FOR 15 YEARS (Back in her ENCOURAGING WORD ERA)..Dr T gave ministry leaders the ENCOURAGING, UPLIFTING Word from the Lord…
Now it’s time to begin AGAIN..but over EMAIL!
NOTE: Taveau is starting a SUBSCRIBE TO ONLY 2 times per month SUPER SHORT encouraging, equipping newsletter. ****This is NOT the same SIGN UP on the RIGHT side of this HOME PAGE which says FOLLOW THIS BLOG….
In each mini newsletter, I will give whatever the word from the Lord is, plus post any McKinney area meet ups, planned scheduled events. AND you may opt out at any time.
I will never harass for money nor give out, much less sell any names, so you may SUBSCRIBE (even UNSUBSCRIBE) with all confidence.
Plus….yours truly will pray for every person who signs up.
(C)2017 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved