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NOTE: the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY will first appear www.onlinefellowship.us but later I’ll try to post it over on www.purepropheticprinciples.com
GO ONTO YOU TUBE and GOOGLE SEARCH “PROPHECY’ “PROPHETS” also well known, NAMED PROPHETS ….and it will reveal a VAST VARIETY of MEANINGS, human persons who profess to be authentic PROPHETS…but in many amazing personalities, levels of zeal, reknown and including show biz Style.. ALL OF which affect the everyday Views regarding God’s Oracle contrite (?) OFFICE. .in the eyes of the general population and every day person, most especially those who do not pray in tongues.
HENCE, due to such, office prophet TAVEAU will attempt to put it all in perspective and in her own MATTER OF FACT, DOWN TO EARTH, God Centric ONLY Sent Style. (hence “NON SPOOKY” and RELATABLE, USUALLY CALM..PERSONABLE, ALL OF US AS EORR HUMANS..bold Ministry Style. (This, in an new attempt to make it very common (“user friendly”) to true persons who may have been put fully off due to over aggressive, even pushy, “spiritual gift moving” (as I have myself vastly experienced).
WE really do want the non speaking in unknown tongues to clearly perceive and authentically discern the TOPIC minus any hype, aggression and Christian celebrity, forced bowing and catering to the CELEBRITY OFFICE. And then being all aware of HOW to perceive and discern and HEAR FROM the Loving Non Levitical LORD!
Hence (after YOU GOOGLE to see what is up there) it thus might explain the odd subtitle for The PURE PROPHETIC PRINCIPLES “Despookafying the Spirit of Prophecy, Making it User Friendly..minus USING Anybody”…. from Taveau D’Arcy, DFW LEADER Apostolic Ministries is addressing the following GRASS ROOTS, usually TV affected GOOD as well as sad to say, NOT so winsome MANY VARIED USA views of “prophecy” “walking in the OFFICE of a Ye Must Be Born Again supposedly FIRST CHURCH , NT office and ministry depiction of moving in the gift of, office of PROPHECY.
PREHISTORIC BACK STORY…plus… in recent light of the PRE-COVID repeatedly documented “USA drop in Church going”….we respectfully want to primarily discuss ministry DOCTRINES which may create ministry needless accusation..aka Neo Phariseeism. (more later on this)
And Dr Taveau’s IN DEPTH ONGOING Prophecy Series begins sometime SUNDAY Aug 16…late PM..(AND FIRST (and always) on DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP http://www.onlinefellowship.us) .and reflects the UNKNOWN Commissioned Sent One..who was called by the Lord, beginning at age 24, to study HIS BIBLE BELIEVING TRUE BODY..in order to know their doctrines, pet peeves, styles and red flag buzz words..for the purpose of much later on, “to build bridges of pure hearted unity /commonality” between the many diverse worshipping varied colors and cultures of those who would name themselves as JESUS CHRIST ACCEPTERS. AND IN THE many prophetic Christian groups, subgroups, in well meaning now TV /Hollywood , mass media strongly affected.
THUS Sister T was IMMERSED primarily (from late 80’s on) in the mostly prophetic charismatic, those with Pentecost, which includes Word of Faith, Vineyard, tons of non denominationals, big reknown doctrine originators and various streams…and God chose to SEND her to major doctrinal original fountain heads, in (phariseeic) VA, open ended PA, OK, very supernatural FL, humbling and genuinely repenting NC & SC and the Systemized always achieving, DFW. I could MENTION THE VARIOUS HUMANS AND “PORTENTFUL” STREAMS… but prefer to just discuss DOCTRINES and FRUIT..
AND there for the Grace of GOD go this I, but also each and every single one of YOU.
So, we’ll respectfully ministry remember to HONOR what it GOOD and TRUE and PURE coming down from many of these Spiritual Apostolic servant elder wise FATHERS and the rare Spiritual MOTHERS ….And we’ll not approach any of this in a DOGMATIC self justifying fashion….but rather plan to submit all discoveries in non self righteous but possibly direct, SELAHS…
ONLY PURPOSES...for all of YOU to BYOB and Apostle Paul “Be the Good Noble Berean” that YOUR apostolic leader Mama, always said YOU could authentically be!
And all along the proverbial WAY…we’ll try to intentionally DEFRAG recurring accusation, controllling doctrines…and remove Big I’s, Western European Levitical Patriarchism, want to be elite.
And I personally understand that each and every eagle one of us started potentially young and had to spiritually and emotionally mature. SO no accusation, we’re all supposed to be Christ like ONE as COMMUNITY (Ephesians 4)
Connect: dfwleader@gmail.com
Blessings and many APPRECIATIONS!
(C)2020 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

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