NOTE: this was first posted June 17, 2018 www.onlinefellowship.us
ASSESS A PROPHET SEER “And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber.” 2 Kings 6:16
NOTE: This is in article form, rather than a video, I made my apostolic teaching OUTLINE but plan to film a video eventually. Budget constraints have temporarily caused us to not have what is needed for Livestream, blessed another. We’re Galatians 1:1-2** and not holding onto the coat tails of famous preachers, nor trading on their auguste hallowed good names, nor a part of any cliques ministry elite group… Meaning, we pay a price for this life giving LIBERTY and THEOLOGY.
**PLUS…”No dignified famous other human’s pristine reputation/theology will be harmed in the doctrinal examination process”..Translation..IF we are way too OVER THE LEADER TOP..and/or if we really miss it..then we don’t have any other sane human person’s reputation to protect. Said with a happy burden free sigh…ahh…yes… FULL, TRUE, RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!
**Ministry subtitle: “The Sin of Jezebel Spying, The Actual Reason Behind EMERGE FROM (Christless) CHURCH”
The P Authorities and Gender Doctrines in the Search for Creator Father’s Identity
(C)2018 Dr Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
TODAY I discuss “discerning Creator Father (Abba Daddy) GOD…and will first instruct on behalf of what I call the traditionally MALE dubbed ” P” Authority Levels.….(yet each one has the female, elder leader, status.)
Many years ago, an acquaintance remarked:
“Pastor-ing, Parenting is not supposed be (meaning NOT ordained by God to be) a Popularity Contest” And I add the other P, all OFFICE, authority leader words…to this same fine tuning, non human being pleasing, non PC quote.
As we are dealing with the spiritual fruit (true and not) handed down by, as well as vehemently adhered to, by majority fellowship deemed consensus…your writer must be apostolic upfront.
MAIN SUBMITTED POINT: GENDER PLAYS A BIG PART in accurately discerning the nature of JESUS, His Dear Creator Father, Ministry, Religious Rules and Christ following Bible believing families. Hence we discuss:
NOTE: Prophetic Use of apostolic terminology, using GENDER
- BIG AREA OF USA GRASS ROOTS, Spirit Filled…Often widespread Leader WOMEN are Queen Jezebels, who are henpecking their poor weak subservient, Casper Milk Toast, who has been seduced by the (subversive!) wicked Vixen,…. wuss AHAB (“oh, poor little (BIG VICTIM) him..”) leader husband.
VIEW: http://www.vimeo.com/dfwleader to hear an in depth examination of I Kings, 16, Rev 2 deep King Ahab, Queen Jezebel teaching
- While we know that not ALL leader women are like Queen Jezebel, the urban legends are rife and accusative. Yet, there are some MEN who have similar Jezebel characteristics and also some soft-spoken movements. YET maybe the FEMALE has more of this tendency but NOT only the SHE’s do. Speaking as A NON Queen Jezzy…absolutely NOT!
- POINTED ASIDE: I find it pathetic, demeaning and highly disrespectful to have been ,to ongoing get, religiously pegged,viewed as suspect, when ONLY out among the (humbly , repeatedly assessed as) the “spooky spiritual, overseer witch watcher , usually ONLY one Ye Must Be Born Again Breed… discerning all my leader life as “Back UNDER the OT LEVITICAL PATRIARCH” Prophets(as well as their subservient usually authoritarian Matriarchs..and assessed generally…far overly many out amongst the very widely read, well versed, deeply inbred,(rarely deeply diverse…) congregation.**
- **(And you need to duly note, that in all of my LIFE… not a ONE of these has ever spoken to me in any relationship fashion, much less inquired personally and directly about HOW God tells me to fully operate..(Apostolic Galatians 1:1-2) AND I have operated exactly the SAME for 30 years!
- Therefore now: Assessing… SHAME on intentional, immature, abjectly weak Rumor Mongering..which obviously omits 2 Matthew 18:15-17 /Galatians 1:1-2 from it’s own in House perversion of God’s Holy Bible….!
And so very many are wondering… WHY? Clueless.
- NOTE: Thus I shall in ministry depth deep discuss as it demeans ALL SIMILAR type of visitor, leader, lay REAL FREE realistic apostolic leader women, well meaning teens, singles and a great number of single hardworking parents, little (perceived and called to be future elder leader) girls.
- Yet, as Father God is not Back Under the OT Patriarchal Levitical Law, but sent CHRIST to fully liberate in loving FREEDOM…we must Noble Berean to discuss a Bible BALANCE when making points about GENDER. So this we will do.
