Repeat: Jesus, the Temple Money Changers and Modern Day Leadership
(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international laws.
APRIL 16, 2013
Dear Highly Regarded Mature Reader,
This blog is a repeat from my recent RANDOM SALT and ministry blog. It bears repeating. I apologize if you are one of the many who may get one or more of these same blogs, but in the shifting sands of the web internet sharing senior pioneering, this WORD can also be found by surfers who may just STUMBLE across it.
Besides, I believe that it could stand repeating!
Almighty Blessings!
Taveau D’Arcy
APRIL 13, 2013
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
POURING SALT: The Temple Money Changers and Grass Roots Modern Ministry
The New Testament regards Salt is for preservation, adding a bit of flavor; And each comment below is listed for such SALT main purposes, yet also as a SELAH “only if the shoe fits, then should you wear it.” contemplation. Dr. T. D’Arcy
Seen on a DFW bumper sticker: “Better to have a bleeding heart, than to have no heart at all”
”Jesus came to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.” Said by some preacher.
TOO OFTEN many pioneering leaders, in popular worship culture ministry, regard Christ as ONLY”going about doing good.” (Acts 10:38)
IT’S AS if He were still Baby Jesus, the Tiny Sweet Infant all warm and snuggy wrapped in swaddling clothes: still lying in a manager.
MODERN DAY ministry, media pressure, is breeding the inane, pandering to placating Politically Correctness, and painting ONLY a plastic, non “organic” under whelming, untrue picture of the Bible Christ.
During the writer’s last few ministry leader pioneering years, as God has caused her to interact with mainly grass roots senior leaders, she has repeatedly first hand observed that the following are now the LEAST liked Bible Verses and the MOST unyielded to:
Ephesians 5:21 ”Submit yourself to one another in the fear of the Lord.” (implying /meaning ALL senior leaders, other types of Believer Persons, including males, females, all races, all types /apostolic ministry basic styles?)
Matthew 18:15-16, “
Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
2 Timothy 3:16- 17, “the Bible is the inspired Word of God, good for instruction, doctrine, reproof, correction SO THAT the man of God can be thoroughly furnished.”
**(but apparently NOT for “REPROOF” or “CORRECTION” as to mention either of these, one is immediately mistaken, legalistically accused of being CONTENTIOUS or MEAN SPIRITED.”
Of course, then v. 17 as explains, this could be at least one reason WHY there are SO MANY pioneering senior ministries who are not getting their people, financial, needs met. (?) Submitted selah.
James 3:17 “The wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality, without hypocrisy.”
Q. In avoiding, failing to yield to, by choosing to omit, hide, duck and avoid, ANY or ALL of these, or not include others, is this the use of leader deception?
Q. By purposely failing to include, to actively omit using the listed above (or any other) Bible verses be vastly similar to the way the former president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson,proceeded to RIP OUT all Bible verses from God’s Holy Bible, that HE did not LIKE and then made up HIS Own Bible** which contained ONLY Bible verses HE really wanted?
**(PS Former President Thomas Jefferson’s OWN BIBLE,which is known as the famous JEFFERSON BIBLE, is now on display in Charlottesville, VA (the writer’s former State).
Today’s modern, mainly around grass roots senior pioneering apostolic ministry, the Human Accepting, “Sweet Baby Jesus” appears to be viewed as the new norm.
SELAH Thus perhaps, now, the above scriptures are primarily leader avoided.(?)
Instead of “GETTING ” (meaning: basically understanding, correctly discerning,perceiving, and even understanding the non accusative REASONS WHY) Jesus Christ strode purposely, directly straight INTO the Temple (where he very well may have attended all of His young life) and then proceeded to turn over the High Priest Temple Money Changers Table complete operation, MANY modern day high priests appear to be majorly dazed, confused and UPSET by anything NOT pioneer role modeling (ONLY) Tender, Meek and Mild, albeit traditional pioneering Gentle Baby Jesus.
MAIN QUESTION: So WHY didn’t our Tender Compassionate Christ take NOTE of the chief high priests tolerating undue mammon making organic SIN inside His Father’s House…but instead 1) automatically perceive the sin, but being MEEK and TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK EXTRA FORGIVING simply not just
2) FORGIVE THEM ON THE SPOT SAYING, while avoiding ANY “accusative harsh unfriendly assumptions
3) Spy the sin, forgive them for “knowing not what they do” but then
4) TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK, as that was “the Sweet Christian Thing to Do” and therein avoid any direct unpopular , potentially upsetting, reputation harming, use of Godly righteous, but yet nonSELF righteous, NOT Hate Speech /accusative or violent, moral authority?
