NOTE: This was first posted Aug 25, 2016 www.onlinefellowship.us
But are WE the Religious Church Authentic and Respectfully Relationship Ready?
(C)2016 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved
“Is there the long time Bible prophesied “End Time Falling Away” or might it be an End Time Driving Away from Self Involved Fellowships?
…And WHY is online fellowship virtual attendance numbers continually SKY ROCKETING?
A respectfully submitted Current Days Selah
“I enjoy attending here …but come ALSO… because it passes my big test: it’s very multicultural, not elite, ALSO the entire staff is relatable and always WYSIWYG.”
“I love to come. They’re not suspicious of females.”
“What a big break. Nobody hassling me for my money.”
“This place is Relationship Ready. Plus they don’t need to know our leader business.(If they do,they walk over and ask!)”
“It’s not offensive or demeaning to be a leader woman here: the men on the staff are always well trained, plus WYSIWYG servant leaders. None of them never come across as if they think that you are “after them”….. simply for needing to ask them a question….or attempting to introduce yourself as one of their office peers. HERE…I can let my guard down here…It sure beats suffering that weird unhealthy vibe (big YUCKY, accusative, majorly uncomfortable feeling) which often gets projected at us leader females by the Rock Star Celebrity senior apostle, some on the worship team, and even their devoted chief handlers… (However, that’s mostly ONLY at the predominately white We Are Famous Celebrity Fan Club Fellowship!)” (Meaning also: All of their leader females are kept Levitically surpressed, no leader offices on pulpit..meaning EVER…. (And…they all share one other LP Apostolic Litmus Test: very few (if any) dark skinned peer top elders)
Yet, giving mercy for leader accuser MIS-JUDGMENTS, with minus (and all of their Top Brass Leaders not wanting, ALLOWING) ANY RELATIONSHIP…it is actually …and rather simply, the Main Sign….that they’re Back Under L.P abusive Letter of the OT Legalistic (shepherding, into man control..submitted: usually into Queen Jezebel Phariseeism apostolic leader doctrine )Big LAW)**
ALL OF WHICH makes coming to this Equal Opportunity Gym SO much less accuser oriented, dysfunctional and chaotic…(even a bit mysogynist?)
“It’s not exclusive. It’s all inclusive: real friendly to all ages,races and incomes….plus most all of the many people are genuinely WYSIWYG!”
“I never even think about being gossiped about here, the majority of people around here are extremely professional!”
“Here all persons are respected. And they regard me as a real person..not “just a woman.” And ALL races are also well respected..nobody seems to care, notice your gender OR skin color!
“Even if I test out a competitor gym, none of the top staff will label me as a “unsubmitted Club Hopper”…I love the MYOB!”
“Here All Persons are equal. They view all men, women the exact same. Plus, they don’t control women to let men advance!”
“Since it’s hard to find Holy Spirit power in the entire vast area…I just take zumba. And it’s a nice family safe place…No meat market!”
“I workout on Sundays now. I can get out, see other smart people and interact. AND… they are not a part of some Big System. I feel like they get me and respect me as a (welcome) true individual”
“Its a big relief to come where most of the men and women are mighty. Not one of the staff bristles if a strong appearing W.E. (or any OTHER race) female greets them!”
“Here they’re not clannish, cliquish or elite. My what a big difference servant leadership makes!”
“ALL staff here Equally Respect everyone. Staff all realize that they’ll be fired for race,gender,age or any bias!”
“It’s just so sane and normal here. Everybody’s sweating and they don’t think about big titles or hierarchy.”
“It’s so pleasant. I feel fully respected here: Nobody appoints overseer watchers to check if your not being submitted to their authority!”
“I come here to unwind. The only pressure I ever feel applied is when I lift these weights!”
“I majorly enjoy that there is no big caste system, big hierarchy, flashing of wealth.”
“The business side here is Tops. It’s got well oiled order..but not a big plastic business system. Always Relationship Ready!”
“Shelter me in Your pavillion from the strife of tonques…” AND WHAT a difference between this sane peaceful place..and all of that abiding Fellowship Friendly Fire!”
“As a senior leader female, I never feel patronized or viewed as childlike. I am equally respected. But…..that shouldn’t have to be explained!”
“Love to escape here. Top leaders never put pressure on me to perform or to conform to their age,gender big template!”
(C)2016 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved

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