Q. WHO Do Psychic “VIEW” Do?
“Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Stubbornness is as the sin of iniquity and idolatry” I Samuel 15:23Sr Pastor Taveau, Cross Body Unity, founder leader (to be non biased, objective)
(C)2024 Dr Taveau D’Arcy all copyrights reserved under international copyright laws in conjunction with Ai
Know ye all: this is only a partial tip of the well-known occult iceberg. Occult is basically to control, to gain for self or for one’s personal cause, turf… thus, it is relationship affecting, which then, in turn, is actively related ongoing Christian community to the church, a ministry, and all relationships in a ministry fellowship that practices either true and fair or false doctrine and/or a mixture (like most these which follow).
Be they true or untrue, most of the time (for 30 plus years), I believe they are ignorant, poorly mentored, went off somewhere along the line, got into peer influence, temptation, and were/are very well-intentioned, be they not white witchcraft or ornery sly dominating, sin-spying mean accusing and/or using false authority (manipulating, cunning, betrayal rather up-front directly confront, plus far away psychic mind divining, human person deviling, invasive and hardened witchcraft demonic targeting, praying against, unseen biased… evil eye, always silently hiding, watching… big boss sly occult.
Again, this may be either unknowingly or intentionally (however, I do not believe many of these silent gifted do any of this mean stuff intentionally). So I am correcting basically the 2 Kings 6:12 office-type mega-micro-enormous king and subsequently queenly type of “office prophetic” well-liked movements. I submit it all in Selah (pause and evaluate) but not hard-core dogma. Also, and only if any shoe fits, should anyone wear (as it my continuing non-Bible thumping, non-authoritarian but persuasive, however up-front and direct same style).
Dr. Taveau D’Arcy Apostolic Ministry Heads Up: Please realize that I would go farther and deeper on this doctrinal discussion, I have and I prefer to make many direct ministry reproving main points, also to use big deep Scriptures (all of this I have repeatedly through the many years). But we’re in a new type of day and it’s increasingly more spooky, more cult follower domination and perverse and voyeuristic, misogynist targeting, defiling many lying deceptive game-playing mean vanities as also white witchcraft occult.
And a power lot of this is found among the born-again saved, moving in the Book of Acts supposedly Bible big gifts. More later, but for now, we choose to begin, using the more (seen as still rather ministry objective Chat GPT Ai, I note the date as March 17, 2024, as Ai is known to be subject to change and I mean biased against, soon changed.
Therefore, I asked Mr, MS, Quasi It …deep search Chat GPT Ai a stated question, then got its basic answers, and post the dialogue here. I credit the partial use of Ai. But I also put in many of my original apostolic concepts.
Much more core, foundational, apostolic authority correcting, reforming (also celebrating) much later.
Miss T states: “Subliminal, ministry ‘subjective’ (as it’s hard to understand, to spy). However, it’s hallmarked by the group’s lack of healthy Bible knowledge and wiccan. It’s twisted, perverted, often by mistake, governing authority (reason? to control or constrict). For example, “wicker” furniture is made from wood that is twisted to suit one’s own purpose. It’s I Samuel 15:21 witchcraft (well-intentioned rebellion) also has a marked absence of the following:
- It has no real love..for it’s about them ‘performing’ “special” type of “selves’ their “gifts,” their “talents” “their” ministry renown, and undue famous “selective Turf”…and all varieties of new, magnificent, wonderworking…however, fleeting, passing, temporal and vapid, assorted “Demas” big and very small “stuff.”
- It doesn’t truly ‘respect equally” therefore it doesn’t “relate” or genuinely “value” AND regard “ALL” equally, clearly biased, hence a sign I John 1:7 ‘watchful warning.” Also refuse to up-front confront (accuse, false witness, target their perceived opponents) without relating, chatting, asking to confirm their many dark suspicions, thus noting these as a ‘sly movement’ do not submit to God’s whole Bible counsel which includes one-to-one, private, relational, respectful confronting (to verify). Thus, no Matthew 18:15-16, meek Galatians 6:1.