- Our adversary, critical deceptive satan, aka The Bible ACCUSER is only mentioned in the GENDER of a MALE.among these same (maybe majorly Western European Patriarch) deep south circles, most of these ignore, avoid or intentionally omit that in the Bible, the ACCUSER is only reported in GENESIS 3 and REVELATION 12:7-11 as Gender MALE. **
- **Witness ….WHO almost 150% of the time, refers to a religious, fellowship, leader, area, intercessor,or prophetic WOMAN as a QUEEN JEZEBEL? ….A MALE AUTHORITY (Big note…and also…by mostly only ONE single skin color..with this said, following being in and among the prophetic (and sadly the accuser pathetic)since 1991…believe your writer….it ain’t ever a dark skinned ministry leader one).
- FYI, duly NOTE… NOT even once has there been an office FEMALE (unless they are trained and submitted UNDER a legalistic OT Levitical Patriarch who majors in spying dark demons on his fellow Ye Must Be Born Again sister real Believers!)
- Submitted “Friendly Fire” Fed Up with Abusive Senseless Big AccusationSelah
- YET I do not believe that ALL males are ACCUSERS nor do I believe that all FEMALES are Jezebels. Yet while a female may possess much more of a tendency to fulfill even the dire worrisome stereotype , at the same time the human MALE may exhibit the stronger, temptation to have bigger (Father, Pastor, Parent, Prophet, Preacher) ACCUSATION.
- Just not saying ALL of either GENDER..are to be regarded as ministry legalism, histrionic major STEREOTYPES…like I have repeatedly, mostly only in deep south, witnessed.
- Ironically, the apostolic, parental MALE AUTHORITY is whom the Garden Father first set in chain of leader command, thus this implies how extremely super IMPORTANT it is for an anointed MAN to use wise, fully respectful, careful perceptive, non dominating, non reviling, non ACCUSATIVE authority /leader, parental, prophetic leader WORDS
- Now, at this apostolic POINT…WE RISE UP AND SAY “Am stating that all of this big grass roots accusation of females, leader man, must come to a full STOP!
- PS NON-TONGUE SPEAKING, Many evangelicals/liturgical..MY APOLOGIES for apostolic discussing so much DARKNESS. the antithesis of GOSPEL GOOD GLAD, ONGOING FELLOWSHIP, NEWS!..This writer is truly sorry to have to soil your minds with all of this, yet for me to broach this Hot Topic may be Fellowship, Life preserving…as this deep south incorrect unmannerly, biased teaching affects, infects, inflicts pain on multiplied thousands, even tens of, many hundreds of thousands.
HENCE to fully remove ministry direct, implied sinister, sin conscious ACCUSATION..we each must understand representing The NON ACCUSER -CRITIC FATHER, His Non Accusing Relationship Abiding Forward Thinking Son and the fact that PRIOR to the GENESIS 3 accusation, indeed human participating SINS…that…..
KING JAMES. GENESIS 1-4 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+1-4&version=KJV
- GENESIS 1-2 Creator Father walks and talks in an abiding RELATIONSHIP which has no false authority, is not Accusing ,Legalistic or blaming Adam dark sin consciousness
- GENESIS 3 “the first known sin = Satan ACCUSING and intentionally DECEIVING LYING to undermine, derail God’s PLAN.
- GENESIS 3…while EVE is DECEIVED, when she hands the forbidden fruit to her “HOH” Official “Head of Household” First Born husband ADAM…whom has been been told PRIVATELY (meaning prior to EVE being formed, Genesis 1-2).”Do NOT eat of the ONE TREE!” Intentionally, directly , actively, willing takes if from her extended hand and EATS IT.
- Please note. Prior to the Genesis 3 sin..there is NO form of accusation, NO sin and NO need for any punitive Levitical LAW. (hence the FATHER is not an ACCUSER nor was He ever truly desiring to HAVE to rise up to follow through regardng The PENALTY which He had set as the JUDGEMENT for Adam, Eve directly disobeying that ONE single requirement.
- ADAM First Governor of the Planet, willfully decides to accept the forbidden piece of fruit, bites into it, swallows it and thus takes the Chain of Command Responsibility to either run to repent for both of their choices..or to duck, run and hide..and later accuse /blame shift conveniently onto someone else. (Note: read Genesis 3 to verify)
- GENESIS 3..note how GOD confronts, yet never yells, condemns or ACCUSES. Rather He matter of factly, fully respectfully upfront CONFRONTS…Adam, as HOH, in chain of command Bible order. AND it strongly appears that God was setting it up “Adam, where are you..implying CALMLY…tell me what happened” Meaning..as if God wanted Adam to MAN UP and HUMAN UP to spill the beans about what He did (remember NOT deceived, but WILLFUL PARTICIPATION) on HIS overseer patriarch WATCH.
