knows how many non denominations, and Accuser Judger Overseer Pharisees ..who demand to know if one is or is not an “official club member of a local similarly legalistic type church) Meaning, hence my NON White Patriarchal but Baptist ,scholarly, men and leader age old traditional but NON traditional, non one whit cagey, spiritual, emotional, nontraditional family, pleasant generally happy mature back ground comes into play.
REAL BE IT KNOWN REASON: I am going to discuss on this an DFW LEADER EMAG...plus several of my others..a rather super long COMMENT which posted Dec 14, 2018 on CHRISTIAN POST. But then to share it here, I then re-examined, edited and added to concerning THE 200K GIFT OF A CAR BY A TV PREACHER.
I will of course share my pithy comment(coming asap on a separate post), but first believe that I must share the leadership backgrounds as well as the Context of being a God called “Body of Christ surfer” who, while worshipping in a discipling,fully on fire, 1/2 charismatic, 1/2 regular Presbyterian community church ..(not due to desiring to be a Presbyterian, but there because the LORD had clearly directed).
BUT prior to that COMMENT, let me in some depth discuss my WHITE but NOT BROUGHT UP BY or AROUND RACISTS or BACK BITER and abiding peaceful some would view dark past.** (** Never Up Front Far Off Religious Pharisees,Trends of the Fadducees )
(Above, meant for dating…YET can also apply to RESPECT in Christ following ministry, abiding Hail Fellow Well Met Fellowship)
It‘s complex. It consists of past, media, personal and God called ministry identity but also BOTH assessed as True as well as False, unintentionally Misunderstood as well as the Passing Fads, Popular Worship Trends ..some of which are GOOD and some which are NOT quite GOOD.
If we’re supposed to be a RELATIONSHIP ministry, then we must also teach on both true Authority and Untrue. Which we do now.
And if we truly regard God’s Holy Bible, as His viable leader Word, with Jesus Christ “the Word made flesh” (as described by Apostle John) then we should comply with it, submit to it, yet not be legalists, Bible Beat Down Quick Judgers and/or heightened religious perfectionists…all of which this apostolic visionary, prophet has been around and also learned HOW TO AVOID being around such, being One…yet also fully acknowledging that WE, ME, I, each one of THEM is growing and infallible and surely at times, in some specific seasons and even on some Christ following (usually well intended) sin, HOT SUBJECT leader doctrines, topics,very immature, lacking in deep knowledge and /or may have bias, bigotry and God forbid, unhealed racial, gender, other denominational petty bias.
Thus the premier thought is to FIRST “self examine, all God’s wholly Holy inspecting Spirit to assist each one in uncovering each one of OUR, MY, YOUR own mistakes, potential unhealed grudges and/or big prejudices brought about during the last 25-30 full ongoing , inspiring, yet also emotionally painful, and also discouraging real mighty moves of God.
I speak from the wellspring of real life experience. Grass roots, middle income, but educated and definitely not “deep poverty rural roots” which did come later. I also happened to be blessed by 2 healthy (not wealthy) parents, who were ordained Southern Baptist apostolic pastors, but who did not really care about wearing the “WE ARE BAPTIST AND WE ARE THE ONE TRUE FAITH” type shingle…, for they were emotionally and spiritually NOT immature and were Jesus followers, first and fore most.And Christians first..not denominationalists. (an inherited abiding family value which I deeply want to perpetuate).
I did not stem from any tongue talkers,..but I was not aware of anyone in my simply Christian “ye must be born again” happy camper true family, who had any bias against any of them.
And none of my highly emotionally healthy, and NOT accuser legalistic family.…which included both business gentle female respecting wise counsel happy men..as well as Real Women who were each scholarly and awesome Bible teachers, sincere faith filled pure hearted instructors, fully hands on glad moms, sincere dads…still did not prefer ONLY ONE faith filled, Bible believing ministry flow over another (to the best of my scholarly memory) for while I realize that my gifted mother’s mother, nicknamed Boo, was a Presbyterian, I can recall no Calvinist or sin spying “Minding the Others Personal Business” ….assessed as spiritual bone, in her body.
