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Email: dfwleader@gmail.com
- PURE ACCEPTING RELATIONSHIP RESPECTING, GUARDING, GOVERNING AUTHORITY BASIS: Holy Spirit “one person’s self control is the PRIMARY ROOT of Personal Self Government First Level of all true Spiritual, Moral, Power true authority
- THE ONGOING OVERCOMING LOVE WALK…THE MINISTRY TRUE BRIDE OF CHRIST REVELATION 3 PHILADELPHIAN BROTHERLY REAL LOVE LITMUS TEST; Spiritual Enduring Abiding in JAMES 3:17 Relationship Precedes Doing Good Ministry Works, Maintaining Ministry Theological Doctrines Perceived “as The Only Truth”( God’s Whole Counsel, Leader Common Doctrine Ephesians 4**)
- EPHESIANS 4 COMMONLY HELD MINISTRY DOCTRINE: http://onlinefellowship.us/?p=8913
- PURE MINISTRY (assessed as RELATIONSHIP PRESERVING, also MATURE) SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY is to always be MYOB and everyone chooses their very own views regarding to abide back UNDER the Old Testament Levitical Law or to ONLY abide in ministry Galatians 1:1-2 personal Sent Messenger, non religious freedom.

NOTE: While IFFM is on the domain. rather than redo a giant website, we use the SAME BELIEFS but changed the name…SEE IFFM VS TCL ..DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship following explanation:
- www.iffmleaderdoctrines.wordpress.com and www.iffmministries.wordpress.com (NOTE: from 1997-2016 Taveau D’Arcy Leadership Ministries was pioneering UNDER theINTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP FOR FOUNDATIONAL MINISTRIES. (Scripture Ephesians 2:19-20)
- In 2016, at the direction of the Lord, apostle TAVEAU put that aside as a deep Grass Roots apostolic prophetic sign, and began the NEW DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship 5013 and prophetic business Taveau Creative Leadership, with Taveau Creative Ministries UNDER the DFW LOF 501c3 and her creative wisdom apostolic ministry/business consulting SELF HELP TRAINER /MUSIC TUTOR, TEAMMATE UNIVERSITY, a variety of ministry aposotlic blogs all UNDER the apostolic prophetic business (hence) TCL.
- AND AS WE (EVERY READER, submitted EVERY PERSON) ONLY GOES AROUND ONCE..let us each maintain an Eternal God Pleasing Relationship non religious View..and combine forces for EPHESIANS 4 “Holy Spirit transformational local honorable, Christ following family, community, perceived as authentic genuine “First Church Organic” viable pure leader/lay abounding fruit.
UPCOMING: Encourage Television overview..with ONE STAR TV PRODUCTION “One Star, where JESUS is the ONLY Star” (international/multicultural, ministry diverse servant leaders… on BOTH sides of the TV Camera)
TO SOW INTO WHAT WE PERCEIVE as coming DFW Land and International advancement:
- PRAY FOR 12 PRAYER WARRIORS, 1-3 counseling apostolic DFW pastors and for the Lord to build the TEAM of HIS OWN COLOR , LEADER, MINISTRY STYLE choosing.
CLOSING NOTE: Chief apostolic overseer MINISTRY is “SENT MESSENGER” according to First Church (non Levitical) New Testament. So TO WHOM is DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship and Taveau Creative Leadership being SENT TO:
- Taveau asked the Lord , many years ago” Lord, if Apostle Paul was “SENT” to the Gentiles and Apostle Peter was “SENT” to the Jews…then WHO are You “SENDING THIS MINISTER TO?”…and the Lord replied, ” I am SENDING YOU to the “Slacks Wearers” ( A-men…and Awomen!)
- PURE ACCEPTING RELATIONSHIP RESPECTING, GUARDING, GOVERNING AUTHORITY BASIS: Holy Spirit “one person’s self control is the PRIMARY ROOT of Personal Self Government First Level of all true Spiritual, Moral, Power true authority
- THE ONGOING OVERCOMING LOVE WALK…THE MINISTRY TRUE BRIDE OF CHRIST REVELATION 3 PHILADELPHIAN BROTHERLY REAL LOVE LITMUS TEST; Spiritual Enduring Abiding in JAMES 3:17 Relationship Precedes Doing Good Ministry Works, Maintaining Ministry Theological Doctrines Perceived “as The Only Truth”( God’s Whole Counsel, Leader Common Doctrine Ephesians 4**)
- EPHESIANS 4 COMMONLY HELD MINISTRY DOCTRINE: http://onlinefellowship.us/?p=8913
- PURE MINISTRY (assessed as RELATIONSHIP PRESERVING, also MATURE) SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY is to always be MYOB and everyone chooses their very own views regarding to abide back UNDER the Old Testament Levitical Law or to ONLY abide in ministry Galatians 1:1-2 personal Sent Messenger, non religious freedom.

NOTE: While IFFM is on the domain. rather than redo a giant website, we use the SAME BELIEFS but changed the name…SEE IFFM VS TCL ..DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship following explanation:
- www.iffmleaderdoctrines.wordpress.com and www.iffmministries.wordpress.com (NOTE: from 1997-2016 Taveau D’Arcy Leadership Ministries was pioneering UNDER theINTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP FOR FOUNDATIONAL MINISTRIES. (Scripture Ephesians 2:19-20)
- In 2016, at the direction of the Lord, apostle TAVEAU put that aside as a deep Grass Roots apostolic prophetic sign, and began the NEW DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship 5013 and prophetic business Taveau Creative Leadership, with Taveau Creative Ministries UNDER the DFW LOF 501c3 and her creative wisdom apostolic ministry/business consulting SELF HELP TRAINER /MUSIC TUTOR, TEAMMATE UNIVERSITY, a variety of ministry aposotlic blogs all UNDER the apostolic prophetic business (hence) TCL.
- AND AS WE (EVERY READER, submitted EVERY PERSON) ONLY GOES AROUND ONCE..let us each maintain an Eternal God Pleasing Relationship non religious View..and combine forces for EPHESIANS 4 “Holy Spirit transformational local honorable, Christ following family, community, perceived as authentic genuine “First Church Organic” viable pure leader/lay abounding fruit.
UPCOMING: Encourage Television overview..with ONE STAR TV PRODUCTION “One Star, where JESUS is the ONLY Star” (international/multicultural, ministry diverse servant leaders… on BOTH sides of the TV Camera)
TO SOW INTO WHAT WE PERCEIVE as coming DFW Land and International advancement:
- PRAY FOR 12 PRAYER WARRIORS, 1-3 counseling apostolic DFW pastors and for the Lord to build the TEAM of HIS OWN COLOR , LEADER, MINISTRY STYLE choosing.
CLOSING NOTE: Chief apostolic overseer MINISTRY is “SENT MESSENGER” according to First Church (non Levitical) New Testament. So TO WHOM is DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship and Taveau Creative Leadership being SENT TO:
- Taveau asked the Lord , many years ago” Lord, if Apostle Paul was “SENT” to the Gentiles and Apostle Peter was “SENT” to the Jews…then WHO are You “SENDING THIS MINISTER TO?”…and the Lord replied, ” I am SENDING YOU to the “Slacks Wearers” ( A-men…and A-women!)