The Boanerge Ministry Culture and Media #1
(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Dear Reader,
This particular TAVEAU D’ARCY OFFICIAL LEADER BLOG is dedicated to First church apostles, meaning the first Organic Twelve, followed by murderous Saul who was transformed into the Apostle Paul, yet many Christian leaders, are not aware that when Paul first arrived in Jerusalem, that based upon hearsay and word of mouth “believing an evil report” even while Paul would wind up penning 2/3 of the New Testament, for a period 14 years, the Apostle Paul was hindered, regarded as suspicious and kept at bay FROM the first Original 12 (minus Judas, add Matthias).
See the first blogs on this site for more about that.
Now, PART ONE of series: THE BOANERGE SENIOR MINISTRY CULTURE AND THE MEDIA (C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Intended as a SELAH:
The REAL REASON that I first began to research Organic Christ Following and the first chief New Testament Apostles, was only for the fact that I had been brought up in a nonfeigned faith, happy camper pioneering senior pastors’ loving, safe, respectful house hold.
I had truly loved and accepted as my only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, first at my mother’s knee, later around age 9 in a hot summer country revival at my father’s small Southern Baptist Church.
Then later at age 12 I made SURE that I was absolutely Eternally Saved while sitting outside the door listening, while my father’s mother, who lived with us to help take care of the family during the school, church year, was listening to Billy Graham.
Finally, at age about 17 I rededicated my life fully to the Lord, and told Him that I would allow Him to lead me, direct me and guide me into what HE knew was right for my life: His perfect will.
Way back then, the Jesus People Movement really captured my attention. While they were Bible grounded, they were not a bit pretentious, did not put on airs, and were very dress down, and relatable: servant leader oriented, akin to my pastor Dad, and in my own imagination: Billy Graham.
And all this was extra ORDINARY except for the fact, that as a committed attempting to be “pure in heart” Christ Follower, all I did was simply choose to obey the Lord, 24/7, 365 from that time until NOW.
And I had NOT clue that all that I even share on today, awaited me along the WAY.
And as I have NOT MUCH SPACE to write all of the many wonderous, amazing, hilarious, active, blessed yet in light of apostolic doctrines, and not understanding basic “freedom FROM Phariseeical performance religion” while I had many different WONDERFUL friends, family, children, and was led by God’s Holy Spirit to see ,sit under some of the BEST in all of the USA worsip, Bible teaching, much by coming from sitting and being imparted by SOME o the Original Doctrinal Chief Fountainheads in Bible doctrine, Holy Spirit moves and before the Throne worship, all this would at times pale, even side track me after coming under local senior leader at times, accuser not so Friendly Fire.
I was active around around the local region, in servant, public pioneering ministry and in pastors/pastors/ ministers repentance, racial reconciliation, intercessory move from just after I left college until I began the IFFM in 1998. From 1988-1998 I was a card carrying club member in church, but was invited to put my personal ministry “under ” UMPIRE a nonprofit 501c3, headed by Wes and Anna Ropp.
When the Lord downloaded the IFFM during a big 2 plus week Holy Spirit visitation in early 1998, I then filed for our own nonprofit 501c3 and had avery peaceful parting with both of the loving, generous, respectful Ropps.
Later, the Lord began to send me out of the area, and I was sent on ministry speaking, divine appointment networking /unknown reasons, to meet parts of the Body in many different apparently key state.
I noticed the Bible teaching the worship, and the vocabulary, spiritual doctrinal emphasis. I was always accountable to an IFFM Board and many pastor /business proven advisors. BUT not one of them was a patrician, Levitical patriarch, and I did not feel that big “who are you under’ condemnation legalism vibe, that was increasing around the area and seemingly affecting the way the local church, senior ministry is regarded in local, media community. And it was a diverse board racially. MORE LATER ON THAT.
BUT this calm, quiet senior pastor’s first born daughter, was unknowingly witnessing, partially participating in and experiencing a local, a regional and later perceived to be a, NATIONAL, even international pioneering office kety shift.
It had to do with the expanse in primarily Christian TV Media, it’s availabilit in the local cable system realm, the growth in popular “celebrity” Church, well known beloved, very popular senior ministers plus some of the following legalistic winds of doctrine, in various leader strengths, which came into MANY rural, land locked, regional turfs, very subtly.
And as a Western European heritage genteel raised female,while I was no longer a Southern Baptist, I was trained to follow all Bible believing, born again In House Leader’s authority..and quite frankly, made a big mistake of putting some of them on a pedestal!!
