My prayer for the start of 2024 🙏🏿❤️#fyp #viralvideo #christiantiktok #anthonybrownworship ♬ original sound – Anthony Brown | Worship Leader
Alexander Scourby was the first to record the King James Bible on audio in the early 1950s. He is known for his unparalleled reading of the Bible, which has sold millions of copies worldwide.
Deep complex. Gentle Insightful and humorous, also very diverse with “no one size fits all.”.For this is thinking person’s person’s theology. Much will be explained on other websites, including a college and apostolic training motives, reasons and presentations. ( CrossBody Unity.com will unfurl into 2-3 different big sites)
Prophet Teaching needs adjusting. (see above Jesus JOY!)
“It’s the WHY I do not go to a WELP ministry” Defiling major offices using Occult Witchcraft. 2012 TD stopped being a charismatic due to this (and many other off accusing, false authority, cunning control.. things). It’s also WHY we train Book of Acts without this…but also to hopefully SPARE THEM From God’s Coming Wrath!! As a lot of Big Boss LP widely known offices are similar to the I Samuel 1-2 Eli Temple high priesthood (BUT ..NOT ALL, however not all are NOT)
Frauds? Fakers? Psychic? Divining? see themselves as Victims..the Christian Ministry Styles of “ Pop Psychology” which includes Far off casing people, which is like them never speaking to verify but they USA wide.. “Diagnose” using “the gifted’ yet false untrue doctrines held by many ministry rank amateurs..each of who are trained and appointed as if “THEY ” are entitled by God to (never ever directly speak”( but far away evil eye “probe” each of our INNER MOST “SECRET HIDDEN MOTIVES AND THIRSTS” .simply showing up up at their Christian meeting, gathering, big conference..
“These Aggressive, Inquiring Seer Minds ” Deserve” to INNER KNOW”
(And, because they are named among the BLESSED OFFICE LP PROPHETS, nobody can tell them otherwise) 20 plus years of attending Sent Messenger Luke Eyewitness USA Deep South repeated Study and Bible “Book of Acts, “seer” relationship fruit” Evaluation.
Akin to the Salem Witch Trials SIMILAR white WELP Puritan Fruit “suspicion, fear, old timey law, governing passed down superstition… OFTEN standing far away and having MANY appointed to stand far away and “DEEP SCAN” each person..which is easily OFF and decends into “reading vibes, based on negative group or personal stereotypes…can be ongoing..such as the elder shaving dreams visions (usually of a person in sexual sin or coming to usurp or dominate, be the awaited Ministry Jezebel(surely expected) Chief Undermining Trouble Maker)
HOWEVER..is this MORAL? HONEST or FORM OF DEFILING ROBBERY… in the Christ fellowship, community sense??!!
LIKE WELP ON RICE!..JAUNDICED, INVASIVE….”OFTEN THE JUDAS”…TO APOSTLES, PROPHETS, ELDERS “THESE” AND DIRECTLY: “Hey, if you all are THAT CURIOUS..then WHY NOT MAKE AN UPFRONT MATTHEW 18:15, Meek GALATIANS 6:1 proper appointment, like the Bible teaches to FIND OUT FOR SURE!!” ..(as we at Cross Body Unity, advise AGAINST this weak, impure, mammon centric “elite” hiding, secretive, vey dark, licentious..controlling religious opposing Saul spirit) .
..meaning..a CHARACTER, THEOLOGY and DISCERNING VERY ANNOYING, DIRE AND TROUBLING ANTI CHRIST FRUIT. “have “sex” as a huge priority on their ministry brains?” ..So this is Among and For the Turf Guarders. We’ in it FOR YOU as fellow Humans.. but we will not continue to be ‘controlled” by your backwood hills, shouting, accusing and witch watching, deviant, often using targeting occult, which is false… unjust …avoidant ORNERY RELIGIONS. It has many of you, these guilty of ‘failing to discern the body of Christ correctly” which I now caution you to protect yourselves and to train YOUR MANY SEER LIKE PRYING MIRTHLESS AND ACCUSTOMED MANY PEOPLE. ” Google search about the 2 curses in “failing to discern the Body of Christ correctly (from far off, without ANY ATTEMPT to I fellowship (I John 1:7,) or show RESPECT or HUMILITY with upfront due Bible confrontation.
