IFFM MINISTRY EQUIPPING: God has placed perceivers who are seers on BOTH sides of the pulpit office stage. This is His (non religious) System of checks and balances. LATEST DR TAVEAU LEADERSHIP NEWS: UPCOMING: UNTAMED WORSHIP UNIVERSITY www.untameduniversity.com NEW MAKE OVER: IFFM ENCOURAGE WEB TV www.enouragetelevision.org MESSAGE: FELLOWSHIPPING IN THESE END DAYS “Do not forsake fellowshipping with the saints as some have..”Apostle Paul Hebrews 10:25 “You need to all pick commonly agreed upon cross true Body apostolic ministry submitted doctrines” (Paul in Ephesians 4) (C)2014 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved SHARING A FEW COMMENTS FROM MY TWITTER :EMERGE FROM (Accuser resembling, apostolic backstabbing, legalistic) loveless CHURCH 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Big…
Picture of the recent DFW area arctic landscape…. GREETINGS! We’re going to start to close out this very blessed past year by first sharing the ENTIRE “LEADER LABYRINTHE” YE OLDE LIST… of Taveau D’Arcy’s ongoing senior pioneering apostolic leader blogs. From sober, to the feline sublime. (Scroll way below…reading fodder for slow, snowy, nights?) AND we have also posted them on a PAGE which will remain on this site. AFTER we share the list BELOW, starting in the next few blog installments, I want to bring a FEW past BLOGS back from this site..as they are important for what lies beyond….whether DEEP INSIDE OUR OWN HEARTS….or what PERTAINS TO FUTURE of…
PART 2; POPULAR WORSHIP MINISTRY CULTURE: REVELATIONS 2 CHURCH OF EPHESUS REVISITED? (C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved “There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets.” Daniel 2:28 “I did not tell you all of these things for you to reward me and to make me well known and famous but so that God would reveal to you what lies inside your own heart.” Daniel 2:30 * *Paraphrase of the servant true prophet Daniel to the mentally hardened, spiritually dull and imperceptive, ruler King Nebuchadnezzar. POPULAR WORSHIP MINISTRY CULTURE: THE REVELATION CHURCH OF EPHESUS REVISITED #2 NOTE: In the previous CHURCH OF EPHESUS REVISTED #1, the writer began…
Boanerge Ministry & Media: on the HORIZON…
Hi, I sincerely feel responsible to get any ‘revelation download’ as God begins to give it…and write it. So while I have nearly completed the next installment, BOANERGE MINISTRY and the MEDIA, the Lord began to give me a closely related Leader Males, Females, Patrician start of one. SURELY it will provoke new (even resistant) controversial substantial ministry thought. AND it is submitted as SELAH humble truthful form, not hard core “Gotta Be Viewed as RELIGIOUSLY RIGHT” …and I yield it to each servant reader in James 3:17 due form. It is now on the NEST O BLOGS on www.taveau.org MALES AND FEMALES and OTHER BIBLE FIGURES. The first blog post…
The Boanerge Ministry Culture and Media #1
(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved Dear Reader, This particular TAVEAU D’ARCY OFFICIAL LEADER BLOG is dedicated to First church apostles, meaning the first Organic Twelve, followed by murderous Saul who was transformed into the Apostle Paul, yet many Christian leaders, are not aware that when Paul first arrived in Jerusalem, that based upon hearsay and word of mouth “believing an evil report” even while Paul would wind up penning 2/3 of the New Testament, for a period 14 years, the Apostle Paul was hindered, regarded as suspicious and kept at bay FROM the first Original 12 (minus Judas, add Matthias). See the first blogs on this site for more…
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