Remember John 16:13
“Howbeit when** he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come”
“WHEN” it comes ( means “IF” “AS “it “truly”.also.. silently, supernaturally, mysteriously, and also eternally authentically and TRULY comes). For if God’s Holy Spirit does not enter in “come” it is “another counterfeit’ spirit SEEMING to be “God’s Spirit of Truth” Hence it is a FALSE errarnt, supernatural type of demonic spirit (false religion)
** PLUS “HOW” DOES HE (The Spirit of Truth) officially “COME?” as the person accepts Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior He give a free deposit of His Holy Spirit (the spirit of truth) But then one must grown in knowledge, understanding and depth about this and ask questions, plus “get to know the Lord VERY Peronally” and attend healthy Bible ministry equipping.
(C)2023 Taveau D’Arcy All All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
NOTE I consider what lies below as a general overview according to big topics, yet there are ways to dig into more precise evaluation but I will do that another time. This is general “overview” for sharpening a wider Bible knowledge.
Q. WHO WOULD BE CONSIDERED a false prophet according to the first church?
In the context of the early Christian church, a false prophet referred to someone who claimed to be a spokesperson for God or claimed to have received divine revelations but promoted teachings that were not aligned with the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. False prophets were individuals who propagated false doctrines, distorted the Gospel message, or led people astray from the truth.
The New Testament contains warnings about false prophets and false teachers. For example, in 2 Peter 2:1, it states, “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.”
Additionally, the apostle John warns about false prophets in 1 John 4:1, saying, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
The early church placed great emphasis on discernment, urging believers to test the teachings and claims of those who presented themselves as prophets or teachers. They were encouraged to compare these teachings with the established teachings of Jesus and the apostles to ensure their authenticity and alignment with the Gospel message.
Identifying false prophets was important for safeguarding the integrity of the early Christian community and preserving the purity of the faith. The church leaders and members were instructed to be vigilant, discerning, and knowledgeable about the teachings of Christ to avoid being led astray by false prophets.
Q. Tell me the doctrines of Jesus that a true prophet would align with… also Paul
The doctrines of Jesus that a true prophet and a faithful follower would align with include:
The Unity and Supremacy of God: Jesus emphasized the belief in one true God and taught that God is the ultimate authority and source of all things (Mark 12:29).
Love for God and Neighbor: Jesus taught the greatest commandments were to love God with all one’s heart, soul, and mind, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself (Matthew 22:37-39).
The Kingdom of God: Jesus proclaimed the arrival of the Kingdom of God, emphasizing the need for repentance, faith, and submission to God’s reign and rule (Mark 1:15).
Salvation through Faith and Grace: Jesus taught that salvation comes through faith in Him and the grace of God, not through personal merit or works (John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-9).
Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Jesus emphasized the importance of forgiveness, teaching His followers to forgive others as God forgives them (Matthew 6:14-15).
Ethical and Moral Teachings: Jesus provided moral teachings such as the Sermon on the Mount, which included principles of humility, peacemaking, honesty, and love for enemies (Matthew 5-7).
Q. What would a true prophet need to believe by Paul standards?
Regarding the Apostle Paul, his teachings align with the doctrines of Jesus while also expanding on them and addressing specific issues within the early Christian communities. Paul’s teachings include:
Salvation by Faith: Like Jesus, Paul emphasized that salvation comes through faith in Christ and God’s grace, emphasizing that it is not based on personal works or adherence to the law (Romans 3:21-24, Ephesians 2:8-9).
The Body of Christ: Paul taught about the unity and diversity of the Church as the body of Christ, emphasizing the importance of each member’s unique role and the need for love and mutual support among believers (1 Corinthians 12).
Justification by Faith: Paul elaborated on the concept of justification by faith, explaining how believers are made right with God through faith in Christ’s sacrifice (Romans 3-4).
The Role of the Holy Spirit: Paul taught about the indwelling and empowering of the Holy Spirit in believers, enabling them to live a transformed life and producing the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
Love and Unity in Christ: Paul emphasized the importance of love, unity, and mutual support within the Christian community, instructing believers to bear one another’s burdens and to strive for peace and harmony (Ephesians 4:2-3, Galatians 6:2).
It is important to study the teachings of Jesus and Paul in their broader context and consider the entirety of their teachings to gain a comprehensive understanding of their doctrines.
Q. what are the true doctrines of Peter which a true prophet must align with?
The teachings and doctrines of the Apostle Peter, as recorded in the New Testament, provide guidance for understanding the beliefs and principles that a true prophet or faithful follower would align with. Some key doctrines associated with Peter include:
Jesus as the Messiah: Peter proclaimed Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah and the Son of God (Matthew 16:16).
Repentance and Baptism: Peter emphasized the need for repentance, forgiveness of sins, and baptism as a response to the Gospel message (Acts 2:38).
