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NOTE: this is a repeat from the Word From the Lord Sept 2019
(C)2019 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
The Native Americans used to believe that when the camera was invented,(at least this was what I got from watching ancient westerns on TV repeats)… that taking somebody’s picture would capture…even steal… their soul. …Just now, The TV, Media, Mass Marketing, Famous Christian Persona, PC Pop Worship Facebook Culture..plus various (assessing as )Would Be Famous, Hugely Big On High/ Us Centric Achievement, all too very human, all wise ministry, is very possibly proving them right.
But WHERE are the primary RELATIONSHIPS (meaning Ye Must Be Born Again LEADER)..Divorce,Schism, Disgruntled, recurrent Depression,Shortage, Deep Ye Must Be Born Again Christian accepted (??)media always fanned, accusative ongoing deep mistrust….Signs…Church hopping, complaining, a Church great falling away…
ALSO: Need of ETERNAL SPHERE RELATIONSHIPS...Seeing spikes in atheism, occult, continual pagan, new age, white and dark arts seeking…plastic surgery skyrocketing (nothing is the matter with that, but SO MUCH of that might reveal big inner DISSATISFACTION, inability to accept, fully respect/to enjoy SELF…Perhaps keeping up with the Society repeatedly induced INSECURITY…. and a SURFACE, meaning temporary bandaid, for True Identity of SELF and the real authentic need for INNER heart fulfilled deep peace, ability to find true, enjoyable, lasting contentment)
For dealing with, owning, earning, as in HAVING $$$$ or $…. is also an abiding RELATIONSHIP…with IT and it’s ABSENCE or PRESENCE or LACK therefor. Thus…. how does owning, possessing, perceived as HAVING affect basically ALL TRUE ongoing RELATIONSHIPS, (ministry, family, business, etc)
NOTE: TCL Ten Bible Relationships on this link
THE ABSENCE OR PRESENCE OF MONEY, EARNING WHEREWITHALL... can trigger an abiding enduring James 3:17 produced Christian fruit…(which we describe as a MESSIAH type of reaction) or else a harmful, disrespectful, angry, controlling, schism type of ACCUSER REACTION.
(C)2019 Taveau D’Arcy Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
“Simply: Just as the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, then when there is an almost complete Born Again Christian/ Ministry absence of the ongoing abiding holy as in terror, fear of the Living True Lord, then it must only be counted as “the beginning of_________? (foolishness?)”
On Sept 18,2019 I was given an instruction to peruse First Church beginnings Acts 2. I read through it and was first reminded that the big influx, First Church increase, as REVIVAL began following the new INFILLING by each of the 120 pressed in First Church disciples, who began to speak in many other languages, in that Upper Room. There was the RUSH OF A MIGHTY (unseen) WIND..as in the empowering force coming from God’s lifting, emboldening, wise POWER and spirit of (Messiah foretold all 7 Spirits of God Isaiah 11:2-3)..(ASKING TO BE FILLED WITH THE FOLLOWING God’s SEVEN SPIRITS….for the afraid of God’s Holy Ghost...is by this studious leader assessed as containing the same unique Holy Spirit supernatural POWER as Acts 2, minus tongue speaking (basically)
“And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and MIGHT, the spirit of knowledge and of the FEAR OF THE LORD ;
And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:”
HOWEVER as I remembered THE Acts phrase RUSH of a MIGHTY WIND, the inner Holy Spirit picture I perceived is about the following; For in all wise, all learned, all totally experienced TODAY… there is a hardening, self reliant, lack of true expectancy for a NEW Perceived abiding real SENSE for a completely NEW Sort of realistic Mighty area MOVE.
I have far too often repeatedly encountered the prophetic, perceived as ‘tongue talking” experienced elder LAST Mighty MOVES and found them the least AWARE, truly AWAKE and knowledgeable, that THERE ACTUALLY IS A NEWER MINISTRY MOVE THAN THERE’S. …FOR as an office prophet result I do not hang out in their ongoing midst. Rather I seek out the far younger true and listening Very ONES who are not about “building MY, OUR prophetic Ministry” who are not BIG into “sowing and reaping to get a return” and who are OPEN to all RACES, STYLES and are actually much more into depending upon WHAT the Lord is presently DESIRING, WANTING, going to DO in every wise service. I will go there and go there again.
PS NO ONE APOSTLE, PROPHET should ever be regarded as OVER all of the other prophetic ministers. That is a fallacy carrying over from one of these last elite pioneering ministry OT Levitical Ministry moves. As our Bible teaches us ALL to “work out YOUR own salvation””Apostle Paul praised the Noble Berean for taking time to research HIS pioneering doctrines.. “ADD Scripture: Micah 7:5, Psalm 118:9-10 (do not put your confidence in the GUIDE , MAN, PRINCES); Christ open air rebuked the Pharisees Matthew 23 “don’t call anyone YOUR FATHER, only God is Your Father)
THEREFORE, the Asleep Big largely, majorly perceived as (usually) white, leader mature, well fed and even many overly fed.. passive VILLAGE badly needs to as much “allow the Lord to fully winnow” in the big order to each one of them, and many of US, even this ongoing not self satisfied human SOUL to BE purely apostolic ministry BE OVER EACH OF OUR SET RIGHT SELVES. I am included.
THUS when I read ACTS 2, and the Lord said, for this maybe MAJOR FINAL MOVE..for the already overly well trained True Born Again Pure Hearted church to FULLY MOVE FORWARD, that there needs to be a FLUSHING as compared to a ACTS 2 GREAT RUSHING.
