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Submitted Selah below:
(C)2020 servant apostle TAVEAU D’ARCY All copyrights reserved
So the In Virtual House Over perceiver seer SHE wants to make SURE that each discerning reader does NOT mistake the HER as a MAN HATER…Actually it is quite the opposite…FOR ONLY UNTIL repeatedly jumped, attacked and accused by The Religious Spirit of WELP….the prophetic SHE had had NO BIAS at ALL, but quite the opposite..the HER MINISTER and as a REAL PERSON always had perceived RESPECT.(PRIOR TO THESE 90’S-2020 so far mainly…PRE COVID encounters)…
Yet after the ongoing HER encounters, God’s is having me AT THIS IMPORTANT TIME.. to openly decry ON THE BEHALF of the COUNTLESS others at Grass Roots, who simply want to “fellowship with the HOly Spirit prophetic saints? yet who are likewise,similarly DISRESPECTED. Typecast, negative leader stereotyped ..but always from AFTER. DUE TO BRINGING IN THE GLOBAL HARVEST /AREA WIDE EPHESIANS 4 TRUE CHRISTIAN HARMONIOUS, DIVERSE UNITY
THE ODE TO WELP page..at the top www.onlinefellowship.us describes the Friendly Fire Fruit which provokes my bold assessments, as it remains aloof,REFUSES TO UP FRONT CONFRONT…demands to cover OVER with overseer legalism, however, cloaked with a Goody Two Shoes,yet accuser,back stabbing spirit of religion.
WHY DISCUSS “FAMILY PATRIARCHS”…BECAUSE WE UNDERSTAND THAT NOT ALL wise,sound,safe, stable anchor family PATRIARCHAL men, are Old Testament Levitical Patriarchs. For MANY (prayerfully most?) AMAZING CHRISTIAN LEADER MEN are NOT accusative autocrats or well intentioned dominating micromanaging, “fear of Lone Leader Woman” (suspicious typecasting..)and/or patronizing, elite, mysogynistic, even superior dismissive ,if not demeaning, controllers!….
For Wise Example..Honoring my Father Sr. Pastor M. Kimball Johnson ,Jr. and the ones beneath… (In big hindsight, I would perceive that while my own Christian father never spoke in tongues or cast out any devils, in fact HE DID have a form of deliverance ministry. HE (and my dear Mother, extended area family) all raised me NOT BACK UNDER the Old Testament Levitical Law..and as a HUMAN PERSON first, and a FEMALE second,and thus trained me how to hear GOD for myself…and due to all of them, HIM ,I was NOT raised Bound by Levitical Gender Legalism, nor “UNDER COVERING” nor as a “Little “Second Class” Stupider woman. for growing up there was NO “Woman, THOU ART BOUND!”.. or “LITTLE” (plus NO DEMEANING MYSOGYNISTIC PATRONIZING SINISTER STEREOTYPES…EVER IMPLYING…”YOUR, YOUR SISTER, MOTHER, HIS MOTHER, ANY LEADER WOMAN…is (only ) JUST a whiney overly emotional little WOMAN)”),Thou’ shalt NOTs” (…other than the Feminine Non Wuss Woman..did contented happy Christ following family absorb, by osmosis, the EPHESIANS 5:21 PLUS 5:22 matrimonial sublime understanding).
So, sad to say the Demeaning Accuser Stereotypes (legalistic ,primarily colonial patriarchal Western European subgroups Levitical Strongholds) was only revealed to this Lone By Myself after being sent in ministry to patriarchal prophetic deep south charismatic in ministry.
HENCE this NON WELM , not Colonial, pioneering Nerves of DFW Steel, yet descending from some of We CENTRIC that…abeit now a diverse, Holy Spirit fire baptized, and a tad humorous, WE GLOBAL,assessed as Tribal…THUS this seeming atypical Female was RAISED DELIVERED from being BOUND BY ACCUSER LAW, LEGALISM..CONTROL…..AND I HONOR all the multitudes of OTHER great patient, hands on “Always There” True Fathers who did, and who are presently, just now doing the SAME!
