NOTE: This was first posted Sept 21,2023 The Maven of Apostolic Theology www.tclleader.com
The Ambition, Ministry Python, Evil Eye Accusing Job 41 Leviathan, Spirit of Chasing Mammon, seems combined with mega Occult False Witness, mega/cult White WItchcraft (evil eye/word curse, abusive false authority,/mega elite divining ). Big Boss subtle, also regal Isaiah 14:13
THE WELP (my name: Western European Levitical Patriarch) CHRISTIAN MASSIVE SUBCULTURE ARE GIFTED, TALENTED AND WIDELY USED, PLUS NEEDED, VALUED AND DUE UTMOST RESPECT..YET, BY NOW, MANY OF THESE MAJORLY TALENTED AND BOASTFUL ACCOMPLISHED have waned …based upon CURRENT FRUIT… and the OVER THE TOP in (P.C.) Post Christian FINE TUNED (USUALLY LOVELESS) FAULT FINDING FRUIT. And these, mainly their devout “mega gifted” massive grass roots floor fruit, elders, no longer welcome the normal, natural, non world wide famous persons in their version of “Church”…. which I beg them …currently needs to be rebranded as “A, The Famous Christian Persons Personal Worship Cult” “Empire” “System” (meaning: In order to have truth in advertising'” in the USA …as it’s gone exclusive!” WHY? It may mean Exodus 20:7, surely by mistake. as it’s SURELY NOT Ephesians 1:6 “one and all accepted equally in the saintly beloved” (the missing First Church CHRISTIAN CLEAR PURPOSE, WHOLLY HOLY PURE FOCUS…Proverbs 9:10, Eph 4, 5:21, James 3:17)
REMINDER: “This is a Human’s Christian Ministry” Sister TD is a Galatians 1:1-2 who is submitted to all in First Church Ephesians 5:21 ..as a ‘resource” “collaborator” ” sounding board” “wise advice giver”.and available sr ministry prophetic visionary consultant”.and who will therefore be ‘impartial” in cross body leadership, servant ‘offscouring of the TV Celebrity/Mega World” leader, and who will not embarrass anyone if, when, as Sister Taveau is a repeat attender at YOUR fine Christian ministry church, area fellowship. for She will not be viewed as “UNDER” you, linked to you. (also vice versa)
QUESTIONS: crossbodyunity@gmail.com VOICE MAIL: 803-972-7070
Training Vocabulary + Disclaimer:
In this wise discussion Taveau ministry points out that when the use of “patriarch” “matriarch” is used, it is deemed as welcome, safe, healthy and an anchor disposition, ministry, business and/or family chief personality is reliable, steady, wise and usually a hard working bread winner.
WHERE AS the use of the words LEVITICAL Patriarch, Levitical Matriarch means the person has false religion,who has “lost their First real Love” (See Revelation 2;2-8)ulterior regal motives, plus tends to dominate, rule and may or may not use sly cunning, cronyism, mega white withcraft, spirit of occult, even cult , to own, rule, enslave or Big Boss over..and always assessed as a theological Demas and/or “evil eye witch watching” even patriarchal worldwide famous… I Samuel Eli and Ministry LP Sons.
WHERE AS I, Taveau, am a MAVEN..means a non controlling, governing chief “connoisseur “of senior office ministry Apostolic Theology …preview the upcoming CROSS BODY UNITY “APOSTOLIC TEAMMATE U https://www.apostolictemmateuniversity.com
- DFW/ “Christian LP famous celebrity Ministry plus others in ministry USA” is to blame for me witnessing too much to be able to stand “NOT FULLY” doctrinally examining it.(2006-2020 DFW mainly charismatic white “witch watching” Empire Patriarchy
PS “Is it better to be MATURE IN GIFTING or Christ-like MATURE IN LOVING?
“To know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, and be filled with the fullness of God. “Ministry Apostle Paul 3:19
**TD’S NIGHTMARE DUE TO CHARACTER RECURRING AVOIDANT, SLIPPERY TARGETING IMPURE BIASED FRUIT: “the WELP..stands for Western European Levitical Patriarchy” Back UNDER the Law But Mingling in demonic whining Occult, White Witchcraft and Undermining False Witness
(C)2023 Dr Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws
Each Wide Area
Friends, Roman Patricians and the Wise Well Off Big Boss
Lend Us Your Perceptive Ears
Q. “BUT ….WHAT “IS” THE LOVE OF CHRIST” (….that passes wells of knowledge…) in Ephesians 3:19?
A. Dr T says “You to know the 2 kinds of Jesus faith filled real love. 1) His Sweet Baby Jesus Love “turn the other cheek, walk th extra mile, Forgive them Father, for they know not what the do” 2) His Up Front, hold them directly accountable, yet Respecting, Calm, And Grown Up Man, Adult Savior kind of love “rise up, take a stand, man up and use God’s tough up front confronting Love (but no violence, no hate speech, no demeaning disrespect, zero word cursing OR false authority) (Akin to Christ and the Pharisees Matthew 21:12-13, Matthew entire Red Letter Chapter 23 and Matthew 7:21-23, may be Proverbs 27:6, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “instruct, reprove, correct”)
AND we each need to have a “close personal relationship with the Christ’s Father, through the Holy Spirit, to allow HIM to guide us on WHAT KIND OF JESUS ‘LOVE” Is NEEDED in every single situation. “the Holy Spirit “Inward witness” (which models James 3:17, 2 Timothy 1:7) balanced with time spent in God’s Bible Word.(may want to get another’s opinion if you feel it’s Holy Spirit directed “UP FRONT” TOUGH LOVE)
- “It’s a sign of a LARGE EGO. ‘Hurry up, fix ’em fast (for our sakes, to get them out of our hair)!’
- It’s the sign of AMBITION. It’s the superior sign of an ‘I KNOW MORE’ group or privileged member or family person.
- It strongly appears to be a USA harbinger sign of preferential Big Boss WELP, mostly ‘theophostic (deliverance, inner healing) counseling.’
- It’s a sign that they’re using ‘transhumanism,’ which is an NWO (New World Order) subtle, highly refined technique, and that they’re trading on the use of ministry historical, major types, and many time-saving, dehumanizing evil stereotypes.
- It’s mostly a sign of USUALLY a nearly solid Caucasian ministry, which is steeped in impure, immature legalistic ‘Ministry Patriarchy Supreme Matriarchy Old Time Back in the All Wise Country, maybe pure Roman Patrichian, Autocratic Aquiring Big Boss, Torah Still Abiding “mostly East Coast, southern Country Law Levitical Patriarchy (this prophet’s name for East Coast Shepherding, Male Patriarchy solid white Movement)which uses Theophostic ‘WELP Psychology.’
- LP various mostly Holy Spirit perceiver (i name seer doctrine) white “prophetic” clans and many giant groups LOVE “Witchwatching” Toss in a lot of heretical false new eastern religion, perhaps anti woman deep misogyny, perceived descending down from the WELP Salem Mass WitchTrials, which ‘perceived and accused Christian witches’ via their “inner vibes, impressions, looks” (and which Pastor T thinks precedes the High IQ intelligent Western European Levitical Patriarchs as stemming down from the Old European Catholic Monk who held the “women in witchcraft false witness inquisition” and who penned “Malleus Maleficarum” (The Hammer of the Witch)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malleus_Maleficarum which one may order on Amazon today.
- But surely it’s more than them that do all of this… for it’s actually from the World System!This fruit ego devalues us.”
- It genuinely appears to be mostly prophetic intuitive hierarchal charismatic! At least in the prophetic. And THAT’s the Church..who moves in Book of Acts (mostly)
- It’s mostly all “royal authoritarian” LP Male led (the Ministry austere (crony like)Patriarchy use of vocabulary should be noted as by myself based upon “doctrine”…as it’s not about white or any race of leader men, for our ministry stated “patriarchs are family, business, anchor dispositions, steady,calm, proven and very needed..so it’s DOCTRINES, CHARACTER based on FRUIT that make LEVITICAL PATRIARCHS, L MATRIARCHS)
- It uses far off scanning, pop psychology Evil Eye diagnosing, (by top but also scads of junior wannabe delegated ministers) (which is VERY DANGEROUS!!
- And this vast dark spying crowd in religious supremely biased and most would stare down The Messiah if He showed up and resembled the suffering portrait depicted in Isaiah 53.
- IT WANTS IT’S VERY OWN WAY(not Ephesians 4 community prone) which means that this giant tyrannical flock sets itself up OVER ALL Book Of Acts persons, and is withstands’ God’s Harvest by being turf owning and majorly fierce and demonically targets ones whom it does not “discern correctly“
- As it seeks its OWN Way. Not submitted to the Following Bible Paul..see Bible Scriptures below