Salvation through Faith in Christ: Peter taught that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, emphasizing His sacrificial death and resurrection as the means of redemption (1 Peter 1:3-5).
Christ’s Exalted Status: Peter recognized and proclaimed the exalted status of Jesus as Lord and the cornerstone of the Church (Acts 4:10-12, 1 Peter 2:4-8).
Holiness and Godly Living: Peter stressed the importance of holy living and living in obedience to God’s commands, urging believers to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16).
Hope in the Second Coming: Peter emphasized the hope and anticipation of Christ’s return and the promise of a new heaven and earth (2 Peter 3:13).
It is important to note that the doctrines and teachings of Peter are interconnected with the broader teachings of the apostles and the overall message of the Gospel. The teachings of Peter should be understood within the context of the entire New Testament, which provides a comprehensive understanding of Christian doctrine.
It is also worth mentioning that Peter’s teachings and understanding of certain doctrines may have developed and evolved over time, as seen in his own journey and growth in the early church.
Q. What are the first church doctrines a true prophet must align with?
The “first church” typically refers to the early Christian community as described in the New Testament. While the New Testament provides a foundation for understanding the beliefs and practices of the early church, it is important to note that specific doctrines may not be explicitly outlined in a systematic manner. However, there are key principles and teachings that were foundational to the early church, and a true prophet or faithful follower would align with these core elements. Some of these include:
Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior: The early church proclaimed Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the Messiah, and the only means of salvation (Acts 4:12, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
The Gospel Message: The early church centered its teachings on the Good News of Jesus Christ, including His life, death, and resurrection, and the call to repentance and faith in Him (Acts 2:38, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
The Authority of Scripture: The early church recognized the authority and inspiration of the Old Testament scriptures and later accepted the writings that would form the New Testament as authoritative for their faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 3:15-16).
The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: The early church believed in the transformative work of the Holy Spirit, who empowered believers, guided them in truth, and bestowed spiritual gifts for the edification of the church (Acts 2:38, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11).
Unity and Fellowship: The early church emphasized the importance of unity, love, and mutual care among believers, expressed through fellowship, sharing of resources, and support for one another (Acts 2:42-47, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27).
Commission to Make Disciples: The early church embraced the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all that Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8).
While these principles formed the foundation of the early church, the specific practices and understandings varied across different regions and contexts. It is essential to approach the doctrines of the early church with a comprehensive understanding of the overall biblical narrative and principles while considering the cultural and historical context of the first-century church.
Q. Would a true prophet need to align with Ephesians 4 Common doctrine
Ephesians 4 contains important teachings regarding the unity and diversity within the body of Christ and the spiritual gifts given to believers for the building up of the church.
While the term “common doctrine” is not specifically used in Ephesians 4, the chapter outlines key principles that a true prophet or faithful follower should align with.
These principles include:
Unity and Oneness: Ephesians 4 emphasizes the importance of maintaining unity in the body of Christ, being diligent to keep the bond of peace and to strive for oneness (Ephesians 4:3-6).
The Role of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers: The chapter highlights the different roles and functions within the church, including apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. These are seen as gifts given by Christ to equip the saints for the work of ministry and the edification of the body (Ephesians 4:11-12).
Maturing in Christ: Ephesians 4 encourages believers to grow and mature in their faith, attaining the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God. This involves putting off old ways, being renewed in the spirit of the mind, and putting on the new self in righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:13-24).
Speaking Truth in Love: The chapter emphasizes the importance of speaking truth in love, with the aim of building up one another and promoting the growth of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:15-16).
Renewal and Transformation: Ephesians 4 encourages believers to put off the old self characterized by sinful behavior and to be renewed in the spirit of their minds. This involves putting on the new self, created in the likeness of God, and walking in righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:22-24).
PAUL IN EPHESIANS 4: ” One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all…”.
- One Lord ..Jesus Christ is Lord Here is why: Jesus said, I am the Way the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except by me”
2 One faith: The Christian Faith “”
3. One Baptism in water like Jesus the Savior was baptised (after age of accountability the professing believer choose to be baptised in water asign of their remission of sins and the start of a new life in Christ
4. One God the Father of us All (we’re all born from the heart of the same Eternal Creator Papa. who is an artist and designer and loves many hues and shades and diverse energies and styles. That is WHY he made many unique styled individuals
Even while AI gave good right answers,it is more a collective overview and one may site omissions and generatlies which are helpful but beg for even more prophetic depth
I frankly believe that A TRUE PROPHET, A TRUE CHRISTIAN A TRUE BELEIVER OR MINISTER AND FOLLOWER is required # 1 and # 2 to get to heaven (my beliefs) Paul and God would want # 3 but it will not keep you out of heaven should you not be able or find a way of doing that or want to do that. # 4 part of being a genuine Christian
A lot more later. am hard at work on more ARE YOU SUBMITTED.series’
(C)2023 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws, inconjunction with Ai

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