To Know the Love of God Which Passes Knowledge
November 2, 2012
To Know the Love of God Which Passes Knowledge
“To know the love of Christ which passes knowledge.” Ephesians 3:19
“Try this experiment. Close both your eyes: what you now see inside is what really MATTERS. It’s the place of making LIfe and Death decisions, the place of fear, doubt or peace and rest. And when this mortal life is over, in hindsight, it will be what is more priceless than GOLD when we each stand all alone before the throne of God.” Dr. Taveau D’Arcy, IFFM pioneering chief
It’s NOT about what we “know;” It’s ALL about who we ARE representing the Father. IFFM Organic Leadership Realism
Is it our own tradition to practice selective religious apartheid? (Apartheid definitions: Miriam Webster Dictionary: racial segregation: a former policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups ( this in the Republic of South Africa): Also: Any kind of separation -segregation (in genderapartheid, cultureartheid etc)
Is it a fathering, parenting, overseeing caring great love?
Is it a watchful, correcting, never overbearing supervising real love?
Can it be an innocent, playful and fun filled happy caring?
Or can it be decisive, in depth detail oriented so as to provide stability and underlying strength?
Yes. All of the above may be partial Real Fathering Love manifestations. But they are manifested in many different types of persons with many different kinds of strengths, gifts, talents and mantled high callings. God’s parenting design was (still is) to reveal different facets of both His fine tuning, highly creative, deeply ordered, highly fine tuned personality, supernatural anointing and purposes to and through each one of His children.
The supreme mystery may be that while God appreciates each one of us, and values all of our extreme differences, and while He supervises us, even regarding us EACH as “totally alone in HIS eyes” (billions of Only Children..as only supreme God would be able to do that). Though God really respects, in fact treasures each human being ever fashioned and born, even still born, never given permission to be born, He sits in the heavens watching how all these “styles and subtypes” of human people groups choose to willfully interact…and react or keep a strong distance apart from.
Back in the time of Jesus Christ, there was great rivalry and complete disunity between two major subgroups: the Jew and the Gentiles. Neither group really knew how to overcome the huge differences between races, culture, worship style..and /or the complete lack thereof.
The crowd mixture of the basic Jewish homeland population at that time consisted of religious Pharisees, Sadducees, the brutal Romans, the heathen Barbarians, uncouth Samaritans, roving demoniacs and a big unhealthy bunch of Mentally Tough Customers. Yet God picked that exact point in time and space to send down to earth, His Only Son, Jesus.
Our Jesus/Yeshua, the long awaited Messiah, came in a surprising unsuspected sublte form. He was born to middle class working parents, of Middle Eastern background and appearance and until the time of God’s release into His ministry, worked as a sort of “sleeper” being viewed as just one of the local carpenters, and the first born of many younger siblings (who due to the supernatural origins of his virgin birth, to a betrothed, yet unmarried young couple, could have even been suspiciously regarded as “the one who forced his mother to get hurried up to be married?)
So when it was the time for the Messiah to be reveal His Heavenly Father’s Salvation Game Plan, with all the natural, supernatural, and mixed, diverse cultural divisive, secular, governmental and religious interactions, the One Quiet Savior, who was not perceived as anything especially different or extra ordinary, and was “just one of the guys” noticed around town, surely faced a huge uphill climb in representing the Calling of His Father.
And Jesus certainly was not raised with deep personal privilege, elevated positions of power, and had no big backers financially, even in grass roots organizing. He simply awaited the time of his Release into High Called Pioneering Ministry (not until age 30) and then had to depend upon the supernatural inward clear specific directions of His Heavenly Father to find each one of the first 12 divinely appointed Key Helpers, aka servant apostolic ploughing, work planting team.
Funny how very few persons appear to notice how the One and Only Savior located his important key staff. We need to notice that none of them were a part of the Big Religious Works Based System.
Rather, Christ would gather to get the day’s instructions from time spent alone with His Father. His Father would download the clear directions and direct Jesus to “go here ” at a given day and time. Jesus, led by the I Kings 19:9 “still small voice” or “the inward witness” would simply walk to where ever He had been directed and there, 12 different times, God had a key person there, one of his key pioneering future unmentored, raw, but precisely chosen, Future Staff.
