Reprint for Encouraging Apostolic PMA
March 21, 2013 Hi, just taking a SMALL break for all the overly long TD Blogs. Been looking back over the MANY YEARS of web articles, handouts, etc. and am reprinting this one from 2003. (have also been posting the same one on several blogs as it may even give leaders teaching , self motivating ideas). PMA IS A SECRET: Maintaining PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) is a SECRET to ongoing heart peace, and even ministry, pastoring, lay business, SUCCESS! God is moving.. God’s PEACE, PIONEERING AGAPE and BLESSINGS! Dr. T GOD’S BE-ATTITUDES Based upon Matthew 5:3-11 © 2003 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved BLESSED are the POOR IN SPIRIT….not those who have…
HISTORICAL LANDMARK TAVEAU CHURCH Cordesville, South Carolina APOSTOLIC SERVANT LEADER PIONEERING FOUNDATIONS (C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved Amazing Greetings, Dear Reader! Today the writer will present for each readers SELAH , what she perceives is VALID REALISTIC THOUGHT FOR A POTENTIAL SENIOR PIONEERING GRASS ROOTS DOCTRINAL BIG OVER HAUL REASONS WHY THE WRITER ADDRESSES LEGALISTIC ACCUSATIVE MODERN PIONEERING CHURCH GOVERNING DOCTRINES 1. USE OF TV APOSTOLIC LOGIC: WRITER’S THEORY: What ever is national level leader modeled, Bible taught then broadcast over TV /media national airwaves, the trickles down in the local, often culturally land locked, ministerially isolated grass roots…
Welcome and Greetings!
Howdy and Welcome!
Writer’s Reasons For Bible Studying Chief Apostles
(C) Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved all copyrights reserved This was first posted MARCH 16, 2013 on this website “DIVERSE, EPHESIANS 2-5:21 Pioneering Cross Body Wide True UNITY: It’s not about each of us being 100 percent in complete agreement: rather’s it’s about the ministry fruit we display if we DO disagree.” Dr. Taveau D’Arcy. The writer’s blog will be continually updated (as in as many as is needed) , as there a great many big historical, former generational and present,even (especially) future generations in senior ongoing ministry,apostolic lifestyle and leader-onto lay trickle down historical into current seeming overview. And the pioneering writer will state her own personal ongoing real reasons…
While We’re Preparing to Resume Part 7 of Apostles Study
Greetings! WHILE we’re working on PART 8 of the continuing First Chief Apostles ongoing DOCTRINES FOR A NEW DAY series, we have been busy at work and just this AM, posted a topical related blog on theRANDOM SALT AND SELAHS TD leader blog. And it relates topically to this CHIEF APOSTLE ministry examination blog, by sharing about making ministry /apostolic clear discernment! It is titled MINING FOR SALT: ACCUSER OR THE MESSIAH, Date March 12 http://randomsaltandselahs.wordpress.com/ AND another EXAMINING THE MORTAL SOUL on blog: March 12 MINISTRY DISCERNMENT AND PERCEPTION http://discernmentandperception.wordpress.com Hopefully these will provide something for YOU to read while we are finishing the chief apostles PART 8. In His Mighty Name, Dr. Taveau D’Arcy
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