(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved
Amazing Greetings, Dear Reader!
- What ever is national level leader modeled, Bible taught then broadcast over TV /media national airwaves, the trickles down in the local, often culturally land locked, ministerially isolated grass roots community.
- There, in grass roots (where a pastor, leader, apostle is still not surrounded by keepers, and is supposed to be even relatable,ie. still approachable) even GOOD DOCTRINE is readily applied YET may be confused, mixed up, tainted with local chief postolic MIXTURE, such as error, twisted minister perception, human flesh, apostolic pride, leader ministry stereotypes, bias, fear, prejudice, even cultural, seminary, spiritual mentor urban legends, which can also include spiritual winds of leader doctrine or even a inner need for ministry recognition, personal power, position or prestige.
It was this THEORY as well as 30 years in first hand primarily grass roots pioneering senior ministry, PLUS 3-4 personal encounters with over the top false spiritual abusive controlling accuser authority, which then served to shock the writer into an alarming urgent, DIRE wake up call, that the many who claim to represent the accepting Jesus Christ, down at the local levels, are instead presenting a CONFUSING APOSTOLIC REPRESENTATION containing MIXTURE and perhaps depositing a mysogynous, materialistic, even plastic ministry mixture to their local Communities as well as the rising YOUTH who are the future Pioneering Leader 5 Fold Office Lampstand Ministry Generations.
NOTE: Repeatedly encountering all of this has greatly troubled the writer who is NOT a NOVICE. She now offers WAKE UP CALL SELAHS in her ongoing Bible study of First Organic Chief Apostles, their doctrine as compared with the GOOD and accuser enabling leader doctrines of many today.
To ensure Bible balance, the female writer, has studied the roles of males and females in the home and in church, as well as the views of each of these human /spiritual roles in light of both the OLD and the NEW Testaments.
AND THE the senior apostolic pioneering writer will compare and contrast how her loving organic Christ Following senior pastor/leader parents, role modeled the complete opposite.
BASIC THEORY: that how a senior office lampstand was raised growing up, whether or not they were respected, were raised around racial, gender, other kinds of bias, MIGHT affect them even after accepting the Lord Jesus Christ ..and strongly affect their views toward fellow leaders, males, females, and in the lay congregation.
OF COURSE: Then the writer will yield all of this to the reader, for them to discern, perceive and non accusatively judge.
Q. WHY does the writer take such a deep interest in the first chief apostles, apostolic leader doctrine, current body wide “spiritual authority””submission” grass roots leader doctrines?
The writer’s MAIN CONCLUSION: there is an awful lot of supreme MIXTURE in too many primarily charismatic, loveless, legalistic prophetic churches.
One of the main mixtures is what the Bible names, “the doctrines of the Nicolaitans.” They are mentioned in Revelation 2:6, 15
The doctrine of the Nicolaitans: nike= to control, laos=the people. were the first adulterous leader doctrines which exalted what was originally designed as 5 fold office servant leadership from the laity, thus creating the precursor to the rise of splits, divisions, follower of ONE leader but not another
Chief Apostle Paul said, “Don’t say I am of Paul, I am of Apollos, say only I am of CHRIST” Later it passed down to give rise to the modern Celebrity Pulpit.
AND as the doctrines of the Nicolaitans multiplied, it bread legalism, personal Big I’s and Little You’s (i.e. respecter of persons unloving accuser religious spirit) and is what finally removed the Holy Bible from the laity, producing what history names the Dark Ages.
The Doctrine of the Nicolaitans: these human made apostolic leader doctrines first lifted what had up to that time, been servant 5 fold lampstand, no denominational, offices, UP ABOVE the laity. This was root of celebrity lampstand leader, the bitter root of Big all wise eyes and Little Powerless You’s (Later this doctrine removed the Bible from God’s lay people and kept it only in the hands of the leaders, thus bringing on what is known as the Dark Ages.
