C) 2012 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
” I will lift up my eyes, from whence comes my help.”Psalm 121:1
Psalm 112:7 (for the righteous man) “He shall not fear evil tidings, his heart is fixed trusting the Lord.”
Prophetic word from Kenneth Copeland prior to elections,” No matter who wins the upcoming USA presidential elections, you will be thankful.” (when the writer heard this, it seemed to also imply, “even if you do this by faith.” (Give thanks in all things?).
Yet when the prophet said this, the peace of God rose up within me.
The Message Contains 2 PARTS:
Part 1: The Non Accusative Bad News,
Part 2: The New Day: Good News
“In the last days, the love of many will grow cold: from such turn away” 2 Timothy 3
The following word was placed in my spirit when I woke up the morning the day after the USA Presidential election.
Part of me understood that some real Christ obeying Christians would be rejoicing for President Barak Obama’s reelection, but that others would not be quite as looking forward to the next 4 years. And some in the latter group, (the ones with non-racist, pure hearted real Godly motives) would be truly concerned about the nations welfare, notably, the future of America.
From often observing God’s various sub-people groups, the writer has noticed that many of these appear to grow worried about whether God will be ruled out of the nation, or about what is about to transpire: such as respect and national support for the nation of Israel, not to forget the welfare of building, rebuilding a vibrant prospering USA substantial economy, etc surely, as the writer realized that many could perhaps having big fear.
(Please continue reading until you get to Part 2, and the writer promises the word will be much more positive)
And due to human beings as they really are will always contain minority opposite exceptions: within any born again, Bible believing, ministry group, diverse people group,we do readily admit that there will be a number of persons who would be (very unBiblical!) disrespecting, even racist, unloving, bigoted persons who oppose anyone of any other skin color.*(*yet this similar bigoted type than applies to each races and on both political major parties)
Prior to all of the recent election, OCFC, and this writer, had felt called to PRAY for BOTH parties, to ENCOURAGE all pastors, leaders, lay, to pray for BOTH but to encourage ALL persons to actively participate in the US voting over all process. And the writer also encourages those who feel God’s direction to choose to run for office, to actively do so.
And due to the mean spirited albeit mainly media inflamed, enormous contention in both US parties Senate, House, also with the increasing basic Church Culture, Increasing Non Church going Mixture, the Lord pointed out to the writer that the Clear Main Identity of His Suffering Risen Son Jesus Christ was being confused, misused, even shamefully abused by being SPUN, WOVEN to the political divisive partisan political parties.
SELAH: Tracing back the United States increasingly partisan, contentious, name calling, labeling BOTH parties, (main example Media now accusatively identifies as “racist, Religious Right Wing nearly ALL white skinned Christ following persons ( fully aware) but due to 20 or more years of USA Mom, Apple Pie, American Flag Waving “Me Christian” Conservatives, which completely disregards the fact that Jesus Christ, who was born in Nazareth, was NOT the Blue Eyed American Christ, but a olive skinned, brown eyed Middle Easterner, who did not favor one political party over another!
Therefore the writer, who recalls when the first right wing Christians, began to first mix serving Jesus in with a personal political agenda, that slowly, the public, even the church, began to be confused about the REAL IDENTITY of the Organic Jesus Christ, the whole purpose for following Him.
Though the righter respects the pioneering founders of the Moral Majority, Religious Right, “religious conservative” she also right now doubts that majorly confusing the populus really truly helped the United States politically or even morally.
Specific Bible commanded things such as immense prayer, real leader faith, also rising up to take a real stand morally(but not self righteously, as in presenting ones self as condescending, religiously superior): Next, all 5 fold office leaders on down to the servant leaders holding the church doors, must heed what the Bible teaches in both OLD and NEW Testament, “LET (non accusative, meaning self) judgment begin in the house of God.” (selah: but where in each House of God should true self judgement begin? The writer submits, “in the top leadership.”)
And mostly among charismatics:
We leaders must not continually omit difficult, unfavorable, realistic Bible verses. Example: overwhelmingly, entirely, focusing on the pet FUN choice BLESSING VERSES which focus on giving, getting for SELF, let us rise up to teach on what is in the many other parts of the Bible: reproof, correction, God’s up front tough real fathering, covering love; And the OCFC writer submits WHERE is Ephesians 2-5:21 corporate 5 fold true unity in the US mostly charismatic church being Bible trained today?
It is for the most part completely nonexistent but in lieu of that the countless hierarchies of new Doctrines of the Nicolatians, which expects every pastor to see himself/her self as exalted above the rest of God’s lay servant people.
Though the writer truly respects the basic Bible doctrines of ones whom God has used to keep her alive, joyful and healed, the forefathers of the charismatic movements,it is not them which have twisted originally good doctrines, started to pursue worldly fame, personal power, elitist 5 fold position or making ministry into the quest for personal blessings and fortune.
