ONE: IFFM PS 118 Leader Doctrines for a New Day
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy all copyrights reserved IFFM PSALM 118 MINISTRY LEADER DOCTRINES FOR A NEW DAY (Note: we plan to also post this same series over on Taveau D’Arcy Ministries Official Lexicon www.taveauministrieslexicon.org blog, as they both inter relate with this subject. PART ONE: OVERVIEW Doctrine is what gives every person, ministry and subgroup their moral, spiritual, guiding, decision making INFRASTRUCTURE. Also add passed down Traditions, apostolic mixture, but also modern massive media..and what we have today is nearly a local regional partly American, even parts of worldwide future meltdown and /or complete disappearance. (WHICH by faith we do not ever believe will happen..but the misshapen fruit is NOT…
IFFM/TCL Leadership View: Bible Titled Offices/Chief Apostles
MAY 30, 2013 Please Note: NOTE: From time to time, we feel the need to make it clear that we do not promote an over use of BIBLE OFFICE TITLES but when viewed in servant leader, organic Bible context, we feel that the lower case term /meaning of them is allowed. (C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved IN IFFM, DR TAVEAU D’ARCY LEADERSHIP and IFFM DFW LEADER MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP’S IN HOUSE SERVANT APOSTLES IN’S AND OUTS VIEW REGARDING A PERSON BEING ONE OF GOD’S BIBLE “Sent Messengers:” “The Bible says YOU’LL BE SENT, yet that it doesn’t say that YOU’LL BE RECEIVED” IFFM chief doctrine originator, servant leader Taveau…
Description of PSALM 118 Leadership Doctrines for a New Day
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law. April 18, 2013 Warmest Greetings, Before we proceed, TODAY: please review prior pioneering leadership blogs LEADER DOCTRINES FOR A NEW DAY regarding comparing the FIRST CHURCH “ORGANIC” APOSTLES, the Dr. Taveau D’Arcy Pioneering Ministry Leadership OFFICIAL In House Use of the words, Apostle, apostle, chief apostle, the office of the apostle, and doing work in an apostolic manner (Beginning Feb 8,2013, in about 5-7 series (which we plan to resume following PSALM 118 Dr. TD Ministry Submitted Selah Overview. To View our MANY Leadership Ministry Present Day Words on Web TV, plus review my MANY other topical, present day current…
Pioneering Leadership: 2 Exceedingly Different Leaders
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law. APRIL 14, 2013 Good AM, Respected, Realistic Thinker, Reader Today we are posting this same Present Day Leader Selah on several blogs, as it seems to be an IMPORTANT Message to compare and contrast humble servant true ministry vs archaic, stale and imperceptive, stuck in the mud, superficial, critical pioneering leadership. Today’s WORD compares Prophet Nehemiah with High Priest Eli. Please note that the writer sense that this is a REAL SEASON for all of us in God’s 5 fold leadership true offices to seek HIM, to truly UNDERSTAND His MANY reasons for calling US to serve the…
Part 3 Reasons for Studying Apostles Spiritual Authority Covering Doctrines
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved APRIL 2, 2013 Blessings Reader! To fully understand the concept, the writer’s own personal real life /pioneering ministry history, please read the WHAT PROVOKED THE CHIEF APOSTLES BIBLE STUDY BIG INTEREST IN LEADER SPIRITUAL COVERING DOCTRINES found on this ministry blog website: PART 1 March 26 and PART 2 March 29, 2013 TO LOOK FORWARD TO: We will conclude the needed Dr. T family back ground, personal leader eyewitness accuser and GOOD doctrinal discoveries in this final part CONCLUSION. Then upcoming we shall give a few words from the Lord directed for senior 5 fold mature offices, return more to apostles in the first church, Apostle Paul,…
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