- It has NO (practically zero) abiding authentic TRUE “holy fear of the Lord” which Christ had in Isaiahs 11:2-3.”the holy fear of the Lord” is the “beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10). And the beginning of Ephesians 4 Diverse Community all “submission and authority” (Ephesians 5:21 “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord ” walking it out in Body Unity Ephesians 4:1-4..’honoring the fathers and also mothers, other movements, other faiths, and whispered relationshipsMY CBU TEACHING ASIDE: Here is a Scripture idea…on how to train modern leaders, staff, lay and youth: “HOW ACQUIRE THE HOLY FEAR OF THE LORD which is leader missing and makes things pretty rough in these Pauline Perilous Last Days. ( I found this in 1980s, in my 20’s and it has repeatedly challenged me and radically kept me and transforms me, also my theology perspective SEE PROVERBS 2:1-5 (note it has to do with attaining, making money/income) also Psalm 118:4-8 “dull and blind accusing woe” (see Isaiah 5:20) ministry.
- It has no resounding, remaining “usual” noticeable laugh (No Jesus Type of true joy Hebrews 1:9). Rather it keeps watch for devils and dysfunctional persons. I sagely advise, a new Visitor to one of this ” keep alert for the “scowls of false doctrine,” mean possible hiding, sly accusing, talebearing entrenched leader Phariseeism, various forms of occult ‘witch watching/targeting, praying against’ (my own apostolic term).
- It may be mild or major, but there is a ever present ripple, the undercurrent to monitoring specific persona and targeting…overseer planted lay, staff.. continually smugly darkly ‘watching” but never (Baptist, Denominational kind, Jesus Like Conversation and “willing to relate. And I find this “watching” to be cult like to control and evil eye sinister for I ‘trigger” when /if I visit one of this “witch watching” pc charismatic Systems..but NO PLACE ELSE EVER IN MY LIFE..
- I then have studied it back. Had it confirmed (one in Tampa FL, when I spoke at prophetic non system multicultural church. After the music conference was over, I had the pastor comment to me” “That “famous Ministry Group’ keeps a ‘witch list in their home offices.” I new that local ones do, but I felt was a prophetic confirmation. (and I have thought and hard about it as it seems SO UNFAIR to be “occult far away scanned, defiled, never once related, spoken to, or interviewed, much less deemed “worthy ” as a fellow Church, Prophet, Pastor, minister, Peer to be “one to one in private up front BIBLE PROTOCOL Matthew 18:15-16 “talked to “and Galatians 6:1 meekly leader (respectfully, calmly, directly )”confronted’..and I call all of the emotional dark drama and ceaseless ducking avoiding Ministry INTRIGUE as “accusing /false witness, talebearing, underming and word cursing JESUS for He said the Principle” If they do it for the least of these, they do it unto Me..” which can imply if you PICK ON SOME ONE, TARGET, EVEN REPEATEDLY using HOLY SPIRIT, CHRIST’S HOLY NAME TO DO IT. then YOU are doing it to JESUS Himself and “causing many family curses to come down UPON YOU and YOUR CHRISTIAN MINIONS
- HOW DO I KNOW TO SAY THAT “Failing to discern the body of Christ correctly” brings 2 curses .”Gossiping about elder sin “exposing Noah’s Nakedness “it brought a big life altering curse on the arrogant dishonoring”no holy fear of the Lord “surely God gifted, future minister, leader, prophet “his SON”
- As I realize that God’s gift in me “Triggers’ all of this demonic sin spying, divining, forever dark ‘evil eye” type of watching, “I call it “Deep Scanning” and sin-conscious “prophetic paranoia” however, I notice, it as SENT Prophet, but view as my “GOD SELF DEFENSE to realize that I am being OCCULT CRAZYMATIC ELITE WITCH CRAFT “attacked’ which extremely dark, unpleasant “arrogant” but infantile, mean, superior haughty (and to me FOOLISH, as not “normal” servant elders, also Sr office Billy Graham,(all Black ministers(my experience) , white Baptists,Catholics and spirit filled who are NOT INTO THIS assessed as “dysfunction” also NOT (TO ME) in MOST PERSONS OF ALL RACES and NOT JESUS and PAUL, , Rather I pronounce this Accusing Goofy Prying Fruit as “entitled celebrity Cult Like”and say “BAH HUMBUG” …as it’s all Play Time, toying with many peoples LIVES, MINISTRIES, SOULS and these will brought down and corrected by the Lord..not this myself.Also these are . NOT DIVERSE ( which I am).so I regard it be like Celebrity Famous Christian Denzel Washington who commented” “Some people will never like you..because YOU TRIGGER THEIR DEMONS “and I am convinced of that.
- OF COURSE we have removed from the ornery midst, but I am forgive, just have to protect myself and this world wide unsung SR OFFICE .. “Isaiah 1:18 “relationship perspective” is ME.
