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45 MINISTRY YEARS (Hebrews 10:25, Fellowships, Ministry Leaders) – Seek the BIG “Holy Spirit witness” True Balance: This means knowing how long to stick it out and pay the price to remain and participate, yet also knowing when God wants you to flee.
My advice today is based on Psalm 144: “Beware of the strange children.” (It also advises keeping your children away from them!)
I am Taveau D’Arcy, a modern-day Apostolic Founder and Lead Pastor. I am the FOUNDER AND HEAD INSTIGATOR of a God-revealed, ongoing prototype (explained forthcoming, so don’t get all worked up) that serves as a response to FALSE MINISTRY CONTROL DOCTRINES and WHITE WITCHCRAFT (i.e., Shepherding Old Timey Country Law, Dominating, Chief Judas, Tyranically Big Boss). These practices are popular in mostly Spirit-filled, authoritarian, win-at-any-cost, and mostly Demas-charismatic areas.
Though none go with me, I still will follow,”” St Giles Presbyterian sober decision “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus’ (“no turning back, no turning back”)
“The Call for this person came during America’s Bicentennial, 1976. I, TD was seated in St. Giles Presbyterian in Richmond, VA. St. Giles was a very sound, pure-hearted, and, in hindsight, deeply holy fear of the Lord. Intellectual and deeply Bible-grounded and balanced, patriarchal elders (who were NOT LP) led. However, one that was not legalistic nor overly traditional, for these had allowed the Holy Spirit, charismatic, to come in. The first quiet, calm yet trickles of what later erupted and went in every direction, be it good, bad, odd, weird, and now grown into a holy mixed using occult (mega, many micro white witchcraft). Hence, it is now right to train.”
NOTE: However, I will submit is all as “SELAHS” to pause, to consider, to compare the Bible but then FREEDOM TO HEAR GOD ABOUT EACH AND EVERY POINT for YOUR SELF.
BACK TO THE TD STORY: THE GOD COMMISSION – Taveau was sitting in Sunday service when she heard the peaceful inner witness of God’s Holy Spirit communicate, “I want you to study the USA Body of Christ ministry leaders. It will be all races, all styles, both speaking in tongues and not. I want you to learn their doctrines, their pet peeves, the red flag buzzwords, and their music and leader style. THEN IN THE LAST DAYS, I will have you build bridges of understanding between them.”
“That Sunday, Taveau, age 24, was married, (prior to having children) after graduating from the University of Richmond, where she had met the Holy Spirit and received the Book of Acts experience at age 20 (quietly and calmly, as is Father God’s usual method with Taveau). She went on her way, and as the Lord instructed, she would be impressed to go here and there to sit in the audiences of GREAT MEGA, MANY GREAT MEDIUM, and MICRO churches.
Yet after TV and showbiz began to affect even the born-again worship cultures, then the Holy Spirit’s REAL MOVES also began to attract other influences – “the unsaved carnal world, the human flesh, and the devil.” Plus, subtle yet big “pure-hearted first teachings,” which were morphed and drastically added to, subtracted from, and made into a non-Bible widely accepted BIG ISSUE. I will cite the “Kenneth Hagin Sr. faith teaching and many similar in those first calm real moves, teaching “AUTHORITY IN CHRIST,” such as “THE BELIEVER’S AUTHORITY” (which I am very pro), yet other persons took that and added East Coast Levitical Patriarch overseer Shepherding, which became a cultish, celebrity, and mainly Big Boss biased version, with its enforced controlling authority akin to Roman Aristocrat – a form of pagan idolatry.”**
SEERS: even Grand, Great, Gifted persons can mistakenly practice occult diving, errant FALSE targeting real witchcraft (operating in false authority)…(honoring by granting this GRACE: “by mistake??”)
Plus, who could have ever imagined stumbling upon dozens of ministry fellowships in the USA that are now described in the Bible as “FROM SUCH TURN AWAY” by St. Paul? These are mainly occult-friendly fire fellowships, as described in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and 1 Timothy 6:5, which ministry leaders must now equip themselves against, alongside Hebrews 10:25. However, we are clearly in “THE LAST MINISTRY DAYS.”
It’s not the same USA now as when God’s call first started, and nobody could have realized what would happen in the nation, society, and with TV media at every turn. Nor could they have foreseen how we, as Jesus’ “Church,” would not understand His maturity (myself included) or His fully true doctrine. I am not there yet either, but I can research it and call it to attention, inspiring and encouraging sincere, non-cultish, non-legalistic, non-character assassinating, unbiased, and non-people-pleasing Noble Bereans.
