ADVANCING INTO 2014 ALSO……SEE NEW LOOK: www.dfwleaderfellowship.org AND NOW: www.dfwlof.org (C) 2014 Taveau D’Arcy Consulting All copyrights reserved
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved . APOSTOLIC LEADERSHIP: DISCERNING TRUE FROM FALSE IN SENIOR OFFICE MINISTRY WRITER’S NOTE: MAY THIS APOSTOLIC LEADER SUBMITTED SELAH assist Jesus leaders avoid all ministry inaccurate representations of His Good Name. And may it help make God’s House a safe, special place of refuge, Holy Spirit welcoming acceptance, organic apostolic Bible edification and pure instruction. And may this message assist ALL in making clear, Godly , accurate discernment righteous judgments. Dr. Taveau D’Arcy, IFFM senior pioneering founder The GOOD NEWS is that NOBODY has to remain a false chief apostle, leader office. Simply prayerfully adjust your doctrine, your life style and what’s deep inside your…
LET US SEPARATE OURSELF FROM THE LEADER HERD: “I refuse to watch from afar and ACCUSE without taking time to respect that other, by inquiring one to one, in person.” (C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved NOTE: This is also shared on www.randomsaltandselahs.com LEADER note: In all of my multi decades of senior pioneering ministry, it was not until the last 5-7 years. after my move, did I OFTEN, REPEATEDLY encounter what I now nonaccusatively name the ELI HIGH PRIESTHOOD aka the ducking and avoiding, accuser blame shifting over busy, REVELATION 2:1-7 CHURCH EPHESIANS LAMPSTAND REVISITED. HENCE many of these comments were birthed from the SIMILAR REPEATED senior 5…
Boanerge Ministry & Media: on the HORIZON…
Hi, I sincerely feel responsible to get any ‘revelation download’ as God begins to give it…and write it. So while I have nearly completed the next installment, BOANERGE MINISTRY and the MEDIA, the Lord began to give me a closely related Leader Males, Females, Patrician start of one. SURELY it will provoke new (even resistant) controversial substantial ministry thought. AND it is submitted as SELAH humble truthful form, not hard core “Gotta Be Viewed as RELIGIOUSLY RIGHT” …and I yield it to each servant reader in James 3:17 due form. It is now on the NEST O BLOGS on www.taveau.org MALES AND FEMALES and OTHER BIBLE FIGURES. The first blog post…
The Boanerge Ministry Culture and Media #1
(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved Dear Reader, This particular TAVEAU D’ARCY OFFICIAL LEADER BLOG is dedicated to First church apostles, meaning the first Organic Twelve, followed by murderous Saul who was transformed into the Apostle Paul, yet many Christian leaders, are not aware that when Paul first arrived in Jerusalem, that based upon hearsay and word of mouth “believing an evil report” even while Paul would wind up penning 2/3 of the New Testament, for a period 14 years, the Apostle Paul was hindered, regarded as suspicious and kept at bay FROM the first Original 12 (minus Judas, add Matthias). See the first blogs on this site for more…
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