(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved.
First posted April 29, 2013
“To know the love of God which passes knowledge.” Ephesians 3:19
“Call unto ME and I will answer YOU and show YOU great and mighty things that YOU know not of.” Jeremiah 33:3
“I perceive that in God there is no respecter of persons.” Peter Acts 10:34
I feel impressed that we are already IN the New Move of God and that it is unfolding very very slowly, in Real Time. It will eventually deepen.
I keep sensing that the Loving Father is giving His Church time to truly prepare. This may mean going deeper ourselves in a pioneering re-ignited First Real Love Lampstand/Lifestyle which yields to the humility and respect both FOR the LORD and will reflect the LORD’S RESPECT for ALL KINDS of persons, nations, both believers and non.
The Psalm 118 apostolic senior pioneering doctrines for a New Day will begin with bits of revelation that I sense are ONE key in building a generational bridge to the many PREVIOUS “New Mighty Real Moves of God” and complement, not intend to replace or compete, but help perhaps add a few missing doctrinal puzzle pieces.
The main apostolic goal is Cross Body Unity which is Relationship based, rather than mainly Performance, will be led by both the Holy Spirit, truly based on the Holy Bible, but will intentionally remove Old Testament accuser legalism, Levitical Phariseeism, agism, bigotry, religious ministry leader stereotypes.
AND PSALM 118 Ministry Doctrine will attempt to de frag much Accuser of the Brethren, Sisteren, in both leadership, congregation, and many levels of Christ Following True Community. (God’s House, Leaders Private House, Family House, Bible Relationships). And it will replace hardened rigid leader hierarchy with a couple of different alternatives.
ONE APOSTOLIC GOAL: TO train God’s saints( 5 fold offices, lay) to magnify the LORD without any fear of falling, ministry , leader, personal accusation, and mainly FEAR OF many different styles of HUMANS, we will eventually define Accuser VS the Messiah, the Revelation 3 Love Walk True Church (Christ’s Winsome Accuser Free True Bride) but also investigate common, mostly grass roots, apostolic senior leader doctrine, both truly WONDERFUL as well as WORRISOME.
Due to the Friendly Accuser Fire repeatedly leveled by our Adversary against God’s leader women, females, I plan to share the in depth line upon line, many leader in’s and outs of Bible roles in home, ministry, working/communication.
The pivotal KEY was given to this non nursing any secret grudge apostolic writer way back in the WORD GIVEN FROM THE LORD FOR CHRIST’S NATIONAL PIONEERING BODY FOR 2013:
- The Lord is going to be cleaning out many barns …but for the purposes of getting them READY for many BRAND NEW SHEEP.
- Business, Leader, Sr. Ministry Chief apostolic finances, doing God’s Kingdom Business: in both Amos 3:7 and PSALM 138 the key appears that GOD wishes to SPEAK to His true PROPHETS about the New Big Business Type Thing…but one of the main KEYS is “they are Servants, humble, not seeking position, making big income, power or prominence.”
YET, the writer continually yields each word, every selah, to YOU the surely wise, reader to “pick out what is hay but to spit out what is stubble” and to judge both the speech and the fashion of the writer/her Bible teaching, personal real life, by non accuser James 3:17 and after choosing to be like a Noble Berean: checking out leader doctrinal selahs, “to see if they are really true.”
WE submit JAMES 3:17 as a apostolic Hallmark for perceiving, discerning what is or is possibly NOT God’s true wisdom and senior pioneering Lampstand, Leader Live Fruit,
“The wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, then peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
SECONDLY we submit the prophet Isaiah’s description of the Lampstand, the Lifestyle of the Messiah, Jesus Christ in Isaiah 11:3 “He would delight Himself in the fear of the Lord and would not judge by the sight of His eyes, or make decisions based on what He heard.”
We also keep perceiving God’s heavy warning to CEASE from all forms of accuser ministry, leader sin and to “be ye clean who bear the vessels of the Lord.”
For 4-5 years we have been warned of a coming Time of God’s Judging on 5 Fold Ministries, based on their over busyness, failure to take personal ownerhship, refusing to observe a non legalistic Sabbath,(which denotes their putting their relationship with Him last priority)so as to slowly hardened into potential coral reefs of mental steel, lacking human compassion, true Love, which role model CHRIST measured in achievement, performance, and the Accuser rather than the organic nonlegalistic Is 11:2 apostolic Messiah.