I did not take notice of anything the matter, as I had never been around spirit filled pentecostals, and these were purely all apostolic charismatics.
Thus, after experiencing a new infilling, moving in the Holy Spirit gifts, I began to have encounters with God’s Holy Spirit, I am not ashamed to admit that at the first, I swallowed very Holy Spirit charismatic doctrinal wind that appeared to align with my own core Bible teaching.
And all of the excellent pure,laying on of hands, move in the Spirit, joy, faith and worship, were perfectly fine. And that lulled me into not noticing, or examining the rise of “who are YOU supposed to be covered BY” and “who is YOUR ministry UNDER” which is enormous in grass roots mostly culturally land locked /rural, NOT big widespread cosmopolitan deep south regions.
Being raised to always be a Good Nice Girl, and to perceive and discern every other leaders turf, and to fully respect that ministry turf, as well as to abide under it’s governing authority while visiting on said turf.
This is the reason why, while I was a continual ‘watcher’ against doctrinal error, I fully admit that I had never grown up around bishop kowtowing,leader hierarchy or smothering spiritual covering ministry legalism.
It was nothing I even could have imagined, so I simply believed that it was IN THE BIBLE, due to the main fact, that I was so thrilled with knowing about the LORD and the HOLY SPIRIT, (as IN THAT PART of their TEACHING, truly did agree with the authority of the Holy Bible).
Yet, when I could not abide under legalistic domination and did not “get it” about why I needed to be UNDER any SINGLE HUMAN I was accused, tried in absentia and my name smeared among the legalists , not all (not my board) as a “witch” “known jezebel” (like too many have had, still have happen due to these dark controlling paranoid in house leader doctrines.)
The power of demonic peer pressure which takes an accuser judgement stand, but never shows any body respect enough to call them up to lovingly confront them in private (Matthew 18:15-18) was (in deep hindsight) one of what ought to have been the FIRST RED WARNING FLAGS that this was NOT about our GOD, it was only about SELF: Position, power, and superior pride.
And in other hindsight, as the writer has since relocated, but seen even greater amounts of deep intrenched /emotionally deceptive, patricianism, accuser Levitical Patriarchism, but immersed and deviously intertwined in what can only be named a DOUBLY DECEPTIVE BOA-nerge, LEVI-athan, snakey, willful, hard minded, self persevering and Job 41 “hard to withstand” mostly senior pioneering office Vulture Culture.
Yet, being raised by both my parents, to fully respect, to trust and to yield to ALL born again “Bible believing” seemingly stable authority, I still did not realize until after God finally revealed it to me, 7 years later, that what I had done, (like many others).
I had stumbled into, and blindly accepted, (due to wanting to please, for my ministry to be accepted, and fell for what is taught widely today on TV and in local ministry: “To have your ministry promoted to the next level”. AND while I first checked my own heart to make sure I had pure motives, it was my understanding that full obedience to both God’s Word said and to all forms of Bible authority were the test to please the Lord.
AND there was NOT striving, NO trying to manipulate GOD to make what He truly wanted to do, to happen from MY OWN PART. But I knew, according to the common popular ministry basic teaching, that 1) it is God’s will for your ministry to go forward, to be in affect “promoted” so (at least the way I took that comment) so that MORE PERSONS could get to find out about, helped by healed by the LORD.
And I believe that is why so many persons DO really to to “get their ministry promoted to the next level.” (Please duly note: the writer is not coming out against any teaching that God’s Spirit truly moves upon to tell His people about “getting their High calling to HIS next level”…it is ONLY about how the people out in the congregation/who are listening by TV at home, and who have IMPURE MOTIVES /are ignorant, meaning self centered IMMATURE LEVI-athans, BOA-nerges, then handle it!)**
** thus perhaps ALL pastors /TV ministers teach on the PURE HEART MOTIVES that are required to come along with Godly PROMOTION:
(especially apostolic over all ministry James 3:17 along with sincere humility.)
BUT those are generally NOT the BOANERGES who will walk all over you, as you try to walk up to the altar to kneel and pray. They are NOT the professional rip off artists, who would rob the last buck from their own mother, OR have such a respecter of persons for ministers who are WELL KNOWN, but turn around and are mean, brutish and RUDE if YOU are not well known.
So this is what gave me the idea for in depth teaching.
What the formerly timid, reticent and preferring to be laid back, as a proverbial fly on the leadership governing wall, had discovered primarily turned out to be charismatic,controlling,dominating,legalistic, even accusative, solid Caucasian, Patrician, Levitical Patriarchism, mixed in with the elevated office pulpits of what the Bible terms the Doctrines of the Nicolaitans.**
**ALL of these fall under the general ministry category as “spiritual authority/who are YOU viewed as under” aka legalistic covering doctrines.