THIS ARTICLE...I’m guessing that my penning the article which included the 14 SPIRITS BOOK PDF yesterday.. jogged more than a few DELIVERANCE MINISTRY ERA memorable persons, as they are inter-related in that late 80’s-90’s period of USA Grass Roots Ministry Time
NOTE: this was first posted Oct 8, 2020 www.facebook.com/therealTaveau
“Hey babe,take a walk on the wild side..”
SUBTITLED”One can be LOOK calm and spiritually dignified on the OUTSIDE, Yet Be Untamed and a Willing Adventurer on the INSIDE”
(C)2020 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
My 1980’s-90’s Deliverance Anointing…In this posting I recall my amazing… true…. even fondest and certainly most astounding ministry memories of the Following FIVE-SIX, (file each persons name under the broad category of CHRISTIAN DELIVERANCE MINISTERS) And each one I recall with respect…and also VERY vividly:
1. Derek Prince..a quite dignified,truly understated, British deeply intelligent true gentleman…who, out of all of my Top Memorable Deliverance Ministries.. of the 80’s, 90’s…was to at least me, the most leader effective and appearing to be the most normal, natural (Note; he authored MANY WONDERFUL books…plus still has many teachings on YOU TUBE ) (And CURRENTLY his grandson,Dr Peter Wentz, sr pastors Antioch Church, near by in Ft Mill, NC) Also, one of his dear protege’s Drs. Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda also have All Nations Church on the same Jim Bakker /Morningstar Properties)(Ft Mill,SC) And I have visited each caring quality genuine fellowship,go to Watch of the Lord, and while they are prophetic charismatic NEITHER are SPOOKY, but are open, very gracious, down to earth, to ALL EORR Respecting..and have a COMMUNITY Eph 4 relationship with all the other same kinds of blessed churches.
And Drs. Bonnie and Mahesh Chavda should also be given HONOR for ALL of there hopeful,positive edifying and CHEERY down to earth particularly HIGH QUALITY servant area healing, deliverance prophetic..as God used BOTH OF THEM to powerfully Role Model HERO Prophetic and EORR relationship deep abiding LOVE…amidst THE GLORY ….of the supernatural NON WITCH CONSCIOUS wholesomeness of prophetic SOUND MINISTRY DOCTRINES!
2. Dr Lester Sumrall. He learned his deliverance experience, first hand as a foreign missionary …and was dignified,secure and loving,respecting and appeared to be fully fearless.Lesea Ministries founder. Laid hands on me 1987 Faith Landmarks Ministries when it was on Broad Street in the City of Richmond.
3.Brother R.W. Schambach. Family style, down home but very clean, emotionally healthy, embedded Holy Spirt strong.True loving strong pentecostal. Not one bit ashamed to be very LOUD. He came to Richmond, VA but usually I saw him on TV (every so often) but after relocating to DFW,one time , before he passed,I went to his home base to attend a conference in Tyler,TX.
4.Norvel Hayes ..among the wildest , far out, LOUD big into taking hours for deliverance,sometimes demon casting…yet a former Baptist, then Holy Ghost Baptized. From the Word of faith deliverance camp, perhaps intermingled with Church of God and true pentecostals. Brother Hayes was NOT one I could listen to for very LONG..or OFTEN..However he was MEMORABLE and DEEPLY INFORMATIVE.
And he was a lot more rough hewn that I was accustomed to ..but HE WAS DEFINITELY FULLY SOLD OUT for the LORD and FULLY FEARLESS as well as UNASHAMED ..Plus I regarded HIM as Clean, completely HONEST yet also quite an EYE OPENING , out of the Box, and definitely QUITE a wilder edged yet EXTRAORDINARY (understatement ) yet legitimate seeming….still Christian Ministry as in Eye Opening…EXPERIENCE.”.