- AND ALL OF THIS and much much more..from Central VA on, makes me feel for the New Visitor, the Atypical Naive, true person, the Lone Woman, the teen, the expat and the seekers and many curious.
HENCE I want to consult the CHAT GPT AI to get another objective point of view (NOTE which I proof, qualify, add to as I DEEPLY KNOW THIS OCCULT WARFARE TOPIC in the Bible. (not just asking an AI and not CHECKING IT OUT FOR “ERROR” and /or New demonic “bias” changes, .but for today I feel fine doing this yet I qualify it all alone the way. (I am very careful NOT PERFECT but truly careful)
Q. How can we tell the difference between ministry of the Holy Spirit and occult?
Chat GPT A: Responds:
Distinguishing between the ministry of the Holy Spirit and occult practices involves understanding their fundamental differences in nature, purpose, and effects. Here are some key points to consider:
Source: The Holy Spirit is understood to be the third person of the Trinity, sent by God to guide, empower, and sanctify believers. His ministry is based on the truth of the Bible and leads people to a deeper relationship with God. Occult practices, on the other hand, typically involve seeking supernatural power or knowledge from sources other than God, such as spirits, forces of nature, or hidden powers.
Purpose: The ministry of the Holy Spirit aims to glorify God and edify believers. It produces fruits of the Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). In contrast, occult practices often focus on personal gain, power, or control, and can lead to spiritual bondage and harm.
Effects: The ministry of the Holy Spirit brings spiritual transformation and empowerment for righteous living. It leads to freedom from sin and a deeper intimacy with God. Occult practices, however, can lead to spiritual deception, confusion, and bondage. They may offer temporary experiences or powers but ultimately lead away from God’s truth.
Discernment: Discerning between the ministry of the Holy Spirit and occult practices requires spiritual discernment and knowledge of God’s Word. The Bible warns against involvement in occult practices (Deuteronomy 18:10-12, Galatians 5:19-21) and emphasizes the importance of testing all spirits to see if they are from God (1 John 4:1).
Fruit Inspection: Jesus said, “You will recognize them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16). The ministry of the Holy Spirit produces fruit that aligns with God’s character, while occult practices often produce destructive or deceptive outcomes.
In summary, the ministry of the Holy Spirit is characterized by its source in God, its alignment with God’s Word, its focus on glorifying God and edifying believers, its transformative effects, and its production of spiritual fruit. In contrast, occult practices rely on sources other than God, are often focused on personal gain or power, can lead to spiritual harm, and are contrary to God’s truth as revealed in Scripture.
In this verse, Samuel is rebuking Saul for his disobedience to God’s command to utterly destroy the Amalekites and their possessions. Samuel equates rebellion with the sin of witchcraft, emphasizing the seriousness of disobedience to God’s commands. He also likens stubbornness to iniquity and idolatry, highlighting the gravity of persisting in disobedience and refusal to repent.
I knew about this more or as the TODAY Chat GPT Ai seemed to know about it. So I asked it THIS QUESTION below and list it’s RESPONSE
Taveau D’Arcy interjects to comment:
TD NOTES: There is a huge need to “fruit inspect” also for the “true wisdom from above for this tiny meaty verse mighty as it helps in discernment of respectful relationships in a fellowship, or not, but also in Christian, ministry, secular, or cultish many diverse subgroups.
Below is a huge assessment, discernment, and mature evaluation basic test, which also helps each pure-hearted true believer to winnow out the many voices (1 Corinthians 14:10 KJV Paul) that are significant. Test the inside many thoughts, voices, recurring impressions, dreams, visions, counsel, prophecies, media, nightly news, and you and me ourselves by the inner witness to God’s Holy Spirit (see the “Test Fruits” beneath).
James 3:17 Peaceful Fruit: A) in All Relationships Fruit plus B) What you “inner perceive/feel, a presence, impression” ongoing. as you get to know them, hear their prophecies, Get a word, sit under their leadership teachings, etc
The wisdom from above is pure, peaceable, easily intreated, full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy” (note mainly “easily intreated, without partiality, without hypocrisy”
Paul in 2 TIMOTHY 1:7 “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind“
WICCAN, WITCHCRAFT RELATED TO “WICKER FURNITURE” which is twisted and shaped into what the person wants for themself.
