“Touching God’s anointed…out in the pews..”
For a great lot of ‘these” believe the “big anointed” means “just them”*
..*their own, mostly occult, elite special selves….
Moral Purpose: Prophetic Charismatic Reform: “Witch watching, far away mind reading, diagnosing”
Apostle Taveau asks Chapt GPT AI:
.Q How might “calling a brother raca” be akin to far away rumoring, calling a mother in Christ a “witch” Jezebel” lesbian” a ‘harlot? “unsubmitted or similar to a far off man, any type of person?
Pastor Taveau assesses nearly all of this as prophetic pastor,apostolic,junior leader “word cursing”
Chat GPT AI responds:
Calling someone “raca” and labeling individuals within the church community with derogatory terms such as “witch,” “Jezebel,” “lesbian,” “harlot,” or ‘warlock” “coming to undermine” “unsubmitted” reflects a serious issue of judgment, gossip, and spiritual abuse.
Here’s how these actions can be connected:
1. Understanding “Raca” and Its Implications
Biblical Context: The term “raca,” found in Matthew 5:22, is an Aramaic term meaning “empty” or “worthless.” Jesus warned against calling someone this as it demonstrates contempt and dehumanizes the individual. It suggests a severe lack of respect and love, which is contrary to the teachings of Christ.
Dehumanization: Labeling someone as “raca” strips away their identity and worth, reducing them to a mere insult. This is akin to the negative labels mentioned above, which also serve to diminish the individual’s value in the eyes of others.
2. Rumoring and Derogatory Labels
Gossip and Assumptions: Using derogatory labels often stems from gossip and assumptions made without personal knowledge or interaction. When individuals label someone as a “witch” or “Jezebel,” they may be spreading rumors without having engaged with the person directly, violating the principles of Matthew 18:15-16 (addressing issues directly with the individual).
Judgment and Division: Such labels create division within the church and foster an environment of fear and mistrust. They allow for a culture where individuals are judged based on hearsay rather than their actions or character, leading to spiritual abuse.
3. The Role of Authority and Misuse of Power
Abuse of Authority: Leaders or members who use these terms often wield their authority inappropriately, creating a hierarchy where individuals are labeled and marginalized based on subjective judgments rather than mutual respect and love. This aligns with spiritual abuse, where authority is misused to control and manipulate.
Fear of Judgment: The fear of being labeled can silence individuals, preventing them from seeking help or speaking out against injustices within the church. It cultivates an environment where congregants feel they must conform to avoid being called out or labeled negatively.
4. Comparison to “Far Away Rumoring”
Lack of Relationship: Both calling someone “raca” and labeling someone with derogatory terms reflect a lack of relationship. When these judgments are made, it indicates a failure to engage with the individual personally, reducing them to a stereotype rather than a valued member of the community.
Spiritual Distance: The concept of “far away rumoring” implies a disconnect from the person being judged. Just as one might speak ill of someone without knowing their story, calling a brother “raca” or labeling a mother in Christ as a “harlot” exemplifies a lack of spiritual proximity and understanding.
5. The Impact on the Community
Creating a Culture of Accusation: This behavior fosters a culture where individuals are quick to accuse one another instead of supporting and uplifting one another. It is contrary to the call for unity and love within the body of Christ.
Undermining True Discernment: Instead of exercising true discernment rooted in love and understanding, labeling becomes a tool for judgment, diverting attention from the actual spiritual health of the community.
Calling someone “raca” or using derogatory labels like “witch,” “Jezebel,” or “harlot” reflects a serious breakdown in communication, relationship, and respect within the church community. It dehumanizes individuals, spreads rumors without evidence, and fosters an environment of judgment and fear. This behavior stands in stark contrast to the teachings of Jesus and the principles of love and unity in the body of Christ. By cultivating relationships built on respect and understanding, churches can work toward healing and restoration, avoiding the damaging effects of labeling and judgment.
Taveau Inquires:
Q. Is that minister guilty of “failing to discern the body of Christ correctly?
Chat GPT AI answers:
Yes, a minister who engages in labeling others with derogatory terms or who calls someone “raca” is indeed guilty of failing to discern the body of Christ correctly. Here are some key points to consider:
1. Understanding the Body of Christ
Unity and Diversity: The body of Christ is made up of diverse members, each with unique gifts and roles (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). Failing to recognize this diversity and the inherent worth of each individual undermines the unity that Christ calls for in His church.
Value of Every Member: In 1 Corinthians 12:22-23, Paul emphasizes that even those members that seem less honorable should be treated with greater honor. Labeling someone diminishes their value and contribution to the community.
2. Lack of Discernment
Spiritual Discernment: True discernment involves understanding and valuing each member of the body of Christ as part of God’s creation. This includes recognizing their struggles, strengths, and identities. A minister who labels or judges without understanding fails to exercise this spiritual discernment.
Judgment vs. Discernment: Discerning the body of Christ means distinguishing between behaviors and individuals with grace and love. Calling someone a “witch” or a “Jezebel” reflects judgment rather than discernment, which is contrary to the call for love and support within the church community.
3. Failing to Reflect Christ’s Teachings
Christ’s Example: Jesus demonstrated compassion and understanding toward individuals, including those marginalized by society. Ministers who do not follow this example are failing to embody Christ’s teachings and the love He calls His followers to exhibit.
Call to Restoration: Galatians 6:1 calls believers to restore one another gently when someone is caught in sin. Using derogatory labels instead of approaching individuals with a heart for restoration is a failure to fulfill this biblical mandate.