- WONDERING HOW it all would have panned out had ADAM willed to fess up and reply, ‘Well, Daddy Lord God, you see, My darling Bride was deceived, But then when she came to offer me the Forbidden Fruit, my heart just melted and I gave it …and took it from her lovely soft well manicured hand and willingly bit it, chewed it and then, “LORD…I’m afraid that I swallowed it. BUT LOVING GOD..will You please forgive ME and EVE, too?”
- Yet, leader Adam, (Study Genesis 3) did not seize the second chance to human completely up. He instead, tried to dodge all personal responsibility and immediately ACCUSED his wife, by ACCUSER BLAME SHIFTING (“But Lord, that (leader, real) woman YOU gave me..she (implied’ MADE me eat that piece of forbidden fruit”…
AND SO IT GOES FOREVER MORE..accusation, avoiding being held directly accountable, indeed avoidant accuser blame shifting..and much more!
- GENESIS 3..4 ACCUSATION, MURDEROUS SIN, CARNAL NATURE, HOT TEMPERS, FEAR and ETERNAL LEADER DEATH then came in what had been a blessed, truly prosperous, peaceful, 100 % organic,pure happy Garden. Through human real choices.
- The SIN NATURE and it’s 4 generations of inherited inquity now surpasses what transpired in the Love Nest now turned Accusative, Desperate Garden. When Adam and Eve have two children, Cain and Able, the accuser causes much envy, rivalry and the loss of self government, so much so that blood kin CAIN then accuses (sinful self talk building into outward hatefilled actions)..ABLE and walks over to him and murders him
- Following Genesis 3, 4 onward..God set up the TEN MOSAIC COMMANDMENTS, Levitical Law, Judges, Kings, Prophets, and Sin conscious DAYS OF ATONEMENT and many sacrifices, to remind and keep the attention of the carnal, sin fully prone HUMAN dark side of His own Chosen People..
- 1)for the sake of them remembering that ETERNITY follows this earthly life existence
- 2) to keep HIS Unique Name, HOLY and to walk in humble , contrite, holy fear of HIM: The Majestic ONE who created massive expanses of EARTH and PLANETS and CELLS and LIFE MATTER..but who also carries a eternal holy presence, wonder working supernatural power..
- 3) and that HE ALONE is the Main ONE who demands and deserves HONOR and RESPECT and WORSHIP and abundant PRAISE.
- TCL believes the OT Law was set up also to preserve Life, , families, human SOCIETY all of which come under attack, mainly what is at the mammon centered heart, also ACCUSATION, (war, fear, threats, jealous envy, pet , chief SINS,etc)
- WHEN GENESIS 3 Accusation, Deception, indeed satan slips in..with the OT LAW, at the same time period a one on one “perceiving and being able to hear” intimate type of RELATIONSHIP with the Creator Father also is lost. …..AND following the OT Law being provided, it was not yet possible for EVERYONE to potentially “have a ongoing personal deep guiding, providing RELATIONSHIP with the LORD (like Prophet Enoch Gen 5)…
- ….instead only a FEW handpicked man individuals were given that trusted ability ..meaning under the LAW: these were the Hebrew, children of Israel PROPHETS. (Leader real woman Deborah,national prophet,judge, was a notable but valid, Hebrew exception)
- NOT EVERY Chosen Person (Genesis 3-Malachi, Apocrypha, until Christ’s Sent Messenger “THE ONE” Ministry… could hear God for him/her self until JESUS CHRIST CAME.
- NOTE Messiah, Jesus Christ is SENT to overcome ACCUSATION, DECEPTION, the accuser and to give FREE power back, via SALVATION (Need to read Revelation 12;7-11)
- WHEN JESUS CAME…after accepting Him, and maurely developing His free gentle deposit of the HOLY SPIRIT (which could be fanned into far more power by what Acts 2 describes..) then the “born over again” intuitive Christ follower, can slowly learn how to DISCERN and heart PERCEIVE by the “inward witness” maybe the “still small voice” the directing, very calm, understanding which accompanies an ongoing walking RELATIONSHIP with the LORD GOD, through Jesus Christ.
- RULES and REGULATIONS in over anxious Do Good, Legalistic, Autocratic, especially too DOGMATIC ‘action, performance, works CENTERED doctrine can muffle, choke and avoid,even accuse, attack RELATIONSHIPS….including the Top Priority Leader abiding ONE …with Father God.
Thus Endeth the Submitted Fellowship Selah
(C)2018 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Thus the following ministry resources (compilation ongoing site)
- RELATIONSHIP THEOLOGY http://www.relationshiptheology.org
AND a lot more later. - EPHESIANS 4 LEADER COMMON DOCTRINES ..see PDF, with same name..on Top of http://www.onlinefellowship.us
- APOSTOLIC TEAMMATE UNIVERSITY coming in 6 weeks. Defrag Accusation, Non People Pleasing, NON Political, hopefully NOT one bit PC http://www.teammateu.com
(C)2018 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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