The First Day of 2013
The 1st Day of 2013
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!
Servant of the Living God,
Hope that you and your dearies spent a happy today together. There is a sense of new readiness , momentum and an expectancy..as if waiting with trepidation for something good or not so good to start.
And this is the real and only reason for this blog:
The Lord is strongly impressing me as a 5 fold minister senior pioneering leader: We are in a season where we each must decide WHOM we will SERVE.
And it is a season of apostolic humbling. Though the word is in part extremely sober,even a bit toward being somber, the BRIGHT GOOD reason for humbling, is that the impressed me, “In order to send many new sheep, I must do an old fashioned barn cleaning to get really ready.”
So I submit this to you.
And it is NOT going to be the Same Old, Same Old. It is RIGHT NOW definitely a new Season. And quite frankly, the writer, is feeling a special lightness in my spirit. Actually it began a couple of weeks ago, but last evening, prior to the 2013 change, was truly one of the calm, restful and extremely satisfying evenings I have spent in very many years!
I am sensing that the big Body of Christ ministry remnant, which has endured many extreme situations, even repeated delays, will be divided into 2 groups, similar to Sheep and Goats. I describe that in depth on the www.ocfcorganicleader.com website on the top link, WORD FOR 2013.
I perceive strongly for US 5 fold ministers that God will be examining, purifying what ought to be His Lampstands. And if any minister feels the leading of the Lord to remove him/her self apart for a somber time of serious self judgement, I recommend it as extremely important (note: extremely).
My WORD FOR 2013 is one from the Lord to the entire body of Christ. And it is a conditional leader one. Blessings of Psalm 106:3-4 to all Sheep!
With that, that higher level of movement of our calling, big favor, NO BARRIORS.
FREE to move. One of the website front page words for 2013 is;
Here is the meaning; GREEN means GO. GO FOR IT, ORGANIC (be natural, be genuine, no false leadership mixture/false additives). Go GREEN along with Father God
Purely TRUE, ORGANIC, GENUINE top leadership will begin to thrive, to flourish and spring forth. New Bud.
Yet, for those who ignore the word of the Lord , who live in denial that self judging,or repenting is not for today, then this is a word for you: the Lord has been giving me somber, very serious leader warnings for many months. The most sober was “mene mene tekel upharsin” which I believe was given to me the day before Thanksgiving 2012. However, I am just a messenger. And each leader must perceive and discern for themselves…concerning heeding it. The spiritual ball is now in your decision court.
For all who are feel the tug of the Lord in your heart, then reminder, “all have fallen short of God’s glory” (including this leader) and that it is historically what God requires of His people, in both in Old Testament as well as in New Testament
(LET judgement begin in the house(s) of God.”**
** and WHERE in each house of the most high God? Starting at the very top , of course!
The following are 2 leader anthems God downloaded to me while on the east coast. Even if you don’t like music, please take time to read and really think about the lyrics. AND if you desire, download a free lead sheet.
THE CHIEF SHEPHERD www.creativewisdomministries.org/Creativewisdomministries.org/Chief_Shepherd.html
THE VICTORS CROWN www.creativewisdomministries.org/Creativewisdomministries.org/Victors_Crown.html
Very last, for all latest stored web tv channel Livestream archives, (from Dec- until today and on (newest ones, without ads, simply click on link on Home page of www.ocfcleader.tv ) then older leadership words from the Lord are on the other link)
Sincere blessings and feel free to send your prayer requests to iffmeagle@yahoo.com
Dr. Taveau D’Arcy
(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international law.
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