WICCAN AND DRUGS. I realize that this NOT THE BIG HOT TOPIC TODAY but ties in with counterfeit desire for control, supernatural side of Life (power and deep peace)
NOTE: WICCAN is also related to “pharmaceia” drug use (drugs (if not medically prescribed) are mainly to escape reality and avoid or block pain. They are counterfeit to turning to the Lord, getting into the prayer real and supernatural power /healing balm real realm of “praise and deep prophetic worship’ ” moving in the gifts of the spirit’ “laying on the hands ” (all of this with sound mature Bible training and qualified elders, leaders, ministry offices)
Historical Bible “WICCAN” =s many types of leader, lay, elder, young REAL REBELLIOUS “WITCHCRAFT.
I SAMUEL 15:23 KJV “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king.“
As 1 Samuel 15:23 reminds us ‘(any, all forms of inner, outer, rebellion” is to GOD a “witchcraft”
Thus WICCAN (real witchcraft, any Christian form) is a type, an act, of participating ‘rebellion” turning away from God to seek Power , Strength, Might, Force…from a counterfeit “source” (but just for the true born again person)
John 16:13 KJV “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”
ASIDE JOHN 16:13 “when” “if” the might Holy “Spirit of Truth” truly comes (for those Christians who are born again and have free gift of the Dunamis Fruit and Supplied (Isaiah 11:2) power of Holy Spirit (with or without praying in the Holy Ghost)..then HE will supply all calm, peace protection, might and supernatural power.
It is using false ‘methods” ‘actions” “internal soulish prayers’ to get “ones way” Mainly in Christian ministry and persons false doctrine it is used to GET SOMETHING from someone {mesmerize, play, avoid, use, cult control, or manipulater, withstand, withhold approval, affection, money and MORE) to GET ANOTHER “PERSON” to do, to BE what they each want, to resort to sly, hidden spiritual, emotional or peer pressure skilled FALSE CONTROLLING TOP AUTHORITY to get what THEY WANT or feell that they DESERVE, however it is for THEIR OWN SELFISH PURPOSES (not for the most High Mega Gods”
“A MIND STICKER” …WICCAN is like WICKER..WICKER WOOD FURNITURE..which is God formed natural wood, which intentionally saturated and twisted to suit mercenary and /or personal PURPOSES
TD Q. to Chat GPT:
Q. What would be warning signs if a “Christian ministry ” is in false religion, spirit of witchcraft, occult?
Chat GPT Ai Responds:
There are several warning signs that may indicate a Christian ministry is veering into false religion, the spirit of witchcraft, or the occult. Here are some key indicators to watch for:
Distorted Doctrine: The ministry teaches doctrines that are clearly contrary to orthodox Christian beliefs as outlined in the Bible. This could include denying essential Christian teachings such as the Trinity, the deity of Christ, or salvation by grace through faith.
(As this is why I have often FOUND as a big silent HALLMARK) This first one: Exclusivity and Control: The ministry demands exclusive loyalty and control over its members, discouraging or condemning interaction with other Christian groups or churches.
Emphasis on Signs and Wonders: While signs and wonders can be legitimate manifestations of the Holy Spirit’s work, an excessive focus on miraculous experiences without a strong emphasis on biblical teaching and character transformation can be a warning sign.
Secretive Practices: The ministry engages in secretive rituals or practices that are not transparent or consistent with biblical teaching.
Manipulation and Fear Tactics: The ministry uses manipulation, coercion, or fear tactics to control or manipulate its members, rather than relying on the love and grace of God.
Financial** Exploitation: The ministry places an undue emphasis on financial giving, using guilt or manipulation to extract money from followers.
** FUTURE CHURCH Exploitation WARNING …for Ambitious Craven even Bible Quoting huge Society is as it “is” and Sister TD NOTES UNDER THIS : I Samuel Eli and Both pastor sons 1-2 “repeatedly exploited leader women and Gods’ offerings. Right now it could men, youth, children and infants
CHAT GPT AI continues..
Lack of Accountability: The ministry lacks accountability structures or oversight, with a single leader or small group of leaders having unchecked authority.
Rejection of Biblical Authority: The ministry rejects or downplays the authority of the Bible, claiming to have new or special revelation that supersedes Scripture.
Unbiblical Practices: The ministry engages in practices that are explicitly condemned in Scripture, such as divination, necromancy, or contacting spirits.
Fruit Inspection: The ministry produces fruit that is inconsistent with the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), such as division, strife, greed, or immorality.
