The Boanerge Ministry Culture and Media #1
(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved Dear Reader, This particular TAVEAU D’ARCY OFFICIAL LEADER BLOG is dedicated to First church apostles, meaning the first Organic Twelve, followed by murderous Saul who was transformed into the Apostle Paul, yet many Christian leaders, are not aware that when Paul first arrived in Jerusalem, that based upon hearsay and word of mouth “believing an evil report” even while Paul would wind up penning 2/3 of the New Testament, for a period 14 years, the Apostle Paul was hindered, regarded as suspicious and kept at bay FROM the first Original 12 (minus Judas, add Matthias). See the first blogs on this site for more…
Boanerge Worship Ministry Culture Today
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved Greetings! ON THIS Ministry Blog we resurrect the First Church Chief apostles, and then Apostle Paul who came later. IF you desire to read many of the first postings on this blog, it will inform YOU of how DR. TAVEAU D’ARCY LEADERSHIP views and uses the word “APOSTLE” The early blogs how our regards as to how IFFM uses them, as they are used by ministries in MANY different ways, so we want YOU to be on the same page as WE whenever we discuss them. TODAY on a new blog.ADVENTURES IN HUMAN PLEASING, the Lord began to unfold an extra large leader…
Apostle Paul As Compared to the Other Organic 12
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved (C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law MAY 11, 2013 Greetings, APOSTOLIC TD BLOG before THIS ONE: We re-started to write much more regarding the Apostle Paul and the First disciples hand picked, imparted to and mentored by the Apostle’s Apostle, the Messiah, Jesus Christ. (May 8) But then departed briefly for a leader/response blog. But with that finished, we now RESUME: (one of my most favorite leader interests) REMINDER: Way back in the book of Isaiah, the prophet foretold of the coming of the Messiah, the one who would NOT enable or even tolerate the Accusative witness nor the…
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved May 9, 2013 APOSTLE PAUL REVISITED Resuming our APOSTLES series (from beginning Feb 8, 2013 7 part Series) Greetings, I realize it’s taken quite a while to get back onto one of my own most exciting, extremely important hot Spiritual Governmental topics. The difference between the FIRST 12 Chief Apostles and the one the arrived as the Newbie in the town of Jerusalem, much later. Begin by finding and reading at least the first 1-5 Blogs about this topic. They are on this blog beginning around February 2013, and go up to Part 7. Over all notes: Jesus Christ picked the first “organic…
Pioneering Leadership: 2 Exceedingly Different Leaders
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law. APRIL 14, 2013 Good AM, Respected, Realistic Thinker, Reader Today we are posting this same Present Day Leader Selah on several blogs, as it seems to be an IMPORTANT Message to compare and contrast humble servant true ministry vs archaic, stale and imperceptive, stuck in the mud, superficial, critical pioneering leadership. Today’s WORD compares Prophet Nehemiah with High Priest Eli. Please note that the writer sense that this is a REAL SEASON for all of us in God’s 5 fold leadership true offices to seek HIM, to truly UNDERSTAND His MANY reasons for calling US to serve the…
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