And coming from a non tongue talker, up until age 20, point of view:
The only thing I could even vaguely recall up until that time, was when I had been in college and subscribed to the New Wine Magazine, which I had been very fond of, but it changed to what was later the “Shepherding movement” which perhaps, (my own theory) is that it was setting the stage for what later came to create new performance HOOPS to jump through, human pleasing, ministry genuflecting and accuser enabling /sin Pharisee legalism, sin spying…but ONLY in the ones we describe in the next article, which I now reprint below: and often heart breaking in depth details.
AND the reason that I found this so damaging, so shocking, so false in it’s representation of the compassionate, Father’s Heart (the Organic ministry and life style remaining fruit of CHRIST) was so completely unlike the Jesus Christ I had always grown up knowing.
AND it was so the extreme OPPOSITE of my own Pioneering senior pastor dear father, who never had ANY religious “thou shalts or shalt NOTS” to me as a female. In fact, in both my parents prayers, were “Do what ever GOD tells YOU to do and to be.”
Thus “this sister” grew up totally free, but also very ordinary, never having one clue that the She would be sent (from 1992-2012) into an USA gauntlet of Roman descended Patricianism, demon concsious dark doctrines, Phariseeical legalism, suspicious,pastoral rivalry, male anti female chauvinism (not until recently however) and HUMAN PLEASING “Boanerge” alsoVulture Culture, non genuine “human mixture” in the 5 old offices (not speaking about the HEAD OF ANY MOVEMENT OR DENOMINATION) but it was, in this persons’ opinion, the lack of God’s WHOLE COUNSEL in modern Bible teaching, focus on what I can GET, but intermixed were false winds of doctrine, mixed in with other wise GOOD FINE pure leader uncompromising doctrine.
The writer believes that the mentioned doctrines are furious winds of doctrines, fanned and propagated by the rise of the giant TV Media affects on the entire world: but also shaped by the pressure to be as well known, to act similar to, FAMOUS Brother So and So who has all that well known Bible college, teaching CDs,or Worship Outpouring, “ministry keeping up with the Joneses”
Thus this brings fear of not making it as big as the next pastor, and as their is no counter balance (whole counsel of God) in many leadership lampstands, the congregation, and the ministry fellowships are RIFE with immature, jockying for position, in a big hurry to ‘rise to the next level” at the expense of nearly ANYBODY.
But if YOU are used to normalcy, perceptive discerning, no false leader agenda, non performance plastic, no personal/hidden or unrealistic motives, YOU feel unsafe and just want to stay home!
SO we submit this in the light of the Organic Christ Following First Church and it’s Chief Apostles, including servant leader,writer Paul, who never knew that HE would be regarded as a Famous Celebrity by us today, as he sat hunched over on burning candle, scribbling out church letters from his roach /rat infested prison cell.
- WHEN Jesus Christ returns on the earth, WHOM will HE say authentically represents HIM SELF?
- LET US SELAH: In today’s modern, media circus, WHAT and WHO truly “represents the ORGANIC Jesus Christ (how He walked, talked and ACTED.”
- LET US MATURELY PONDER: “Was Jesus and the 12 First Church Apostles /Apostle Paul’s doctrines more about PROSPERING BIBLE RELATIONSHIPS or all about MONEY?)(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
NEXT OFFICIAL TD BLOG(or 2 days) check back HERE for the following discussion/definitions :
What IFFM Dr. Taveau D’Arcy truly mean when they discuss the following:
1. What is a BOANERGE Type of Minister? Ministry Leader Vulture Culture?
2. What is a Leviathan?
3. What is patricianism, Levitical patriarchism? Doctrines of the Nicolaitans, other
MAIN POINT: How does modern Popular 5 fold office ministry line up with, actually represent the ORGANIC MESSIAH, JESUS CHRIST and how well do Church leader doctrines today line up with First Church NEW TESTAMENT Pauline, Freedom?
At the same time we plan on discussing ROLES in home, church and have a few related blogs about God’s Holy Sprit Kingdom Order (start about Aug 2, Narrow Way, Broad Way,etc) and working to be more accurate in the areas of the intangible, very subjective, PERCEIVED realms :
And on 8 part ongoing series THE HISTORY OF PHARISEEICAL SIN SPYING (free) but selling Mp3s on to recoup high tech equipment we lost through theft.
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
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