INSTEAD: It is the writer’s personal opinion that the media, emotional and spiritual lack of maturity, winds of doctrine, fads, fancies, mixed with local grass roots multiplied many other leader doctrines, sitting around at night watching Christian TV, the increase in availability of Christian CDs, DVDS, conferences, media, add to the local pastors, leaders, regional rumors, more accepted winds of apostolic doctrine, and then each one of us (writer also) fumbling all along the Way to figure ourselves out, Father God out, and then trying to figure out what MiNISTRY is all about…all of this adds to what the writer sees as very common and ordinary in at least the smaller, some medium, basic grass roots pioneering senior leadership, MANY of whom have great hopes, plans, nice neat waiting buildings, but BARELY ANY regular committed, trusting people.
This non partisan,apolitical, but truly on fire CHRIST FOLLOWER, reserves God’s right to admire and truly respect many different STYLES of dress, appearance, beliefs, ages, nations and races. She also deems it her God given mature responsibility as a fellow human, senior minister, real God fearing true person, to truly admire and respect the very MANY who have taken and now are taking a big stand based on clear conscience to rise up against intolerance along anti- racism, anti class favoritism, and many big things which have resulted in many more community service, community action, legal, civil rights (more commonly the product of those in left, liberal groups).
Thus this writer names neither political one party as 100 percent good or 100 bad. Instead she observes, prays, compares to what the Bible says, the at the leading of the Lord, casts the ballot.
Admittedly, It may be due to her own organic grass roots servant leader, pioneering senior pastor father, in addition to the model of the dress down Jesus People role model, descending from the late John Wimber, founder of the Vineyard Movement,that the writer appreciates the multiplied persons who take a committed relevant stand as community activists, nonreligious and religious organizers.
She is much more drawn to their servant realism, genuine relatibility and mainly intellectual visionary practicality with community foresight.
The writer, who was raised also in classical, Baptist non-hierchal with Bible tradition, also learned about the respect for ALL different kinds of people, real submission and respect in the Ephesians 5:21 “holy fear of the Lord.” While the class consciousness was in some of her mother’s family, there was zero coming down from her fathers.
Thus her previous examples, plus Billy Graham, each played a big role in making senior ministry SERVANT LEADERSHIP and evidently also infused the writer must with Holy Spirit fire and a passion to see that each and every kind of person(all races, faiths, in and outside the church) i.e. God created Humans, are truly respected.
It was during the long course of being in hidden senior ministry that God began to point out the differences in Jesus Christ accepting and following 30 years ago and right now. And how a rise in anti Christian media bigotry, accusing of persons with Western European ancestors, huge bitter contention in party politics, and then the Hate Speech against non believers (note: all of this falls under “Accuser of both the brethren and sistren” activity increased and then bitter party divided spirit, and ‘enthos rising against ethnos.” )
(But the GOOD NEWS: our Bible states in Ephesians 2: Jesus came to bring down the dividing all of partition” and Rev. 12:11 that God empowered His people to “overcome HIM (meaning the Accuser) by the blood of the Lamb , the word of their testimony, and to love not their life unto death).
Judging by what goes on among the under currents in churches around the formal institutions, in many grass roots but in the underlying remaining prevailing mostly WHITE MIDDLE AGED leaders and lay, is a prevailing expectation, but really resembling one of the myths, which implies that NO TRUE BIBLE BELIEVER would every NOT vote RIGHT WING AGENDA.
But from this writer’s own observation,ever thinking about what affects this has on a nation called to win the Lost, she submits that this very well may be some of the biggest mistakes both the Republicans and the Church are making:
1. Automatically assuming, presuming that just because most of them grew up with Mom, Pie and the American Flag Christianity, (stemming back from rapid upwardly mobile TV preachers, Jim Bakker, PTL Club and the following similar progeny).
It is important to realize that though well meaning, the solid white, well dressed, preferring upper class dress, coming across as elite, upper crust, privileged, and out of touch with the common hard working (preferring no collar or dress down relaxed ) will more than occasionally “judge by their own suspicious eyes.”
The parties who want to win will need a candidate who has a bit of common earth, grit, big spunk, and a big heart of compassion, but must not appear to look so squeaky clean, morally goody goody or be not in touch with grass roots diverse multiculturalism.
2. Mistakenly believing Republican party is truly relates to the current US diverse culture. This very multicultural, mostly splintered, all knowing, completely supremely self confident, most often entirely self absorbed, increasingly up front, fierce, in charge of the media,boisterously fighting tirelessly for it’s own set of rights does NOT reflect, much less respect enough to genuflect, to what they regard as the Upper Class Proud Big System: The Man.