However, as of right now, the assessed former Exact and Precise apparent time of “I, we can afford to bide time and wait” period in history is over. Now, the search is on for who, what, and how fully represents an organic first church in these perilous end times. Pure organic values have no added human synthetic additives and are “minus the OT governing letter of the law.”
But hold your head up, for no one is perfectly right or pure or doctrinally 250% correct. Only the Messiah Christ was that. So, just be mature, as even if you understand that neither you nor I will ever be perfect, at least we (you and I) can each do a lot better!
The final last issue is that as we realize nobody will ever be perfect in their teaching, but nobody is willing to admit that. The issue is how we act when we disagree. (I will be addressing that later). The key is James 3:17 relation preserving, non-accusing fault-finding, “humble” mature real respect.
Hence the Submitted Selah “TRAINING” (meaning: for those who have ears to fully hear”)
CROSS BODY UNITY is a new servant leader ministry move. It’s a concept, a hidden style. Nobody joins it as a member; it is based upon fruit discernment (a godly remnant). Note: “This is a Holy Spirit-led cooperative, being sent type of respecting community. It is not a one-world church which has just been started up a few weeks ago somewhere in the Middle East.” This is every sovereign, listening to the Lord for themselves but in open-hearted “community” with no one type or style over any other. (I will expound much more on this later.)
Visit https://www.crossbodyunity.com, as in Cross Body Unity (Book of Ephesians 4), which transformed a harmonious, diverse community based primarily on the Apostle’s many teachings. IFFM now, plus with the former official IRS 501(c)(3).
1.LEADER FINE A.R.T “ABIDING RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY” This non elite diverse training includes A.R.T. Abiding James 3:17 Relationship Theology, (abide in enduring relationship fruit of JAMES 3:17,”the wisdom that comes from above” …and you’ll never want to be accusative, biased and mean) (James 3:17 “the wisdom from above is first of all pure, peaceable,easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits(Gal 5:22-23) without partiality and without hypocrisy”
Note: All of this takes training, as this is not hidden back under the OT self-serving regal Law. Self-government which respects and (Ephesians 5:21) “mutually submits” to all, yet it requires the individual person’s choice and commitment to “run to the Lord” for His strength, power, and help to endure and abide in James 3:17 during big stress, warfare, marriage pressure. It’s great for kids and youth and up.
2 Assessing by James 3:17 is a huge verse also for the discernment of other human persons and also of yourself and myself. It means that if a new person visits or you are meeting them, or working in ministry, hiring, sponsoring, you assess them, and evaluate ongoing by the fruit of James 3:17 (listed above).
Assess, evaluate, but do not accuse, and this James 3:17 ongoing fruit assessment will assist! (Seers: train your evil eye teams!)
Training tip for prequalifying trustworthy, kind fellow humans: qualify lay, new ongoing many visitors, friends, inner circle, staff, top leaders, all 5-fold offices to note how well they conform to Holy Spirit “true wisdom from above.” Also, evaluate yourself.
- “Mature EORR” Diverse EORR…Multicultural, all nations, all styles, all beliefs, looks, politics…meaning in-house EORR “Equal Opportunity Real Respect for the Office of the Human Made in God’s Image Psalm 139.” (Note: one owes each and every human person Jesus Christ “respect,” but this does not mean that one must “agree with,” “condone,” or “endorse” what they think. And neither should they do back with you or me.)
4. 3 J2 LIFESTYLE: to improve perspective and help to preserve zestful QUALITY OF LIFE even in this LAST DAYS.
Last days based upon 3 John 2: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (mortal soul = the human mind, will, and emotions).
Bottom line: do what is natural, right (a proactive wellness real-life approach), but also be renewed in your mind with Bible faith and hope. (Ask God for his grace and supernatural Bible faith and undeserved mercy.)
Also, has a component: “WATCH YOUR TIPPING POINT “(for how much YOU individually, privately as a PERSON can take: (means what you dwell on, (take in) via media, talking heads, online news, ideas) to avoid becoming hopeless, depressed, oppressed, unaliving (PS spread this to those who minister to YOUTH).
Note: this is promoting a lifestyle assessed as “overall improvement” but not a miracle cure or formula. (A lot more later on this).