Some of the mixture fruit of the elevated entitled overseer /5 fold watcher lampstand: big respecter of persons ministry fruit , fawning over hierarchy, big titles and the need for God’s own people to dummy down so as not to surpass their immature, often deeply insecure senior leaders
These false unwise doctrines which strip all decision making, primarily independent creative thinking out of the hands of God’s “sheep” instead causes many of them to become lulled into apathy or
Too many also become overly dependent on the word of the Lord produced for them, by the oversight Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist, as the spiritual confidence and power are now strippped from them and instead places in the hands of an elite, entitled very few exalted ministry leader.
In deep hindsight, the Lord reminded the SHE writer that both of her Godly non religious senior pastor ministry parents and relatives NEVER used Big I’s and Little You’s in ministry, but really respected and genuinely cared for all other ministers and NON Christians
The writer was reminded, during the many recent trials when for nearly the first time in her life perceiving that she was unwanted based on her FEMININE GENDER of the ways both of her loving capable senior pastor parents had raised her: without iron clad gender roles, instead had prayed, “Lord help Taveau to do and to become whatever YOU really want her to do and to become.” (meaning in her personal AND senior pioneering ministry ongoing life)
THUS ALL of this served to spur her to try to DEFRAG many unhealthy, un genuine, non accepting, even NON TRULY REPRESENTING CHRIST spiritual accuser doctrines.
REAL ONGOING DEEP LOCAL GRASS ROOTS SPECIFIC REASON: Because by defragging the Accuser, we can help God’s local House model the Non Accusative, befriending, accepting, inclusive Prophet MESSIAH which then will spare attending PERSONS needless, pointless emotional, spiritual repeated rejection, wounding from Friendly Fire..
And as the local Church healthy (leader) role models the Genuine Messiah of Isaiah 11:3-4, and ceases to resemble the ACCUSER of both the brethren and the sistren, then turn again into a Safe Messiah Modeling Accepting Haven. This will assure that a Local Church, Ministry, will have favor with both God and man, which then will send a sweet aroma into the local COMMUNITY and this will be ATTRACTIVE to the non churched, the seekers and will breed general secular,even governmental Favor.
SWEET AROMA OF THE (PIONEERING LEADER ) BRIDE OF CHRIST: “You will know they are my disciples by their LOVE.”
ASIDE: Read Chapter 4 Ephesians, and see v. 12 onward about the FRUIT of cross body, humility, servant co-operating lampstands, which form a PROTECTIVE CORPORATE ,as it were “COVERING” BRIDE TRUE COMMUNITy.
AND READ: Psalm 133 where God “commands his blessing” on Body Unity.
The writer submits that Jesus Christ gave his first Church senior ministers, an Organic Commission to”go ye therefore”…but that He did not command them to go out to form big business branded marketing, 100 percent perfect big IMPERSONAL overly hierarchal overly controlling, legalistic organizations. The Apostolic Heavenly Father Work Planter’s work planter, sent down His only Son to in effect win Him a FAMILY.
And His Family, walking in submission to both His Word (the Bible) adn His Spirit, without OLD TESTAMENT APOSTOLIC LEGALISM, would then, as the Leader hero role modeled Ephesians 5:21 “mutual respect , mutual submission in the fear of the Lord” that would trickle down into the lay corporate body, then onto the families, and out the doord to build a ORGANIC CHRIST FOLLOWING TRUE COMMUNITY.”
The writer is NOT a novice plus she is NOT naive. Plus, she gratefully respects and appreciates each reader and humbly acknowledges that all senior pioneering ministers were not raised in humble genuine organic Christ following, servant pastor senior leaders homes.
Furthermore, the writer acknowledges that many were NOT raised respected, by two parents, with some forced to practically rear themselves… thus she sees EQUAL GRACE has been granted to enable us all to advance this far.
POINT: Yet due to the fact, that the writer was not raised hearing foul language, being put down, disrespected or in any manner abused, often accused, that it would then give her a deep perceptive awareness of emotional, personal and authority leader boundaries, unmarred by contentious legalism, form and control.
AND continually watching both of her parents interacting, as well as with all other family members ,relatives, act “mutually respectful, mutually yielding, as in submitted, in the FEAR OF THE HOLY LORD” would strongly affect her as a small child onward, to react, and behave in similar manner to the way in which she had been respected and role modeled.
The writer submits that this would then follow ANY grace given person, including pioneering male or female, as they left their own personal living domain, to journey out into interactions with ALL OTHERS: races, religions, Christ followers, non Christ followers, in business, church and fraternal organizations, etc.