3. Not perceiving the many different subgroups around the US:The writer, with numerous formative in leadership years, used by God around( basically) cosmopolitan, entire regional , cross cultural leadership calling, now submits to the reader, that every political group, pastors group, must take ownership that the USA “multitcultural, as in global” basic vibe, has already started to disperse, displace in parts, and might eventually obliterate what is now “still presumed” in some quarters to be the Same Old New Guard.
NOW each pioneering leader must advantage of all the many diverse, swarm/tribal /perceiver, although self protective (due to being taken advantage of historically) even suspicious of The European System (law, government, church) which lower classes view as The Man.
Many non Christians are way dress down casual yet highly intelligent, but focus much more on what is going on in the inside of themselves, others than on outward shallow looks.
Yet they are highly competent, inventive, forceful, persuasive and continually promoting (as in ‘witnessing’ proslytizing) yet for a leftist, green, eco, new age, neopaganism, humanist pioneering agenda.
WHY NOT STUDY EACH OF THESE SUBGROUPS: They are important to God who loves made them and loves each one of them!
And among the aforementioned, are the homeless, he fatherless, the abused; (who are far more perceptive of accusation, lack of genuine love, who face rejection, even fear of men due to natural abusive fathers;
4. We ought to understand that Western European society is not going to remain the CENTER OF EVERYONE’S UNIVERSE , thus neither will their dress, hair styles, card carrying clubs or parties, ministries. Thus God has a big change of season, even an Era. And as it is this writer’s opinion, that the shoe of oppression has trod well long enough in the VIEWS of the tribal, oppressed, suppressed people groups, and now they are seeing new power, new potential and want to get rid of anything or any person who remotely resembles the Man. (surely an humbly submitted theory)
Evidently this fact is not well known by many in ministry:that by 2020 the nation will be WHITE minority and DARK SKINNED MAJORITY;
Stating this implies “humility with meekness” as in Ephesians 4 is now already needed.
YOU better begin to actively GET USED TO interacting, humility, teaching respect, preaching, training on how to address less performance, much more deeply intuitive, native real persons many of whom were NOT raised in privilege and do not worship any where OR are into false religions and performing Good Deeds as they still have not lost their human compassion for the suffering, wounded, abused and poor.
6.LEADERS: Not taking time apart for personal self introspection (and where IS the “holy fear of the Lord” around this nation?) while still assuming that their great pastoring, Bible teaching, witness has been so transforming that it now affects the general population.
The the OCFC chooses not to align itself with either Democrat or Republican. We vote according to Bible led clear conscience, but can switch parties at any time. We are under conviction, that to help keep Jesus Christ identity from being mixed into to RELIGIOUS POLITICS, which too many now are doing, OCFC says, “we pray for both parties, but are not, on God’s purpose, Right Wing or Left Wing, but Mid Wing (we take and choose the best from both and respect both political parties)
SELAH: The failure of the Church to clearly paint an accurate clear portrait of the identity of the True Organic Christ, the real reasons for choosing to follow Him, serve only Him, in the holy fear of the Lord, USA nationwide, then causes the Bible, God’s Holy Word, not to be regarded seriously, meaning, hence, not followed, which then leaves the people without any conscience, conviction, holy fear of the Lord morally, and they do not cast votes, make choices based on what God wants, but on what THEY deem as good. Thus for instance, if removing God’s name or not standing with Israel is important to God, simply because they have no Holy Spirit conviction, their hearts won’t condemn/convict the Church has not provided them any points which prick their darkened mindsets,mentally tough consciences.
And sadly, during her many Body Surfing Years and Life, cannot but repeatedly notice noticing how the new Doctrines of the Nicolaitans (hierarchal leader elevation up OVER the laity) has spawned what appears to be several thousands of USA grass roots micro church artistocracies, most senior pioneering charismatics, who are turf protecting, clearly undiscerning and even clubbish.
And upon further notice, at least down here in grass roots, which the writer has surfed continually at the direct leading of the Lord since the 1980′s: the change of the face of the USA ministry has drastically altered what the writer submits is the “vision of the identity of what the writer calls the Organic Real Christ Jesus) and while talking big, expecting God’s great big “harvest” …rather have gone off after Our Own Prosperity, growing My Own Senior Pioneering Ministry, too many viewing the “ministry pioneering Lamp stand high call” as the ticket to fame, fortune or notoriety.
Yet, as the writer has repeatedly discovered, as a new visitor, sent always unsuspecting, albeit dressed in a female Caucasian, older, always alone, senior minister, the Spirit of God could help her own either Real True Respect or an utter lack there of, as His pointing out how well each visited ministry, leader or associate ministers, would treat the other new persons He would send, especially including the many non white, singles, capable women leaders, nonEnglish speaking, gays, black, dark skinned, in some dress way down, in others dress way up.
At times, this writer has been regarded as being “the Man” by a few who had not a clue what the writer had in her own checkbook at the time…So this ministry type of seeing but not really accurately mostly what has taken over the American media over watching human population.