For deep, not plastic, shallow goes this trainer
Ephesians 2:19-21
“19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone;
21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:”
BIO OF THE IFFM “The International Fellowship of Foundational Ministries“ (based upon Ephesians 2:19-21, that the CHURCH is built upon the FOUNDATIONS of the apostles and prophets, with JESUS CHRIST being the CORNERSTONE”) IFFM Started after a download of the Holy Spirit during a 2 week visitation upon Taveau is her living room, in her former home in Midlothian, VA.
What followed as was time of dysfunction and attack then the relocation to DFW Christian ministry whereupon it was so nondiverse, so misogynistic and occult that it fit the 2 Timothy 3:1-5/1 Tim 6:5 description, so Dr Taveau followed Apostle Paul’s command to leave. As act of her area office apostle and office prophet SIGN, at the leading of the Lord Taveau (time: DFW 20212)
1. Put down her IFFM 5013c 2. Dropped out of being a charismatic, and 3. No longer affliated with ministry group
And instead, right now is diverse ,Ministry EORR God sent CROSS BODY UNITY ministry collaborator, trainer and a SENT MESSENGER ( servant leader pure apostle) to the USA Chrisitan Ministry Galatians 1;1-2. Also primarily SENT to the Famous Christian Celebrity Buzz (Hitler) as an offscouring” And lives by faith and practices I Timothy 6;6 “Godliness with contentment which is great gain”
2. Her Long History of Being SENT by GOD (commissioned age 24, starting in VA) to surf and study the BODY OF CHRIST LEADERSHIP and their doctrines.. is written at the top of http://www.apostolicteammateu.com. I will put it here, also (later)
3. Apostle Taveau is now opening APOSTOLIC TEAMMATE UNIVERSITY for building bridges to the many diverse styles, tribes and vibes of ALL PURE HEARTED multi-cultures of God’s People .https://www.apostolicteammateu.com
She has the DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship https://www.onlinefellowship.us since 2015 online
4. Her prophet music, psalmist, impartation, stirring up God’s gifts.. was lost in the DFW Time period, due to the repeated in ability to focus due the ongoing dysfunction; Her site https://www.celebrationofhisword.com has not been updated for many years. And she hoped to grow this again VERY SOON.
ENCOURAGING WORD (my own God revealed prayer /training prior call) was UNDER “UMPIRE” for about 10 happy calm years. UMPIRE was a Similar vibe to CROSS BODY UNITY as it stood for UNITY CROSS THE ENTIRE RACIAL MINISTRY BODY.. like I believe. UMPIRE was run by Wes and Anna Ropp. Wes was a Full Gospel Businessman Tri-State President and they loved me and never interfered nor were LP Governing Shepherds nor impure Colonial Big Boss. It was Ephesians 4, and 5:21 just as I had been reared by my sr pastor parent, grandparents and extended Bible scholar family…
THE ENCOURAGING WORD served its purpose. It was always a very peaceful and calm time as it was before WELP mean ministry moved into the local area. And I and many like myself, we never spoken directly to but got accosted, jumped and evil evil witch watched, Big Boss “targeted” but that was just the start of what followed..
The pleasant ministry days during the first part of the ENCOURAGING WORD are good memories, and
the first try at being in “professional, full time” also area wide, regional pioneering ministry.
Way back then I had an office, staff and a newsletter, ongoing prayer gatherings to pray for protection for pastors, families, and their ministry, plus for revival and racial harmony. I was invited to speak and guest ministered in conferences in NC and FL..(hence I got to note area-wide ministry leader’s doctrines) (1986-2003). And this was before Dallas relocation…
But I had the stop the ENCOURAGING WORD and set it down on due the accelerating up close and personal, ongoing and growing unsafe and unhealthy, ,accuser domestic violence. but must made clear as nobody this “these Charismatic Minister Leader higher ups” ever spoke to me directly in person.
But that actually made me grow up and recognize what is going on in these Boys Clubs around the USA big hopeless deep grass roots.
So hence, what that Chapter now fully closed off, I take on the New Day and Love My Life In NC wide region and fully equip and apostolic area-wide (EORR diverse) TRAIN.
Hopefully this helps to clarify WHAT I’ve been doing (since Christ Following as the Jesus Person back in the 1970s’)
FYI: I have never been SO MERRY, JOYFUL and HAPPY and the only thing now is a FAMILY and MUCH PROVISION that I “FEEL” is on it’s WAY.. so please lift that and ME UP ongoing in YOUR PRAYERS.
For wisdom, clear direction, how to navigate the process, and how to make the RIGHT KIND and AMOUNT of Progress. Please pray PRAYER PROTECTION, also.
(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

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