Surely many Modern Day Priests could not even comprehend that (SELAH): following a time apart alone, with the Father, in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Lord Jesus Christ, received Heavenly Down Load Revelation, bearing specific instruction.
This Holy Spirit instruction gave Christ a MISSION, A CLEAR nonaccusative, METHOD, specific PROCEDURE, and precise LEADER TIMING. (and it had to align with the SPIRITUAL FRUIT of Galatians 5:22, and James 3:17 *(see verse above)
Thus: Jesus did not, indeed refused to: accuse, blame, verbally abuse, carry or use a weapon, punch out anybody, hurl invectives or use curse words NOR did Christ organize his disciples to stand outside the temple and hold placards/to scream at, to hurl insults at any Temple High Priest, as they walked into work at God’s Holy Temple.
The writer perceives what God told His Son to do was a PROPHETIC ALARM, A PROPHETIC ACT, (shocking WAKE UP CALL type of leader up front action) as well as A BIBLE USE OF MORAL AUTHORITY, but without unrighteous, religious bitter, accusative, self righteous, legalistic anger. SELAH
The writer submits that the worn down, weary, religious high priesthood may very well represent over MANY who are become careladen, dull of perception, overly preoccupied with their own Self Style Senior Leadership, and who tend to snap judge for time saving, due to over work and over confidence, due to being long time in senior leadership. (another Selah)
Today many in the overworked, hasty, time conscious and highly pressured I Samuel 1, Eli High Priesthood refuse to take time off to get new fresh wisdom, revelation downloads or see any body else’s view point, other than their very own.
When one reads about the middle aged, Eli, he had many years experience in the senior ministry, and perhaps was unduly sure of himself, not to forget, leader compassion fatigued and dull in accurate perception. Thus when the Godly future mother of the first national prophet Hannah, came weeping with big grief, due to being persecuted by her rival, the dull imperceptive, now full of himself, accusative, now snap quick judging, head leader, IMMEDIATELY misperceived Hannah’s big sorrow in an accusative fashion: He discerned her incorrectly accusatively, (from afar)for being in sin, in this case “drunk.”
Thus, after repeatedly running into far too MANY Grass Roots modern day Eli’s during a time of suffering both great loss and repeated trauma, and finding that none of them would help a grief stricken mother in the Lord, a pioneering ordained senior pastor, leader, a newbie, stranger and alien, following being newly relocated, then it caused the writer to PONDER.
WHAT would many of these same PC de-compassioned leaders, DO and SAY if they happened to spy JESUS walking into the local Temple and upsetting the book and CD , Tee Shirt, Bible DVD modern tables?
HERE is a Submitted SELAH:
WOULD this dull of discernment /human compassion fatigued, accusative, snap judging based upon their being in senior ministry for many many years, also make them readily SNAP ACCUSE Christ Jesus if He did anything very UNPOPULAR.(in this case, using spirit led, Bible up front confrontation?
WOULD they be very likely to misperceive Jesus, then worry and wonder, or perhaps judge and accuse Him among their own religious suspicious peers, for any or all of the following, as He walked into the temple and turned over those money making Temple tables?
Perhaps Christ’s table tossing ministry actions would be ministry labeled:
1. “Being mean spirited and unloving”
2. ‘Being unrighteous, unholy, angry, rude and contentious.”
3. “Being “Self righteous” “holier than thou.”
4. “Having big unforgiveness baggage.”
5. ”Holding a bitter root judgement against the temple high priests.”
6. Undermining the high priests governmental hierarchy, thereby being “in rebellion to spiritual authority.”
7. Accused of “being a lone warrior” and not first seeking to get permission to act alone inside the temple by first consulting with His Legal Spiritual Oversight.
8. Bringing big shame to his dear sainted Mother, numerous siblings, all of his disciples, thereby creating scandal, generating rumors by clearly failing to “let not your good be evil spoken of.”
(and the writer hastily remarks, “there but for the grace of God go each one of us, including the writer)
As in God Forbid in this
God’s Very Many Blessings!
Apostle Taveau D’Arcy
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved

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