SUBMITTING APOSTOLIC OVER ALL LOGIC: This then, meaning “jumping a complete stranger, a persons whom you have not ever taken time to get to know up close in person, but then accusing, attacking PUBLICLY (or spreading harmful rumors in private) ” YOU ARE NOT UNDER SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY” appear over the top, extremely unmannerly and down right attacking Accusative. AND this would be perceived in the same unbecoming ministry leader fashion by ANY person, a white person, a brown skinned person, a visitor, a non Christian, a newbie, and a senior pastor newcomer, etc)
The writer rests her case…. BUT pleads for some one to DEFRAG ALL OF THIS lower level so called Church UNSAFE practices.
FOR ALL AUTHORITARIAN OVER SEER HARDENED LEGALISTS: Please save the Hard Ball for surely the MANY “tough customers” but MANY of us do not respond very well to SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL ABUSE, which reveals that the pastor, leader him/her own SELF is “Not under spiritual covering true authority” for my Bible mentions, “That God’s LOVE COVERS.”
THE SEARCH? For apostolic Bible Fruit that REMAINS.
- That Christ’s organic Bride will have a sweet smelling savor to the community but also to the YOUTH, the rising CHURCH LEADERS
- That each of them will be able to pick out what is LEADER HAY from the ministry STUBBLE
- So that we leave them a clear, easily recognized absolutely TRUE PICTURE of WHO the risen Christ IS, the real reasons for FOLLOWING and SERVING ONLY HIM
- And WHAT is the TRUE PURPOSE, for “being called into the ministry” truly mean and represent?
- That many many MORE accept the Lord, then walk before Him, making disciples, modeling Shalom wellness, community, Godly leader contentment, enduring overcoming real Love, as was all Life wholeness and harmony in personhood, family and ministry
- The writer, an experienced, multi decade senior pioneering servant apostolic leader, has watched certain parts of the ministry senior pioneering leadership body become less affective in modeling Ephesians 1:6 “accepted in the beloved” since around the mid 1990’s.
- On 3-4 ministry occasions, over 25 years, the writer encountered surprising, out in public, uncalled for, personal religious spirit accuser attacks. And she has heard the same, witnessed the same from others, both genders.
- The SHE pioneering senior minister, always noted that she was always ACCEPTED and RESPECTED in ALL dark skinned, international pure ministry communities, and believed that this was due the cultural factor 1) the valued the matriarchs in the ancestry and were not afraid of being controlled by them 2) they had been under deep ongoing persecution for many generations and had matured spiritually and now no longer sweated petty inane gender issues 2) they generally discern and perceive a new person FIRST by their inner court, rather than by the outer natural surface appearance
- This was the first spiritual RED FLAGS which the Heavenly Father used to get her attention to check out real purpose for “being called into the ministry” and also “spiritual authority leader doctrines.”
- On the separate, east and deep south, rare, but equally deeply upsetting, as the writer was not politely introduced, talked to in private before being PUBLICLY rebuked and openly CHASTISED for “NOT being UNDER SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY, it created deep emotional spiritual accuser wounding from Friendly Fire, but then was turned by God for GOOD as
- 1) it caused the writer to examined what was inside her own mind and heart to inquire of the Lord to see if any of the names she was called truly fit.
- 2) and it actually made her curious about why SO MANY Christian ministries are loving, genuine, accepting and NOT legalistic or accusing, and who do NOT appear to get their holy cassocks in a bunch regarding WHO is OVER WHOM (hierarchical performance hoop jumping) and ALL OF THIS is what provoked the to act like a Noble Berean to accept responsibility to rise up to study first apostles leader doctrines, Apostle Paul, Old Testament VS New Testament Freedom In Christ, and both the Bible roles of MEN and WOMEN in the home and in the Church
This writer readily acknowledges that she has never been one who is big on their own family geneology, ancestral history, big titles.
Fully understand that this writer, while a pre college youth, fully dedicated her life to he Lord, back in the Jesus People hippie days, so that whenever my mother would try to fill me in of all the “family history” I would regard it as “too respecter of overly entitled” persons then would smile accordingly, yet let all of the information pass through one ear and out the other.