At other times the writer was dimly regarded, when I came in without a business suit, with no entourage, no male or female assistants and treated as lesser by many who view themselves as belonging to some nationally renown TV celebrity Christian’s grass roots pioneering leadership groups. And as the writer has blossomed due to hellish relentless personal stress, and currently is not what seems to be the preferred Barbie Style pastor, white female, she also know can see how badly disrespected overweight, exceedingly large visiting newbies may also be unlovingly , biased, regarded.
And in many white male lead groups, both chauvinism, anti female, and /or age bias, leader stereotyping. And clubbish, self centered senior ministry even suspicious clannishness. ALL of which has clearly demonstrated about what God truly sent many others are also perceiving, feeling, all across USA Grass Roots very small, a few medium pioneering leadership.
Writer’s Conclusion:
When God sends one who walks across the nation as one of His office of the Prophets; to test and try the hearts of leaders, ministries, then surely He has kept watch. And surely, suspects this writer, God also sends out very many others, dressed in all different Earth Suit styles; dark skin, overweight, male, females, slight of build, non English speaking, preferring non dress up, preferring business professional attire; ALL of which serves the Spirit of the Lord by seeing how HIS OWN people, pastors, 5 fold offices TREAT or MISTREAT His prophets.
Thus, if “respecter of persons” (including sometimes major disrespect for the God Sent Messenger Person), which is plastic, phoney, insincere, compassionless, but into card carrying pseudo Christ Following Leadership, is blatant and mainly charismatic USA overly rampant INSIDE THE CHURCH… THIS could explain WHY so many nice people worship OUTSIDE the church official walls.
MAIN POINT: Suspicious, respecter of some persons, blatant racist, chauvinist, age, bias, consuming failure to show that a new visitor is valued, welcomed, accepted, regarded as God’s sent valuable PEER, CO-LABORER, COHORT and immediately welcomed from the very first (of course with being INconspiciouslly scanned, lovingly watched to examine fruits, intergrity, etc)
And, assuming logically that nonchurch attenders would eventually misunderstand the real reasons for voting for mainly Bible principals, at least along personal moral real lines, this might explain why the majority of the nonchurched, attend church 1 a month, and many compassionate persons, would not want to align themself with what they now have come to believe is “Solid White, We are Religious Right, emotionally uncompassionate, racially biased, small narrow hard minded, superior elitist, too proud, condescending hierarchal, non community oriented, not willing to rise up to take a moral stand, accusing, Hate Speech, Big Self Promoting Bunch.
NOTE: Where can one find just ONE US preacher who is admonishing to it’s attenders against all forms of bias, and attacking Hate Speech, as a moral witness to counteract what is being said repeatedly in the media? WHY do we lie asleep with no any strong convictions to show our CHILDREN we have moral/emotional steel backbones?
It strongly appears that the United States /western media/church vast culture MIXTURE, which now lumps “asking Jesus into one’s heart as personal Lord and Savior” with1) being a Religious We’re Always Right 2) Solid Caucasian i.e. right wing big fascist racist 3) Jesus as a blue eyed American, wrapped in the USA Flag
Also the sheer vast increasing numbers of much more dress down, non Caucasian, stemming many times from matriarchal, ancestral swarm tribal cultures, many of whom were prior to this time period persecuted, racially oppressed and /or whose historical ancestors who were enslaved, and who now still remember this as “the patrician solid white artistocrats” and have never been able to (at least in part) totally forgive the Western European white Americans, both collectively or individually.
PART TWO: Positive
‘Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments. His seed shall be mighty on the earth, the generation of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house and his righteousness endures forever.”
Psalm 112: 1-3
(The above Bible promise came to me for the believing true Christian body who will need to lean on the Lord, depend on the Lord and inquire from the Lord, every WHAT? WHY? WHEN? WHERE? HOW? about what HE needs them to do which will clearly lead them to fulfilling Psalm 112:1-3)
The morning following the United States presidential election I woke up feeling peaceful and empowered. I recalled the election results and remembered Prophet Kenneth Copeland’s word, and I was “thankful for the newly elected president.”
I also had been given to really pray for the name of Mayor Bloomberg of New York, the police, firemen , all who had been in the long haul of Hurricane Sandy recovery.
Being again reminded to “I really to give thanks to the Lord for the newly elected president, I faithfully acted upon that. I also felt and now feel, that for any religious persons upset, feeling worried, down due to the results that God has the place of that, given the writer an excited, increase joy in instead PRAYING FOR THE PRESIDENT and HIS WIFE, AND FAMILY. And then for all head leaders in government, specifically the ones whom our president listens to for advice.
Following this list,then intercede for the pastors, leaders, 5 fold offices, and leader heads of home, business, among them many hard working single parents..

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