- Ephesians 4 (Read Giant passage). Eph 5:21: “Mutual submission in the fear of the Lord” (which ChatGPT AI said in June 2023 was the first church governing authority model, in offices, fellowships, community, and in marriage!). Instead, it’s mainly mega, micro top control and many cults supervised by levels of orchestrated severe totalitarianism, mean dominating, often accusing ‘witchcraft,’ deep intrigue, and drama-filled “Big Boss” worship cults.
- Ephesians 1:6: “Each and all accepted in the Beloved.”
- James 3:17: “Representing the wisdom coming from above, which is pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits (Gal 5:22-23), without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
- Proverbs 9:10: “Has no holy fear of the Lord.”
- “One size fits all,” which is not in the Bible (not submitted to Ephesians 5:21, Chapter 4).
- Ephesians 2:14-15: It’s not peaceful and too often includes cliques, clans, “respecter of persons,” major types, and pecking order elites divided.
- Eph 3:19: “To know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge and be filled with the fullness of God” (skill, learning, and gifts top Jesus’ love in these massive LP groups).
- Pure 1 John 1:7: This reveals the cult spirit, mega clans, pet persons, and total control which these generally are. “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, then we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin.”

CONCLUSION..Based solely on the listed fruit and the wearying cult big spirit…I make the suggestion that any of these resembling the fruit listed should STOP CALLING themselves a “all accepting Christian bride of Christ Church”
- REASON: FOR IT IS NOT Christlike
- Another major real facet: Try to Elite Control

SAY ” We’re Selective in the Beloved!” But WHAT IF You or I don’t make the “approved cut!”
Reminds me of the Ole Doggies out on the range (a leader product)
“Move ’em in, move ’em out” …we’ve seen more than a million just like em!”

- PLUS “The Christian Money Conscious”
Nowhere in Bible teaching does it mention that Messiah, Jesus Jesus “went about “Typecasting” **
** Which is supremely ELITE PRIVILEGED, “pedigreed” Superior” devaluing” ..also immature, weak…plus class conscious, often racist, evil eye, misogynous and NOT “the wisdom from above James 3:17 (pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good FRUITS, WITHOUT PARTIALITY and without HYPOCRISY”

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