After the many 30 plus pioneering years, I believe that the Lord has been teaching me about respecting both my natural pioneering fore “parents’ and the many spiritual pioneering faithful fathers and mothers.
After the internet was invented, I did finally google search the Famille Taveau origins and found that they orginated from the France, Loire Valley. I read that the word TAV means a type of “military epaulette.”
I briefly recall my mother and senior pastor aunt describe her own Augustus Taveau Simons, heritage as descending from French Huguenots (who fled to the Charleston, SC region due to religious persecution.) Please note the picture of what is not a historical landmark, The Taveau Church.
My mother’s lively, pioneering extended family, apparently was nearly 100 percent true Christ Followers, ran businesses, were judges, and the gentlemen were mostly business pioneers with the leader head women, devoted Bible scholars, who helped the suffering and collected money for the poor. Mother used to tell me that some of them came over on the first colonies and helped found the Jamestown Company,(Name Sandys) however, I did not get all excited, but feel that it may be valid to some to mention today.
My mother’s mother, Marie Sandys Simons, used to collect all of the poor children from surrounding areas, bring them to her Alabama house where she would give them food, hold many fun parties and teach them Bible stories. Many many people wrote to her for prayer and she was ageless, reminding the writer, in her mid 80s of the Bible verse saying that “you will be full of sap and very green.”
Thus Organic Presbyterian, many Methodists and Southern Baptists (the latter also included the ancestors of my father’s family, who were country doctors, high school principals, school suprintendants, pioneering entrepreneurs and school teachers.
My senior pastor special father was raised in the postage stamp sized DALLAS, GEORGIA, which his darling dear beloved daughter now lives to honor his pioneering ministry in the vast DALLAS TEXAS giant DFW Metroplex. Surely, what we all say, do in secret CAN be “shouted from the house tops!”
“DADDY” Rev. M. Kimball Johnson
Abandoned this Life for Heaven in 1979
But every single one of them prayed for the Lord’s divine guidance, and my mother’s mother, Marie Simons, was one of my first main examples of the concept” God cares about every little personal prayer” as she was the infamous praying grandmother who used to pray for parking spots.
I witnessed her do this countless times.
And in all of my own early childhood, teenage, prior life happy memories, I never once heard anyone demean any body and each one genuinely, non racially, respected ALL kinds of persons from other faiths, skin colors, genders and socioeconomic classes.
And none of them were elite snobs based on education, socio economic position. I will gladly give great honor to all of them for role modeling such.
Yes, after many years of study and now in hindsight, the writer was somehow graced to be raised in what strongly resembles a sheltered in a naive spiritual organic green house, where she fully believing that ALL true mature Christ Followers, senior pastors, leaders, were equally as Godly content, always completely open and upfront, happy, did not take themselves or their position too super seriously, could also recreated, even enjoy a laugh, plus were EACH presumably to be NON bigoted, NOT racially, gender biased, NOT have hidden ministry deep secret agendas OR be self centered, self protective, NOT deceptive, NOT accusative, and NOT competitive.
However, life and apostolic ministry experience will open one’s naive, innocent, non accusative, non legalistic eyes.
The writer and her sister grew up feeling like they were appreciated, respected and regarded as “special.” In addition, the sibling pair grew up around pioneering parents, grand parents, cousins, who were winsome, practical, very human, far from perfect, yet who were greatly in helping those less fortunate better themselves, and they always were seeking the lost to try to share the Gospel.
While many of them were well educated, there was never any discussion of that, as each member of the writer’s family did not regard a earthly sheep skin nearly as even close to the extreme Eternal over all importance of having both their names found in the Lamb’s book of Life, but also took it upon themselves to bear witness to give many others a chance to have their names written there.
And I don’t recall any of them using their business, or senior ministry position as a main source of their esteem or of their personal happiness.
The over all life style /leadership/lamp stand strong impressions were that NONE of these persons were well known or earthly famous, YET they were treated others with real leader respect. In addition, besides having a funny sense of humor, over all the Simons, Johnson family was basically genuine, relatable, very congenial, always accepting.
