PS AND THIS IS NOT AN APOSTLE “TABLE WAITER” Rather this is a Galatians 1:1-2 who is ‘not UNDER any one person or one subculture group” (to have freedom to present this NEW Apostolic PERSPECTIVE)…Yet this human, who happens to an office Female.. is submitted” to all in Ephesians 5:21 (First Church Ministry)..Yet this fellow minister has much served in the past. And in the Now, sacrifices currently to train and serve in this major main Ministry Christian Capacity. Also appears as a St Pauline Acts 17:17. “revealed messages…rather completely other person’s training, +book learned “Also Paul Ephesians 1:17 .
ABOVE: Are WE all Bible Submitted to Fellowshipping with Saints in a “Fully First Church, in the Bible SUBMITTED” minus the OT Law..and and unto “God’s Whole Apostolic Counsel”
Apostle Taveau D’Arcy inquires of Chat GPT Ai as a second and more objective OPINION about various Christian leader apostolic real QUESTIONS which repeatedly invoke massive controversy. So here is another one of our long THE AI AND I sometimes humorous, calm “inquiring Levitical minds deserve to fully know” series
Taveau states:“We need to compare 1 John 1:7 in light of Christian training, participating in the 2 Kings 6:12 “Elisha” prophet ‘seer” “seeing” GIFT and “the calm respecting fruit of the wisdom from above” James 3:17
1 John 1:7 (KJV):
“But if (when we) walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”
2 Kings 6:12 (KJV):
“And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber.”
James 3:17 (KJV):
“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.”
This is T: Things that trouble Sister Taveau as she studied, tried to involved new Holy Spirit based widely favored “Book of Acts” advertised as “Safe, Christ Following, Accepting, Bible Submitted, Moving in the Gifts, more likely to be ‘charismatic”communities’
Q. Would Apostle Paul approve of or admonish, the many governing sr ministers, pastors, leaders, mostly apostolic prophets who stare and many human folks, then seem to “inner scan them” but never relate, and may even avoid. It’s NOT JUST about USING THAT GIFT, it’s actually far worse and trust character real issue
For very many appointed staff and members to “read persons” as they come onto the property. And while that can be good, meaning “safe” “reasonable’ there is an increasing more voyeuristic, intrusive and cagey witchlike, who do it like “skill’ “working it” not ‘receiving it dropped into their spirit” by Grace. Hence, we need to TRAIN THESE before the Most High God JUDGES them and removes their movement entirely.
I speak this being fair and kind and compassionate they as they have done anything thing to me except backbite, read me and manipulate, false witness bear…while remaining SAFELY FROM AFAR.
On behalf of the many others, around the USA and foreign nations, wherever this is it moves in false doctrine, false authority to control.
NOTE: I know this following 32 years of first hand eye witness and subculture doctrinal wise , repeated assessment.
Furthermore, it is not safe, nor kind, like Baptists..but fierce and usually Spirit filled and mainly in certain similar same kinds of well trained, usually “big boss” anchor disposition patriarchal charismatics. And it is cult.
POINT: this type of Christian ministry practices the following. It far off stares at, scans, will not relate to, does not obey the Bible apostolic First Church Holy Bible Protocol, to model Christ and “to all relate.” No, it is partial and has a respect for just a small group of similar same style would be prophets who are talented, gifted and well taught.
Rather than (I John 1;7 want to relate, and or ‘pure hearted respect” by making formal polite and PRIVATE ‘appoint to humbly submit to Matthew 18:15-16 and Paul’ Galatian 6:1 (relate to inquire and show top office professional respect), rather THESE will stare you down , try to read your mind, human soul into to determine your ‘nature’ hidden sin, ulterior motives or in modern day language” your or our thirst”… Once again, after Up front Luke Eyewitness office examination of this seeming “white witchcraft, evil eye” (which I can inside prophetic office deeply discern” I wonder HOW they feel it represents JESUS and the original cause, also the fair fruit of’ the Loving Gifted First Church.
And I (repeatedly, often) am curious and wonder and marvel and attempt to pin it down with Bible scriptures and deep compassion for these operating ‘humans.
