This article was first printed www.organicleader.org July 7, 2014 ABOUT THE FIRST NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH WHO were all of the first church chief apostles UNDER? (C)2014 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved “Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide; keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.”Micah 7:5 “And do not call no man your father on the earth; for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” who Matthew 23:9 WHY did Apostle Paul regard himself and a band of others as “sent out from the Lord, but not UNDER any one particular organized group, one single person?” GALATIANS…
First posted February 2, 2013 THE MIND OF CHRIST? Part 2 (C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.” I Corinthians 2:16 In yesterdays, MIND OF CHRIST? Part 1, we discussed the fact that if nobody knows what is truly in God’s mind, only He can truly see what is going in inside each of our own minds and hearts. We discussed Daniel 2:28-30 “There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets” Principle. Following that we discussed reading Isaiah 1-12 to see what CONDITIONS in the nation of God, actually…
PLEASE NOTE:From this point (Nov 26, 2012) up until RIGHT NOW,(Mid 2014) we keep feeling strongly impressed to address WHO/WHAT is an accurate First New Testament representation of “Christ Following” “5 fold office senior ministry.” And we’re allowing the LORD to keep examining US to see if WE truly are… Sincerely, Dr Taveau First posted on Nov. 26, 2012 EZEKIEL’S VISION APPLIED (C) 2012 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law THE PIONEERING WRITERS BACKGROUND Aside: Beginning in 1976, the Lord instructed this writer to simply study the different doctrines, worship styles of His many born again, Bible believing, various types of pastors, groups, ministries, churches, denominations and…
The BEST of the LORD is the REST FROM the LORD
THE BEST OF THE LORD IS THE REST FROM THE LORD Harvest Reprint from Sept 1, 2011 Dear Hurried Leader, Your quality of life might be evaluated in your own ability to enjoy it. If you are racing, running, stressed and heavily pressured, then that is not what is best…and many times will produce spiritual fruit which does not bear the sweet savor of God’s Holy Spirit. God’s blessing is promised in Isaiah 56, and Isaiah 58. Very notably God commands His Sabbath Day blessing on all..and His faithful Word declares, “Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings…
(C)2014 Taveau D’Arcy all copyrights reserved GREETINGS..please make note.. WE’RE GOING BACK…. INTO THE FUTURE… We originally intended that this blog remain about FIRST CHURCH ORIGINAL CHIEF APOSTLES, 5 fold OFFICES and similar. But then we began to encounter TV MEDIA “POPULAR WORSHIP CULTURE ” senior ministry…in such giant deep southwest droves…that it was as horrific SHOCk to the pioneering apostolic leader writer’s (anti) BIG RELIGIOUS SYSTEM.** **Meaning: Wasn’t CHRIST FOLLOWING primarily designed to be about ongoing EPH 1:16 “ACCEPTING” RELATIONSHIPS…not “Building MY OWN Sr Ministry?” HENCE we began examining FIRST CHURCH APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE as well as the NEW MIXTURE of PC “popular grass roots worship culture” vastly held pastoral,…
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