PART 1 : POPULAR CULTURE MINISTRY: BOOK OF REVELATION CHURCH OF EPHESUS? (C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved > Today I resume deep study of modern day leader doctrine and it’s effects out in the congregation and most especially in the senior and junior, rising, 5 fold office ministry. When we study both the Old Testament and the New, in modern day, New Testament, post resurrection, post legalism apostolic Times, the manner in which a chief apostle, senior pastor, 5 fold office handles the Old Testament in their In House leader subjective doctrine, will either make healthy, true, Bible “organic” remaining, safe, accepting spiritual FRUIT or accusative twisted spiritual FALLOUT. The…
Boanerge Ministry & Media: on the HORIZON…
Hi, I sincerely feel responsible to get any ‘revelation download’ as God begins to give it…and write it. So while I have nearly completed the next installment, BOANERGE MINISTRY and the MEDIA, the Lord began to give me a closely related Leader Males, Females, Patrician start of one. SURELY it will provoke new (even resistant) controversial substantial ministry thought. AND it is submitted as SELAH humble truthful form, not hard core “Gotta Be Viewed as RELIGIOUSLY RIGHT” …and I yield it to each servant reader in James 3:17 due form. It is now on the NEST O BLOGS on www.taveau.org MALES AND FEMALES and OTHER BIBLE FIGURES. The first blog post…
The Boanerge Ministry Culture and Media #1
(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved Dear Reader, This particular TAVEAU D’ARCY OFFICIAL LEADER BLOG is dedicated to First church apostles, meaning the first Organic Twelve, followed by murderous Saul who was transformed into the Apostle Paul, yet many Christian leaders, are not aware that when Paul first arrived in Jerusalem, that based upon hearsay and word of mouth “believing an evil report” even while Paul would wind up penning 2/3 of the New Testament, for a period 14 years, the Apostle Paul was hindered, regarded as suspicious and kept at bay FROM the first Original 12 (minus Judas, add Matthias). See the first blogs on this site for more…
In Preparation for Boanerge Ministry and Western Media Culture
C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved Hi While I realize I have run behind my schedule for this blog: I shall post this which ties in with the NEXT TD OFFICIAL BLOG for this site. “Regarding TV/MEDIA and perhaps just western Self Seeking, Infantile BOANERGE 5 fold office, NOT 100 percent truly NT Organic, misshapen leadership FRUIT. SO when this one began to be given to me from the Lord another TD’ARCY BLOG, I also felt strongly impressed that it was a PRIMO EXAMPLE of what “popular pulpit ministry” may be doing ( or perhaps UNDOING), down in the grass roots (“where you can bump into some of them…
Reprint from EMERGE FROM CHURCH: Warning to Leaders
We are a SPAGHETTI Ministry when we toss out SELAHS: IFFM TAVEAU D’ARCY Selah Ministry Words resembles someone throwing a plate of spaghetti against the wall: then you find out how much STICKS. (C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved JUNE 6 Greetings, I got quite a lengthy Emerge FROM Church (www.emergefromchurch.org) heavy revealed download today and I felt it also belonged over on this blog..perhaps it is far more appropriate here. It is a respectfully submitted,ZERO HOLDS BARRED Selah, directed to senior pastors, ministry leaders. Please, spit out what is STUBBLE from this LENGTHY word, but attempt to keep what is nonlegalistic HAY. With sincerity, Dr. Taveau D’Arcy NOTE:…
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