April 8, 2013 Blessings! TODAY we reprint from a SELAH regarding God’s Holy Spirit Move . It is from a prior Leader Word archives. Yet we believe that word is encouraging for those in deep need, and is still valid. It has to do with present perceptions of senior pioneering leader need for income. FOLLOWING this, we shall resume the Dr. Taveau D’Arcy Pioneering Leadership LEADER DOCTRINES FOR NEW DAY: Psalm 118 Pioneering in Ministry, more about the apostle Paul and current modern leader doctrinal spiritual mixture. AND EACH of them always are yielded in submitted SELAH with respect to each mature wise 5 fold leader reader. Sincerely, Dr.…
NOTE: This was first posted 2013 www.taveauleader.com PART 3 BOANERGE LEADERSHIP AND MEDIA: WHAT IS LEADER ROMAN PATRICIANISM? (C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved “Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:” Acts 10:34 “My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with the respecter of persons.” James 2:1 GOOGLE search definition of a PATRICIAN: an aristocrat, nobleman, grandee, noble, nobleman, noblewoman, lord, lady, peer, peeress “IF Galatians 5:6 declares that “Faith works by Love” THEN where there no genuine Love, there is no genuine Faith &”Jesus can do no mighty works” T. D’Arcy…
Simplicity In Life and Leadership
This was first published November 3, 2012 on this site. SIMPLICITY IN LIFE AND LEADERSHIP HOW to handle the trusting points between “I ask for it” and “I see it” (C) 2012 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved Something deep within keeps rising in the TCL ongoing search for what Jesus would view as purely ORGANIC in life, pioneering ministry. In the last few Sundays, in the DFW Leader Ministry Online Fellowship(www.onlinefellowship.us) the Spirit of the Lord has been addressing us taking ou OWN responsibility to do OUR own earthly part in Decluttering, Destressing and Detoxing OUR OWN LEADER /FAMILY LIFE. His leading has been so very practical and spiritual…
Repeat: Jesus, the Temple Money Changers and Modern Day Leadership
(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international laws. APRIL 16, 2013 Dear Highly Regarded Mature Reader, This blog is a repeat from my recent RANDOM SALT and SELAHS.com ministry blog. It bears repeating. I apologize if you are one of the many who may get one or more of these same blogs, but in the shifting sands of the web internet sharing senior pioneering, this WORD can also be found by surfers who may just STUMBLE across it. Besides, I believe that it could stand repeating! Almighty Blessings! Sincerely, Taveau D’Arcy APRIL 13, 2013 (C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved POURING SALT: The Temple Money Changers and…
MAY 23, 2013 Almighty Blessings! As many of you sense, we are in a NEW APOSTOLIC SEASON..a deepening of what has already been arising in the service, real leader season of the Lord. The word today comes: The Spirit of God is arising. He is replacing the 5 fold office spirit of entitlement with an awesome Holy Fear of the Lord.” Yet we admit, MANY discerning 5 fold pastors, true prophets, chief apostles, teachers and witnessing evangelists ALREADY are abiding in that “awesome reverential Holy Fear” which Proverbs 1:7 declares is the “beginning of (true) wells of knowledge. Yet, even as I pen this, the writer shares that NO…
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