ABOVE From Turn of the Millenium 90’s -202 Smithton, MO. Revival..By Eric Nuzum..which is still going on in part, under a new title BELOW is copied from this revival anointed Video.
“Loving kindness…. Equal Relationship RESPECT with sincere office humility is next to genuine Godliness. I didn’t send my Son to far off withstand..to snap judge suspect…to far off scan then “Pop Psychology Diagnose”…and/or to avoid … accuser disrespect …or to word curse and evil eye every atypical new diverse visitor..without even ONCE “ATTEMPTING” to maturely “OFFICE RELATE!”
THE MANY MINISTRY USES of far away “deep scanning” to then “ministry POP PSYCHOLOGY” DIAGNOSE..minus ANY one to one, up front RELATIONSHIP to verify. PURPOSE their filled with learning and know HOW to be EFFICIENT, BUSINESS FAST FIX..plus it saves THEM Emotional WEAR AND TEAR and TIME, ENERGY….YET.. this Upwardly Mobile Leader vast USA well meaning approach has it’s legalism, typecasting and worse EVIL EYE (due to carnal humans who are many times FILLED WITH LEGALISTIC, BIAS, FEAR, PROPHETIC PARANOIA) I know well KNOW THIS as I have been around this 30 years.. SO in addition to SELF PRESERVATION this FAR OFF SEER DEEP RECURRENT SCANNING.. festers EVIL REPORTS, bearing repeated false witness”
ALSO it “makes 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5 “unsafe, no longer purely TRUSTWORTHY ” Pauline commanded “FROM SUCH TURN AWAY” (Friendly Fire FALSE ACCUSER Fellowships)
ABOVE: As this appears to be a “needs to be elite” Good Ole Boy Bygone Era, fierce, controlling, withstanding, cagey, confused ministry religious spirit..which too many times passes over from God’s HOly Spirit “perceiver seer” realm into “Salem Witch Trials “trying many distant real persons via “SPECTRAL (witch watching) EVIDENCE ” demonic witch witch craft psychic, even demonic occult. .it surfaced to attack and withstand, bear repeated accusative ” false witness” to this silent, James 3:17 calm, purely respectful (PLUS EAGLE WHOLESOME, APPROACHABLE) ..so during last PROPHETIC SPIRIT FILLED MEGA, MICRO burgeoning “being a Success’ many years (90’s til now). I realized..some time along the Narrow Way that God has SENT me toward THIS to “defrag the less than happy positive, (the major LACK OF LOVE, the accuser faultfinding based upon “respecter of persons sprits” ..the misogyny, wide use of major stereotypes, the lack of fun…and the perversion of the seer prophetic office gift into deep dark occult, which breads soulish ANTI ANOTHER many prayers (deprecatory) and boatloads of national HE SAID, SHE SAID far away false witness.
And after the Lord had told me since being CALLED from age 24 (1976) to surf and study the born again, multicultural Body of Christ.. deliver it”.upon being apprehended on occasions and watching too many similar quiet respectful others I sought the Lord. He then stated, “IF I cause YOU to stumble upon something in a church , worship, fellowship , SETTING that hurts people AND/OR That hurts MY GOOD SAFE HALLOWED NAME..3 times or more..(see the identical thing) THEN take it as My Sign that I am seeing that A LOT MORE THAN 3 TIMES and I then want YOU to directly TEACH ON IT. So this is the main reason WHY.
ALSO at the turn of the millennium, as sr pastor apostle who’d been a missionary in Nicaragua, Honduras repeatedly ,,had informed me..”Taveau, never be afraid when a demon starts to manifest: it’s just a sign that it’s ready to come out!” And so that is HOW I SEE IT when I say “I TRIGGER ACCUSER WELP”
(“The Ode to WELP”)
Spawned based upon my own life repeated experiences and also about 35 other similar calm, respecting, quiet True Individual Real Persons, PS Started Central VA, CHARLOTTE,FLORIDA WIDE.. but then deep southeast, immature southwest as God sent this human person to SURF His doctrinal true Body
(C)2017 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
CALL ME…. “Super Spiritual”
CALL ME…. “UnLevitical”
SIN SPY ME AS… “Out of Order,” too
DOES MY “NOT Back Under” the Law offend you?
DOES MY Galatians 1:1-2 freedom conflict you?
PERHAPS it’s the Common Doctrines of Ephesians 4, too?
TALE BARE…. “She’s Out of Order!”
NEVER ONCE SPEAK but call me an “Unsubmitted Church Hopper”
ACCUSE FROM AFAR as “Out of Control” + “In Rebellion!” too…
COULD IT BE that my nonreligious, free spirit grieves you?
OR DO my nontraditional ways upset you?
HOWEVER I still respect and agape Love YOU.
SLANDER me ’round town as “a Queen Jezebel spirit”
LIABLE my good (unknown) name …when I’m not there to defend it…
SO, YOUR man pleasing, astute fellowship…
I’M NOT inclined to pursue….
I PREFER fellowship…out among the baristas
LIFTING a few hot ones, with (fully respectful) Misses and Mistas,
BETTER to go AWOL than get your back CHEWED….
OVERSEER Legalistic Turf Protecting Apostle…
I STRONGLY perceive: you don’t really get me…
BESIDES, you’re not that much into RELATIONSHIPS, too.
OR ELSE…. you’ll make an appointment
TO RESPECTFULLY Matthew 18:15/ GAL 6:1 Confront me
AND /OR IN Abiding James 3:17 Reprove…
YET fellow apostle, I will still respect and never gossip about you!
I NEED to feel safe
OUT AMONG the baristas
THEY’RE top professionals… (plus they mind their own business…..!)
AND.. they never keep track of my every move…
OF COURSE: I’ll pray … and never accuse you
FIND FRIENDS and mature fellowship among the many, many saints there
THEN, only then, I can be concerned (ONLY) with The Father’s Every Move.
(C)2017 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
ODE TO WELP “CALL ME SUPERSPIRITUAL ” Frank Sinatra Parody: Top https://www.onlinefellowship.us
STRONG’S BIBLE CONCORDANCE: “Lawlessness’ ,”iniquity” means “use of false authority” PS Notice how this pertains seemingly to mainly (or only?) the “tongue talking” Book of Acts leader tribes!
(C)2021 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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