The Lampstands of Lost First Love Rev 2: religious Church of Ephesus and/or ones of deceptive self determined MIXTURE may be removed. (See Rev 2 for Bible confirmation)
And during the course of the relocation to the deep southwest, God keeps repeatedly sharing somber self judging warnings regarding the absence of the fear of the Lord, arrogant superior pride, and abundance of undue apostolic MIXTURE. (included reminder of prophet Obadiah).
The accusative leader general response when one reminds them of modern unpopular “self judging” and “reproof,” “correction” “up front Matthew 18:15 confrontation, and other signs denoting moral/spiritual lack of depth, discernment/perceptivity, plus Me Centered, overly hardened imperceptive religious mental toughness and many other similar “using the name of the Lord in vain.” Exodus 20. “Do not use the name of the Lord thy God in vain, he/she will not be held guiltless that take the name of the Lord in vain.”
AND the Accuser on other pastors, ministers, TV preachers, behind the scenes, from public pulpits, Christian real radio, public media: 2006 the Lord showed this NON accusative writer a principal. It is that akin to Taking the Lord’s Supper in Corinthians (the fleshly church of unholy human flesh/mixture)
- The Bible states, some take the Lord’s Supper unworthily by not taking time to reall self judge, to accurately discern the LORD’S BODY.
It teaches that due to that “some of you are sick and some even die young”
THE WORD came to this writer, that WHEN God moved in an Ananias /Sapphira type of real apostolic move, that the ones who refused to self judged, who spread gossip, tales, believed accusation and did not end it, may be deemed “guilty of failing to discern others in the body of Christ” and that some might “fall sick and die young.”
We began to get this word in 2005 /2006 repeatedly, and truly longed to get to share it with a more well known apostle, as I lost my board back on the east coast, but were hindered at every apostolic turn by sheer vast organization, out here in the New Country.
AND ‘there for the grace of a Holy God could we ALL go” especially including this nonfamous writer.
We have had far too many encounters with BOAnerge immature, self seeking pioneering senior ministry and realize that the good humble, pure Holy Name of Jesus, is in some parts being smeared by LEVIathan (Job 41) arrogance, superior pride and slippery dealings.
This is NOT our business to call out name brands, persons, but rather we simply TELL you what WE keep getting in often repeated Sober Present Day 5 Fold Leader Realistic Words.
AND due to the need to NOT say some STRONG LEADER THINGS to the new believers, the naive, the immature and create a critical accuser spirit, we plan to have the PASTOR’S /5 FOLD OFFICE private Web TV channel. (FREE, but will need to sign up for it: organicleader@yahoo.com or iffmeagle@yahoo.com)
AND if you see any EMERGE FROM (accuser )CHURCH, 2013 Prophetic Leader Words, please regard them as SELAH Yielded “only if the shoe fits’ words.
Finally, due to the long weary apostolic season, of pioneering, the writer will try to keep the OTHer web channel more light. Equip on spirit of prophecy, worship, and marriage, family, BUT only put a few sober words there..UNLESS there are NO subscribers to the PASTOR’S CHANNEL.
THIS IS A NEW ARRIVING LEADER DAY and we realize that God is not going to settle any longer for second or perhaps 3rd hand slipshod servant hood.
YET, we are also inquiring of the Lord for HIM to reveal to US where WE may not be aware of accuser, other sins.
SO while we are TEAMMATE with Christ’s Team, to be understood, from the Ministry In House point of discernment, I realize that we need to get this OUT, line upon line to give it a chance to be examined.
Psalm 118 Ministry Doctrines for Rising Pioneering Leaders
Book of Ephesians Apostolic Cross Body True Unity
Apostolic Males, Females
Accuser VS The Messiah
and a lot more.
YET, we are in need of human divine appointment MATURE, HEALTHY ministry relationships. AND mainly in need of MATURE PRAYER warriors.
For all our apostolic topical ongoing TD Blogs: www.organicleader.org (see web tv channels, chat announcements, all the Leader Blogs, more)
Creative, Artsy: http://taveaudrc.tumblr.com
In Closing, we humbly submit all of the above in Selah Respect for all other pastors, ministers, applied due form.
More later..to be continued.
Pioneering senior servant pastor, leader,
Dr. Taveau D’Arcy
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law.

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