And while they appeared outwardly traditional, inside the mighty women, who were all very capable, faithful, submitted to their executive, pastor only husbands, then had their own pioneering ministry. (not in official professional terms but a valid Bible teaching, servant pioneering ministry)
The writer’s grand mother (mother’s mother )managed her house, had a ministry to the area poor children, and her mother ‘s sister and her husband, pioneered a church and fed the area poor. The writer’s father’s mother taught school,continually served and the writer’s mother ministered as a pastor’s wife and a school teacher.(but never could learn how to cook)
BUT all of this would have been nominal had nearly the entire family had a holy fear of the Lord.
Therefore the writer was imparted to by their LIFE STYLE HERO ROLE MODELING. In affect, the writer as particularly Home Schooled by each one of them to automatically RESPECT every different kind of persons, from the persons of the head of the leaders (meaning, home, head of home, each church, state, civil, school, strangers, and ALL persons of low estate, or high…as they respected and valued each person in the holy fear of the Lord and based on what the Bible taught, “with God there is no respecter of persons.” (Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11).
And though the pioneering senior males were all lovingly respected by their faithful, committed yet spirited, lively wives, there was a genuine sincere discernment and perception of Bible Ephesians 5:21-21 loving submitted respect.
The writer cannot recall any memories of one parent or another being a “big controlling I” either Husband or Wife, and both of us darling daughters were brought up (realizing this in hindsight) In a father-mother, husband -wife, model of Ephesians 5:21 “mutual respect, mutual submission IN THE HOLY FEAR OF THE LORD.”
Translated FOR GENDER ROLES main teaching purposes: this means, “both persons in the married couple were viewed as valuable, totally equal and each shared their opinion.
There were no big gender iron clad “thou shalt NOT” and both equally took care of the children, did the house work, and were happy, emotionally wealthy, sincere loving LIFE PARTNERS.
The underlying “rules” were “man is Bible head of the hallowed home, the wife is his equal thoughtful help meet, They both can voice their opinions but if there is a unresolved dispute, the husband, in Bible chain of command, is the Designated Tie Breaker.
During that entire period of time, the writer was not aware at that point in time, that so very many good people, including 5 fold office leaders, grew up in anything less loving, caring and emotionally Soul Prospering.
AND it is on the behalf of the surely MANY OTHERS who were similarly reared in loving atmosphere with REAL RESPECT and UNCONDITIONAL REAL LOVE that the writer states this very up front and plainly: as it appears at in many modern grass roots senior office Lampstands, there is NO Organic Emotionally Health and Wealth from which to draw when relating , even behaving in a organic Christian sense with the vary many different TYPES of “various others.”
POINT: Not all persons need or can stand, over controlling, rigid, demeaning, overly demanding authoritarian, accusing, legalistic, overly into person hierarchy, “false Spiritual Authority Leader Hoop Jumping” demeaning leader accuser doctrines.
And being reared TRULY RESPECTED and having “TOTAL RESPECT FOR ALL KINDS OF OTHERS” modeled continually, it was nothing to just learn to note leader /marriage, other Bible boundaries, when entering into a local church, local friend’s house, local business, or ministry.
And the writer concludes that “APOSTOLIC RESPECT” must be OBSERVED, PERCEIVED and LEADER, FOLLOWER DISCERNED if it is ever going to be modeled with all leader/family/legal/ boundaries accurately discerned, fully respected.
YET, for the growing many who were raised RAW (though no fault of their own) there is also the need to repeatedly INSTRUCT, CLEARLY about Bible roles, emotional, legal boundaries but in a NON controlling, NON accusatively legalistic (repeated) fashion.
Thus in the entire senior ministry, personal family history, fond happy growing up memories, can the writer EVER being legalistically warned to ” Be under spiritual covering” to “kow tow to forms of leadership hierarch” or that the ROLES of the male and pioneering female are written in stone, and filled with oppressive “Thou shalt ONLY if THOU are a WHITE MALE.”
SUMMARY, Your leader writer was raised FREE and never had one Women’s Libber bone in her entire body. She never needed to have one, as both of her pastor /school teacher parents prayed for her “to do and to become ANYTHING that the LORD wanted.’
AND when she got married in holy wedlock the automotically res
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