READ MAY 9 (the one prior to this for APOSTLE PAUL resumed; THEN see this but look once more MAY 10 for the next APOSTLE PAUL, then more)
(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
PS THis is a small question,response leader blog. But the next one coming TOMORROW (May 10 ) is back to APOSTLE PAUL.
I realize that I just announced the MAY 10 APOSTLE PAUL blog, and surely it lies in the prior blog, with another continuance forth coming May 10.
DEAR 5 Fold Leader:
Please send me YOUR own Bible passages which PROVE that prove COVERING DOCTRINES, HUSBAND/WIFE/LEADER MEN, LEADER WOMEN IN MINISTRY, LEADERS WHO ARE PRESSURED INTO A FORCED DIVORCE AGAINST THEIR WILL in ministry males, females. Then lets see where this anti female, akin to racism, anti single, anti divorce person doctrine stems from.
We are very secure in our own doctrine, BUT we realize that MANY more have various viewpoints. We prefer to iron sharpens iron, but NOT fight to prove ourself.
My 2013 TD Ministry overall goal: Body of Christ: Accuser Free in Two Thousand One Three
The writer believes that all modern COVERING DOCTRINES stems from charismatic,pentecostal passed down traditions, while Southern Baptists /other evangelicals do not have the controlling anti female, Levitical Patriarchism, slave /master, deep south, Old Testament accuser /oppresser spirit roots. BUT if you have valid Bible proof, we will examine them willingly.
Dr. T wonders if some modern day LP actually stems from the shepherding movement of the 70’s. ….and maybe more: elevated pulpits /hierarchy of the doctrines of the Nicolaitans,etc) JUST A SELAH.
BUT please make each of your Bible proofs for women , prohibiting pressured into divorced persons in senior leadership, all leader men are OVER all leader women, even if they are not their pastors, or are married to them or in their ministry fellowship, AND we ask that each Bible passage, be ONLY from the NEW TESTAMENT freedom /Pauline view: with NO traces of Old Testament Levitical Patriarchism.
In the mean time, this sincere writer shall keep enjoying the FREEDOM of nonlegalistic, non witch watching, non jezebel ministry stereotyping, aka NOT charismatic but Church of Ephesians cross body Ephesians 5:21 “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord”…and shall continue apostolic true spiritual authority research, while duly being submitted, yielded and maturely accountable to my mulicultural leadership board.
IFFM /OCFC /Dr. Taveau D’Arcy Leadership Ministries ARE members of Christ’s body, but NOT a typical card carrying club member of some performance, primarily achievement/functional ministry, fellowship or church organization. . We are Bible based, and inward witness Holy Spirit led.
We name this part of the RELATIONSHIP , servant sent messenger move, and teh Philadelphian Overcoming Love Walk move of God: which is house to house, against bias, non stereotyping….whether a Christ following group be mega, micro, to cell or even remaining HOME to worship via web due to former religious authoritarian rude abuse.
OUR own ministry move of God, w is based on PERCEIVING AND DISCERNING who you /others are from the inside to the outside, and judging them only by their Galatians spiritual fruits and James 3:17 lifestyle, lamp stand.
And we do truly respect ALL leader styles and types..just stay away from much of what goes on in grass roots 5 fold patriarchal ministry due to 2 Timothy 3:1-5 command, and due to the fact that we are no longer comfortable being among nosy busy bodies, senior ministers who dodge and hide from Matthew Bible 18:15 upfront confrontation, who enable the accuser in their doctrine or lampstand/lifestyle.
We prefer genuine real non performing natural SINCERE fellowship, as we have ceased striving to “build our own ministry” but rather prefer to enjoy Godly Contentment, which is indeed “GREAT LEADER GAIN.” We also prefer pastor, ministry sincere peers who do not choose to omit many unpopular Bible verses (James 3:17, Eph 4, Eph 5:21, Matthew 18;15, 2 Tim 3:16-17, etc)
JUST NEVER any hard permanent remaining angry upset feelings. Just in a reproving mode, which is like Jesus rising up to toss over the temple money changers tables, and admonishing, reproving, even when the Lost First Love Lampstands, can no longer discern “contending for the faith” from “proud mean spirited contention”
However, only take all of the above in an “only if the shoe fits, only then should you wear it” ministry fashion.
The next blog will be BACK TO THE PAUL TOPIC.
This was an exception to ask for DOCTRINE/APOSTOLIC PROOF.
SO here is the email to challenge the doctrines purported.
And in peer to peer closing, we research all of our doctrines to DEFRAG some modern ACCUSER /STEREOTYPING hindering doctrine, to make it resemble the NON ACCUSER MESSIAH of Is 11.
And we really desire to REMAKE Jesus House a safe, welcoming, nongender /race, age biased,nonelitiest, truly Safe Haven once more..
Mighty End Time Blessings!
Sr Pastor Taveau D’Arcy
Chief Apostle, mature 5 fold leader office; To speak directly: email, identify yourself and I will send you cell phone or Skype.
Abundant non critical but DEEPLY AWARE and CONCERNED big favor and blessings!
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
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