SUN FEB15 IFFM DFW LOF: GOD SPEAKS 1x, 2xby adminAllPosted on February 15, 2015February 15, 2015Comments are Disabled
OPEN ENDED READER LEADER PERCEIVEby adminAllPosted on February 15, 2015February 15, 2015Comments are Disabled
5 VIDEO IFFM FRESH WORD: MINISTRY TO PEOPLE WHO OPPOSE THEMSELVESby adminAllPosted on February 10, 2015February 9, 2015Comments are Disabled
APOSTOLIC LEADER FRESH WORD: ABRACADABRA: TRUE AND FALSE LEADER AUTHORITY IN MINISTRYby adminAllPosted on January 20, 2015January 20, 2015Comments are Disabled