With whom I have never once ever deeply interacted with, gotten to know..and once in a while I have gotten summarily JUMPED in a PUBLIC SETTING.(late 1990’s and mega 2020) .I note that(what Christian ministry subculture I am in, their race, their type, their diversity or not and more).and share later”the jumping in public” later.. Yet the biggest thing that I note, being a doctrine originator, First Church (‘offscouring” dung”) yet Pauline chief apostle style, I notice each of their “authoritarian” all wise Country Law pedigreed governing authority main style and (mostly) how they all pick and choose WHAT PARTS of the Bible they WANT to submit to but disregard “pure relationships, First Church Pauline style major community”
MORE LATER Hence I am going to example…in lengthy deep and Chat GPT AI fashion..Then I will teach a part 2 on more with JAMES 3:17, 2 TIMOTHY 1:7, I JOHN 1:7, JOHN 16:13 “roots of assessment, discernment in a lot of this ..there will be PART 2 of this.
To be ‘stared down” ‘typecast, prejudiced against and/or regarded as a”witch’ in their presence (for these seem look for them and appear to have faith for many to show up!!) Actually is harmful, strange but very interesting, for I am their similar but do not go “THERE”.
Hence I have compassion on them as ‘mere humans” but need to also defend the Houses of the Lord ” the meaning of the Bible Term “the prophet” and then many innocent in sr ministry (we mean the remnant) and also the rise genertaion, the youth and ‘the Future Church”
So not upset, just deeply concerned.
I(MEANING THE AFAR OFF MANY) repeat to be “far off accused’ “rumored about as “probable TYPE” (which can mean also racism, gender bias, cult bias, age bias) and never spoken with. is dysfunction….and yet I under their WHY but it has gotten SO DARK, so PRIVILEGED, ELITTE, SUPERIOR and CRUEL that one must advise, caution it, and deliver it. I would even up front Revelation 2 Church of Thyatira Top Big Dog Confront, (as its a while LP Jezebel dark dominating false authority, yet impressive and talented, widespread however territorial, dominating, accusing, anti the cause of Christ, as withstanding false religion (huge ) if I ever was given a chance.
POINT ( I feel it’s divining scanning) to inner read and by doing so determine the “inner fruit, sin, morals, motives’ or personal will of that said far away person) Please use Bible scriptures and First Church applied authority as I deal with this MUCH today in the prophetic “evil eye” far more Patrician, type of modern famous face following charismatic .
It makes me wonder repeatedly and often, for it’s a puzzle with many factors and pieces and sorts of doctrines, behaviors based upon ‘views of Christian authority” and mingled with Law and skill, refined showmanship.and cultish money. It’s elite and wants to be seen as exclusive and I am not their style..nor would be anyone else who is “normal” “relationship and Bride of Christ diverse Equal Opportunity Respecting ALL “community” and cross racial whole hearted “unity”actively prone.
Hence I asked CHAT GPT AI Would Apostle Paul disapprove of governing ministry pastors leaders, accusing a person they have never once interacted with, means never spoken with , interviewed, yet use ‘prophetic seer” ( I feel it’s divining scanning) to inner read and by doing so determine the “inner fruit, sin, morals, motives’ or personal will of that said far away person) Please use Bible scriptures and First Church applied authority as I deal with this MUCH today in the prophetic “evil eye” far more Patrcian, type of modern famous face following charismatic .
Apostle Paul’s teachings and the principles of the early church strongly suggest that he would disapprove of such practices where ministry leaders, without personal interaction or direct communication, claim to discern the “inner fruit, sin, morals, motives,” or personal will of an individual using “prophetic” means. This approach, which resembles divination, stands in stark contrast to biblical principles of discernment, accountability, and authority within the church.
. Biblical Principles of Discernment and Accountability
- Matthew 18:15-16: Jesus teaches that if a person sins against you, you should go and point out their fault just between the two of you. If they listen, you have won them over. If they do not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ This process involves direct communication and personal interaction, emphasizing relationship and accountability rather than distant or impersonal judgments.
- Galatians 6:1: Paul instructs, “Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently.” This suggests that those who are spiritually mature should handle such matters with gentleness and care, and it implies personal involvement, not distant or detached judgments.