It’s important to approach these warning signs with discernment and prayer, seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit and comparing the teachings and practices of the ministry with the truth of God’s Word.
In the all out SEARCH for WHO and WHAT it a TRUE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY “prophet, pastor, apostle, teacher, evangelistic” also revivalist, TV, Media recognized minister, local leaders, lay: Me and YOU..
Now, with that being said, we must note that all others, including me, you, or they in big time or small time or no time, even Papa and Mama, will be some, mostly, partly “God’s whole truth” (major or the bare minimum), but the rest of us, me, you, I, all of them, will have “dross,” “mixture,” mistakes, errors, licentiousness, or Bible beatdown legalistic law and Holy Spirit and witchcraft.
This means that all of us must cease the name-calling and media gossip.
Next, we then guard our OWN hearts from far-off guessing, spying, accusing, labeling, and perceptive inner reading of other ministers, great and small, national or local. And then we assess, evaluate (ongoing), but we do not target, lambast, name-call, vilify, and accuse (that is false but rampant due to the TV wannabe worldwide famous from the 1990s on, appears mid-1990s Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Revisited?).
Next, we examine the “respectfully, calmly) analyze, dissect the questionable teaching ministry doctrine of each person, source group, primarily (at first/ongoing) by the “relationship respect” fair, love walk community, leaders, lay, staff, elders’ true aimable basic life fruit and the reproduced character fruit and the confirming moral fiber of the stated Holy Bible (without sin spying, Bible thumping, naming persons as church hoppers, and legalistic over Phariseeism). Is there a reverential holy fear of the Lord? If so, their followers will regard and respect all people equally despite race, age, gender, vibes, looks, size, economic strata or not (like the fruit of Isaiah 57:6 in the church, ministry, fellowship, house/cell group).
The Book of Acts Christian “bottom line”:
- Who are we going to first love and fully choose to serve
- What is true and false Christian leader, ministry, parent, spouse governing spiritual true Christian authority? What is possibly contrived, orchestrated even demonic accused white witchcraft (skilled) leader, yet blind, false authority? According to “wiccan” perverse/twisted, acute, controlling, manipulating even abusive forms or untrue control?
- We each should remember Jesus’ red-letter warning to the Book of Acts leaders (it strongly appears):
Matthew 7:21-23 in the King James Version**
**True Heart Purpose: as NOBODY wants to be surprised on the Final Day, when it’s too late to change!
“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
Jesus Christ’s use of these key words:
“I never ever knew you,”
and “you did a lot of stuff to gain glory, credit, Brownie Points in the Afterlife using my name…
….but ..you were not my close first love, abiding true friend. You were blinded by success, And Your Dad told you that I was some Pie In the Sky fake….And You did not want me..or even “try” to really deeply know me…..
For you never could SEE YOUR GREAT WORTH ..but I Your Creator DID…But it was YOUR CHOICE ..and you never wanted me or needed me…. just “them”
And you became a Big Shot …to hide all of your mean dysfunctions and giant inferiority big boss complex,
…a schemer… a terrific actor, yet it was ministry ‘ShowBiz” “Shaking ’em till you’ve taken ’em” … the hipster, huge charlatan.. who loved to turn on the charm, and shape-shift your persona to keep the people mesmerized, until they were willing to cough up some dough… for YOU GOT FAME and FED YOUR personal ego, all the while making MONEY off of Me by USING, ABUSING, DECEIVING, MERCHANDIZING and “WINNING” while inwardly defiling and EGO PROSTITUTING My good, Well-known also Holy Pure Name.
SO GO AWAY..OUT FROM Me (meaning….Forever) as I never knew you. ..(you preferred the adoring crowds)
.”“…you that work “iniquity”
Q. What is the meaning of iniquity in Matthew 7:23 in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic:
Matthew 7:21-23 in the King James Version/ Jesus Red Letters
The phrase “ye that work iniquity” is translated from the Greek word “ἐργαζόμενοι” (ergazomenoi), which means “those who practice” or “those who do” iniquity.
- Greek: ἐργαζόμενοι (ergazomenoi)
- Hebrew: פֹּעֲלֵי (po’alei)
- Aramaic: מְתַעֲבַדֵי (meṯaʿavadei)
The term “iniquity” refers to wickedness, sin, or lawlessness. So, in this context, Jesus is warning against those who claim to follow Him but continue to live in a way that is contrary to God’s will, practicing sin and disobedience.