Nor in my heavenly big gifted wise, but non dominating or matriarchal.. senior pastor Aunt, the late Mary Catherine “relationship centered” Wingfield.
And while the Mother’s side of the family did appear to have what to me was a surely impassioned very French Huguenot, UK side, perhaps intermixed with a big of very humble Aristocracy, as a product of Billy Graham generation, I was strongly changed and fired up through the John Wimber, very nontraditional Jesus People leader Movement, and when my matriarchal aristocratic We Centric (but not one whit racist) Mother ,would try to tell me all the “We came from’ THAT famous, blue blood or FFV or “Jamestown First Leaders”..God had just in the nick of precious time saved the inner me from CARING or NEEDING to know it of that , much less to USE IT, TRADE UPON IT as a proof of my self worth, value and /or human personness.
AND while I now bless and honor both my sincere, happy, yet autocratic southern born, highly genteel matriarch dear mother, servant apostolic pioneering pastor, quiet contemplative dear father… and all blessed mostly pioneering Christ following heritage, I will still forever draw the line of NOT using that or resembling that in Jesus accepting, Christ Following ministry, life, personal True Identity.
And Dad was from far less the aristocratic birth. So that’s why I sincerely try to resemble the HIM…Also… while he stemmed from non-elite country doctors, his parents were Dallas, Georgia area superintendents of area schools, school teachers, Sunday school mature teachers. I seek to follow my unsung Father’s cross racial, true blue, very unsung, not one whit dominating and/or patriarchal yet quiet, wisdom and deep intellect. As a first born beloved dear daughter I shall forever being repeatedly impressed as I accompanied him to town where he would pause to hear the troubles of the deep grass roots grocery store clerk, the pharmacist, and the barber shop.
I saw him wipe up the messes left by my mother’s dear mother, in her final declining years, without one single complaint. And allow her to dwell in our abiding home, and truly respect both her, my capable insistent mother ,his certainly strong willed mom… plus me and my kid sister. His servant elder compassion, sure strengths, plus patient endurance in all RELATIONSHIPS both on and off the public stage..surely ongoing affects, the senior minister me.
LATER, if God enables, will restate (have been doing this off and on for many years) my special call to be, be in healing reconciliation, among races, relationships. Also to take a stand for deep injustice, but to never confuse accepting Christ, or Jesus following by making accepting JESUS appear “to favor one political side over another.” So that is why today I am nonpartisan, but yet with PRAYERFUL participation, BUT no rock throwing, flame throwing!
We deeply advocate E.O.R.R. “EQUAL OPPORTUNITY REAL RESPECT” …That’s why we’ve been instructed to notice, and fully be respectful to ALL, ALL, ALL. This also means being accepting, impartials,Not Accuser JUDGING, yet to also not ONE BIT PC…but abiding in a James 3:17 Spiritual Fruit for every possible sort of relationship….regardless of which race, color , identity and/or personal beliefs. (a whole lesson on balance,surely is warranted, but not the space right here)
Heres WHY...I fully believe is right now badly NEEDED in “born again” RELATIONSHIP abiding ministry theology.
**SOME MINISTRY LEADERS need their winged aircraft, to fly them at jet speed to cross cultural minister. Others purchase large expensive vehicles… However, we simply want a safe fix up for a 2008 Toyota HIGHLANDER with 95K served miles on it. 4 all weather quality (19″) tires + $250 repairs, and a safe journey!!
OR if anyone is truly impressed upon* * (** by the Lord) we could actually use a brand new full size VAN,DODGE RAM TRUCK with a sleeping quarters, for on location field apostolic ministry, (USA Field Missionary, servant leader , deep Grass Roots type work)
OR SUPPORT BY BUYING ON http://www.irontexan.us
(C)2018 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

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