OCCULT WITCHCRAFT is rife in these For a non spooky Bible definition see I Samuel 15:23 ( and for all of us!)
This is simple presenting (one piece at a time)..”Another pastoral, minister, leader, lay alternative along with a historical, natural and hopefully First Church “organic” recurring perspective”
Yet no one demands YOU to under them OR over them, as this is First Ephesians 5:21 for all and also walking it out in Ephesians 4 “pure community.” This…It’s not territorial nor into building Super Starts .. but all of us, around the nation and the globe, one diverse Real Person at a time….each one on the same page …thinking, understanding and training on the side.. UNIFIED DIVERSE COMMUNITY…See the reason FOR THIS in Ephesians 4..”a trustworthy Christian, safe, sane honest Christian over all COMMUNITY effects SOCIETY..which we do presently have…
Again, this is not about myself or yourself.. It is Bible apostolic teaching with balance..but it will require time on the others, to get it set out for UNITY not STRIFE, CONTROVERSY, ACCUSATION OR DIVISION..
This Bottom Line: This is intended to be an educated 5 fold office, Books of Acts and not…humble, teachable, James 3:17 Ephesian 5:21, 4….NO ONE PERSON OR GROUP IS OVER EVERYONE..that too will be discussed in depth.
This is to be viewed as a RESOURCE not personal gain or elevated in ministry “famous celebrity” No, we decry that.. for it now a Fabulous Yet Demas passing ironic heartbreaking fantasy.
We preach NO ACCUSING NAME CALLING, NO AVOIDING HIDING GOSSIP…rather we speak peaceful First Church and community Apostle PAUL..which was calm, quiet, meek Confrontational (Matthew 18:15-16 Galatians 6:1, Church of Thyatira one to one CONFRONT the minister Jezebel) and thus eliminate the GOSSIP, WITCH HUNTING and Bible Beat Downs…
Yes this is about Christ’s community, which respects EVERY ONE..Christian or not, in fellowship, over many churches or not participating in an official church membership OR NOW. Taveau will give Bible proof to support this after her own life repeated experience of the Last TV Media Celebrity area gone haywire and the many sly controllers and the “Avoid these fellowships ” Mentioned by Paul in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, I Timothy 6:5…
The Wise Call is to train and raise God reliant, (non pastor or sheep codependent! or MONEY overly dependent) …such as respecting,fellowshipping ,as in non materialistic, other centric, empathetic and servant leader ” self governed” also led by the Spirit, with Good Bible Teaching from many past and current wise global True Moves.
All is submitted as SELAH ” Pause and think about” then, akin to Apostle Paul “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling’
And trying to lower the decibels of hard core Bible Beat Downs and the Collective Mind fields of Quasi Christ less than positive “accuser” biased, divisive ministry.
No spoken, written word is etched in personal concrete, yet we attempt with our sound minds to NOT BE PC or WOKE nor to change the Viable to Fit Society, but rather we submit correction, ideas for CHRISTIAN REPRESENTATION and “organized” Methodology, includes Media.
A lot more later!
15 Minutes to Start the New Year in the right focus!
NOTE this is not charismatic, but we well know them and encourage PRIMARILY Charismatic Repentance, full Eternal Perspective and humble Christlike servant elder REFORM.
TO DONATE: to this UNFUNDED NON SPONSORED yet Godly contented and joyful ministry move..
TD Is a sr office Galatians 1:1-2 who is ‘Submitted to all” in Ephesians 5:21 “chain of command” which she speaks on to give a prototype for those who fight governing CONTROL…
A Galatians 1:1-2 is “not sent out by anyone group or any one person” to be impartial, cross racial, cross denominational and non denominational, approving of Book of Acts or not. Faith filled body or “collaborating’ and “God Sent’ messenger, Child of Issachar not all white and not one bit naive silent,calm FRUIT BASED MOVE.
I, Taveau Christ Follower Apostolic Ministry Leadership, submit this to each reader as a “SELAH” with no autocratic forced dogma.
2024 EORR Cross Body Unity International All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

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