APOSTOLIC TAVEAU NOTES: In my first research of Matthew 7:21-23 I found the above, plus one more. I noted that as Jesus warned what APPEARED to be Book of Acts flavored Christian, Leaders, lay, I noted it mentioned Spirit Filled Holy Ghost speaking in tongues, moving in the Spirit “types’ WHY ? I submit that is because (THEIR, YOUR, MY) field of is much more ‘invisible,” “subjective ‘and prone to be abused by immaturity, sheer ignorance or demonic ambition.
“Jesus warns those who APPEAR to be moving in the Holy Spirit gifts:
“You who prophesied, cast out devils and done many wonderful works” (as the “gift of God is without repentance”so persons can give a good performance and still be completely “OFF” )
Also the Book of Acts category of Christian minister is mostly for the untamed and not as formerly educated or accountable/responsible to others more proven and who are often able to charm, use charisma, flamboyance, keep their congregations in awe, ‘mesmerized ‘and intimated by their “lush gifts on display” (just my own Selah apostolic decades of repeated study and thoughts)
I also looked up Strongs Bible Concordances which said ‘the meaning of “iniquity in Red Letter Ministry Matthew 7:21-23 could be defined as “using FALSE AUTHORITY” which I believe because in DFW I was first hand, Luke Eye Witnessed repeatedly encountered “white witchcraft, use of charismatic false authority, on 7- 10 mega (newbie, expat, single woman visitor, but ministry non LP peers, just not “recognized’ in the Christian Famous Face Follower Celebrity national Realm.
Hence I studied and the doctrines, the ministry doctrinal same quality styles (famous Little White Woman,the Hannah on their Evil Eye, Eli Type “many “Boys will Be Boys” (‘sly wink” ) style of quite popular ,mega temple (deep south but might be anywhere, all races)
BIG BUSINESS “CHRISTIAN” MINISTRY WITCHCRAFT, accompanied by use of accuser “occult’ and demonic big biased “misogyny” avoidant, using, playing, duck and avoid, refuse to be upfront Matthew 18;15-16, Galatians 6:1 “confronted’ also blocked, withstood and Big Time Boy Ego Played (these were famous ambitious big time chief sly, minutely orchestrated MANY IN DEPTH SYSTEMS’
NOTE AT THE LAST: I posted links to former recent(long) ministry articles such as this ” ACCEPTED CHRISTIAN MINISTRY WITCHCRAFT
DEFINITION OF “YOU WHO WORK INIQUITY” according Strongs’ Bible Concordance, “Matthew 7:23 “iniquity” which is a “sin’ but also in Bible terms the following (FALSE AUTHORITY
BUT TO ALLOW A NEUTRAL VOICE TO BE HEARD, ” I asked CHAT GPT AI about the definition:
(Reminded of Eli and Both His ministry sons, who were LP :women and proud money Read I Samuel 1-3)
WE NOTE”ALL , ANY rebellion” is “to the LORD” the same as someone practicing THE OCCULT WITCHY “CRAFT” (wiccan, wicker, the twisted, perverse SELF CENTERED MINISTRY “POOR ME” AUTHORITY
Of course this is limited and inconclusive, but I am working a piece about “Submission and False Authority, and I just asked this for my OWN curiosity as I address this ‘heightened witchcraft occult hot top” it quite often around the USA well known name brands, (not all) but in their people as well…yet markedly in neo Phariseeism, and sly gentrified yet powerful office prophetic mean “religious respecter of persons” type of clubby ministry.
Non Witch Watching, Blessed, Well, Highly Favored…PS also non elite and Continually AWARE..
Apostolic TD
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CROSS BODY UNITY MINISTRY VISION STATEMENT https://www.taveauleader.com/visionstatement
WHAT IS BLASPHEMING THE HOLY SPIRIT? https://www.taveauleader.com/HolySpirit
ACCUSING/SLAMMING..WHEN MINISTRY STYLES DO NOT GET ALONG https://www.taveauleader.com/accusation
TAVEAU’S JOURNEY..A HANNAH TYPE APOSTLE https://www.taveauleader.com/taveauhannah
ORDINARY CHRISTIAN MINISTRY WITCHCRAFT https://www.taveauleader.com/realwitchcraft
(Christian Mind Divining) 2 KINGS 6:12 ELISHA GIFT (GRACE OR WORKS) https://www.taveauleader.com/elishagift
(C)2024 Taveau Creative Leadership, All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws, in conjunction with Ai.

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