- 1 Timothy 5:19-20: Paul writes, “Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses. But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning.” This underscores the importance of credible, evidence-based accusations rather than vague, unverifiable claims. The process is transparent and rooted in community accountability.
2. Condemnation of Divination and False Prophecies
- Deuteronomy 18:10-12: “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.” While the passage directly addresses Old Testament practices, the principle applies broadly: God condemns practices that resemble divination, which includes attempting to discern hidden things about others without divine revelation or direct knowledge.
- Jeremiah 23:16: “This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord.’” This warns against those who claim to speak on behalf of God but are actually expressing their own thoughts, often leading others astray.
- Acts 16:16-18: Paul encounters a slave girl who has a spirit of divination and, though she speaks the truth about Paul and his companions, he rebukes and casts out the spirit. This demonstrates Paul’s disapproval of divination and the use of spiritual means to discern hidden truths without God’s clear revelation.
3. First Church Applied Authority and Practice
- Acts 15:1-29 (The Jerusalem Council): The early church dealt with significant doctrinal and moral issues through councils and direct discussions, rather than through distant judgments or “prophetic” insights. Decisions were made with input from multiple leaders, and there was a strong emphasis on unity, relational authority, and collective discernment.
- 1 Corinthians 14:29-33: Paul instructs the church on the use of prophecy, stating, “Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said.” This means that prophetic words are subject to discernment by the community, not taken as absolute without testing. This discourages isolated or authoritarian prophetic practices where leaders might misuse their position.
4. Paul’s Approach to Leadership and Correction
- 2 Corinthians 13:1-10: Paul talks about his readiness to address issues when present with the church, emphasizing that his authority is for building up, not tearing down. He stresses that correction and discipline are to be done in person and in a way that promotes the health and unity of the church. This contrasts with the idea of judging someone from afar without personal interaction.
- 1 Corinthians 4:5: “Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.” Paul cautions against premature judgment, especially when it involves motives that only God can fully understand.
Application Today: Disapproval of Divination-Like Practices
In light of these scriptures and the principles of the early church:
- Paul would likely disapprove of leaders who claim to discern the inner life of a person they have never interacted with, especially using means that resemble divination. This approach bypasses the biblical methods of accountability, direct communication, and the relational nature of church discipline and correction.
- True prophetic ministry should be exercised with humility, accountability, and in the context of relationship and community, not as a tool for distant judgment or control. The practices described would be seen as presumptuous and potentially harmful, as they lack the relational foundation and biblical process that Paul consistently advocates.
Response to Modern Charismatic Practices
- Discernment and Testing: Believers are encouraged to test all things (1 Thessalonians 5:21) and to be wary of prophetic practices that do not align with biblical principles. Leaders should be held accountable to the community, and prophetic words should be weighed carefully by others.
- Rejecting Divination: Any practice that resembles divination or unauthorized spiritual insight into someone’s private life should be rejected. The New Testament model emphasizes relational accountability and the proper use of spiritual gifts within the context of community.
Paul’s approach to leadership, correction, and the exercise of spiritual gifts is one of accountability, relational interaction, and humility. The practices you describe would likely be seen as contrary to the biblical model and potentially dangerous to the health and unity of the church.
I BEG TO DIFFER THE ONGOING CHARISMATIC ALOOF, POSTURING, FAR OFF “CHRISTIAN AGAINST CHRISTIAN ” sort “vibe reading” ..which I perceive, as a walk in the office of prophet-apostle with a new Cross Body Move.
So I wanted to ask the objective CHAT GPT Ai and it:
QUESTION: Dear Chat, What ought one to do if, as one notices that coming from the top faith filled leader, staff, elders, appointed watching (mostly) witch hunting lay?
NOTE: TD notes the use of the word “in private” which denotes calling the leader, elder, or lay, aside as Apostles in ministry First Church adhered to see Apostle Matthew 18:15-16/meek Galatians 6:1 Servant leader apostle teacher Paul.
