First posted Feb 1, 2013
Part 1
(C) 2013 TAVEAU D’ARCY All copyrights reserved
The Old Testament prophet Daniel wrote, “There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets” Daniel 2:28. In the New Testament the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 11:34 “Who has known the mind of the Lord? Who has been his counselor?”
Thus not a single one of us can dare presume to even know about ourselves, much less the Holy Lord.
Back in Daniel’s day, the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar was awakened by a terrifying night mare. He called all the kingdom soothsayers, and the prophetic seer Daniel to himself. The terrified crusty king then demanded that either they tell him his dream and it’s interpretation or they would be put to death. Yet if they told him the dream and the meaning of it, he would reward them.
Thus all the kingdom soothsayers and the lone prophet of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Daniel, fled to their own quarters. Daniel 2 describes how Daniel called his prayer team together. And they each sought the mind of the Lord.
God answered Daniel and his team, and when the time came, Daniel went in to share the dream and it’s interpretation with hardened heathen King Nebuchadnezzar.
Daniel’s amazing spiritual accuracy delighted and pleased the king. So King Nebuchadnezzar then began to compliment Daniel: he was eager to heap rewards on him.
However, the humble spirit of the obedient young prophet, who knew the holy terror of the One True Lord, simply answered in the following submitted manner in Daniel 2:30,
“ But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart.”
Through the many years with the Lord, this writer has discovered that due to our own human complexities, our short term, mostly finite forms of thinking, we must seek the Lord for what HE knows and sees. This also includes setting time apart to be alone with Him, so that HE may reveal to us what lies inside OUR OWN HEARTS.
The writer has learned to claim, to even pray, this important Scripture: Daniel 2:28 “God is the revealer of secrets.” She has learned that many times, she has not even a clue about hidden cares, worries, sin, shortcomings, self centeredness, even, and mostly, real deep fear! Thus, by simply putting the burden on to the Lord to reveal to her, for the purposes of letting Him then remove all blockages, hidden hindrances to His wisdom in our life, is practical and wise.
The hidden blockages may withstand God, causing Him to not be able to bless us. We need to read in context, Isaiah 1-11 to see the context of the condition of the leaders of God’s people’s hearts, which contained mixture, much compromise and following after the false god’s of the day. And while God longed to removed the burden of the dangerous Assyrian kingdom off of their necks, by their own refusal to self examine, to truly make a choice to repent and truly change, God’s own leaders, hindered, blocked God from releasing His “yoke breaking ,burden destroying heavy ANOINTING” Isaiah 10:27
ENTIRE ISAIAH 10: 27 It shall come to pass in that day
That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder,
And his yoke from your neck,
And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.
God’s Anointing Is Conditional
And by being “noble Bereans,” who take time to read the Famous Favorite Oft Quoted Bible verses in context, the light of God’s entire Word may shed abroad deeper ministry understanding and perhaps solve many mysteries such as “Why am I not seeing God move on my behalf?” “Why do I have so much shortage?” “Why am I stuck in this endless rut?” and many many more.
Another example is Malachi 3 in the context of the priest’s life style as described in Malachi 2 (submitted simply for Selah sake)
If one chooses to read Isaiah 1-12, then one may note the following:
- Compromised state of God’s leaders, priests around the nation
Pride, simpering vanity in God’s leaders
No fear of the Lord (See what happened with God’s true prophet Isaiah experienced God’s Holy Fear first hand)
Big oppressive warrior like fierce giants in the land, which threatened their future sovereignty , freedom and way of life.
Buried way down deep in the unclean mixture was the prophetic word of the Lord regarding DEEP HOLY FEAR of the Lord, including the Seven Spirits of the Organic Most Holy High Eternal Lampstand Maker; God Himself and the prophecy regarding the fruit of His Son, the Messiah: Isaiah 11:2-5
Isaiah 11:2 Seven Lampstand Bright Spirits of God
The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of might,
the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of theLord—
and he will delight in the fear of the Lord.
or decide by what he hears with his ears;
but with righteousness he will judge the needy,
with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.
He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth;
with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.
Righteousness will be his belt
and faithfulness the sash around his waist.”

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