The NEW GREAT MINISTRY, LEADER, Wise LAY, must get way past the Body Sense of OUR SELF and make it all only FOR, ABOUT, as unto HIM… of the OLD BIG “Great” Hardness, Assessed DIVA immature All Self Ego leader, All Critical Legalism, Leader Competition, Believing the EVIL REPORTS, all GOSSIP, LEADER, LAY WICKED RUMORS, .. with such Self Righteous perverse JOY….
This is, will ongoing possibly be… a CHARACTER, BACK UNDER THE OT LEVITICAL LAW prophetic sense of FLUSHING.
It’s fully getting BIG OVER each of US in order to authentically ALLOW Holy Spirit to REALLY TRULY GREATLY MOVE. Abiding In Enduring JAMES 3:17 Theology must surpass Crass Commercialism, Self Centric Self Puffing The BIG UNKNOWN FUTURE GREAT PEOPLES, can the SHOW BIZ, superficial Hail Fellow Well Met Drive By Fellowships, Can the overly rampant MATERIALISM, SHOW BIZ, putting US always first, huge gender , age, race STEREOTYPES and BIG PET PERSONS over all stage presence leader BIAS.
And following all of US being FLUSHED then God may find PURE HEARTS who will TRUST HIM, fully whole heartedly FOLLOW HIM and not be “in it” for PERSONAL, OUR OWN SPIRITUAL SELF, “OUR OWN MINISTRY ” secret GLORY and/or hiding from SELF PROTECTIVE, FEAR OF MANY ATYPICAL LESS WELL OFF, perceived as WANTON OTHERS SO ..I ll be out here with the NON SYSTEM A POLITICAL and NOT INTO PERSONA SHOW BIZ.
AND SHOULD YOU (apostolic leader) desire to chat, doctrinal compare, Ask big or small QUESTIONS and/or to perhaps Prophetic Brain Storm, pick this She Brain…(I sense God has spared me through all of these Apostle Paul deep life altering various many SHIP WRECKS to learn stuff , gain ideas…which just might SPARE, SAVE TIME for the likes of YOU.)
APOSTLE JESUS AND THE PC PHARISEES... https://www.taveauleader.com/10849-2/
BUT many of YOU my AGE, COLOR, ECONOMIC, FAMOUS CELEBRITY (perceived not) lowly status…SO those of YOU first must FLUSH your thriving Self from MIND FIELDS, SELF RIGHTEOUS, SET IN ONE’S OWN SELF RIGHTEOUS WAY ..OPINIONS about NON TRADITIONAL HUMAN FOLKS…plus apostolic leader women, age and NOT BEING SHOW BIZ CHRISTIAN CONNECTED. For cell: Email dfwleader@gmail.com. And if the Holy Spirit does not tell me to RSVP I do not ever plan to.
BOTTOM MAJOR LINE: due to all of the decades of decent, MAJOR LINE to all of the decades of decent, even marvelous, experience, acquired wells of experience and Bible, hands on proven knowledge, GREAT learning from all of the land moves up until the realistic NOW..
I perceive that after this all wise FLUSHING happens, the Lord will MAJORLY MIGHTILY nonlegalistically (so better really know EPHESIANS 4 COMMON DOCTRINE, BIG ACCEPTING TRANSFORMED BODY as COMMUNITY) I reach out to the apostolic leader in highest UPSCALE …WHITE COLLAR and am just as equally happy edifying the ZERO WORKING COLLAR…..ALL SHAPES, RACES…and am enjoying NOT being a part of the RELIGIOUS ALL WISE ALL KNOWING LEGALISTIC SYSTEMS.
WHILE WE HONOR EACH OF YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SERVICE, ATTAINED WISDOM, basically YOUR TIME has passed. REAL REASON FOR MAKING THIS PITHY COMMENT. RIGHT THIS NOW…VERY MANY, not a few, but over MANY… good human people cannot get past the LOVE OFFERINGS, big PERSONA AND general PC , regarded as PLAY TIME …”Honoring BIG I’s” minus E.O.R.R. in fellowship, regional ministry….
…..and BEING A RESPECTER OF ONLY A FEW, PLUS CARNAL SHOW BIZ..and are in general need of CLARITY about following the risen true CHRIST…and may not make it to Eternal HEAVEN due to their media mixture, with CARNAL POP CULTURE, even (many) big USER, VULTURE CULTURE, forms of RELIGION, I am well aware of this since my life long turf is to be out their AMONG and WITH THEM not viewing them as needing to be my FOLLOWER or UNDER the unseen me.
YET..Not that YOU are history but it’s time for God and NEW non religious MOVES to complete, rather than to many of YOUR GREAT WITNESS REPLACE or COMPETE)..and add to, fulfill, the Holy Ghost, applied Bible Faith, prophetic MUCH MORE that YOU have been given God’s Great Mercy and abiding GRACE to fulfill.
THIS is not based on YOUR, ANYONE in Prior Moves CHRONOLOGICAL WISE AGE, but primarily based on what has been leader left out, missing as was not TIME FOR IT or was perhaps ELDER misunderstood.
Yet I harbor NO ill feelings, however am far more WATCHFUL for the “fellow BORN AGAIN TONGUE TALKERS” than ever. And so YOU may be about THIS fully Up Front, JAMES 3:17 continually abiding + non conniving Real Caring Person. REPROVING /humble CORRECTING (my Bible 2 Timothy 3:16-17) IS ALSO A FULL PART OF NEW TESTAMENT REALISM, ALSO some in the DAYS OF ACTS 5 ANNAIAS AND SAPPHIRA.AND I would take time to read Revelation 2… Lost of First Love Lampstand Leaders.
And consider all of this a respectfully submitted non religious SELAH …in James 3:17 Relationship Preserving Abiding Mature Not into Problematic Fruit. Yet for the blessed Ones who have true ears to fully hear.
(C)2020 DFW Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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