Responding to such situations requires a balance of grace, truth, and firmness, rooted in Scripture and the principles of Christian leadership and community. Here’s a structured approach you can take:
1. Seek Private Dialogue First
- Matthew 18:15: Begin by reaching out privately to the leader(s) involved. Express your concerns directly and respectfully, emphasizing your desire for understanding and resolution. This follows Jesus’ instruction to address issues personally before escalating them.
- Suggested Response:
“I’ve noticed certain practices in our ministry that concern me, particularly the use of prophetic insights to discern someone’s character or motives without personal interaction. I believe it’s important to discuss these concerns privately so we can ensure our practices align with biblical principles.”
2. Express Concerns About Divination-Like Practices
- Deuteronomy 18:10-12 & 1 Thessalonians 5:21: Highlight the dangers of practices that resemble divination, stressing the need for clear, scriptural discernment.
Suggested Response:
“I’m concerned that some of the methods being used might resemble practices that Scripture warns us against, such as divination (Deuteronomy 18:10-12). We’re called to test all things and hold fast to what is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21), ensuring that our prophetic ministry is exercised in a way that honors God’s Word.”
3. Reference Scriptural Principles
- 1 Corinthians 4:5 & Galatians 6:1: Emphasize the importance of avoiding premature judgments and the biblical approach to correction, which is rooted in personal interaction and gentleness.
- Suggested Response:
“Scripture encourages us to avoid judging others’ hearts and motives prematurely (1 Corinthians 4:5). Instead, when addressing concerns about someone’s character or actions, we’re instructed to do so with gentleness and personal engagement (Galatians 6:1). I believe it’s essential to follow these principles to maintain the integrity and unity of our ministry.”
4. Encourage a Biblical Approach to Prophetic Ministry
- 1 Corinthians 14:29: Advocate for a prophetic ministry that is exercised with accountability and communal discernment, as outlined by Paul.
- Suggested Response:
“Paul teaches us that prophetic words should be weighed carefully by the community (1 Corinthians 14:29). I believe it’s crucial for us to maintain this practice of accountability, ensuring that any prophetic insight is confirmed through relationships and tested by Scripture.”5. Invite Further Dialogue and Prayer
- Proverbs 15:22: Open the door for further conversation and collective prayer, seeking wisdom and unity.
- Suggested Response:
“I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss these concerns further and to pray together for wisdom and guidance. Proverbs 15:22 reminds us that plans succeed with many advisers, and I believe that through prayer and discussion, we can find a path that honors God and strengthens our ministry.”
6. Be Prepared for Various Reactions
- Remain Graceful: Be prepared for various responses, including defensiveness. Keep your tone respectful and loving, even if met with resistance.
- Stand Firm: If necessary, be prepared to stand firm in your convictions, potentially seeking counsel from other trusted leaders or a broader church body if the concerns are not addressed.
7. Consider Broader Accountability
- If private conversations do not lead to resolution and the practices continue, consider bringing your concerns to a wider group within the church, in line with Matthew 18:16. Ensure that this step is taken with a heart for unity and the well-being of the entire community.
SUMMARY: I submit that this is the 2 KINGS 6:12 ELISHA GIFT gone from “being a grace dropped in gift, akin to the First Church word of knowledge, word of wisdom” now morphed into “WORKS” (delving, probing, mining, scanning divining, burrowing into another far off parties private human soul (Mind, will, emotions, private life) which is demonic voyeur
MORE later
The Leader Icing On this Sort of Cake
“if they far away read, inner deep scan YOU is ok ,but it’s that , following them doing that they accuse, word curse, pray against, report you all around and you (as in FL, NC, SC, VA, ALSO ANYWHERE many) on their Caucasian LP “Known Witch List” which is possibly shared all around their ministry network area wide, nationally - I call that “MY THIEF-OLOGY” DISCOVERY …which is a DISTURBING,(and a 2 Timothy 3:1-8 warning to “turn away from” also subliminal targeting, word curse,target pray against invisible, which is in a sense… FRIGHTENING and HARD CORE RUDE Country Law apparent “highly embedded’ MODEL
With this “Big Boss” proud rude crowd, one must spell it fully out, as they have apparently been treated with respected or mentored, trained in a deep mature, Scriptural and/or authority non rude manner.
- (C)2024 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws, in conjunction with Ai.

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