5. BROTHER JOHN CHAPPELL, a PA Wharton School of Business Graduate, yet who gave it up to minister freedom and deep emotional healing at the Ashland,VA Calvary Camp Grounds (Sister Ruth Heflin, oversight). Laugh and Cry Ministries, Now departe and up with the Holy Lord, (more to come later about the every loving,high IQ humble,top quality, Pure Gentleman,leader him.
I want to end this TOP 5 MOST MEMORABLE, FAVORITE LIST (of the VERY MANY kinds of USA charismatic Primarily white…Deliverance Era Discovery …as in Impressive Minister significant MEMORIES)… with these TOP FOUR Bible based, clean living EORR FEW…..each of whom never appeared to get NOT caught up “into their own ANOINTING” meaning FRIENDLY, warm and did not take themselves over SEER-iously
Rodney Howard Browne. God SENT me to Tampa,from VA from 96-2003 (where at times I spoke, often Holy Spirit area church ministry visited and greatly ever learned) Besides the rare Holy Spirit deep ANOINTING, Pastor Brown had a very serious daily Sent Team to go out and intentionally witness to bring persons into ETERNAL relationship with Christ. (PS that’s WHAT I really liked. Also God allowed me grace to go out with his team a couple of times to area projects WHERE people actually MET THE LORD…and it was great.) Thus, Dr Howard-Browne was NOT just about moving in the gifts,laughter,but SOULS FOR CHRIST…) Also, the spiritual moves were into the supernatural. And I love Holy Spirit’s soaking presence. Also,I got laid hands on by him too. and find that I might move in the spirit similarly..however, SHOULD I ever be given any opportunity.
However, I did not feel the same down home spirit as I did in the others mentioned .Due to what appeared to be the spirit of overseer shepherding… infernal spirit of Suspicious WELP..**
**Yet, giving benefit of the doubt, as that was 17 plus years ago, perhaps all of that “Seeing Queen Jezebels, strong long persons,ministry females as a “advancing potential sort of threat”…has been rooted fully out and deeply replaced with EORR Fearless Genuine Love!
YET I was truly in TAMPA, ORLANDO(!) as a definite Florida FREE SPIRIT Holy Ghost LEARNING Curve. PS and also saw my very first EVER….. CELEBRITY CHRISTIANS …when I visited the Orlando Christian TV station…It was 96ish.
Coming up from Florida..to near my then abode..Richmond, VA area (and to 2 host churches as I recall) Memories around 1998(?) I cannot help but feel FOND good memories of seeing hundreds of people, slain in the anointing,one under the grand piano and me loving the Holy Spirit sort of drunk…woozy in the gentle Spirit…Plus …WHAT A SIGHT 600 people in the Richmond Faith Landmarks meeting..and all out..
From what I believe, Dr Harfouche teaches in in networks with Schambach , Rodney Howard Browne, but was said to have part of the LESTER SUMRALL Mantle (along with Pastor Rod Parsely, a few nameless sr office others), I was impressed when I sat under them in VA ..at their joy,boldness and HUMOR while moving in the gifts,laying hands on many hundreds …FUN in the SPIRIT..but healing,delivering and empowering, I really enjoyed their call,yet reserved about their collection of offerings
(Curious side note….I feel that I got his mantle,as in 90’s Richmond,VA meeting he was discussing him receiving Lester Sumralls prophetic mantle and I perceiver saw HIS coming onto me….But Only GOD KNOWS..) All I know is that he was a super teacher and fully faithful to his gifted lively wife.(which I GREATLY respect)
HOWEVER with the latter, I love the wonderworking display of the Holy Spirit, and I sincerely deeply RESPECT each one of them…as I have NOTHING against moving in the gifts….
AGAIN..yet, I now shy away, and withdrew.. from a few… due to the “pentecostal methods of taking offerings” *
*YET each and everyone mentioned in this article appear to be honest, clean living and wholesome, Or else I would not have even mentioned their names. And I respect each and every single human one.
Ask me any Qs: taveauleaderus@gmail.com
(C)2020 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship copyrights reserved under intern

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