BLESSINGS! I posting this on SEVERAL ministry TD Blogs today… FIRST PART: VINTAGE SECOND PART: BRIEF OPINION QUESTION PART ONE: DISCERNER, PERCEIVER TAVEAU VINTAGE: HOW TO BE HAPPY (C)2010 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved MUCH of the TIME, our being “HAPPY” is affected by our own choices. The following are a few helpful tips to SELAH (meaning: to pause and consider( CHOOSE to live your personal and public LIFE before An Audience of One. Let only HIS opinion deeply matter. CHOOSE to live your life for Someone beside your own Self CHOOSE to view everything you experience through God’s Viewpoint: The Eyes of Eternity “For the Joy Set before Him,…
Dr Taveau’s (among some of them) French Huguenot,ancient ancestors pioneered the Taveau Church in SC (Google search, a historical landmark) WHAT IS AN APOSTLE? WHAT IS WALKING IN THE OFFICE OF A CHIEF APOSTLE? VERSUS: WHAT IS “DOING THE WORK OF AN APOSTLE?” JUST FOR YOU: IFFM encloses this free LOVE GIFT for each of YOU: a FREE PDF in depth Bible study on APOSTLES: Being ONE or doing the WORK of one. www.OrganicLeader.org Feb 19, http://www.emotionalwoodstock.org/organic-chief-apostles/ (C)2014 Taveau D’Arcy Leadership All copyrights reserved
ONE: IFFM PS 118 Leader Doctrines for a New Day
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy all copyrights reserved IFFM PSALM 118 MINISTRY LEADER DOCTRINES FOR A NEW DAY (Note: we plan to also post this same series over on Taveau D’Arcy Ministries Official Lexicon www.taveauministrieslexicon.org blog, as they both inter relate with this subject. PART ONE: OVERVIEW Doctrine is what gives every person, ministry and subgroup their moral, spiritual, guiding, decision making INFRASTRUCTURE. Also add passed down Traditions, apostolic mixture, but also modern massive media..and what we have today is nearly a local regional partly American, even parts of worldwide future meltdown and /or complete disappearance. (WHICH by faith we do not ever believe will happen..but the misshapen fruit is NOT…
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved Due to the need to get this out, we posted this on our other apostolic blog www.taveauministrieslexicon.org OUR “IF WE EXPERIENCE IT, OBSERVE IT 3-4 TIMES THEN WE DOCTRINE ADDRESS IT” IFFM DR. TAVEAU D’ARCY IN HOUSE APPLIED RULE PART ONE of TWO: The Writer Gives Her Non Performance Non Legalistic Background Bible Based Leader Foundations Although the Lord commissioned the (then) young, ministerially naive but truly on fire Christian, writer back in 1976, to begin to observe, to study the many different groups of born again, Bible believing true believers “in order to be able to build bridges of commonality among them.” She…
SELAH TIME: Personal Inner True Revival
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law. May 1, 2013 Blessings! “It only takes a spark to get a fire going.” Those wonderful words are come rom the play, PASS IT ON, from the old Southern Baptist musical. Yet they point to a specific, urgent,extremely important concept that is perhaps the MAIN KEY to ongoing imminent National Revival. The key factor is taking personal ownership, being spiritually accountable to do OUR OWN HUMAN PART as unto,standing before the LORD. Because Scripturally “The anointing flows from the leader head” this fact teaches us that FIRST starting in senior pioneering leadership, THEN flowing out from this, that there will…
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