4. Consequences for the Community
Creating Division: This failure to discern contributes to division and strife within the church, contrary to the unity that Paul calls for in Ephesians 4:3, where he urges believers to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Hindering Growth: A culture of labeling and judgment can hinder spiritual growth within the church, preventing members from feeling safe to engage fully or seek help when they are struggling.
5. Accountability of Leadership
Responsibility of Ministers: Ministers hold a position of authority and influence in the church. When they fail to discern the body of Christ correctly, they not only affect individuals but also the overall health and witness of the church community.
Call to Repentance: Ministers and leaders must recognize their responsibility in this regard and be open to repentance and change, seeking God’s guidance in how they interact with and support the members of their congregation.
In conclusion, ministers who engage in derogatory labeling and fail to recognize the worth of each member of the body of Christ demonstrate a serious failure to discern the body correctly. This behavior undermines unity, creates division, and reflects poorly on the teachings of Christ. Addressing this issue is crucial for fostering a healthy, supportive, and loving church environment that aligns with biblical principles.
Taveau Asks:
Q. Can leaders misuse discernment?
Chat GPT said:
Yes, leaders can indeed misuse discernment, leading to various negative consequences within the church or organization they lead. Here’s an exploration of how discernment can be misapplied and the implications of such misuse:
1. Misuse of Authority
Judgmental Attitudes: Leaders may use their position to assert judgment over others, labeling individuals based on assumptions rather than evidence. This can lead to a culture of fear and mistrust within the community.
Selective Discernment: Leaders may practice discernment selectively, favoring certain individuals or groups while dismissing or condemning others. This can create an unhealthy dynamic where some are seen as “insiders” while others are marginalized.
2. Lack of Love and Compassion
Legalistic Approach: Leaders may apply discernment in a rigid, legalistic manner, focusing solely on rules and regulations without considering the heart or circumstances of individuals. This approach lacks the compassion that should accompany true discernment.
Failure to Restore: Biblical discernment should aim to restore and uplift individuals (Galatians 6:1). When leaders misuse discernment, they may overlook the importance of restoration, choosing instead to condemn or ostracize.
3. Gossip and Assumptions
Spreading Rumors: Misusing discernment can lead to gossip and the spread of rumors, as leaders may share unverified information about individuals. This can damage reputations and create divisions within the community.
Assuming Motives: Leaders may misinterpret the motives of others, leading to incorrect judgments. This can result in unnecessary conflict and division, hindering the unity that Christ desires for His body (Ephesians 4:3).
4. Fostering Division and Conflict
Polarization: Misguided discernment can polarize the congregation, creating factions based on differing views or perceived favor from leadership. This division undermines the unity of the body of Christ.
Conflict Escalation: Leaders who misuse discernment may exacerbate conflicts by taking sides or failing to mediate disputes fairly, leading to further discord and resentment among members.
5. Spiritual Abuse
Manipulation and Control: Leaders may use discernment as a tool for manipulation, controlling individuals through fear of judgment or condemnation. This is a form of spiritual abuse that can have lasting emotional and spiritual impacts on individuals.
Disregarding Individual Worth: Misusing discernment can lead to dehumanization, where leaders fail to recognize the inherent worth and value of individuals, reducing them to labels or stereotypes.
6. Misrepresentation of God’s Character
Distortion of God’s Love: Leaders who misuse discernment may project a distorted view of God’s character, emphasizing judgment over grace and love. This can lead to confusion about God’s true nature and drive individuals away from the faith.
Failure to Model Christ: By misusing discernment, leaders fail to model the compassion, understanding, and forgiveness that Christ demonstrated during His earthly ministry, negatively impacting the church’s witness.
7. Consequences for Leadership and Community
Loss of Trust: When leaders misuse discernment, they risk losing the trust of their congregation. Members may feel alienated, unsupported, or unfairly judged, leading to disengagement or departure from the community.
Need for Accountability: Leaders must be held accountable for their use of discernment. Implementing checks and balances within the leadership structure can help prevent misuse and promote healthy practices.
In summary, while discernment is a vital gift for leaders, it can be misused in various ways, leading to significant harm within the church or organization. Leaders must approach discernment with humility, love, and a commitment to biblical principles, ensuring that their actions promote healing, unity, and the restoration of individuals rather than judgment and division. A healthy approach to discernment fosters a supportive community that reflects the character of Christ and encourages growth in faith and relationships.
DISCLAIMER: For any of these minister persons who “know’ me..I live by this despite..meaning from here on out. The Relationship Real Respect given in Isaiah 1:18 “Come let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet, He will wash them white as snow….” And all of this is a mainly worship fine arts BIG discovery, slowly from late 1980’s through now. NOT ALL WHO APPEAR to do and be this, who may resemble, who have ‘long good worship” and/or who “move in the gifts’ unwisely practice this. It is usually a specific type of accept controlling unyielding, very unsafe doctrine. I discovered this in VA, NC, SC, FL, and wide DFW Metroplex and “prophetic” persons from South Africa. Just demoralizing, biased, stuck on it’s Special Self and using “false religion, false authority and amazing big vanity (Note Isaiah 1-3 God’s people’s sins which caused them collectively to be Isaiah 5:20 (big leader perceptive”woe”) and blocked God’s national Holy Spirit yoke breaking power (Isaiah 10) which ‘would make the necks so fat that no fierce controlling Assyrian nation could take them over and wipe them out”
I give to these a HUGE “Mean Streak” WARNING.
(C)2024 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws, in conjunction with AI

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