Some of these rough,uncut .future brilliant ministry diamonds, were discovered fishing nets in hand. Others working long hours in the tax collectors office. And so on.
But what Jesus never did was view them as sent to be “UNDER” His Ministry. Jesus did not represent the Patriarchal Over Lord Ministry, as did many in the Phariseeical Religious System.
In fact there is no record at all of any of either Messiah or his 12 pioneering founder leaders who had any “Big I’s” Or “Little You’s” hierarchal view points. All of these were a bit rugged, mostly not educated and even from the passages about James and John, the Sons of Thunder, more than a big emotionally immature and selfish.(The Boarnerges Ministry pair who seemed to be Mama’s Baby Boys, as SHE was the one who approached Jesus on behalf of her 2 sons, to see about them reserving their special elevated seats in heaven: One to be on Jesus right hand, and the Other to be seated on His left)
No, Jesus did not ever use hierarchal leadership. In fact His Bible, historical legacy is models the exact opposite: Jesus represented Servant Pioneering Leadership, and is often remembered as carrying a servant’s towel with which to wipe off the feet of His very own leaders.
Ephesians 5:21 Mentoring Leadership, 5 Fold Office Ministry Undivided Corporate Unity, undivided family, undivided church family, and undivided divine relationships ALL were represented in Jesus Human Earthly Servant Pioneering Ministry.
The apostle Paul wrote about it, yet Our Savior repeatedly modeled it:
“Submit yourself to one another in the holy fear of the Lord.” Ephesians 5:21
James 3:17 servant ministry, leadership also points to the fragrant ministry fruit of the True Christ, thus today, both each reader as well as this writer, must take time for personal reflection to notice how well we show these same fruits: in speech,doctrines, life, all of our relationships, both in public and in private.
James 3:17, “The wisdom that comes from God is first above pure, then peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without any partiality, without hypocrisy.”
Note the prophet Isaiah description of the mantle, lifestyle, ministry character, good lasting spiritual true fruit of the coming Yeshua, the long awaited Messiah:
The Messiah was completely on fire with the 7 Spirits of the Living Awesome Holy God: Isaiah 11: 2 names the 7 Original Lamp Stand 7 Spirits of the Righteous God:
The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
And being timed to be born into the midst of deep poverty, slavery, amid supreme chaos, party divided Roman-Jew-Gentile legalistic, religious , unholy spirits: the Messiah knew the supernatural staying supplied power (Christ Jesus embodied the 7 Spirits of His Father, in surely laid back, non hyping, nonflashy demeanor, but burning brightly beneath the humble exterior of the wood shop worker and humble carpenter, and the gentleman who respected His own earthly mother but also all other females.)
Rather than creating press buzz, staging a flashy big entrance, Jesus Christ, raised in Nazereth,
rode into town on a simple low budget donkey. His outer court earth suit has been described as
not noteworthy nor handsome, even homely.
Yet it was definitely NOT Christ’s earth suit that the Father wanted to use to impress anyone.It was totally about His character, His spiritual abiding true fruit, not to forget to mention, His deep supernatural abiding, enduring, healthy real Love, which He continually modeled on earth, showing His disciples exactly what life’s key important priorities were all about.
For example: Jesus loved to minister, teach, heal and deliver. But as a natural appearing human, he also enjoyed times apart from “leader pioneering hard work” and enjoyed simple life things such as allowing even the little children to get up close. Surely some would be concerned that those little area children would rub their tiny sticky, dirty fingers on Jesus cassock, leaving soiled. But the happy pure heart of Jesus enjoyed their innocence, simplicity and deep real playful joy.
“His delight is in the fear of the Lord, And He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes, Nor decide by the hearing of His ears;”
The Messiah would not believe the wicked report for He perceived and well understood “the holy fear of the Lord.”
Submitting this to each reader: Maybe we can choose to follow the wise example of the Messian’s apostolic pioneering senior mentoring and Bible teaching , very foundational leadership ongoing ministry. Let us ask God for His supernatural help in making Christ’s Bible believing whole servant body a “sweet smelling savor” to the lost, by modeling both James 3:17 and Isaiah 11:2-3.
(C) 2012 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved.

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